1,907 research outputs found

    Compounds produced by two robust Bacillus amyloliquefaciens biocontrol strains involved in antimicrobial activity and plant-growth promotion

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    Several members of the Bacillus genus are potential candidates to be used as biological control agents to combat pests or plant diseases. The bacterial attributes associated to Bacillus behaviour are mainly: the production of antimicrobial compounds, the plant-growth promotion capability and the induction of systemic resistance in plant host. In previous works, we have demonstrated this multifaceted biocontrol activity of B. amyloliquefaciens CECT8237 (UMAF6639) and CECT8238 (UMAF6614) strains, which contributes to plant protection against bacterial and fungal pathogens. In order to identify the bacterial features responsible for the outstanding biocontrol activity of these strains, their genomes were sequenced and analysed. Firstly, those features previously described for other Bacillus to be involved in the biocontrol activity were localized: i) Biosynthetic genes of secondary metabolites. Apart from the lipopeptides, formerly detected, we have demonstrated the production of other additional compounds that might participate in the antibiosis activity; ii) Biosynthetic genes of the volatile compounds 2,3-butanediol and acetoin, both involved in the induction of plant defence responses. Secondly, genetic singularities non-conserved within the Bacillus genus, which might contribute to the biocontrol ability of B. amyloliquefaciens CECT8237 and CECT8238 were identified in both genomes. Among them, we highlight two genomic regions hypothetically implicated in the production of non-characterized secondary metabolites. Ongoing studies are focused on elucidating the functionality of these uncharacterized regions, leading to a better understanding of the mechanisms of action involved in the robust biocontrol skills of these strains.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The expression profile of secondary metabolites in biofilms of B. amyloliquefaciens CECT 8237 biocontrol strain

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    The contribution of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CECT 8237 (UMAF6639) strain to the plant protection against bacterial and fungal pathogens is mainly based on: i) the production of antimicrobial compounds, ii) the plant-growth promotion capability and iii) the induction of systemic resistance in plant host. In previous works, we demonstrated the relevant implication of the three families of lipopeptides in the biocontrol activity and biofilm formation on melon leaves. The analysis of the genome sequence revealed features previously identified in other Bacillus strains, such as genes related to biofilm formation, phytostimulation and induction of systemic resistance in the host plant, and novel genomic regions non-conserved within the Bacillus genus, and therefore with potential genes implicated in the biocontrol activity. Considering the relevance of biofilm formation and production of secondary metabolites in biocontrol, we analyzed the expression profile of several secondary metabolites produced by CECT 8237 in biofilm inducing conditions. To do so, we optimized an in situ detection method based on MALDI-TOF analysis of secondary metabolites within the bacterial colony and in supernatants and pellicles of B. amyloliquefaciens biofilms. We found a major accumulation of these secondary metabolites in the core and middle area of the colony and in the spent medium compared to pellicle. Further studies will help elucidating the real implication of these molecules in the bacterial ecology or in its mechanisms of defence, against competitors, and/or offense, against pathogens and its possible relation with the niche they occupy. This work was supported by grants from the Plan Nacional I+D+I (AGL-2012-31968) and Incentivos a Proyectos de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía (P10-AGR-57-97), both cofinanced by FEDER funds (EU). This work was also supported by grant from Koppert B.V. (8.06/60.4086) and European Research Council-Starting Grant BacBio ERC637971.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Caracterización mecánica de recubrimientos de aluminio-silicio depositados por CVD-FBR sobre el acero inoxidable AISI 316 y oxidado en vapor de agua

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    (Eng) Aluminum-Silicon Al-Si coating deposited at 540 °C on the austenitic stainless s teel AISI 316 by chemical vapor deposition in fluidized bed reactor (FBR-CVD), afterwards samples were thermally treated at 750 °C under argon for 2 hours. The coated samples were oxidized in water vapor loop at 750 °C, which showed a decrease in the corrosion rate at high temperatures in respect with the oxidized uncoated substrate (more than 100 times). Microhardness and nanoindentation studies were performed in order to assess the benefits of the Al-Si coating by CVD-FBR, finding an increase in the coating hardness with respect to the substrate. Additionally Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was carried out to characterize micro-structural chang - es of the oxidized samples. Cross-section samples were subjected to Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) fo - cusing on the thickness of coating (topographical changes, roughness gradient and possible formed phases). Results of AFM verified a correlation between hardness and voltages profiles found during scanning.(Spa) El recubrimiento de Aluminio-Silicio fue depositado a 540 °C sobre el acero austenítico AISI 316 por deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado (CVD-FBR), para luego ser tratado a 750 °C en argón por 2 horas. Las muestras de estudio fueron oxidadas en un loop de vapor a 750 °C, los cuales presentaron una disminución en la velocidad de corrosión a altas temperaturas con respecto a las muestras no recubiertas (más de 100 veces). Estudios de Microdureza y Nanoindentación fueron realizados con el fin de evaluar los beneficios del recubrimiento de Al-Si por CVD-FBR, encontrando un incremento en la dureza del recubrimiento con respecto al sustrato. Adicionalmente, Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM) fue llevada a cabo para caracterizar los cambios en la microestructura de las muestras oxidadas. La sección transversal de las muestras fue sometida a Microscopía de Fuerza Atómica (AFM), enfocándose en el espesor del recubrimiento (cambios topográficos, gradiente de rugosidad y posibles fases formadas). Los resultados AFM verificaron una correlación entre la dureza y los perfiles de voltaje encontrados durante los barridos

    Maximal functions and the control of weighted inequalities for the fractional integral operator

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    We study weak-type (1, 1) weighted inequalities for the fractional integral operator Iα. We show that the fractional maximal operator Mα controls these inequalities when the weight is radially decreasing. However, we exhibit some counterexamples which show that Mα is not appropriate for this control on general weights. We do provide, nevertheless, some positive results related to this problem by considering other suitable maximal functions

    Friendship conceptions: an exploratory study with spanish and immigrant children established in the Madrid Community

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    El objetivo de nuestro estudio es conocer la concepción que tienen los niños acerca de la amistad, viendo si ésta varía en función del género y las características culturales de los participantes. Para ello, se elaboró una entrevista semiestructurada de respuesta abierta, que se aplicó –siguiendo el método clínico propuesto por Piaget–, a una muestra de 30 estudiantes (16 niñas y 14 niños) de 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria, con un rango de edad que oscilaba entre los 11;1 y 12;3 años, y donde el 50% eran inmigrantes y la parte restante españoles (autóctonos). Los resultados de este trabajo indican que no hay diferencias significativas en la concepción que tienen los niños de la amistad según su origen nacional, entendiéndola como un vínculo que se basa en la ayuda, la confianza, la compañía y la fidelidad. Sin embargo, se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a la facilidad a la hora de entablar relaciones con los iguales, y el origen étnico de las amistades, asegurando los españoles, en mayor medida que los inmigrantes, que les costaba hacer amigos, y que éstos eran en su mayoría de origen español. Igualmente, se hallaron diferencias significativas en función del género, destacando las niñas en mayor medida que los niños, la confianza como el rasgo que diferencia a los amigos, del resto de iguales que no lo son.The aim of our study is to know the childrens’ conceptions of friendship and looking at if it changes according to gender and the cultural characteristics of the participants. To this end, a semistructured interview of open answerered questions was developed, and applied –following the piagetian method– to a sample of 30 students (16 girls and 14 boys) of the 5th and 6th grades of primary school. The ages of the children varied between 11;1 and 12;3 years, and the 50% were immigrants, with the remaining part being natives Spaniards. The results of this work show that there aren’t significant differences in the childrens’ conceptions of friendship based on their national origin, understanding it as a link based on help, confidence, company and faithfulness. However, significant differences were found in relation to the ease of starting relationships with the peers, and the ethnical origin of their friends, confirming a higher number of Spanish natives that had the most problems making friends, as opposed to the immigrants, and whose friends were mostly Spanish natives. Likewise, significant differences were found according to gender, pointing out that the girls, rather than boys, found confidence as a trait that differentiated their friends from the rest of their peers.peerReviewe

    Acute effects of dynamic versus foam rolling warm-up strategies on physical performance in elite tennis players.

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    To date, there is a lack of information about the optimal conditions of the warm-up to lead to a better performance in elite tennis players. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two different warm-up protocols (dynamic vs. self-myofascial release with foam rolling) on neuromuscular variables associated with physical determinants of tennis performance. Using a crossover randomised experimental design, eleven professional men tennis players (20.6 ± 3.5 years) performed either a dynamic warm-up (DWU) or a selfmyofascial release with foam rolling (SMFR) protocol. DWU consisted of 8 min of dynamic exercises at increasing intensity and SMFR consisted of 8 min of rolling on each lower extremity unilaterally. Just before (baseline) and after completing warm-up protocols, players performed a countermovement jump (CMJ), the 5-0-5 agility test, a 10-m sprint test and the Straight Leg Raise and Thomas tests to assess range of motion. Compared to baseline, the DWU was more effective to reduce the time in the 5-0-5 test than SMFR (-2.23 vs. 0.44%, respectively, p = 0.042, ηp2 = 0.19). However, both warm-up protocols similarly affected CMJ (2.32 vs. 0.61%, p = 0.373, ηp2 = 0.04) and 10-m sprint time changes (-1.26 vs. 1.03%, p = 0.124, ηp2 = 0.11). Changes in range of motion tests were also similar with both protocols (p = 0.448–1.000, ηp2 = 0.00–0.02). Overall, both DWU and SMFR were effective to prepare well-trained tennis players for highly demanding neuromuscular actions. However, DWU offered a better preparation for performing change of direction and sprint actions, and hence, in high-performance tennis players, the warm-up should include dynamic exercises.post-print402 K

    Tse1 mobilized by T6SS of Pseudomonas induces sporulation of Bacillus via σW

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    The extracellular matrix and sporulation are defensive mechanisms used by Bacillus cells when they interact with Pseudomonas strains expressing a type VI secretion system (T6SS). Here, we define Tse1 as the main toxin mobilized by the Pseudomonas T6SS that triggers sporulation in Bacillus. We characterize Tse1 as a peptidoglycan hydrolase and electron microscopy analysis and the use of diverse chemical probes, let us visualize malfunction of the Bacillus cell membrane. By performing RNA-seq and immunocytochemistry analyses, we also delineate the response of Bacillus cells to Tse1, which through the coordinated actions of the extracellular sigma factor σW and the cytoplasmic histidine kinases KinA and KinB, culminates in activation of the sporulation cascade. We propose that this cellular developmental response is conserved in Bacilli to defend against the toxicity of T6SS-mobilized Tse1 effector.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    An Assessment of Available Models for the Design of Schottky-Based Multipliers Up to THz Frequencies

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    [EN]This paper evaluates the ranges of application and physical limitations of lumped equivalent circuits and drift-diffusion models for the design of THz circuits. The predictions of these models have been compared with aMonte Carlo model, which was considered as a reference, and with measurements from doublers and triplers designed and fabricated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Additionally, the usefulness of Schottky diodes as frequency multipliers above 3 THz is analyzed with the Monte Carlo model.European Commision (EC). Funding FP7/SP1/SPA. Project Code: 242334European Commision (EC). Funding FP7/SP1/ICT. Project Code: 24384

    Diseño de una pasarela de acceso a sistemas propietarios de videoconferencia

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    Los sistemas de videoconferencia han utilizado tradicionalmente protocolos propietarios que los impedían interoperar. Sin embargo, en los últimos años se está imponiendo la tendencia a usar protocolos abiertos para solucionar este problema. Este artículo describe la arquitectura de una pasarela genérica para acceder desde los clientes más típicos a los sistemas de videoconferencia propietarios ya existentes. Esta arquitectura se ha validado implementando una pasarela de acceso a Isabel, un sistema de videoconferencia con opciones avanzadas de colaboración

    Strategies for teaching professional ethics to IT engineering degree students and evaluating the result

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    Abstract This paper presents an experience in developing professional ethics by an approach that integrates knowledge, teaching methodologies and assessment coherently. It has been implemented for students in both the Software Engineering and Computer Engineering degree programs of the Technical University of Madrid, in which professional ethics is studied as a part of a required course. Our contribution of this paper is a model for formative assessment that clarifies the learning goals, enhances the results, simplifies the scoring and can be replicated in other contexts. A quasi-experimental study that involves many of the students of the required course has been developed. To test the effectiveness of the teaching process, the analysis of ethical dilemmas and the use of deontological codes have been integrated, and a scoring rubric has been designed. Currently, this model is also being used to develop skills related to social responsibility and sustainability for undergraduate and postgraduate students of diverse academic context