293 research outputs found

    Applying Recommendations to Align Competences, Methodology, and Assessment in Telematics, Computing, and Electronic Engineering Courses

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    The alignment between competences, teachinglearning methodologies, and assessment is a key element of European higher education. This paper presents the efforts carried out by six telematics, computer science and electronic engineering education teachers toward achieving this alignment in their subjects. In a joint work with pedagogues, a set of recommended actions are identified. A selection of these actions are applied and evaluated in the six subjects. The cross analysis of the results indicates that the actions allow students to better understand the methodologies and assessments planned for the subjects, facilitate (self-) regulation, and increase students’ involvement in the subjects

    Genetic Variability Assessment of a Diploid Pre-Breeding Asparagus Population Developed Using the Tetraploid Landrace ‘Morado de Huétor’

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    Different studies have reported a narrow genetic base for garden asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) due to its common origin, a diploid population (‘Purple Dutch’). The present study focused on the development of new diploid plant material that may be useful to widen the genetic base of the crop by using a tetraploid landrace ‘Morado de Huétor’ (A. officinalis × A. maritimus). With this purpose, a diploid pre-breeding population (n = 1000) carrying introgressions of ‘Morado de Huétor’ has been obtained. This new population derived from crosses under open pollination of a parental collection (n = 77) that was developed in a previous study. The parental collection derived from the first backcrossing using different diploid cultivated plants as a recurrent parent and ‘Morado de Huétor’ as a donor. The genetic diversity of the pre-breeding population was assessed using a set of EST-SSR markers (AG7, AG8, TC1, TC3, TC7, TC9) in a collection of plants (n = 57), which was randomly sampled in the pre-breeding population. The results were compared to previous data obtained from the parental collection, a set of current diploid asparagus cultivars and the landrace ‘Morado de Huétor’. The average of PICm (Polymorphic Information Content) values obtained in the pre-breeding population (0.75) resulted higher than the value obtained in the diploid cultivars (0.63) but lower than in ‘Morado de Huétor’ (0.83). Twenty-two alleles (52.4%) detected in the new diploid population were specific from ‘Morado de Huétor’. Principal Coordinate Analyses (PCoA) revealed that the new population had a genetic diversity distribution different from the current cultivars. This new population was also evaluated for different morpho-agronomic traits (earliness, stalk number, branching height and stalk thickness) for two years. Significant differences among plants (p < 0.001) were found for these five traits and, therefore, a genotype variation is suggested. As a result, 71 plants were selected to develop a breeding base population. The genetic variability of those selected plants was also analyzed and similar genetic variability to the pre-breeding population was obtained. The results obtained in this study show that this new population could be used to enlarge the genetic base of the current diploid asparagus cultivar

    QTL Analysis of Morpho-Agronomic Traits in Garden Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.)

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    In order to understand the genetic control of quantitative agronomic traits in garden asparagus, we performed a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis. A population (n = 167) derived from a cross between a female and male plants was evaluated for morpho-agronomic traits over three years. Interval mapping (IM) and restricted multiple QTL mapping (rMQM) analysis was applied, and 18 QTLs were detected. QTLs were located in two linkage groups (LG): 5 in LG5 and 13 in LG6. The physical position of markers of both groups was mapped onto the reference genome through BLAST analysis. LG5 and LG6 match with chromosome 1 (sex-determining chromosome) and chromosome 5, respectively. Haplotypes of both chromosomes of the heterozygous parent and their progeny were obtained, and a bin map was developed. Bins were used to map the QTLs on the reference genome and to perform the association analysis with the morpho-agronomic traits. Two major and stable QTLs over the years (R2 > 10%) for number of stalk and earliness were mapped in the end of chromosome 1 into a bin that spans 3.25 Mb and includes the sex-determination locus. In chromosome 5, some QTLs were located in the center of chromosome for the year 2016. Branching is tightly regulated by both internal factors (such as plant hormones) and external factors (such as light conditions). QTLs for branching height and earliness were detected in a bin that spans 4.96 Mb. Functional annotation of genes within the two bins revealed candidate genes with potential roles in SA and light signaling and photomorphogenesis pathways that may be involved in branching and/or tillering. This is the first study providing the identification of genomic regions associated with yield-related morpho-agronomic traits in asparagus

    Boris Angelo Cu-(Ag) deposit, Coastal Cordillera, Central Chile. Preliminary data

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    Este trabajo ha sido publicado en la revista Macla y es accesible en:http://www.ehu.eus/sem/macla_pdf/macla13/Macla13_083.pdfSe hace una descripción, con énfasis en la mineralogía del depósito de Cobre de Boris-Ángelo, situado en la Cordillera de la Costa.Departamento de Mineralogía y Petrología (Universidad de Granada)Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales (Universidad de Granada

    Geology and preliminary REE and trace elements geochemistry of Boris Ángelo Cu-(Ag) deposit, Central Chile

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    El capítulo de libro ha sido publicado en los “Proceedings of the eleventh biennial SGA meeting”Boris Ángelo Cu-(Ag) deposit, located inCentral Chilean CoastalCordillera, is included within JurassictoCretaceouscopper Chilean Manto type (CMT) deposits belt. Itis hosted by LowerCretaceousvolcanoclastic sequences of the Las Chilcas Formationand by Upper Cretaceous Paleocene small sub-volcanicbodies.Based in this geologicalcontext weconsider the Boris Ángelo deposit as one oftheyoungestdeposits fromCMT deposits belt. In thispaper wedescribe thebehaviour of REE and trace elements fromBoris Ángelo Cu-(Ag) depositand compare thisfeaturewith fresh host rockand with other copperdeposit-types.The Boris Ángelo geochemical signatures aresimilar to LasChilcas ( fresh hostrocks) samples, butwith a general depletionin all REE and trace elements.They also show great similarityin REE and trace element patterns withothers CMT depositsDepartamento de Mineralogía y Petrología (Universidad de Granada). Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales (Universidad de Granada). Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (Universidad de Granada- Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) Grupo de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía RNM-0131. Grupo de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía HUM 613. Minera Las Ceniza

    Eje 17. Estudios sociales del deporte

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    Este grupo se propone generar un intercambio entre investigadores en ciencias sociales que indaguen los fenómenos deportivos desde una perspectiva comunicacional/cultural. Esto habilita la puesta en común de problemas constitutivos del campo de los estudios sociales del deporte, desde la centralidad del deporte en la constitución de subjetividades en las sociedades contemporáneas, su conformación como género dominante de la cultura de masas, el análisis de narrativas mediáticas deportivas, la función ritual del deporte, el vínculo con las culturas populares o subalternas, su vinculación histórica con los procesos políticos, económicos y sociales, entre otros. En esta ocasión, de acuerdo a la propuesta del congreso, se intentará poner en diálogo los trabajos teniendo como eje articulador la relación entre el deporte, las políticas públicas y los procesos de creación, conquista y actualización de derechos.Eje 17. Estudios sociales del deporteFacultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social (FPyCS

    Short Form of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist-Youth Self-Report (PSC-17-Y): Spanish Validation Study

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    Background: The short form, 17-item version of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist-Youth Self-Report (PSC-17-Y) is a validated measure that assesses psychosocial problems overall (OVR) and in 3 major psychopathological domains (internalizing, externalizing, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), taking 5-10 min to complete. Prior research has established sound psychometric properties of the PSC-17-Y for English speakers. Objective: This study extends psychometric evidence for the acceptability of the PSC-17-Y in a large sample of Spanish adolescents, providing proof of its reliability and structure, convergent and discriminant validity, and longitudinal and gender invariance. Methods: Data were collected on 5430 adolescents, aged 12-18 years, who filled out the PSC-17-Y twice during 2018-2019 (7-month interval). We calculated the Cronbach alpha and the McDonald omega coefficients to test reliability, the Pearson correlation for convergent (distress) and criterion validity (well-being, quality of life, and socioemotional skills), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for structure validity, and multigroup and longitudinal measurement invariance analysis for longitudinal and gender stability. Results: Within structural analysis for the PSC-17-Y, CFA supported a correlated 3-factor solution, which was also invariant longitudinally and across gender. All 3 subscales showed evidence of reliability, with coefficients near or above .70. Moreover, scores of PSC-17-Y subscales were positively related with convergent measures and negatively related with criterion measures. Normative data for the PSC-17-Y are presented in the form of percentiles (75th and 90th). Conclusions: This work provides the first evidence of the reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the PSC-17-Y administered over the internet to assess mental health problems among adolescents, maintaining the same domains as the long version

    “Crecemos en democracia” un proyecto de aprendizaje y difusión con los archivos

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    “Crecemos en democracia” es una actividad didáctica transversal que ha conseguido unir a tres instituciones distintas: la Universidad de Alicante, Archivo Histórico Provincial de Alicante (AHPA) y el Colegio Público San Gabriel de esta misma ciudad. Asimismo esta transversalidad se ha visto incrementada porque dentro de la citada institución universitaria dos son los centros que intervienen en ella: la Facultad de Educación y la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras a un doble nivel: participación de profesorado y de alumnado de prácticas externas del Grado de Historia. El objetivo primordial ha sido generar un “aprendizaje en dominó” desde los docentes universitarios a nuestros estudiantes de grado; y éstos a su vez, a través de la asignatura de prácticas externas o prácticas de empresa destinados en el AHPA, han aprendido a aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos, generando recursos educativos destinados a la enseñanza de la Historia para el alumnado del tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Así pues, desde la docencia universitaria hemos generado un vínculo con los centros de Educación Primaria para el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de competencias vinculadas a la Historia y la Educación para la Ciudadanía, a partir de los medios materiales y documentales con los que cuentan los archivos. Tomando como hilo conductor algunos hitos electorales a lo largo de la Historia de España, se dan a conocer los mecanismos de funcionamiento de nuestra sociedad democrática, y al mismo tiempo mostrar el papel que en ella desempeñan las administraciones públicas, en este caso los archivos públicos, en la defensa y desarrollo de los derechos así como en la garantía de los servicios que ofrecen a los ciudadanos

    Effect of ambient temperature on fat oxidation during an incremental cycling exercise test.

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    Aim: The objective of this current research was to compare fat oxidation rates during an incremental cycling exercise test in a temperate vs. hot environment. Methods: Twelve healthy young participants were recruited for a randomised crossover experimental design. Each participant performed a VO2max test in a thermoneutral environment followed by two cycling ramp test trials, one in a temperate environment (18.3°C) and another in a hot environment (36.3°C). The ramp test consisted of 3-min stages of increasing intensity (+10% of VO2max) while gas exchange, heart rate and perceived exertion were measured. Results: During exercise, there was a main effect of the environment temperature on fat oxidation rate (F = 9.35, P = 0.014). The rate of fat oxidation was lower in the heat at 30% VO2max (0.42 ± 0.15 vs.0.37 ± 0.13 g/min; P = 0.042), 60% VO2max (0.37 ± 0.27 vs.0.23 ± 0.23 g/min; P = 0.018) and 70% VO2max (0.22 ± 0.26 vs.0.12 ± 0.26 g/min; P = 0.007). In addition, there was a tendency for a lower maximal fat oxidation rate in the heat (0.55 ± 0.2 vs.0.48 ± 0.2 g/min; P = 0.052) and it occurred at a lower exercise intensity (44 ± 14 vs.38% ± 8% VO2max; P = 0.004). The total amount of fat oxidised was lower in the heat (5.8 ± 2.6 vs 4.6 ± 2.8 g; P = 0.002). The ambient temperature also produced main effects on heart rate (F = 15.18, P = 0.005) and tympanic temperature (F = 25.23, P = 0.001) with no effect on energy expenditure (F = 0.01, P = 0.945). Conclusion: A hot environment notably reduced fat oxidation rates during a ramp exercise test. Exercising in the heat should not be recommended for those individuals seeking to increase fat oxidation during exercise.pre-print375 K

    La gestión escolar basada en el pensamiento complejo

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    This bibliographic review article was prepared with the aim of theoretically analyzing school management based on complex thinking. Its methodological approach was based on the complementarity of the analytical and synthetic methods, likewise, on the documentary analysis technique consisting of the systematic review of existing information in research papers and scientific articles. The information acquired was selected and organized, accessing the sources through six databases, among which google academic, dialnet, redalyc, scielo, uajournals and indetec are cited; In these databases, 15 indexed journals and 5 repositories of international and national universities were entered, published between 2017 and 2022. Research was carried out on school management based on the philosophy of complex thinking within the framework of current changes. in knowledge. It is concluded that developing a school management based on complex thinking multiple and valuable benefits are reported for student training, to promote the teacher's pedagogical practice and ensure quality management oriented to organizational development.El presente artículo de revisión bibliográfica se elaboró con el objetivo de analizar teóricamente la gestión escolar basada en el pensamiento complejo. Su abordaje metodológico se apoyó en la complementariedad de los métodos analítico y sintético, asimismo, en la técnica de análisis documental consistente en la revisión sistemática de información existente en trabajos de investigación y artículos científicos. La información adquirida, fue seleccionada y organizada, accediendo a las fuentes a través de seis bases de datos, dentro de las cuales se cita a google académico, dialnet, redalyc, scielo, uajournals e indetec; en dichas bases de datos, se ingresó a 15 revistas indexadas y a 5 repositorios de universidades internacionales y nacionales, publicadas entre los años 2017 y 2022. Se investigó sobre la gestión escolar con basamento en la filosofía del pensamiento complejo en el marco de los actuales cambios en el conocimiento. Se concluye que desarrollando una gestión escolar basada en el pensamiento complejo se reporta múltiples y valiosos beneficios para la formación del estudiante, para favorecer la práctica pedagógica del docente y asegurar una gestión de calidad orientada al desarrollo organizacional.&nbsp