120 research outputs found

    The RESEARCH project. Soil-related hazards and archaeological heritage in the challenge of climate change

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    Archaeological Heritage, naturally endangered by environmental processes and anthropogenic pressures, is today increasingly at risk, because of intense human activities and climate change, and their impact on atmosphere and soil. European research is increasingly dedicated to the development of good practices for monitoring archaeological sites and their preservation. One of the running projects about these topics is RESEARCH (Remote Sensing techniques for Archaeology; H2020-MSCA-RISE, grant agreement: 823987), started in 2018 and ending in 2022. RESEARCH aims at testing risk assessment methodology using an integrated system of documentation and research in the fields of archaeology and environmental studies. It will introduce a strategy and select the most efficient tools for the harmonization of different data, criteria, and indicators in order to produce an effective risk assessment. These will be used to assess and monitor the impact of soil erosion, land movement, and land-use change on tangible archaeological heritage assets. As a final product, the Project addresses the development of a multi-task thematic platform, combining advanced remote sensing technologies with GIS application. The demonstration and validation of the Platform will be conducted on six case studies located in Italy, Greece, Cyprus, and Poland, and variously affected by the threats considered by the Project. In the frame of RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange), RESEARCH will coordinate the existing expertise and research efforts of seven beneficiaries into a synergetic plan of collaborations and exchanges of personnel (Ph.D. students and research staff), to offer a comprehensive transfer of knowledge and training environment for the researchers in the specific area. This paper aims at illustrating the results of the activities conducted during the first year of the Project, which consisted in developing an effective risk assessment methodology for soil-related threats affecting archaeological heritage, and defining the scientific requirements and the user requirements of the Platform. The activities have been conducted in synergy with all the Partners and were supported by the possibility of staff exchange allowed by the funding frame MSCA-RISE

    Aerobic Exercise and Pharmacological Treatments Counteract Cachexia by Modulating Autophagy in Colon Cancer

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    Recent studies have correlated physical activity with a better prognosis in cachectic patients, although the underlying mechanisms are not yet understood. In order to identify the pathways involved in the physical activity-mediated rescue of skeletal muscle mass and function, we investigated the effects of voluntary exercise on cachexia in colon carcinoma (C26)-bearing mice. Voluntary exercise prevented loss of muscle mass and function, ultimately increasing survival of C26-bearing mice. We found that the autophagic flux is overloaded in skeletal muscle of both colon carcinoma murine models and patients, but not in running C26-bearing mice, thus suggesting that exercise may release the autophagic flux and ultimately rescue muscle homeostasis. Treatment of C26-bearing mice with either AICAR or rapamycin, two drugs that trigger the autophagic flux, also rescued muscle mass and prevented atrogene induction. Similar effects were reproduced on myotubes in vitro, which displayed atrophy following exposure to C26-conditioned medium, a phenomenon that was rescued by AICAR or rapamycin treatment and relies on autophagosome-lysosome fusion (inhibited by chloroquine). Since AICAR, rapamycin and exercise equally affect the autophagic system and counteract cachexia, we believe autophagy-triggering drugs may be exploited to treat cachexia in conditions in which exercise cannot be prescribed

    Late-Proterozoic to Paleozoic history of the peri-Gondwana Calabria–Peloritani Terrane inferred from a review of zircon chronology

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    U–Pb analyses of zircon from ten samples of augen gneisses, eight mafic and intermediate metaigneous rocks and six metasediments from some tectonic domains along the Calabria–Peloritani Terrane (Southern Italy) contribute to knowledge of peri-Gondwanan evolution from Late-Proterozoic to Paleozoic times. All samples were equilibrated under amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism during the Variscan orogeny. The zircon grains of all considered samples preserve a Proterozoic memory suggestive of detrital, metamorphic and igneous origin. The available data fit a frame involving: (1) Neoproterozoic detrital input from cratonic areas of Gondwana; (2) Pan-African/Cadomian assemblage of blocks derived from East and West African Craton; (3) metamorphism and bimodal magmatism between 535 and 579 Ma, within an active margin setting; (4) rifting and opening of Ordovician basins fed by detrital input from the assembled Cadomian blocks. The Paleozoic basins evolved through sedimentation, metamorphism and magmatism during the Variscan orogeny involving Palaeozoic and pre-Paleozoic blocks. The Proterozoic zircon records decidedly decrease in the high grade metamorphic rocks affected by Variscan pervasive partial melting. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s40064-016-1839-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Modelling gravitational instabilities: slab break-off and Rayleigh-Taylor diapirism

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    A non-standard new code to solve multiphase viscous thermo–mechanical problems applied to geophysics is presented. Two numerical methodologies employed in the code are described: A level set technique to track the position of the materials and an enrichment of the solution to allow the strain rate to be discontinuous across the interface. These techniques have low computational cost and can be used in standard desktop PCs. Examples of phase tracking with level set are presented in two and three dimensions to study slab detachment in subduction processes and Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities, respectively. The modelling of slab detachment processes includes realistic rheology with viscosity depending on temperature, pressure and strain rate; shear and adiabatic heating mechanisms; density including mineral phase changes and varying thermal conductivity. Detachment models show a first prolonged period of thermal diffusion until a fast necking of the subducting slab results in the break–off. The influence of several numerical and physical parameters on the detachment process is analyzed: The shear heating exerts a major influence accelerating the detachment process, reducing the onset time to one half and lubricating the sinking of the detached slab. The adiabatic heating term acts as a thermal stabilizer. If the mantle temperature follows an adiabatic gradient, neglecting this heating term must be included, otherwise all temperature contrasts are overestimated. As expected, the phase change at 410 km depth (olivine–spinel transition) facilitates the detachment process due to the increase in negative buoyancy. Finally, simple plume simulations are used to show how the presented numerical methodologies can be extended to three dimensions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Investigating Glioblastoma Multiforme Sub-Proteomes: A Computational Study of CUSA Fluid Proteomic Data

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    Based on our previous proteomic study on Cavitating Ultrasound Aspirator (CUSA) fluid pools of Newly Diagnosed (ND) and Recurrent (R) glioblastomas (GBMs) of tumor core and periphery, as defined by 5-aminolevulinc acid (5-ALA) metabolite fluorescence, this work aims to apply a bioinformatic approach to investigate specifically into three sub-proteomes, i.e., Not Detected in Brain (NB), Cancer Related (CR) and Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) proteins following selected database classification. The study of these yet unexplored specific datasets aims to understand the high infiltration capability and relapse rate that characterizes this aggressive brain cancer. Out of the 587 proteins highly confidently identified in GBM CUSA pools, 53 proteins were classified as NB. Their gene ontology (GO) analysis showed the over-representation of blood coagulation and plasminogen activating cascade pathways, possibly compatible with Blood Brain Barrier damage in tumor disease and surgery bleeding. However, the NB group also included non-blood proteins and, specifically, histones correlated with oncogenesis. Concerning CR proteins, 159 proteins were found in the characterized GBM proteome. Their GO analysis highlighted the over-representation of many pathways, primarily glycolysis. Interestingly, while CR proteins were identified in ND-GBM exclusively in the tumor zones (fluorescence positive core and periphery zones) as predictable, conversely, in R-GBM they were unexpectedly characterized prevalently in the healthy zone (fluorescence negative tumor periphery). Relative to EVs protein classification, 60 proteins were found. EVs are over-released in tumor disease and are important in the transport of biological macromolecules. Furthermore, the presence of EVs in numerous body fluids makes them a possible low-invasive source of brain tumor biomarkers to be investigated. These results give new hints on the molecular features of GBM in trying to understand its aggressive behavior and open to more in-depth investigations to disclose potential disease biomarkers

    A Systems Biology Approach Identifies Molecular Networks Defining Skeletal Muscle Abnormalities in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an inflammatory process of the lung inducing persistent airflow limitation. Extensive systemic effects, such as skeletal muscle dysfunction, often characterize these patients and severely limit life expectancy. Despite considerable research efforts, the molecular basis of muscle degeneration in COPD is still a matter of intense debate. In this study, we have applied a network biology approach to model the relationship between muscle molecular and physiological response to training and systemic inflammatory mediators. Our model shows that failure to co-ordinately activate expression of several tissue remodelling and bioenergetics pathways is a specific landmark of COPD diseased muscles. Our findings also suggest that this phenomenon may be linked to an abnormal expression of a number of histone modifiers, which we discovered correlate with oxygen utilization. These observations raised the interesting possibility that cell hypoxia may be a key factor driving skeletal muscle degeneration in COPD patients

    Dlk1 Is Necessary for Proper Skeletal Muscle Development and Regeneration

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    Delta-like 1homolog (Dlk1) is an imprinted gene encoding a transmembrane protein whose increased expression has been associated with muscle hypertrophy in animal models. However, the mechanisms by which Dlk1 regulates skeletal muscle plasticity remain unknown. Here we combine conditional gene knockout and over-expression analyses to investigate the role of Dlk1 in mouse muscle development, regeneration and myogenic stem cells (satellite cells). Genetic ablation of Dlk1 in the myogenic lineage resulted in reduced body weight and skeletal muscle mass due to reductions in myofiber numbers and myosin heavy chain IIB gene expression. In addition, muscle-specific Dlk1 ablation led to postnatal growth retardation and impaired muscle regeneration, associated with augmented myogenic inhibitory signaling mediated by NF-κB and inflammatory cytokines. To examine the role of Dlk1 in satellite cells, we analyzed the proliferation, self-renewal and differentiation of satellite cells cultured on their native host myofibers. We showed that ablation of Dlk1 inhibits the expression of the myogenic regulatory transcription factor MyoD, and facilitated the self-renewal of activated satellite cells. Conversely, Dlk1 over-expression inhibited the proliferation and enhanced differentiation of cultured myoblasts. As Dlk1 is expressed at low levels in satellite cells but its expression rapidly increases upon myogenic differentiation in vitro and in regenerating muscles in vivo, our results suggest a model in which Dlk1 expressed by nascent or regenerating myofibers non-cell autonomously promotes the differentiation of their neighbor satellite cells and therefore leads to muscle hypertrophy

    Myogenin Regulates Exercise Capacity and Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in the Adult Mouse

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    Although skeletal muscle metabolism is a well-studied physiological process, little is known about how it is regulated at the transcriptional level. The myogenic transcription factor myogenin is required for skeletal muscle development during embryonic and fetal life, but myogenin's role in adult skeletal muscle is unclear. We sought to determine myogenin's function in adult muscle metabolism. A Myog conditional allele and Cre-ER transgene were used to delete Myog in adult mice. Mice were analyzed for exercise capacity by involuntary treadmill running. To assess oxidative and glycolytic metabolism, we performed indirect calorimetry, monitored blood glucose and lactate levels, and performed histochemical analyses on muscle fibers. Surprisingly, we found that Myog-deleted mice performed significantly better than controls in high- and low-intensity treadmill running. This enhanced exercise capacity was due to more efficient oxidative metabolism during low- and high-intensity exercise and more efficient glycolytic metabolism during high-intensity exercise. Furthermore, Myog-deleted mice had an enhanced response to long-term voluntary exercise training on running wheels. We identified several candidate genes whose expression was altered in exercise-stressed muscle of mice lacking myogenin. The results suggest that myogenin plays a critical role as a high-level transcriptional regulator to control the energy balance between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in adult skeletal muscle

    Transcriptomic and Epigenetic Regulation of Disuse Atrophy and the Return to Activity in Skeletal Muscle

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    Physical inactivity and disuse are major contributors to age-related muscle loss. Denervation of skeletal muscle has been previously used as a model with which to investigate muscle atrophy following disuse. Although gene regulatory networks that control skeletal muscle atrophy after denervation have been established, the transcriptome in response to the recovery of muscle after disuse and the associated epigenetic mechanisms that may function to modulate gene expression during skeletal muscle atrophy or recovery have yet to be investigated. We report that silencing the tibialis anterior muscle in rats with tetrodotoxin (TTX)—administered to the common peroneal nerve—resulted in reductions in muscle mass of 7, 29, and 51% with corresponding reductions in muscle fiber cross-sectional area of 18, 42, and 69% after 3, 7, and 14 d of TTX, respectively. Of importance, 7 d of recovery, during which rodents resumed habitual physical activity, restored muscle mass from a reduction of 51% after 14 d TTX to a reduction of only 24% compared with sham control. Returning muscle mass to levels observed at 7 d TTX administration (29% reduction). Transcriptome-wide analysis demonstrated that 3714 genes were differentially expressed across all conditions at a significance of P ≤ 0.001 after disuse-induced atrophy. Of interest, after 7 d of recovery, the expression of genes that were most changed during TTX had returned to that of the sham control. The 20 most differentially expressed genes after microarray analysis were identified across all conditions and were cross-referenced with the most frequently occurring differentially expressed genes between conditions. This gene subset included myogenin (MyoG), Hdac4, Ampd3, Trim63 (MuRF1), and acetylcholine receptor subunit α1 (Chrna1). Transcript expression of these genes and Fboxo32 (MAFbx), because of its previously identified role in disuse atrophy together with Trim63 (MuRF1), were confirmed by real-time quantitative RT-PCR, and DNA methylation of their promoter regions was analyzed by PCR and pyrosequencing. MyoG, Trim63 (MuRF1), Fbxo32 (MAFbx), and Chrna1 demonstrated significantly decreased DNA methylation at key time points after disuse-induced atrophy that corresponded with significantly increased gene expression. Of importance, after TTX cessation and 7 d of recovery, there was a marked increase in the DNA methylation profiles of Trim63 (MuRF1) and Chrna1 back to control levels. This also corresponded with the return of gene expression in the recovery group back to baseline expression observed in sham-operated controls. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate that skeletal muscle atrophy in response to disuse is accompanied by dynamic epigenetic modifications that are associated with alterations in gene expression, and that these epigenetic modifications and gene expression profiles are reversible after skeletal muscle returns to normal activity

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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