364 research outputs found

    An Exploration into Practice Intelligence in E-Government: A Way Forward

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    Practice intelligence (PI) is a new notion that refers to the learned expertise of sense making of problem spaces and the aligned learned expertise relating to appropriate decision/action in a particular problem space. Exploring Practice Intelligence in E-government research involves to specify and codify into academic knowledge the internal cognitive structures of designing and synthesizing the information used by egovernment policy makers and practitioners

    Diversity of plantonic fish larvae along a latitudinal gradient in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean estimated through DNA barcodes

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    Mid-trophic pelagic fish are essential components of marine ecosystems because they represent the link between plankton and higher predators. Moreover, they are the basis of the most important fisheries resources; for example, in African waters. In this study, we have sampled pelagic fish larvae in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean along a latitudinal gradient between 37°N and 2°S. We have employed Bongo nets for plankton sampling and sorted visually fish and fish larvae. Using the cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI) as a DNA barcode, we have identified 44 OTUs down to species level that correspond to 14 families, with Myctophidae being the most abundant. A few species were cosmopolitan and others latitude-specific, as was expected. The latitudinal pattern of diversity did not exhibit a temperate-tropical cline; instead, it was likely correlated with environmental conditions with a decline in low-oxygen zones. Importantly, gaps and inconsistencies in reference DNA databases impeded accurate identification to the species level of 49% of the individuals. Fish sampled from tropical latitudes and some orders, such as Perciformes, Myctophiformes and Stomiiformes, were largely unidentified due to incomplete references. Some larvae were identified based on morphology and COI analysis for comparing time and costs employed from each methodology. These results suggest the need of reinforcing DNA barcoding reference datasets of Atlantic bathypelagic tropical fish that, as main prey of top predators, are crucial for ecosystem-based management of fisheries resources

    Influence of starvation on the critical swimming behaviour of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) and its relationship with RNA/DNA ratios during ontogeny

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    Food availability can affect larval survival directly through starvation and indirectly through the effects on larval growth rate, swimming performance and vulnerability to predators. In the present study we evaluate the effects of starvation on growth, nutritional condition and swimming behaviour of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) throughout ontogeny (8 to 14 days after hatching). Biochemical analysis (RNA/DNA ratios) and behavioural experiments (critical swimming speed, Ucrit) were conducted on larvae reared under 3 feeding treatments: fed ad libitum, deprived of food for 48 hours and deprived of food for 96 hours. Growth was significantly affected by feeding treatment, while only slight decreases in RNA/DNA ratio and swimming performance were registered. Late stage larvae of the three feeding treatments had slower critical speeds than the pre-flexion and flexion stages, which is probably related to the benthic lifestyle acquired by the species at the end of the larval period. These physiological and behavioural changes are in accordance with previous results, which show that flatfish larvae are more resistant to starvation than pelagic species and that they become less active later in development

    La producción de agua desalinizada en las regiones de Murcia y Valencia : balance de un recurso alternativo con luces y sombras

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    El litoral de las regiones de Murcia y Valencia ha sufrido grandes transformaciones territoriales durante las últimas décadas, debido a la fuerte expansión de las funciones residenciales, turísticas y de servicios. El Plan Hidrológico Nacional (2001) y, en mayor medida, el Programa A.G.U.A. (2004) apostaron por la desalinización de agua marina a gran escala para garantizar demandas urbanas, turísticas e incluso agrícolas. La paralización de los planes urbanísticos provocada por la crisis financiera (2007), unida a la tendencia de reducción del consumo de agua potable de la última década, evidencian una capacidad de producción de agua desalinizada muy superior a las necesidades del momento presente. Esta investigación revisa la situación actual de la desalinización de agua marina y salobre continental en las regiones de Murcia y Valencia, hace balance de sus ventajas e inconvenientes y plantea una discusión en torno al papel que puede desempeñar esta fuente no convencional como recurso estratégico y de futuro para garantizar demandas urbano-turísticas y agrícolas, principalmente durante situaciones de sequía.El litoral de les regions de Múrcia i València ha patit grans transformacions territorials durant les últimes dècades, a causa de la forta expansió de les funcions residencials, turístiques i de servicis. El Pla Hidrològic Nacional (2001) i, en major grau, el Programa A.G.U.A. (2004) van apostar per la dessalinització d'aigua marina a gran escala per a garantir demandes urbanes, turístiques i inclús agrícoles. La paralització dels plans urbanístics provocada per la crisi financera (2007), junt amb la tendència de reducció del consum d'aigua potable de l'última dècada, evidencien una capacitat de producció d'aigua dessalinitzada molt superior a les necessitats del moment present. Esta investigació revisa la situació actual de la dessalinització d'aigua marina i salobre continental en les regions de Múrcia i València, fa balanç dels avantatges i dels inconvenients que comporta i planteja una discussió entorn del paper que pot exercir esta font no convencional com a recurs estratégic i de futur per a garantir demandes urbano-turístiques i agrícoles, principalment durant situacions de sequera.The coast of the regions of Murcia and Valencia has undergone important land use changes in recent decades due to the intense expansion of tourism activity and residential and services uses. In general, the Spanish National Hydrological Plan of 2001, and especially the A.G.U.A. Program of 2004, supported large-scale water desalination to guarantee urban, tourism and rural water demand. The end of the urban sprawl due to the economic crisis, in addition to the decrease in drinking water consumption in the last decade, have resulted in a desalination water production capacity that is higher than current needs. This research reviews the current status of desalination water (from the sea and underground) in the regions of Murcia and Valencia. Moreover, it takes stock of its advantages and disadvantages, and discusses the role that this strategic and unconventional resource could play in the future to ensure urban, tourism and rural demands, especially during droughts.Les régions côtières de Murcia et de Valencia ont subi d'importantes transformations territoriales au cours des dernières décennies en raison de la forte expansion des fonctions résidentielles, touristiques et des services. Le Plan Hidrológico Nacional (2001) et notamment, le Programa A.G.U.A. (2004) ont parié sur le dessalement d'eau de mer à grande échelle pour répondre aux demandes urbaine, touristique et rurale. L'interruption des plans urbains provoquée par la crise financière (2007), s'ajoutant à une réduction de la consommation d'eau potable à partir de la dernière décennie mettent en évidence une capacité de production d'eau dessalée supérieure aux besoins actuels. Cette étude passe en revue l'état actuel du dessalement d'eau de mer et saumâtre dans les régions de Murcia et de Valencia. Il fait aussi un équilibre des avantages et des inconvénients et présente une discussion sur le rôle que cette source non conventionnelle stratégique et d'avenir peut jouer pour répondre aux demances urbaine, touristique et rurale, particulièrement en période de sécheresse

    Lens-based Ka-band antenna system using planar feed

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    This paper presents a simple, low-cost and compact mobile ground terminal antenna for Ka-band satellite communications that operates in the downlink band (19.7-20.2 GHz). The antenna is composed of a shaped dielectric lens which tilts in front of a planar feed to direct the beam. The planar feed is a circularly polarized patch antenna placed inside a cavity. The lens allows a mechanical beam steering from 0° to 57° in relation to zenith with a scan loss of 4.5 dB. In order to show the potential of a planar antenna as a feeder for this application, the proposed system is compared with a previous solution composed of the same dielectric lens and a horn antenna as feeder.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Environmental problems and Geographic education. A case study: Learning about the climate and landscape in Ontinyent (Spain)

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    Cultural perceptions of the environment bring us back to elements and factors guided by 'natural' cause-effect principles. It seems that academic education has had little effect on the manner and results of learning about changes in the local landscape, especially as regards rational explanations. There is considerable difficulty relating academic concepts about the climate to transformations in the environmental landscape. Teaching tasks are mediatized due to the use of rigorous and precise concepts which facilitate functional and satisfactory learning. This is the objective of the research this article aims to undertake, for which we have chosen the case of Ontinyent (Spain). This research will include two parts: the first aims to identify problems in geographical education of the climate, and the second applies to didactic suggestions for improvement. Methodologically, this study involves qualitative, non-experimental, research-oriented toward change, which purports to understand the educational reality. Our sample included a total of 431 students. Moreover, a semi-structured interview, conducted with teachers in schools and universities in Ontinyent, was organized. Fourteen teachers were interviewed, including two who participated as research professors in the action-research method. The study revealed that students' conceptual and stereotypical errors, in the different educational stages, vary according to the type (climate, weather, climate change, landscape) and stage (Primary, Secondary, University). They are persistent and continuous, given that they are repeated and appear anchored in the ideas and knowledge development of students regarding the problems and the study of the climate throughout their education

    The True Utility of Predictive Models Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Selecting Candidates for Prostate Biopsy

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    Biòpsia de pròstata; Models predictius; Imatges per ressonància magnèticaProstate biopsy; Predictive models; Magnetic resonance imagingBiopsia de próstata; Modelos predictivos; Imagen de resonancia magnétic

    Propuesta didáctica para el análisis de las emociones a partir de danza-creación y la audición musical en la asignatura de Educación Física en Educación Primaria.

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    En este trabajo se realiza una propuesta en el ámbito de la Educación Física, en Educación Primaria, a partir de actividades originales creadas en función de la improvisación y la creación en la danza, con apoyo de la audición musical, para los alumnos de 3º ciclo.Para el diseño de las actividades me he basado en la metodología propia de la danza creación, partiendo del libro de Inmaculada, Tena Expresión corporal desde la danza creación, además de otros estudios que nombro a lo largo del trabajo.Las actividades diseñadas responden al siguiente esquema: definición-inductor; descripción de la actividad; aspectos curriculares; audición musical vinculada a la actividad; y lo que se espera que los alumnos realicen en ellas. Estas se centran en desarrollar las diferentes emociones seleccionadas con los estudiantes con los que se realiza esta propuesta didáctica. Las emociones seleccionadas son algunas de las denominadas, emociones básicas: miedo; enfado; tristeza; alegría; sorpresa; y paz.Las conclusiones a las que he llegado es que la danza-creación ofrece múltiples posibilidades didácticas y creativas a través de actividades interdisciplinares, y que trabajo puede resultar de utilidad para mi desarrollo docente en el ámbito de la educación física, realizando pequeñas modificaciones en el mismo, para poder utilizarlo en otros ciclos educativos.<br /

    Influencia de los métodos de conservación en las actividades enzimáticas de suelos forestales mediterráneos

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    Soil storage method may alter enzymatic activity being storage conditions of the soil samples prior to analysis decisive for the results. Studies made on freshly collected soils are generally preferred. However it is always not possible due to practical reasons since for example sampling is often restricted to short period of the year or because a great quantity of microbiological analyses must be made on time and by few people. On this context, soil storage methods are needed, being cold at 4°C the most widely used although sometimes alternative storage methods are also utilized. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of two alternative storage methods of soil samples (freezing at –20°C and air drying conservation methods) in comparison to cold at 4°C on the enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, phosphatase, β-glucosidase and urease soil enzymes). Samples of two forest ecosystems (pine and holm oak forest stand) were taken in two different season of the year (winter and spring 2009). Results showed that enzymatic activities differed when freezing or air drying conservation methods were used in comparison with cold soil samples. Generally, alternative soil storage methods presented lower enzymatic activity than cold at 4°C. However, these changes depend on season and sampling location.El método de conservación del suelo utilizado puede alterar la actividad enzimática, siendo decisivas para los resultados, las condiciones de conservación previas a los análisis. Para los estudios es preferible realizar los análisis en muestras frescas y recién cogidas. Sin embargo, esto no es siempre posible por razones prácticas ya que las muestras se tienen que recoger en un corto periodo del año o porque los análisis los debe hacer poca gente y siempre en un determinado tiempo. En este contexto, se necesita un método de conservación, siendo el mantenimiento en el frigorífico a 4°C el método más usado, aunque existen otros métodos alternativos. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de evaluar el efecto de dos métodos alternativos de conservación (congelado a –20°C y secado a temperatura ambiente) sobre las actividades enzimáticas (deshidrogenasa, fosfatasa, β-glucosidasa y ureasa), en comparación con el mantenido en el frigorífico a 4°C. Las muestras se obtuvieron de dos zonas forestales diferentes (pinar y encinar) y en dos épocas distintas (primavera y verano de 2009). Los resultados mostraron diferencias en las actividades enzimáticas cuando se usó el congelado o secado al aire de las muestras de suelo en comparación con el mantenimiento en el frigorífico. De forma general, los métodos de conservación alternativos mostraron una menor actividad enzimática en las muestras de suelo analizadas. Sin embargo, estos cambios dependen de la época del año y la zona de muestreo