166 research outputs found

    Developmental instability in lateral roots of maize: a multi-scale analysis

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    In the perspective of a second Green Revolution, aiming, unlike the first one, to enhance yields of crops in a low fertility context, the strategies used by plants for an optimal uptake of soil nutrients are at the core of the problem. To solve it and identify ideal breeds among the genetic diversity of crops, plant root systems, their development and their architecture, are called upon to play the leading role. The variability among secondary roots appears as a crucial feature for the optimality of soil exploration and acquisition of mobile and immobile resources, but this phenomenon remains poorly understood. The work presented in this thesis focuses on the lateral roots of maize (Zea mays L.) and attempts to unravel the processes at the origin of intrinsic variations in lateral root development. It relies notably on the phenotyping of individual lateral roots at an unprecedented scale, tracking the daily growth of thousands of them at a high spatial resolution, in order to characterize precisely the spatio-temporal variations existing both between and within root individuals. Individual growth rate profiles were analyzed with a statistical model that identified three main temporal trends in growth rates leading to the definition of three lateral root classes with contrasted growth rates and growth duration. Differences in lateral root diameter at root emergence (originating at the primordium stage) were likely to condition the followed growth trend but did not seem enough to entirely determine lateral root fate. Lastly, these lateral root classes were randomly distributed along the primary root, suggesting that there is no local inhibition or stimulation between neighbouring lateral roots. In order to explain the origin of the observed differences in growth behaviour, we complemented our study with a multi-scale characterization of groups of lateral roots with contrasted growth at a cellular, anatomical and molecular level. A particular focus is set on the analysis of cell length profiles in lateral root apices for which we introduced a segmentation model to identify developmental zones. Using this method, we evidenced strong modulations in the length of the division and elongation zones that could be closely related to variations in lateral root growth. The regulatory role of auxin on the balance between cellular proliferation and elongation processes is demonstrated through the analysis of mutant lines. Ultimately, variations in lateral root growth are traced back to the allocation of carbon assimilates and the transport capacity of the root, suggesting that a feedback control loop mechanism could play a determinant role in the setting out of contrasted lateral root growth trends. (Résumé d'auteur

    Why is lateral root growth so variable? A framework to analyze growth variability among lateral roots and the possible roles of auxin and carbon

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    International audienceLateral root (LR) development is a major component of the efficiency of a plant to capture soil resources. A remarkable facet of lateral root behavior is stochasticity affecting the different stages of LR growth, leading to a large range of lateral root lengths along the primary root. It has been argued that such variability among LR could be an adaptive trait enabling a greater plasticity and efficiency of the root system in front of the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of soil resources (Forde, 2009). In order to characterize variability in LR growth and evaluate the role of hormonal and biochemical signals that might influence it, we analyzed the patterns of development of hundreds of lateral roots in a set of maize seedlings grown in rhizotrons. The SmartRoot toolbox was used to provide a comprehensive recording of individual root growth dynamics. Using a clustering method based on growth variables such as elongation rate and growth duration, we could identify 3 main different elongation patterns in maize LRs composed of accelerating, slowly decelerating and rapidly arrested LRs, as found in other species (Pagès, 1995). The molecular and cellular characterization of these root types revealed differences in meristem size, apical diameters as well as apical diameter variation. Moreover, fast growing roots showed increased sugar content along their tips. Finally, by affecting either the sugar or the auxin status (by pruning seminal roots or using auxin transport mutants) we differentially altered the proportion of the different root types, suggesting that both signals contribute to shape the root system in response to variations of environmental conditions.FORDE, B. (2009), J. Exp. Bot. 60 (14): 3989-4002PAGES, L. (1995), New Phytologist, 130: 503–50

    Identification of developmental zones in maize lateral roots on the basis of longitudinal epidermis cell length profiles

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    International audienceResearch focus: Cell division and elongation are key processes in root development. A growing root tip is assumed to be made of three contiguous zones: the division zone (DZ), the elongation zone (EZ) and the mature zone (MZ). Because of the concentric organization of tissues in roots, we here focus on epidermis cell length profiles for delimiting these three developmental zones. We assume that DZ is characterized by small cells, EZ by cells of gradually increasing length and MZ by rather large cells. These zones were identified on 42 maize lateral roots belonging to three genotypes and, for each genotype, to a rather large diversity in terms of development.Methods: We built two types of Gaussian multiple change-point models for each root: heteroscedastic piecewise Gaussian linear models built on the basis of the measured epidermis cell length profiles and Gaussian change in the variance model built on the basis of the residual series deduced from the optimal piecewise linear function. The number of segments was selected using the slope heuristic, a non-asymptotic penalized likelihood criterion. The outputs of the analysis of each root using multiple change-point models (e.g. lengths of DZ and EZ, cell lengths predicted at the limits between DZ and EZ and between EZ and MZ) combined with some morphological features (first root hair position and root diameter in MZ) were then globally analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA).Results: We identified at most three zones corresponding to DZ, EZ and MZ except in arrested roots where DZ and in some cases EZ were missing. In our modeling framework, the limit between two successive zones corresponds to a marked change in slope and in residual standard deviation. In more than 90% of cases, the limits founds on the residual series on the basis of the sole change in residual standard deviation co-localized with the limit found on the original series. In most cases, the limit between EZ and MZ was consistent with the first hair position. In PCA, the first axis accounting for 49% of variance corresponds to the longitudinal variables (mainly DZ and EZ lengths but also first root hair position) while the second axis accounting for 29% of variance corresponds to the cell length variables.Conclusions: We here provide the first pipeline of methods combining image analysis and statistical modeling for identifying developmental zones in root tips. This pipeline enabled in particular to identify emerging properties such as a jump in residual standard deviation between DZ and EZ suggesting that the distal boundary of the meristem corresponds to the onset of rapid cell expansion and a jump in residual standard deviation of high amplitude between EZ and MZ co-localized with a change in slope that could be due to the differentiation of trichoblast and atrichoblast cell files

    Estudio piloto. Memoria implícita, memoria explícita y deterioro cognitivo: evolución en el trastorno psicótico

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    In relation to systems of memory of our research report, we classify the memory explicit, voluntary, conscious; While the implicit memory does not require deliberate or conscious recovery.In addition to aging, psychiatric diseases are other common causes of cognitive impairment; more specifically, the psychotic disorder affected the declarative (explicit) verbal memory, working memory and there are other cognitive deficits.Methodology: The objective of this study is to analyze the evolution of the psychotic disorder (in years) in relation to memory and cognitive impairment, as well as describe possible associations between the two types of cognitive impairment and memory (implicitaexplicita).It is a descriptive, observational, transversal study consisting of three samples of patients with psychotic disorder.Results: Average proportions in the first two groups (0-5 years of evolution of the psychotic disorder 10 - 15 years of evolution) in the third group (25-35 years of evolution) to the results of explicit memory. Regarding the implicit memory is observed the existence of Priming in the three groups. While scoring positive in the screening of cognitive impairment it is progressively higher by increasing the years of evolution of the disease.Conclusions: People with more years of evolution of the psychotic disorder have greater cognitive impairment and average scores lower in explicit memory; While the implicit memory stays stable regardless of the years of evolution of the disease.En relación a los sistemas de memoria de nuestra investigación, clasificamos la memoria explícita, voluntaria, consciente; mientras que la memoria implícita no requiere la recuperación intencional o consciente. Además del envejecimiento, las enfermedades psiquiátricas constituyen otras causas frecuentes de deterioro cognitivo; más específicamente, en el Trastorno psicótico están afectadas la memoria declarativa verbal (explícita), la memoria de trabajo y existen otros déficits cognitivos.Metodología: El objetivo de este estudio consiste en analizar la evolución del Trastorno psicótico (en años) en relación a la memoria y al deterioro cognitivo, así como describir posibles asociaciones entre ambos tipos de memoria (implícita/explícita) y el deterioro cognitivo.Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, observacional, transversal, formado por tres muestras de pacientes con Trastorno psicótico.Resultados: Se obtienen proporciones medias mayores en los dos primeros grupos (0-5 años de evolución del Trastorno psicótico/ 10-15 años de evolución) que en el tercer grupo (25-35 años de evolución) para los resultados de memoria explícita. Respecto a la memoria implícita se observa la existencia de Priming en los tres grupos. Mientras que la puntuación positiva en el cribado de deterioro cognitivo es progresivamente mayor al aumentar los años de evolución de la enfermedad.Conclusiones: Las personas con más años de evolución del trastorno psicótico presentan mayor deterioro cognitivo y puntuaciones medias menores en memoria explícita; mientras que la memoria implícita se mantiene estable independientemente de los años de evolución de la enfermedad

    Study on the situation of catering establishments in Córdoba (pre-COVID-19)

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    Córdoba es una ciudad con un rico patrimonio cultural. Una parte de dicho patrimonio lo compone una gastronomía con reminiscencias multiculturales. La evolución de la sociedad, unido a la promoción cultural y turística de Córdoba han multiplicado las opciones existentes en restauración en la ciudad en los últimos años. Este estudio analiza el comportamiento de diferentes aspectos de la restauración cordobesa entre el año 2014 y 2019. Para ello se ha realizado una encuesta con cinco años de diferencia a una muestra representativa (1141 establecimientos) de los negocios de las zonas repartidas entre los distritos postales 14001 y 14010. En el cuestionario se han tratado diferentes temas que van desde el tipo de establecimiento, pasando por el número de trabajadores encargados de distintas áreas del establecimiento, hasta precios y platos más demandados entre otras cuestiones. Utilizando como factores de clasificación el año de estudio, estrato social y los distritos postales, se comprueba que han presentado efecto en prácticamente todas las respuestas a las preguntas planteadas, lo que demuestra lo acertado de repetir el estudio en el tiempo y geográficamente. Con los datos obtenidos, se ha elaborado mapas interactivos en los que se puede visualizar la información de las tres variables consideradas más representativas. El objetivo final del estudio es conocer aspectos fundamentales de los negocios de restauración y contrastar su evolución en el periodo de tiempo indicado.Cordoba is a town with a rich cultural heritage. One of the parts of this heritage is made up of a cookery with multicultural reminiscences. The evolution of the society united with a cultural and tourist promotion of Cordoba have boosted the existing choices greatly in the town catering in the last years. This research analyses the performance of different aspects of the Cordoba catering from 2014 to 2019. To do so, a survey has been carried out with five years of difference to a representative sample (1141 establishments) of the shops from the distributed areas between the postal quarters 14001 and 14010. In this survey, different topics have been addressed, it deals with the different types of establishments, the number of workers responsible for the distinct areas of the establishment or prices and dishes more requested between others. Utilising as factors of classification the year of the research, the social stratum and the postal districts, considering that they have presented effect in all the answers to the posed questions in general, it proves that it will be accurate to repeat the research in the future and geographically. With the data obtained, an interactive map has been developed in which the information of the three variables considered most representative can be viewed The final aim of this survey is to know the fundamental aspects of the restaurant businesses and to contrast its evolution in the indicated period of time

    Angiotensin II type 2 receptor as a novel activator of brown adipose tissue in obesity

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    The angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2R) exerts vasorelaxant, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. In obesity, its activation counterbalances the adverse cardiovascular effects of angiotensin II mediated by the AT1R. Preliminary results indicate that it also promotes brown adipocyte differentiation in vitro. Our hypothesis is that AT2R activation could increase BAT mass and activity in obesity. Five-week-old male C57BL/6J mice were fed a standard or a high-fat (HF) diet for 6 weeks. Half of the animals were treated with compound 21 (C21), a selective AT2R agonist, (1 mg/kg/day) in the drinking water. Electron transport chain (ETC), oxidative phosphorylation, and UCP1 proteins were measured in the interscapular BAT (iBAT) and thoracic perivascular adipose tissue (tPVAT) as well as inflammatory and oxidative parameters. Differentiation and oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in the presence of C21 was tested in brown preadipocytes. In vitro, C21-differentiated brown adipocytes showed an AT2R-dependent increase of differentiation markers (Ucp1, Cidea, Pparg) and increased basal and H+ leak-linked OCR. In vivo, HF-C21 mice showed increased iBAT mass compared to HF animals. Both their iBAT and tPVAT showed higher protein levels of the ETC protein complexes and UCP1, together with a reduction of inflammatory and oxidative markers. The activation of the AT2R increases BAT mass, mitochondrial activity, and reduces markers of tissue inflammation and oxidative stress in obesity. Therefore, insulin reduction and better vascular responses are achieved. Thus, the activation of the protective arm of the renin–angiotensin system arises as a promising tool in the treatment of obesity15 página

    Evaluation of P22 ELISA for the Detection of Mycobacterium bovis-Specific Antibody in the Oral Fluid of Goats

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    The ante-mortem diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in ruminants is based mainly on the intradermal tuberculin test and the IFN-γ assay. Antibody (Ab)-based tests have emerged as potential tools for the detection of TB infected animals using serum, plasma, or even milk samples. Oral fluids have also been evaluated as alternative samples with which to detect specific Abs against Mycobacterium bovis in pigs or wild boars, but not in ruminants. The objective of this study was, therefore, to evaluate the performance of an in house-ELISA for TB diagnosis (P22 ELISA) in goats as an experimental model for the diagnosis of TB using oral fluid samples. Oral fluid samples from 64 goats from a TB-infected herd (n = 197) and all the animals from a TB-free herd (n = 113) were analyzed using the P22 ELISA. The estimated sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) were 34.4% (95% CI: 22.4-45.6) and 100% (95% CI: 97.4-100), respectively. The optimal cut-off point was set at 100% according to the ROC analysis. Those animals with a higher level of Abs in their oral fluid attained a higher lesion score (p = 0.018). In fact, when taking into account only the setting of the animals with severe lesions (n = 16), the ELISA showed a Se of 75% (95% CI: 53.7-96.2). Results of the present study suggest that the P22 ELISA is highly specific but has a limited value detecting infected animals in oral fluid samples. Nevertheless, its performance is significantly higher in the presence of severe lesions.This study was funded by the Herramientas para alcanzar la erradicación de la tuberculosis caprina (GoaTBfree) project (PID2019-105155RB-C31) and the Spanish Government's Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. JO was supported by an FPU (Formación de Profesorado Universitario) contract-fellowship provided by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (FPU18/05197).S

    Anti-Doping Knowledge of Students Undertaking Bachelor’s Degrees in Sports Sciences in Spain

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    In Spain, students pursuing a career in athletic training, physical education, or scientific evaluation of sports enroll in a bachelor’s degree in sports sciences. This degree provides knowledge and skills in a broad array of sports settings and promotes research-based interdisciplinary knowledge. However, the student’s syllabus rarely includes specific academic training on anti-doping regulations or doping prevention. The purpose of this study was to assess the anti-doping knowledge of the students undertaking a bachelor’s degree in sports sciences in Spanish universities. One thousand two hundred and thirty-three bachelor students in sport science (907 males, 322 females, and 4 participants with non-binary sex) from 26 Spanish universities completed a validated questionnaire about general anti-doping knowledge. The questionnaire is an adapted version of the Play True Quiz of the World Anti-Doping Agency and contains 37 multiple-choice questions. The score obtained in the questionnaire was transformed into a 0–100-point scale. The questionnaire was distributed among students within each university by a faculty member and it was filled out online. Students obtained a score of 65.8 ± 10.10 points (range = 32–92 points). There was an effect of the course in the score obtained (p < 0.001). Students of the first course (63.6 ± 9.5 points) had lower scores than the remaining courses (p < 0.037) while the students of the fourth course obtained the highest scores (68.7 ± 9.5 points; p < 0.019). The students with an itinerary on sports performance were the respondents with the highest anti-doping knowledge (67.2 ± 10.2) points, followed by the students with an itinerary on health (66.7 ± 9.5 points). The knowledge of basic anti-doping rules and doping prevention strategies of the bachelor students in sports sciences in Spain was suboptimal. Increasing doping prevention information in the syllabus of the bachelor’s degree in sports sciences is essential as these future professionals will directly work with populations at risk of dopin