2,811 research outputs found

    Evolución jurisprudencial de la consulta previa en materia de licencias ambientales

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    El presente artículo analiza el desarrollo de la evolución jurisprudencial con la que la Corte Constitucional se ha pronunciado en lo atinente a la Consulta Previa en licencias ambientales, observando con especial cuidado los alcances de dichas decisiones, si cumplen con las expectativas con las que la Corporación resolvió darles vida jurídica, en el tiempo específico en que las mismas se han dado y el futuro de la temática en el evento de que la pretendida Ley que la regule definitivamente, salga al universo jurídico nacional. Con la ayuda de una metodología analítica y el tipo de investigación exploratoria jurisprudencial, se analiza un periodo específico de estudio a través de las diferentes manifestaciones jurisprudenciales que se desprendieron e inspiraron a partir de un razonamiento jurídico primigenio, dando origen a la inauguración de esta importante discusión.Present investigation focuses in to analyze development of evolution jurisprudencial with that the Constitutional Court it has been pronounced in the atinente to the previous consultation in environmental licenses, observing with special taken care of reaches of this decisions, if they fulfill the expectations with which the corporation solved to give legal life them, in the specific time in which the same ones have occurred and the future of the thematic one in the event which the tried Law that regulates it definitively, leaves to the national legal universe. With the aid of an analytical methodology and the type of jurisprudencial exploratory investigation, it is tried to include a specific period of study through the different jurisprudenciales manifestations that they were given off and they inspired from a legal reasoning primigenio, giving origin to the inauguration of this important discussion

    The facility manager architect : the social responsability as an added value.

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    From the very first steps to execute a building, it is essential to analyze its life cycle. Similarly, we should consider the life cycle when projecting an urban intervention. Professionals of the Facility Management take part in construction projects, developing and managing DBFMO projects (Design, Build, Finance, Maintenance & Operate). Whatever the nature of the promoter is – private or public – promoters are leaders in projects of responsible management of spaces, whether these are work spaces, leisure spaces or residential spaces. They know and identify with the company and its performance, its values and its needs. These professionals give sustainable solutions in the life cycle of buildings (offices and housing), new ways to work and initiatives of innovations linked to current social changes: technology, social networks, and new habits. Concepts where innovation is essential should consider responsible values. Social, economic and sustainable aspects have to associate with the management performed by a Facilities Manager when considering the three groups of stakeholders with which it is linked: economic (shareholders), contractual (users), non-contractual (neighborhoods, organizations, etc.). Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, at the beginning of his book "The Ten Books on Architecture" describes and argues how the distribution in buildings must always adapt to their inhabitants. Let us build cities and buildings with responsible criteria, bearing in mind all its users and the needs of each one of them. Not to mention the need to adapt to future requirements with minimum cost and maximum profitability. These needs, under responsible management, are competencies developed by a Facilities Manager in his day to day. He cares and takes over the entire life cycle of buildings and their surroundings. This work is part of the PhD project whose main aim is to study the added value to the architectural profession when social responsibility criteria are applied in his/her role as Facility Manager

    People and Facility Management. The team: the main asset of any management

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    From the moment we enter a large office building until we leave it, we receive a lot of attentions served by the management of services to the user. However, it is usually quite inappreciable the work that is being developed to keep things running smoothly.The services provided in a building are carried out by people. However, we often tend to forget these people when we talk about the tasks that make that a building operates properly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.But, for example, what would happen if one day the service provided by the reception in a large building did not function as it should? What would it be like if one day the person performing the service of maintenance of the building's cleaning were not at his post? How would the working day develop if there were not a correct air handling system?People are the foundation of the proper functioning of a building. The work of the Facilities Manager and the Facility Management is the management of their functions: the responsible management of the team

    People, management and social responsability. The team: the main asset of any management

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    People, management and social responsability. The team: the main asset of any management. En colaboración con Dña. Montserrat Castellanos Moreno. Profesora Asociada de la Universidad Europea. Journal of Management and Marketing. Thomson Reuters. Zilina. Slovaki

    El rol de los est?ndares para matem?ticas en el discurso de profesores de primaria : una visi?n sobre el desarrollo del pensamiento algebraico

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    163 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoLa asignatura de matem?ticas siempre ha tenido un lugar privilegiado en la educaci?n, pero otras como el ?lgebra han adquirido importancia s?lo en los grados de la secundaria porque se ha cometido el error de creer que los ni?os en la escuela primaria no pueden comprender los procesos algebraicos. Sin embargo, desde hace algunos a?os, investigadores y matem?ticos a nivel internacional han trabajado sobre el tema y han demostrado que el desarrollo del pensamiento algebraico desde edades tempranas tiene grandes beneficios para el estudiante, pues le permite desarrollar capacidades y lo prepara para que m?s adelante enfrente tem?ticas complejas no s?lo en esta asignatura sino en diferentes campos y tambi?n en su vida. En esta investigaci?n se hizo un an?lisis acerca de los elementos que hacen parte del Discurso Matem?tico Escolar en cuanto al desarrollo del Pensamiento Algebraico en profesores que ense?an matem?ticas en primaria. Para este proceso se tuvieron en cuenta documentos que contienen los par?metros estandarizados para el ?rea de Matem?tica tanto a nivel internacional de la NCTM (Est?ndares de contenido para matem?ticas en Estados Unidos) como a nivel nacional del MEN. La base conceptual de este trabajo se desarroll? a trav?s de tres categor?as: Los Est?ndares de Competencia, el Pensamiento Algebraico y el Discurso Matem?tico Escolar. Para el trabajo de campo se cont? con la colaboraci?n de cuatro docentes de dos instituciones educativas de car?cter p?blico, quienes compartieron los documentos que gu?an su pr?ctica, sus experiencias, su metodolog?a y estrategias al momento de planear sus clases. La informaci?n suministrada fue analizada y permiti? concluir que los docentes conocen los est?ndares a nivel nacional, pero en cuanto al Pensamiento Algebraico poco se desarrolla porque no se le da la importancia que ?ste requiere y en ocasiones se trabaja de forma impl?cita sin un prop?sito claro.ABSTRACT. Mathematics has always had a special place in education, but others like algebra have gained prominence only in the secondary grades because they have made the mistake of believing that children in elementary school cannot understand the algebraic processes. However, in recent years , international researchers and mathematicians have worked on the subject and have shown that the development of algebraic thinking from an early age has great benefits for the student , allowing him to develop skills and prepares him to face, later, complex issues not only in this course but in different fields and also in his life. In this research, an analysis of the elements that are part of the School Mathematical Discourse in the development of Algebraic Thinking in teachers teaching mathematics in primary school was made. This process took into account documents that contain standardized parameters for the subject of Mathematics at international and national level (NCTM, MEN). The conceptual basis of this work was developed through three categories: Competency Standards, the Algebraic Thinking and School Mathematical Discourse. The field work included the collaboration of four teachers from two educational institutions of a public nature, who shared the documents that guide their practice, their experiences, their methodology and strategies when planning their lessons. The information provided was analyzed and led to the conclusion that teachers know the standards at the national level, but as to Algebraic Thinking little develops because it is not given the importance it requires and sometimes it works implicitly without any clear purpose.INTRODUCCI?N 13 1 DEFINICION DEL PROBLEMA 15 1.1 ANTECEDENTES 15 1.2 FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 21 1.3 CONTEXTO Y POBLACI?N 22 1.4 JUSTIFICACI?N 23 1.5 OBJETIVOS 24 1.5.1 Objetivo general 24 1.5.2 Objetivos espec?ficos 24 1.6 ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES 25 2 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 27 2.1 ESTANDARES B?SICOS DE COMPETENCIA 27 2.2 PENSAMIENTO ALGEBRAICO 29 2.2.1 Recorrido del algebra 30 Presencia del pensamiento algebraico (PA) en los conocimientos b?sicos 33 Presencia del pensamiento algebraico en los procesos generales 36 2.2.2 Elementos del pensamiento algebraico 46 An?lisis de relaciones entre cantidades 46 Reconocimiento de estructuras 47 Estudio del cambio 49 La prueba 50 La generalizaci?n 51 La predicci?n 51 2.2.3 De un elemento a otro 53 2.3 DISCURSO MATEM?TICO ESCOLAR 55 3 M?TODO Y AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 60 3.1 M?TODO 60 3.2 AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 61 3.2.1 Encuesta de concepciones 62 Coherencia entre el perfil de formaci?n profesional y las ?reas que orienta en el aula de clase 62 Papel que ocupan los Est?ndares B?sicos de Competencia en la Pr?ctica Pedag?gica 65 Presencia del Pensamiento Algebraico en el ?rea de Matem?ticas 67 Elementos del Discurso Matem?tico Escolar que favorecen el desarrollo del Pensamiento Algebraico 68 3.2.2 An?lisis Documental 69 Plan de ?rea 70 El texto de trabajo 80 3.2.3 An?lisis de la planeaci?n de una clase. 85 Documentos a los que se remite el docente en el momento de planear 87 Lugar que ocupan los est?ndares b?sicos de competencia en la planeaci?n 89 Presencia del pensamiento algebraico en la clase planeada. 90 Herramientas y elementos propios del discurso matem?tico escolar 94 4 CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES 97 4.1 CONCLUSIONES 97 4.2 RECOMENDACIONES 100 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRAFICAS 10

    Matriz de coeficientes para la ecuación diferencial de Chauchy-Euler

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    In this article application and advance is given to the method that allows to find in a simple way the constant coefficients that are required in the solution of a differential equation with the structure of Cauchy-Euler, presented and made known in [1]. Here we will see the construction form of the characteristic polynomials, using the aforementioned method as a basis; with a series of equations, matrices and novel methods to solve this type of ODEs and, above all, very practical for the equation of a much higher order. The idea is to present a structure or methodology in matrix form that allows to solve in a practical way differential equation of higher order with Cauchy-Euler structure.En este artículo, se muestra una aplicación y avance al método que permite encontrar de manera simple los coeficientes constantes que se requieren en la solución de una ecuación diferencial con la estructura de Cauchy-Euler, presentada y dada a conocer en [1]. Aquí veremos la forma de construcción de los polinomios característicos, utilizando el método mencionado anteriormente como base; con una serie de ecuaciones, matrices y métodos novedosos para resolver este tipo de EDO y, sobre todo, muy prácticas para la solución de la ecuación de orden superior. La idea es presentar una estructura o metodología en forma matricial que permita resolver de manera práctica la ecuación diferencial de orden superior con la estructura de Cauchy-Euler

    Bien jurídico protegido y tipicidad en el delito de blanqueo de capitales

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    The traditional forms of criminal conduct, which were essentially related to offences against individual interests, have given way in recent decades to new, more complex forms of criminal activity whose main objective is to obtain high economic benefits through more developed organised criminal structures that in many instances cross state borders. To effectively exploit the economic returns obtained through unlawful conduct, it is necessary to remove from them any trace of illicit origin and make them appear legitimate in order to covertly introduce them into the legitimate economic circuit. It can be said that the introduction of the proceeds of unlawful activities into the legitimate economic system is the culmination of the criminal plan of economic crime. It has been established that one of the most efficient strategies to combat economic crime is to deprive the perpetrators of the high profits obtained from their criminal activities. The fight against money laundering thus constitutes an efficient means to deter and eradicate these new forms of criminal conduct on a large scale. In the same way that the economy has become more globalised in recent decades, the phenomenon of money laundering has also seen a growing tendency towards internationalization. This has been clearly recognised by the international community who has responded with supranational measures to deal with this type of offence in a comprehensive manner, creating specialist entities and drafting increasingly more severe regulations on the subject of money laundering. The Spanish legislator has also progressively implemented more and more stringent legislation, which in the criminal field has resulted in a gradual broadening of the scope of the money laundering offence, thus setting a paradigmatic example of a process that SILVA SÁNCHEZ has described as “the expansion of criminal law”..

    Prion crystalization model and its application to recognition pattern

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    This paper introduces APA (?Artificial Prion Assembly?): a pattern recognition system based on artificial prion crystalization. Specifically, the system exhibits the capability to classify patterns according to the resulting prion self- assembly simulated with cellular automata. Our approach is inspired in the biological process of proteins aggregation, known as prions, which are assembled as amyloid fibers related with neurodegenerative disorders

    Implementación de un sistema de Huerta Orgánica con jóvenes de la Fundación Baudilio Acero del municipio de Sogamoso Boyacá.

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    Este proyecto se desarrolló en el departamento de Boyacá, municipio de Sogamoso, específicamente en la Fundación Baudilio Acero; con la participación de 25 jóvenes vinculados a esta fundación. La finalidad del proyecto fue la implementación de una huerta basada en producción orgánica para los jóvenes de la fundación Baudilio Acero, donde se produjo hortalizas y verduras orgánicas a bajo costo, gracias al uso de recursos como el terreno, agua, mano de obra y residuos orgánicos con que cuenta la fundación y que finalmente se constituyeron en la materia prima de insumos necesarios en la producción de hortalizas. Es así como a través de estas actividades se fortalece el desarrollo integral de los jóvenes de la fundación que presentan condiciones de maltrato, desplazamiento forzado y vulneración de sus derechos, por ello se propone la articulación de esta estrategia al objeto institucional de la fundación. En el proyecto se implementó capacitación entorno a la producción orgánica de hortalizas, adecuación de huertas y aprovechamiento de la cosecha todo basado en la implementación de la huerta, la cosecha y aprovechamiento de la misma, todo basado en el buen uso de los recursos y el fomento de la agricultura orgánica, por lo que al final del proceso se evidenció que se contribuyó a la formación integral de los jóvenes y se reflejó la capacidad para realizar acciones mancomunadas, de forma natural, económica produciendo alimentos sanos, manteniendo una autosuficiencia y dando valor a los elementos disponibles en el entorno.This project was developed in the department of Boyacá, municipality of Sogamoso, specifically in the Baudilio Acero Foundation; with the participation of 25 young people linked to this foundation. The purpose of the project was the implementation of a garden based on organic production for the young people of the Baudilio Acero foundation, where Low-cost organic vegetables and greens, thanks to the use of resources such as land, water, labor and organic waste that the foundation has and that finally became the raw material for the necessary inputs in the production of vegetables. This is how, through these activities, the integral development of the youth of the foundation who present conditions of abuse, forced displacement and violation of their rights is strengthened, for this reason it is proposed to articulate this strategy to the institutional purpose of the foundation. In the project, training was implemented around the organic production of vegetables, adaptation of orchards and use of the harvest, all based on the implementation of the garden, the harvest and use of it, all based on the good use of resources and promotion of organic agriculture, so at the end of the process it was evidenced that it contributed to the comprehensive training of young people and reflected the ability to carry out joint actions, naturally, economically, producing healthy food, maintaining self-sufficiency and adding value to the elements available in the environmen