88 research outputs found

    August Pi i Sunyer (1879-1965) : una figura a recuperar para la historia de la escuela psicológica de Barcelona

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    El desarrollo histórico de la escuela psicológica de Barcelona se inicia con la labor de investigación científica llevada a cabo por Ramón Turró -considerado el padre de la psicología experimental catalana- y se extiende hasta la obra de personajes de la relevancia de Emilio Mira i López -artífice de la consolidación de la psicología aplicada en España. Justo en el centro de esta línea evolutiva, se sitúa la figura de August Pi i Sunyer. Discípulo y colaborador de R. Turró, se convierte, al mismo tiempo, en maestro inspirador de E. Mira. En el presente artículo se muestran las coordenadas biográficas, así como las claves teóricas, que nos permiten ubicar a August Pi i Sunyer en el entramado del surgimiento de la psicología experimental catalana, a través de su implicación en la escuela psicológica de BarcelonaThe historical development of the psychological school of Barcelona begins with the scientific research conducted by Ramon Turro -considered the father of Catalan experimental psychology- and extends to the work of leading figures such as Emilio Mira i Lopez -architect of the consolidation of applied psychology in Spain. Right in the middle of this evolutionary line, is located the figure of August Pi i Sunyer. Disciple and collaborator of R. Turro, becomes, at the same time, in inspiring master of E. Mira. This article shows the biographical coordinates, as well as the theoretical keys, that allow us to situate August Pi i Sunyer in the framework of the emergence of catalane experimental psychology, through their involvement in psychological school of Barcelona

    Patrimonio arquitectónico de abastecimiento de agua en Madrid, símbolo de modernidad para una nación.

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    [ES] La conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico, se asocia generalmente con la recuperación de edificaciones monumentales destinadas a lo largo de la historia para un uso meramente residencial o institucional. Esta desdibujada realidad, descompensa de manera notoria los infinitos esfuerzos que llevan a cabo profesionales de muy diferentes ámbitos para lograr recuperar y poner en valor la grandísima concentración de edificaciones históricas que presenta un país como España. Entre esta gran recopilación, nos encontramos medio oculto el patrimonio arquitectónico más ignorado de todos los existentes en nuestras ciudades hoy en día: la arquitectura civil e industrial. Las ciudades europeas son reconocidas gracias a sus castillos e iglesias medievales, pero sin la arquitectura civil e industrial ninguna habría llegado a ser lo que son ahora. Edificaciones que proveyeron a nuestros antepasados de las instalaciones necesarias para sobrevivir y poder asentar los cimientos de una sociedad desarrollada. En concreto, la arquitectura industrial que nos atañe en este trabajo es la hidráulica, la que hizo posible que nuestras ciudades tuvieran agua potable en un momento donde empezaba a escasear y donde las enfermedades diezmaban a la población. Este tipo de patrimonio arquitectónico es prueba de nuestro pasado, de nuestra cultura y en definitiva de nuestra identidad. Es por esto que se le debe dar el protagonismo que merece y se debe dar a conocer a todos esos vecinos de los barrios que viven sin ser conscientes de que este tipo de edificaciones (normalmente abandonadas) son parte de su historia. En esa historia, entra en juego el estudio que se intenta llevar a cabo con este trabajo. La historia y redescubrimiento del primer depósito de agua de Madrid.[EN] The conservation of the architectural heritage is generally associated with the recovery of monumental buildings destined throughout history for a merely residential or institutional use. This blurred reality notoriously unbalances the infinite efforts made by professionals from very different fields to recover and value the huge concentration of historical buildings that a country like Spain presents. Among this great compilation, we find half hidden the most ignored architectural heritage of all those existing in our cities today: civil and industrial architecture. European cities are renowned for their medieval castles and churches, but without civil and industrial architecture none would have become what they are today. Buildings that provided our ancestors with the necessary facilities to survive and lay the foundations of a developed society. Specifically, the industrial architecture that concerns us in this work is hydraulic, which made it possible for our cities to have drinking water at a time when it was becoming scarce and where diseases were decimating the population. This type of architectural heritage is proof of our past, our culture and ultimately our identity. This is why it should be given the prominence it deserves and should be made known to all those neighborhood residents who live without being aware that this type of building (usually abandoned) is part of its history. In this story, the study that is intended to be carried out with this work comes into play. The history and rediscovery of the first water tank in Madrid.Sáiz Moreno, Ó. (2021). Patrimonio arquitectónico de abastecimiento de agua en Madrid, símbolo de modernidad para una nación. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/16736

    A Recursive Park Transformation to Improve the Performance of Synchronous Reference Frame Controllers in Shunt Active Power Filters

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    Load harmonic currents and load unbalances reduce power quality (PQ) supplied by electrical networks. Shunt active power filters (SAPFs) are a well-known solution that can be employed to enhance electrical PQ by injecting a compensation current at the point of common coupling (PCC) of the SAPF, the load, and the electrical grid. Hence, SAPF controllers must determine the instantaneous values of the compensation reference current, including nondesirable components of the load current. A family of SAPF controllers, which evaluates the compensation reference current using synchronous rotating frames (SRFs), employs a structure based on Park transformations: direct transform, low- pass filtering (LPF), and inverse transform. The cutoff frequency and the filter order of the LPF stage must be designed properly in order to obtain an accurate reference current and a fast dynamic response of these SAPF controllers. This paper proposes a recursive implementation of the direct Park transformation that avoids the filtering stage and allows accurate SRF controllers to be designed. Moreover, the proposed implementation is not dependent on PCC conditions. The proposed implementation is evaluated using a three-phase, three-wire SAPF and compared with LPF-based controllers by simulation and experiment

    Soñando en música: musicoterapia durante el embarazo.

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    La musicoterapia es un cuidado enfermero cada vez con más relevancia en el entorno sanitario. En el trabajo que se presenta a continuación se realiza una breve revisión bibliográfica sobre la musicoterapia y enfermería, centrándonos en su aplicación a mujeres embarazadas. Esta técnica se conoce como musicoterapia focal obstétrica (MTFO) y tiene grandes beneficios demostrados, tanto para la madre como para el feto. El objetivo principal del programa es enseñar técnicas de musicoterapia a mujeres embarazadas de segundo y tercer trimestre. Metodológicamente se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en la que se emplearon las principales bases de datos. De estas se extrajo la información necesaria para realizar el posterior programa de salud. Para el desarrollo se realizaron cinco sesiones teórico-prácticas. La primera, a modo de introducción, pretende acercar a las pacientes el concepto de musicoterapia, sus usos, beneficios, y falsos mitos. Posteriormente se seleccionaron cuatro actividades de musicoterapia focal obstétrica: relajación musical guiada, visualización creativa, estimulación prenatal y baño sonoro. Estas actividades se presentan como sesiones teóricoprácticas en las que, progresivamente, se va introduciendo a las pacientes en las diferentes actividades de musicoterapia y sus técnicas, de manera que al final de la sesión tengan recursos suficientes como para realizarlas en el hogar. La puesta en marcha del programa educativo nos ha permitido potenciar mediante la experiencia la capacidad docente de la enfermera. Además, las sesiones impartidas han resultado útiles para dar a conocer la musicoterapia y conseguir que las pacientes la empleen como método de autocuidado en el hogar

    Basketball retirement : process and outcomes

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    Retirement from a sport career represents a turning point in the life of a sportsman. The aim of this study was to determine how the process of withdrawal of professional basketball players and the factors that influence it. Using a qualitative methodology, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 6 professional players focusing on their experiences during the process. Analysis of the interviews revealed the need to treat this process from a multidimensional perspective, as several factors interact. The results obtained show that the players assign great importance to the economic, academic and adjustment difficulties. Consequently, we discuss the need for specific assistance programs for these athletes, regardless of their previous professional level

    Performance Evaluation of Active Islanding-Detection Algorithms in Distributed-Generation Photovoltaic Systems: Two Inverters Case

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    Grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) inverters employ an islanding-detection functionality in order to determine the status of the electrical grid. In fact, the inverter must be stopped once the islanding operating mode is detected according to standards and grid-code limits. Diverse islanding-detection algorithms have been proposed in literature to cope with this safety requirement. Among them, active methods based on the deliberate perturbation of the inverter behavior can minimize the so-called nondetection zone, which is a range of conditions in which the inverter does not recognize that it is operating in an undesired island. In most cases, the performances of these methods have been analyzed considering a highly dispersed generation scheme, where only one distributed-generation power system is connected to the local electrical power system (EPS). However, in some studies, it has been highlighted that if two or more PV inverters are connected to the same local EPS, their anti-islanding algorithms do not behave ideally and can fail in detecting the islanding condition. However, there is no systematic study that has investigated the overall capability of different anti-islanding methods employed on several inverters connected to the same EPS to detect islanding condition. This paper is a first attempt to carry out a systematic study of the performances of the most common active detection methods in a case of two inverters connected to the same EPS. In order to evaluate the global capability of the two systems to detect islanding condition, a new performance index is introduced and applied also to the case when the two inverters employ different anti-islanding algorithms

    Wavelet-based Islanding Detection in Grid-Connected PV Systems

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    Distributed Power Generation Systems (DPGS) based on inverters require reliable islanding detection algorithms (passive or active) in order to determine the electrical grid status and operate the grid connected inverter properly. These methods are based on the analysis of the DPGS voltage, current and power in time or frequency domain. This paper proposes a time-frequency detection algorithm based on monitoring the DPGS output power considering the influence of the PWM, the output LCL filter and of the employed current controller. Wavelet analysis is applied to obtain time localization of the islanding condition. Simulation and experimental results show the performance of the proposed detection algorithm also in comparison with existing methods

    Validation of a Scale of Student Satisfaction with Final Year Degree Projects

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    Introducción. Este artículo analiza un aspecto referencial en las enseñanzas en el marco de la Educación Superior como es el de la satisfacción de los estudiantes con la realización de los trabajos de fin de titulación (TFT). Método. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal durante tres cursos académicos sobre la satisfac-ción de los estudiantes con los TFT. Se trabajó con una muestra de 1331 estudiantes, 1014 de grado y 317 de máster distribuidos en 30 grados y 23 másteres. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron 1) Hallar los indicadores de fiabilidad y de validez de la Escala de satisfacción, 2) Comprobar si existían diferencias significativas atendiendo a las variables el tipo de estudios y tipo de rama de conocimiento, 3) Estudiar las propuestas de mejora sugeridas por los estu-diantes. Resultados. Respecto del primer objetivo se encontraron indicadores de fiabilidad altos (α = .88; α = .90) y de validez que se comprobaron con un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC). Respecto del segundo objetivo, se hallaron diferencias significativas en la satisfacción de los estudiantes en las dos variables en todos los ítems de la Escala, salvo en la satisfacción gene-ral. Relativo al tercer objetivo, las indicaciones de mejora se concretaron en optimizar la pla-nificación y la tutorización. Discusión y conclusiones. Futuras acciones formativas se concretan en un plan de formación del profesorado que contemple las acciones de mejora detectadas, así como su seguimiento en una propuesta de mejora continua.Introduction. This paper analyzes a referential aspect into the Higher Education framework as well as the students´ satisfaction with the final degree projects (FDP). Method. Therefore, a longitudinal study has been carried out during three academic years on the satisfaction of students with FDP. We have worked with 1331 students, 1014 of degree and 317 of masters distributed in 30 degrees and 23 masters. The aims of this study were: 1) Find the reliability and validity indicators of the satisfaction Scale, 2) Check if there were significant differences depending on the variables the type of studies (degree or master's de-gree) and the type of branch of knowledge, 3) Study the student improvement proposals. Results. Regarding the first objective, high reliability indicators and high validity were found (α = .87; α = .90) that were checked with a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). In relation to the second objective, significant differences were found in the satisfaction of the students depending on the degree (degree vs. masters) and the branch of knowledge in all the items of the scale, except for general satisfaction. With respect to the third objective, the indications for improvement were summarized in optimizing the planning and the tutorship. Discussion or Conclusion. So future training actions will be specified in teacher training plan that to improvement actions, as well as its follow-up in a proposal for continuous improve-ment.Ayudas a la traducción y difusión del Vicerrecto-rado de Personal Docente e investigador de la Universidad de Burgos 2018

    Revisión histórica del concepto de inteligencia: una aproximación a la inteligencia emocional

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    Se presenta una revisión histórica de la forma como ha evolucionado el concepto de inteligencia desde los inicios de la psicología científica hasta finales del siglo XX. El objetivo es investigar los componentes esenciales que comprende la inteligencia emocional. Concluimos que desde una perspectiva psicométrica, biologicista e innatista se ha llegado a una conceptualización de la inteligencia emocional, como algo que aúna no sólo el mundo intelectual sino también el mundo afectivo propio del ser humano y que tiene en cuenta la dificultad de su medición, su interacción con el contexto social y su plasticidad.A historical review of the conceptualization of intelligence is presented, from the beginning of scientific psychology up to the end of the XXth century. Emphasis is placed on the most recent period. The psychometric, biological and innatist perspectives are seen in a different light in contemporary research. The present conceptualization of emotional intelligence includes not only the cognitive world but also the emotions and the social context and its plasticity.Psicologí

    Effects of different types of rubric-based feedback on learning outcomes

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    Nowadays in higher education, the teaching procedures that lead to better learning outcomes (LO) require continuous analysis. Rubrics such as teaching feedback procedures have demonstrated their effectiveness at heightening the reflection of university students on their own practice. The aims were (1) to study the effects of different types of rubric-based feedback [from process-oriented feedback to traditional feedback] on LO and on student perceptions of subject matter knowledge (SPKI) after training in a comparison between students in engineering and students in the social sciences; (2) to analyze the relation between metacognitive skills and motivation with LO and SPKI; and (3) to validate the results with structural equation modeling (SEM). The study comprised a total of 171 university students (n = 80 from the mechanical engineering degree and n = 91 from social sciences degree). A quasi-experimental design with a control group was used to test aim 1 and a descriptive correlational design to test aim 2. SEM was applied to validate the results (aim 3). Significant differences were found between both types of rubric-based feedback (process-oriented v. traditional) in relation to LO, though not in relation to SPKI. The effects of the degree type were noted in LO but no in SPKI. Likewise, a relation between SPKI and motivation skills was found in engineering students. Accordingly, the type of degree and the characteristics of the subject modules appear to be determining factors in successful learning, while SPKI is directly linked to motivation skills. The SEM results validated these conclusions