626 research outputs found

    Statistical Mechanics of Two-dimensional Foams

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    The methods of statistical mechanics are applied to two-dimensional foams under macroscopic agitation. A new variable -- the total cell curvature -- is introduced, which plays the role of energy in conventional statistical thermodynamics. The probability distribution of the number of sides for a cell of given area is derived. This expression allows to correlate the distribution of sides ("topological disorder") to the distribution of sizes ("geometrical disorder") in a foam. The model predictions agree well with available experimental data

    Cost-benefit analysis of foot and mouth disease control in Ethiopia

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    Foot and mouth disease (FMD) occurs endemically in Ethiopia. Quantitative insights on its national economic impact and on the costs and benefits of control options are, however, lacking to support decision making in its control. The objectives of this study were, therefore, to estimate the annual costs of FMD in cattle production systems of Ethiopia, and to conduct an ex ante cost-benefit analysis of potential control alternatives.<br/><br/>The annual costs of FMD were assessed based on production losses, export losses and control costs. The total annual costs of FMD under the current status quo of no official control program were estimated at 1354 (90% CR: 864–2042) million birr. The major cost (94%) was due to production losses. The costs and benefits of three potential control strategies: 1) ring vaccination (reactive vaccination around outbreak area supported by animal movement restrictions, 2) targeted vaccination (annual preventive vaccination in high risk areas plus ring vaccination in the rest of the country), and 3) preventive mass vaccination (annual preventive vaccination of the whole national cattle population) were compared with the baseline scenario of no official control program. Experts were elicited to estimate the influence of each of the control strategies on outbreak incidence and number of cases per outbreak. Based on these estimates, the incidence of the disease was simulated stochastically for 10 years. Preventive mass vaccination was epidemiologically the most efficient control strategy by reducing the national outbreak incidence below 5% with a median time interval of 3 years, followed by targeted vaccination strategy with a corresponding median time interval of 5 years. On average, all evaluated control strategies resulted in positive net present values. The ranges in the net present values were, however, very wide, including negative values. The targeted vaccination strategy was the most economic strategy with a median benefit cost ratio of 4.29 (90%CR: 0.29–9.63). It was also the least risky strategy with 11% chance of a benefit cost ratio of less than one.<br/><br/>The study indicates that FMD has a high economic impact in Ethiopia. Its control is predicted to be economically profitable even without a full consideration of gains from export. The targeted vaccination strategy is shown to provide the largest economic return with a relatively low risk of loss. More studies to generate data, especially on production impact of the disease and effectiveness of control measures are needed to improve the rigor of future analysis.<br/

    An Ethnohistorical Perspective on Cheyenne Demography

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    Administrative censuses of the Southern Cheyenne Indians from 1880,1891, and 1900 permit family reconstitution, identification of residence groups, and comparisons of fertility between monogamous and polygynous women, when the records are approached by ethnohistori cal methods. This approach includes an awareness of the aboriginal adoption practices, kinship system, and naming practices. It is argued that the biases and distortions of administrative records can be effectively corrected to add to our store of information on band and tribal societies.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Identifying factors relevant in the assessment of return-to-work efforts in employees on long-term sickness absence due to chronic low back pain: a focus group study

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Efforts undertaken during the return to work (RTW) process need to be sufficient to prevent unnecessary applications for disability benefits. The purpose of this study was to identify factors relevant to RTW Effort Sufficiency (RTW-ES) in cases of sick-listed employees with chronic low back pain (CLBP). METHODS: Using focus groups consisting of Labor Experts (LE's) working at the Dutch Social Insurance Institute, arguments and underlying grounds relevant to the assessment of RTW-ES were investigated. Factors were collected and categorized using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF model). RESULTS: Two focus groups yielded 19 factors, of which 12 are categorized in the ICF model under activities (e.g. functional capacity) and in the personal (e.g. age, tenure) and environmental domain (e.g. employer-employee relationship). The remaining 7 factors are categorized under intervention, job accommodation and measures. CONCLUSIONS: This focus group study shows that 19 factors may be relevant to RTW-ES in sick-listed employees with CLBP. Providing these results to professionals assessing RTW-ES might contribute to a more transparent and systematic approach. Considering the importance of the quality of the RTW process, optimizing the RTW-ES assessment is essential

    Interactions between Natural Populations of Human and Rodent Schistosomes in the Lake Victoria Region of Kenya: A Molecular Epidemiological Approach

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    One of the world's most prevalent neglected diseases is schistosomiasis, which infects approximately 200 million people worldwide. Schistosoma mansoni is transmitted to humans by skin penetration by free-living larvae that develop in freshwater snails. The origin of this species is East Africa, where it coexists with its sister species, S. rodhaini. Interactions between these species potentially influence their epidemiology, ecology, and evolutionary biology, because they infect the same species of hosts and can hybridize. Over two years, we examined their distribution in Kenya to determine their degree of overlap geographically, within snail hosts, and in the water column as infective stages. Both species were spatially and temporally patchy, although S. mansoni was eight times more common than S. rodhaini. Both species overlap in the time of day they were present in the water column, which increases the potential for the species to coinfect the same host and interbreed. Peak infective time for S. mansoni was midday and dawn and dusk for S. rodhaini. Three snails were coinfected, which was more common than expected by chance. These findings indicate a lack of obvious isolating mechanisms to prevent hybridization, raising the intriguing question of how the two species retain separate identities

    Crustal structure of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane Fracture Zone from seafloor and sea surface gravity data

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    International audienceSeafloor and sea surface gravity data are inverted together to construct a model for the near-axis crustal structure of a slow spreading ridge. The seafloor data set offers two main advantages: it allows us to recover shorter-wavelengths signal and to constrain the value of a potential field at two different levels. The model we propose here would not have been derived from sea surface data alone. It is based on a dense sea surface gravity coverage and on 121 sea bottom gravity measurements collected in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at Kane (MARK) area, during the Hydrosnake (1988) and Gravinaute (1993) cruises. The primary goal of the seafloor surveys was to test for the presence of a magma reservoir beneath the axial neovolcanic ridge. First, a forward two-dimensional (2-D) model of the crustal structure across the axis is fit to observed gravity anomalies, using constraints from geological and structural observations. Bouguer anomalies computed from sea bottom measurements and downward continuation of sea surface measurements both constrain the forward modeling. This forward model is the starting point of a 2-D Monte Carlo inversion of seafloor and sea surface data. In addition to the crustal thickness variations along-axis, our data document the amplitude variations of the crustal thickness and/or its density in the across-axis direction. The model resulting from our inversion exhibits several features of the crustal structure in the MARK area: (1) The presence of a low-density (Ap =-300_+ 50 kg/m 3) body beneath the neovolcanic ridge is suggested and could correspond to a magma chamber, or more probably to a highly hydrothermally fissured zone. (2) Both long-and short-wavelength gravity signals exhibit a difference between the western and eastern sides of the axial domain: the mean value and the amplitude of Bouguer anomalies are higher on the western part. This difference suggests that axial processes, in this area, are very asymmetric. (3) Abyssal hills are not associated with a single gravity signature: for instance, on the west side of the axis, one of the explored hills has no Bouguer anomaly and is interpreted as a neovolcanic ridge, whereas the others are associated with a shifted Bouguer anomaly high and are interpreted as having thinner magmatic crust. (4) The last feature of the crustal fabric we document here is the asymmetric emplacement of some deep rocks outcrops. In the MARK area, we find that "Pink Hill," a topographic high where serpentinized peridotites are outcropping, is much more serpentinized on its east flank, toward the axial valley, than on its west flank. Alteration occurring mainly by fluid circulation through faulted zones, the asymmetric serpentinization suggests that deep-origin rocks have outcropped by means of a main fault zone and are not emplaced by diapirism

    45S rDNA Regions Are Chromosome Fragile Sites Expressed as Gaps In Vitro on Metaphase Chromosomes of Root-Tip Meristematic Cells in Lolium spp

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    BACKGROUND: In humans, chromosome fragile sites are regions that are especially prone to forming non-staining gaps, constrictions or breaks in one or both of the chromatids on metaphase chromosomes either spontaneously or following partial inhibition of DNA synthesis and have been well identified. So far, no plant chromosome fragile sites similar to those in human chromosomes have been reported. METHODS AND RESULTS: During the course of cytological mapping of rDNA on ryegrass chromosomes, we found that the number of chromosomes plus chromosome fragments was often more than the expected 14 in most cells for Lolium perenne L. cv. Player by close cytological examination using a routine chromosome preparation procedure. Further fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using 45S rDNA as a probe indicated that the root-tip cells having more than a 14-chromosome plus chromosome fragment count were a result of chromosome breakage or gap formation in vitro (referred to as chromosome lesions) at 45S rDNA sites, and 86% of the cells exhibited chromosome breaks or gaps and all occurred at the sites of 45S rDNA in Lolium perenne L. cv. Player, as well as in L. multiflorum Lam. cv. Top One. Chromatin depletion or decondensation occurred at various locations within the 45S rDNA regions, suggesting heterogeneity of lesions of 45S rDNA sites with respect to their position within the rDNA region. CONCLUSIONS: The chromosome lesions observed in this study are very similar cytologically to that of fragile sites observed in human chromosomes, and thus we conclude that the high frequency of chromosome lesions in vitro in Lolium species is the result of the expression of 45S rDNA fragile sites. Possible causes for the spontaneous expression of fragile sites and their potential biological significance are discussed