1,477 research outputs found

    Propuesta metodológica para la evaluación de la calidad académica de las instituciones públicas de educación superior en México, en un contexto de políticas públicas eficientistas

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    El presente artículo desarrolla un análisis sobre la pertinencia de una metodología de evaluación de corte cuantitativa de la calidad académica para la educación superior, que retoma parámetros ya utilizados, pero eliminando la fragmentación actual para dar paso a la formulación de un índice general de calidad académica, que permita además de incentivar el mejoramiento de la calidad a través de la asignación de partidas presupuestarias extraordinarias con base en el desempeño, dar paso a la generación de un diagnóstico del sistema de educación superior en México, lo que daría pauta a que las autoridades educativas tomaran medidas correctivas y específicas que redunden en una homologación de los estándares de calidad de la educación a nivel nacional

    CMOS SPADs selection, modeling and characterization towards image sensors implementation

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    The selection, modeling and characterization of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) are presented. Working with the standard 180nm UMC CMOS process, different SPAD structures are proposed in combination with several quenching circuits in order to compare their relative performances. Various configurations for the active region and the prevention of the premature edge breakdown are tested, looking for a miniaturization of the devices to implement image sensor arrays without loses in their performance

    Multiple frequency response points identification through single asymmetric relay feedback experiment

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    In this paper a methodology to identify several points of the frequency response of a system using a single experiment is proposed. The identification is performed using the information obtained from an asymmetric relay feedback experiment. The frequency response points that are estimated correspond to the fundamental oscillation frequency induced by the asymmetric relay and its harmonics. The method is easy to implement since it only requires linear algebra operations, but relies on a proper data selection, which is largely studied, to obtain the most accurate results. The proposed method allows a Least Squares formulation, which has also been studied, and presents some benefits in terms of accuracy for certain cases. The presented results are validated experimentally using a practical identification case.This work was supported by Universitat Jaume I, Spain with grant number 18I411-Uji-b2018-39, MINECO, Spain with grant numbers DPI2017-84259-C2-2-R, RTI2018-094665-B-I00 and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain with grant number TEC2015-69155-R and by the State Research Agency, Spain under project PID2020-112658RBI00/10.13039/501100011033. The material in this paper was not presented at any conference. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Cristian R. Rojas under the direction of Editor Alessandro Chiuso

    Estrategias que Influyen en el Comportamiento del consumidor de los clientes de SINSA cerámica sucursal Estelí, durante el segundo semestre del año 2022

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    El presente estudio investigativo se denomina, “Estrategias que influyen en el comportamiento del consumidor de los clientes de SINSA cerámica sucursal Estelí, durante el segundo semestre del año 2022”. Con el objetivo de identificar las estrategias de marketing mix que implementa la sucursal, y como1 influyen en el cliente. 23Analizar el comportamiento del consumidor es sumamente importante, debido a los distintos factores que lo engloban, centrándose principalmente en los mercadológicos, es decir, como el cliente reacciona a los esfuerzos de mercadotecnia que lleva a cabo la empresa, así como la manera que el cliente realiza el proceso de toma de decisiones. Metodológicamente la investigación posee enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo, es de tipo aplicada, de acuerdo al tiempo de corte transversal y muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. La información se recolectó mediante la aplicación de instrumentos, como encuestas a clientes de la sucursal y entrevista al gerente de la misma. Al igual que se analizó los datos obtenidos en el que se identificaron las estrategias que implementa la sucursal, las cuales giran en torno a la calidad de sus productos basándose en estrategias de posicionamiento y seguimiento al cliente. Conforme al análisis se realizó propuestas de estrategias que giran de acuerdo al marketing mix, específicamente en la plaza en el cual se recomienda a la sucursal mejorar su fachada e instalaciones. Al igual que estrategias basadas en la innovación, cuyo fin en particular es incorporar una nueva idea de negocio dentro de la sucursal, basada siempre en el mismo modelo de servicio

    Estrategias que Influyen en el Comportamiento del consumidor de los clientes de SINSA cerámica sucursal Estelí, durante el segundo semestre del año 2022

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    El presente estudio investigativo se denomina, “Estrategias que influyen en el comportamiento del consumidor de los clientes de SINSA cerámica sucursal Estelí, durante el segundo semestre del año 2022”. Con el objetivo de identificar las estrategias de marketing mix que implementa la sucursal, y como influyen en el cliente. Analizar el comportamiento del consumidor es sumamente importante, debido a los distintos factores que lo engloban, centrándose principalmente en los mercadológicos, es decir, como el cliente reacciona a los esfuerzos de mercadotecnia que lleva a cabo la empresa, así como la manera que el cliente realiza el proceso de toma de decisiones. Metodológicamente la investigación posee enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo, es de tipo aplicada, de acuerdo al tiempo de corte transversal y muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. La información se recolectó mediante la aplicación de instrumentos, como encuestas a clientes de la sucursal y entrevista al gerente de la misma. Al igual que se analizó los datos obtenidos en el que se identificaron las estrategias que implementa la sucursal, las cuales giran en torno a la calidad de sus productos basándose en estrategias de posicionamiento y seguimiento al cliente. Conforme al análisis se realizó propuestas de estrategias que giran de acuerdo al marketing mix, específicamente en la plaza en el cual se recomienda a la sucursal mejorar su fachada e instalaciones. Al igual que estrategias basadas en la innovación, cuyo fin en particular es incorporar una nueva idea de negocio dentro de la sucursal, basada siempre en el mismo modelo de servicio

    Anxiety and depression after breast cancer: The predictive role of monoamine levels

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    The authors would like to thank the women involved in the present study for their participation.Despite the fact that the prevalence of anxiety and depression in breast cancer survivors is higher than in general female population, the psychobiological substrate of this phenomenon has yet to be elucidated. We aimed to examine the predictive role of peripheral dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA), serotonin (5-HT) and kynurenine (KYN) in anxiety and depression among breast cancer survivors. We evaluated 107 women using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and monoamine levels were analyzed via high-performance liquid chromatography. High KYN levels predicted both disorders, while low NA and DA predicted anxiety and depressive symptoms, respectively. A negative conditional effect of 5-HT was found for anxiety and depression among younger women only, while being both middle-aged and younger influenced the negative conditional effect of DA on depression. Monoamine variations may render breast cancer survivors more vulnerable to anxiety and depression, with young women being especially vulnerable to the detrimental effect of low DA and 5-HT. Assessing subclinical psychobiological markers allows mental health nurses to identify vulnerable survivors prior to the onset of anxiety and depression, and to adjust nursing interventions accordingly.This study was supported by the Basque Government Project: IT757-13 and by the University of Basque Country Projects: GIU18/103

    Double-beam parallel-plate slot antenna

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    This paper presents the design and prototyping of a double-beam linear polarized parallel-plate slot antenna at 12-GHz band. Each beam is separated 27.7/spl deg/ and 27.3/spl deg/, respectively, from broadside direction. Two different radiation patterns are generated, exciting the parallel plate from opposite sides. The radiating elements are composed by three parallel slots, the central slot is close to the resonance, while the side ones are designed to minimize the reflection inside the parallel plate. The length of the slots in the same row is kept constant (periodic walls), and the distance between columns is equal to 0.7 times the wavelength. The designs of the feeding networks and the design of the array of slots generate both beams, pointing toward Hispasat and Astra satellites simultaneously, at the same frequency band. The feeding networks are two microstrip circuits that excite two linear arrays of 24 patches, placed at both sides of the antenna, and generate both quasi-TEM mode plane waves inside the parallel-plate waveguide, propagating from one side to the other

    Impact of circulating bacterial DNA in long-term glucose homeostasis in non-diabetic patients with HIV infection: cohort study

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    In HIV-infected patients, the damage in the gut mucosal immune system is not completely restored after antiretroviral therapy (ART). It results in microbial translocation, which could influence the immune and inflammatory response. We aimed at investigating the long-term impact of bacterial-DNA translocation (bactDNA) on glucose homeostasis in an HIV population. This was a cohort study in HIV-infected patients whereby inclusion criteria were: patients with age >18 years, ART-naïve or on effective ART (<50 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL) and without diabetes or chronic hepatitis C. Primary outcome was the change in HbA1c (%). Explanatory variables at baseline were: bactDNA (qualitatively detected in blood samples by PCR [broad-range PCR] and gene 16SrRNA - prokaryote), ART exposure, HOMA-R and a dynamic test HOMACIGMA [continuous infusion of glucose with model assessment], hepatic steatosis (hepatic triglyceride content - 1H-MRS), visceral fat / subcutaneous ratio and inflammatory markers. Fifty-four men (age 43.2 ± 8.3 years, BMI 24.9 ± 3 kg/m2, mean duration of HIV infection of 8.1 ± 5.3 years) were included. Baseline HbA1c was 4.4 ± 0.4% and baseline presence of BactDNA in six patients. After 8.5 ± 0.5 years of follow-up, change in HbA1c was 1.5 ± 0.47% in patients with BactDNA vs 0.87 ± 0.3% in the rest of the sample p < 0.001. The change in Hba1c was also influenced by protease inhibitors exposure, but not by baseline indices of insulin resistance, body composition, hepatic steatosis, inflammatory markers or anthropometric changes. In non-diabetic patients with HIV infection, baseline bacterial translocation and PI exposure time were the only factors associated with long-term impaired glucose homeostasis

    Modelo de acoplos en arrays de antenas y su aplicación al diseño de arrays

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    This paper introduces a mathematical model of coupling and radiation field in array antennas that allows an easy antenna analysis and design. The model is based in the linear behaviour of antennas and in the option to separate the radiated field structure in a reduced number of modes. Printed antenna radiation field can be described through a reduced number of modes, usually one or two, to reach high accuracy in the radiated field computation

    A descriptive study about the tutor-teachers’ role upon student teachers developing their practicum in the English teaching projects at PNC and the foreign language department, case: students immersed in the subject of Teaching Practice II, semester II- 2017, University of El Salvador

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    What is the main reason for this research paper? It was also noticed that there was already a research project focused on the difficulties found while developing the Practice Teaching in the CENIUES English Program. Even though the information was related to the topic under study, the group considered that there is some sort of novelty because the research is focused on a different environment. The present research Project aims to describe a study about the tutor-teacher’s role upon student-teachers developing their practicum in the PNC English Teaching program and in some subjects of the B.A of English Teaching at the Foreign Language Department in the University of El Salvador. This report describes the way in which the appropriate development of the tutor-teacher’s role can affect student-teachers’ performance during the development of the entire practice teaching period. Tutoring is an activity that can be beneficial when it is given in appropriate ways. This process is very important especially when student-teachers are developing their teaching skills because it gives the students the opportunities to build confidence and increase their classroom management. There has been inconsistence from tutor-teachers when complying with their roles. This paper will also explain the process followed by the research team to collect meaningful and effective information regarding the real role of tutor-teachers assigned a student-teacher. For carrying out this present study, the research questions were answered by surveys and interviews. These questionnaires were useful to collect information about the point of view of tutor-teachers and student-teachers about the role of tutor teachers while mentoring students developing their practice teaching. With the implementation of this, the researchers were able to obtain and compare information about the main findings to respond the research questions