2,020 research outputs found


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    The emergence of new global competitors, the convergence of high-technology industries and the increasing speed and cost of technological development promise an increasingly uncertain environment for organizations, making adaptation to changes in the environment a central theme in the study of the organization for both organization theory and strategic management. This paper is thus seeks principally to verify that, while innovation and QM alone do not possess the qualities required to provide organizations with sustainable competitive advantages, the bundle of innovation and QM together with other resources and competencies will allow organizations to obtain a competitive advantage and adapt to their environment. The results show that the factors determining innovation—such as resistance to change, cohesion, and workload pressures—have repercussions for the firms’ capacity to adapt to their environment, and that a QM context facilitates this adaptation. Finally, we can conclude that a climate of support for innovation is positively related to the organization’s performance

    Diseño e implementación de infraestructura cloud para el soporte del proyecto educativo en IoT "Pájaros en la nube"

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    Estudio de Diseños basados en Cloud para apoyar, en la gestion de dispositivos, almacenamiento, monitorizacion y flujo de mensajes, el proyecto educativo "Pajaros en la nube" como caso de uso de un problema general de IoT.<br /

    Predictive Models for Forecasting Public Health Scenarios: Practical Experiences Applied during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: Forecasting the behavior of epidemic outbreaks is vital in public health. This makes it possible to anticipate the planning and organization of the health system, as well as possible restrictive or preventive measures. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this need for prediction has been crucial. This paper attempts to characterize the alternative models that were applied in the first wave of this pandemic context, trying to shed light that could help to understand them for future practical applications. Methods: A systematic literature search was performed in standardized bibliographic repertoires, using keywords and Boolean operators to refine the findings, and selecting articles according to the main PRISMA 2020 statement recommendations. Results: After identifying models used throughout the first wave of this pandemic (between March and June 2020), we begin by examining standard data-driven epidemiological models, including studies applying models such as SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered), SQUIDER, SEIR, time-dependent SIR, and other alternatives. For data-driven methods, we identify experiences using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), evolutionary genetic programming machine learning, short-term memory (LSTM), and global epidemic and mobility models. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to intensive and evolving use of alternative infectious disease prediction models. At this point it is not easy to decide which prediction method is the best in a generic way. Moreover, although models such as the LSTM emerge as remarkably versatile and useful, the practical applicability of the alternatives depends on the specific context of the underlying variable and on the information of the target to be prioritized. In addition, the robustness of the assessment is conditioned by heterogeneity in the quality of information sources and differences in the characteristics of disease control interventions. Further comprehensive comparison of the performance of models in comparable situations, assessing their predictive validity, is needed. This will help determine the most reliable and practical methods for application in future outbreaks and eventual pandemics

    Planeación estrategica del negocio para la compañía grupo quimico torres

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    Nuestro trabajo de graduación consistió en desarrollar, en conjunto con los directivos de la compañía Grupo Químico Torres, un Plan Estratégico de Negocios, que enmarcado dentro de la visión de sus accionistas, determine los lineamientos a seguir para la consecución de los objetivos planteados por ellos, utilizando como guía la metodología de planificación estratégica, de Michael Porter. En el desarrollo de la planificación estratégica se cumplieron las siguientes fases: Proceso de Planeamiento Estratégico Definición de Misión y Visión y selección de la unidad estratégica de negocios sobre la cual se efectuará el proceso de planeamiento estratégico. Análisis Externo Tomar conocimiento de los factores externos que pueden afectar la compañía y determinar las oportunidades y amenazas que la rodean. Análisis Interno Evaluar las características de la compañía, con el fin de establecer sus fortalezas y debilidade

    Impact of primary care nursing workforce characteristics on the control of high-blood pressure: A multilevel analysis

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    Objective: To determine the impact of Primary Health Care (PHC) nursing workforce characteristics and of the clinical practice environment (CPE) perceived by nurses on the control of high-blood pressure (HBP). Design: Cross-sectional analytical study. Setting: Administrative and clinical registries of hypertensive patients from PHC information systems and questionnaire from PHC nurses. Participants: 76 797 hypertensive patients in two health zones within the Community of Madrid, North- West Zone (NWZ) with a higher socioeconomic situation and South-West Zone (SWZ) with a lower socioeconomic situation, and 442 reference nurses. Segmented analyses by area were made due to their different socioeconomic characteristics. Primary outcome measure: Poor HBP control (adequate figures below the value 140/90 mm Hg) associated with the characteristics of the nursing workforce and selfperceived CPE. Results: The prevalence of poor HBP control, estimated by an empty multilevel model, was 33.5% (95% CI 31.5% to 35.6%). In the multilevel multivariate regression models, the perception of a more favourable CPE was associated with a reduction in poor control in NWZ men and SWZ women (OR=0.99 (95% CI 0.98 to 0.99)); the economic immigration conditions increased poor control in NWZ women (OR=1.53 (95% CI 1.24 to 1.89)) and in SWZ, both men (OR=1.89 (95% CI 1.43 to 2.51)) and women (OR=1.39 (95% CI 1.09 to 1.76)). In all four models, increasing the annual number of patient consultations was associated with a reduction in poor control (NWZ women: OR=0.98 (95% CI0.98 to 0.99); NWZ men: OR=0.98 (95% CI 0.97 to 0.99); SWZ women: OR=0.98 (95% CI 0.97 to 0.99); SWZ men: OR=0.99 (95% CI 0.97 to 0.99). Conclusions: A CPE, perceived by PHC nurses as more favourable, and more patient–nurse consultations, contribute to better HBP control. Economic immigration condition is a risk factor for poor HBP control. Health policies oriented towards promoting positive environments for nursing practice are neededThe results presented here form part of a study that has been funded partially with the First Prize for National Research in Nursing (12th edition) from Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander) in 2010

    Descriptive analysis of histological types in women undergoing post mastectomy breast reconstruction

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    Background: Breast cancer is a pathological entity that widely compromises the life and quality of life of affected women; in addition to the great affectation to the current health services. Therefore, maintaining an accurate and complete cancer registry program is one of the most important factors in implementing national cancer control programs and evaluating the results of screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Among the current limitations in the studies, there is a gap in the study of the population undergoing breast reconstruction. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out at hospital general de México “Dr. Eduardo Licéaga” with the information from the clinical records of the period 2019-2020. Patients undergoing breast reconstruction after mastectomy with histological report were included. Through non-probabilistic sampling, a population of 138 women was formed. For data analysis, frequencies and percentages were calculated for the qualitative variables; while for the quantitative variables, mean and standard deviation were calculated. Results: 138 women who underwent breast reconstruction were included, the mean age was 49.9±10.85 years, the mean BMI was 26.80±4.62 kg/m2, the secondary educational level predominated (34.8%), radiotherapy was applied to 34.1%, reconstruction was late in 75.4%, the most frequent reconstruction technique was TRAM flap (44.2%), the histological type of invasive ductal carcinoma predominated (68.1%). Conclusions: In women undergoing post-mastectomy breast reconstruction, the histological type of invasive ductal carcinoma predominates.

    Utility of the MoCA for cognitive impairment screening in long-term psychosis patients

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    Cognitive impairment is a key feature in patients with psychotic disorders. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief tool that has been shown to be effective in identifying mild cognitive impairment and early dementia. This study explores the usefulness of this instrument to detect cognitive impairment in long-term psychotic disorders. One hundred-forty stabilized patients were re-evaluated more than 15 years after a First Episode of Psychosis (FEP). Patients were psychopathologically assessed, and the MoCA test and MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB) were administered. Two cut-off scores for cognitive impairment using the MCCB were applied (T score <40 and < 30). Concurrent validation was found between the total scores of the MoCA and MCCB. We also found significant associations between 5 out of 7 MoCA subtests (visuospatial-executive, attention, language, abstraction and delayed recall) and MCCB subtests but not for the naming and orientation MoCA subtests. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis suggested a <25 cut-off for cognitive impairment instead of the original <26. Our results suggest that the MoCA test is a useful screening instrument for assessing cognitive impairment in psychotic patients and has some advantages over other available instruments, such as its ease-of-use and short administration time

    Creación de un programa de capacitación a los trabajadores de Sayco y Acinpro

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    Se diseñó una propuesta de capacitación para la empresa Sayco Acinpro – OSA para que los trabajadores fortalezcan las competencias laborales identificando los factores críticos al interior para lograr promover un desarrollo intelectual y profesional. Se realizó una encuesta a 20 empleados, para identificar que procesos y actividades se deben tener en cuenta para el mejoramiento y desarrollo al implementar el programa de capacitación. Se pudo identificar en la encuesta que la mayoría de los empleados desean que la empresa desarrolle un plan de capacitación; ya que la mayoría pertenecen al estrato uno, lo cual puede ser un factor importante que dificulta su formación profesional; además al ser las mujeres las que predominan en la compañía sus labores del hogar no facilitan que puedan estudiar después de su jornada laboral. Los colaboradores de la organización Sayco Acinpro – OSA desean capacitarse de manera corta y presencial preferiblemente en técnico profesional en audio y video, seguido en derechos de autor y servicio al cliente y estarían dispuestos a asumir algún pago siempre y cuando esta capacitación sea para que contribuya a sus estudios profesionales. La organización Sayco Acinpro – OSA al no tener un programa de capacitación para sus empleados a generado una desmotivación para ejercer sus funciones y una falta de sentido de pertenecía hacia la compañía; por eso se recomienda implementar un programa de capacitación que llene las expectativas de los colaboradores haciéndolos sentir productivos y generando conocimientos que los lleven a crecer intelectualmente, para alcanzar sus objetivos personales y a su vez posicionar la organización como una empresa reconocida y estable.A training proposal was designed for the Sayco Acinpro - OSA company so that the workers strengthen their labor competencies by identifying the critical factors within to promote intellectual and professional development. A survey of 20 employees was conducted to identify which processes and activities should be considered for improvement and development when implementing the training program. It was possible to identify in the survey that many of the employees want the company to develop a training plan; since the majority belong to stratum one, which can be an important factor that hinders their professional training; Furthermore, as women predominate in the company, their housework does not make it easier for them to study after their workday. The collaborators of the Sayco Acinpro - OSA organization want to be trained in a short and face-to-face way, preferably in professional audio and video technician, followed in copyright and customer service and they would be willing to assume some payment if this training is for them to contribute. to their professional studies. The Sayco Acinpro - OSA organization, not having a training program for its employees, has generated a lack of motivation to exercise their functions and a lack of sense of belonging to the company; That is why it is recommended to implement a training program that meets the expectations of employees, making them feel productive and generating knowledge that leads them to grow intellectually, to achieve their personal goals and in turn position the organization as a recognized and stable company

    Ciprofibrate therapy in patients with hypertriglyceridemia and low high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol: greater reduction of non-HDL cholesterol in subjects with excess body weight (The CIPROAMLAT study)

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertriglyceridemia in combination with low HDL cholesterol levels is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Our objective was to evaluate the efficacy of ciprofibrate for the treatment of this form of dyslipidemia and to identify factors associated with better treatment response. METHODS: Multicenter, international, open-label study. Four hundred and thirty seven patients were included. The plasma lipid levels at inclusion were fasting triglyceride concentrations between 1.6–3.9 mM/l and HDL cholesterol ≤ 1.05 mM/l for women and ≤ 0.9 mM/l for men. The LDL cholesterol was below 4.2 mM/l. All patients received ciprofibrate 100 mg/d. Efficacy and safety parameters were assessed at baseline and at the end of the treatment. The primary efficacy parameter of the study was percentage change in triglycerides from baseline. RESULTS: After 4 months, plasma triglyceride concentrations were decreased by 44% (p < 0.001). HDL cholesterol concentrations were increased by 10% (p < 0.001). Non-HDL cholesterol was decreased by 19%. A greater HDL cholesterol response was observed in lean patients (body mass index < 25 kg/m(2)) compared to the rest of the population (8.2 vs 19.7%, p < 0.001). In contrast, cases with excess body weight had a larger decrease in non-HDL cholesterol levels (-20.8 vs -10.8%, p < 0.001). There were no significant complications resulting from treatment with ciprofibrate. CONCLUSIONS: Ciprofibrate is efficacious for the correction of hypertriglyceridemia / low HDL cholesterol. A greater decrease in non-HDL cholesterol was found among cases with excess body weight. The mechanism of action of ciprofibrate may be influenced by the pathophysiology of the disorder being treated

    Exploring the Associations of Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers with Pancreatic Diseases: An Observational and Mendelian Randomisation Study

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    Identifying biomarkers linked to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and chronic pancreatitis (CP) is crucial for early detection, treatment, and prevention. Methods: Association analyses of 10 serological biomarkers involved in cell signalling (IFN-gamma, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10), oxidative stress (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) enzyme activities, total glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA) levels), and intestinal permeability proteins (zonulin, I-FABP2) were conducted across PDAC (n = 12), CP (n = 21) and control subjects (n = 23). A Mendelian randomisation (MR) approach was used to assess causality of the identified significant associations in two large genetic cohorts (FinnGen and UK Biobank). Results: Observational results showed a downregulation of SOD and GPx antioxidant enzyme activities in PDAC and CP patients, respectively, and higher MDA levels in CP patients. Logistic regression models revealed significant associations between CP and SOD activity (OR = 0.21, 95% CI [0.05, 0.89], per SD), GPx activity (OR = 0.28, 95% CI [0.10, 0.79], per SD), and MDA levels (OR = 2.05, 95% CI [1.36, 3.08], per SD). MR analyses, however, did not support causality. Conclusions: These findings would not support oxidative stress-related biomarkers as potential targets for pancreatic diseases prevention. Yet, further research is encouraged to assess their viability as non-invasive tools for early diagnosis, particularly in pre-diagnostic CP populations