1,207 research outputs found

    Evaluation of some important physicochemical properties of starch free grewia gum

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    Gums obtained by extraction from the inner bark of stems can be found in association with starch, which must be digested in order to obtain a refined polysaccharide isolate. In the present study, grewia gum obtained from the inner bark of the stems of Grewia mollis was shown to co-exist with starch and the effect of starch digestion on the physicochemical properties of the resultant polysaccharide was evaluated. The gum was extracted by maceration of the inner bark in deionized water and isolated by a combination of filtration, centrifugation and finally precipitation with absolute ethanol to produce the crude grewia gum extract (GG). The presence and content of starch in the gum sample was determined followed by enzymatic digestion of the starch using α-amylase (Termamyl 120L) to give a starch-free extract (GGDS). Physicochemical properties of the extracts such as total carbohydrates, total protein, differential sugar composition, NMR, intrinsic viscosity and rheological behaviour of the samples were evaluated. The GG extract had total carbohydrate content of ∼ 60 % out of which 11.8 % was starch, and a protein content of 2.3 %. Samples also contained galacturonic and glucuronic acid which were highly acetylated. Both samples had a higher proportion of galacturonic acid than glucuronic acid and contained rhamnose, arabinose, galactose, glucose and xylose as neutral sugars in varying proportions. Rheological measurements on 2 %w/w dispersions of the extracts show minor differences between both the original extract and the de-starched material but were influenced by changes in pH

    The influence of charge on the multiple thermal transitions observed in xanthan

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    Helix-coil transitions in xanthans occur at lower temperatures when the pyruvate group is charged, destabilising the polymer chains. Increasing salt content increases the transition temperature by reducing the effective charge on the pyruvate. A simple equivalent mass action model predicts how transition temperatures change as a function of salt concentration. The functional form of the change in transition temperature (1/T) versus natural log (salt concentration) is approximately linear and similar to more traditional polyelectrolyte theories. Transition temperatures in xanthans containing nominally homogeneous pyruvate contents show biphasic transitions, this is because the phases contain different pyruvate levels, however the transitions approach one another in temperature and eventually merge as salt content is increased. It is proposed that pyruvate groups, despite being present at a lower concentration relative to glucuronic acid, dominate the charge interactions due to their location on the outside of the helices

    Sample convection in liquid-state NMR: Why it is always with us, and what we can do about it

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    AbstractMany NMR experiments on liquids suffer if the sample convects. This is particularly true for applications, such as the measurement of diffusion, that rely on spatial labelling of spins. It is widely assumed that, in most well-conducted experiments with stable temperature regulation, samples do not convect. Unfortunately this is not the case. It is shown here that typical NMR samples show measurable convective flow for all but a very narrow range of temperatures; convection is seen both above and below this range, which can be as small as a degree or so for a mobile solvent such as chloroform. This convection is driven by both vertical and horizontal temperature gradients.Measurements of convection velocity are presented for a range of samples, sample tubes, probes, and temperatures. Both decreasing sample tube inner diameter and changing sample tube material from glass to sapphire can slow convection markedly, with sapphire tubes being particularly effective. Such tubes are likely to be particularly helpful for accurate measurement of diffusion by NMR

    Propagation of Radiosonde Pressure Sensor Errors to Ozonesonde Measurements

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    Several previous studies highlight pressure (or equivalently, pressure altitude) discrepancies between the radiosonde pressure sensor and that derived from a GPS flown with the radiosonde. The offsets vary during the ascent both in absolute and percent pressure differences. To investigate this problem further, a total of 731 radiosonde-ozonesonde launches from the Southern Hemisphere subtropics to Northern mid-latitudes are considered, with launches between 2005 - 2013 from both longer-term and campaign-based intensive stations. Five series of radiosondes from two manufacturers (International Met Systems: iMet, iMet-P, iMet-S, and Vaisala: RS80-15N and RS92-SGP) are analyzed to determine the magnitude of the pressure offset. Additionally, electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) ozonesondes from three manufacturers (Science Pump Corporation; SPC and ENSCI-Droplet Measurement Technologies; DMT) are analyzed to quantify the effects these offsets have on the calculation of ECC ozone (O3) mixing ratio profiles (O3MR) from the ozonesonde-measured partial pressure. Approximately half of all offsets are 0.6 hPa in the free troposphere, with nearly a third 1.0 hPa at 26 km, where the 1.0 hPa error represents 5 persent of the total atmospheric pressure. Pressure offsets have negligible effects on O3MR below 20 km (96 percent of launches lie within 5 percent O3MR error at 20 km). Ozone mixing ratio errors above 10 hPa (30 km), can approach greater than 10 percent ( 25 percent of launches that reach 30 km exceed this threshold). These errors cause disagreement between the integrated ozonesonde-only column O3 from the GPS and radiosonde pressure profile by an average of +6.5 DU. Comparisons of total column O3 between the GPS and radiosonde pressure profiles yield average differences of +1.1 DU when the O3 is integrated to burst with addition of the McPeters and Labow (2012) above-burst O3 column climatology. Total column differences are reduced to an average of -0.5 DU when the O3 profile is integrated to 10 hPa with subsequent addition of the O3 climatology above 10 hPa. The RS92 radiosondes are superior in performance compared to other radiosondes, with average 26 km errors of -0.12 hPa or +0.61 percent O3MR error. iMet-P radiosondes had average 26 km errors of -1.95 hPa or +8.75 percent O3MR error. Based on our analysis, we suggest that ozonesondes always be coupled with a GPS-enabled radiosonde and that pressure-dependent variables, such as O3MR, be recalculated-reprocessed using the GPS-measured altitude, especially when 26 km pressure offsets exceed 1.0 hPa 5 percent

    First principles simulations of direct coexistence of solid and liquid aluminium

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    First principles calculations based on density functional theory, with generalised gradient corrections and ultrasoft pseudopotentials, have been used to simulate solid and liquid aluminium in direct coexistence at zero pressure. Simulations have been carried out on systems containing up to 1000 atoms for 15 ps. The points on the melting curve extracted from these simulations are in very good agreement with previous calculations, which employed the same electronic structure method but used an approach based on the explicit calculation of free energies [L. Vo\v{c}adlo and D. Alf\`e, Phys. Rev. B, {\bf 65}, 214105 (2002).]Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic Field Generation in Stars

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    Enormous progress has been made on observing stellar magnetism in stars from the main sequence through to compact objects. Recent data have thrown into sharper relief the vexed question of the origin of stellar magnetic fields, which remains one of the main unanswered questions in astrophysics. In this chapter we review recent work in this area of research. In particular, we look at the fossil field hypothesis which links magnetism in compact stars to magnetism in main sequence and pre-main sequence stars and we consider why its feasibility has now been questioned particularly in the context of highly magnetic white dwarfs. We also review the fossil versus dynamo debate in the context of neutron stars and the roles played by key physical processes such as buoyancy, helicity, and superfluid turbulence,in the generation and stability of neutron star fields. Independent information on the internal magnetic field of neutron stars will come from future gravitational wave detections. Thus we maybe at the dawn of a new era of exciting discoveries in compact star magnetism driven by the opening of a new, non-electromagnetic observational window. We also review recent advances in the theory and computation of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence as it applies to stellar magnetism and dynamo theory. These advances offer insight into the action of stellar dynamos as well as processes whichcontrol the diffusive magnetic flux transport in stars.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures. Invited review chapter on on magnetic field generation in stars to appear in Space Science Reviews, Springe

    Accurate fundamental parameters and detailed abundance patterns from spectroscopy of 93 solar-type Kepler targets

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    We present a detailed spectroscopic study of 93 solar-type stars that are targets of the NASA/Kepler mission and provide detailed chemical composition of each target. We find that the overall metallicity is well-represented by Fe lines. Relative abundances of light elements (CNO) and alpha-elements are generally higher for low-metallicity stars. Our spectroscopic analysis benefits from the accurately measured surface gravity from the asteroseismic analysis of the Kepler light curves. The log g parameter is known to better than 0.03 dex and is held fixed in the analysis. We compare our Teff determination with a recent colour calibration of V-K (TYCHO V magnitude minus 2MASS Ks magnitude) and find very good agreement and a scatter of only 80 K, showing that for other nearby Kepler targets this index can be used. The asteroseismic log g values agree very well with the classical determination using Fe1-Fe2 balance, although we find a small systematic offset of 0.08 dex (asteroseismic log g values are lower). The abundance patterns of metals, alpha elements, and the light elements (CNO) show that a simple scaling by [Fe/H] is adequate to represent the metallicity of the stars, except for the stars with metallicity below -0.3, where alpha-enhancement becomes important. However, this is only important for a very small fraction of the Kepler sample. We therefore recommend that a simple scaling with [Fe/H] be employed in the asteroseismic analyses of large ensembles of solar-type stars.Comment: MNRAS, in press, 12 page