437 research outputs found

    TheArcheological site of Los Hitos in Arisgotas (Orgaz-Toledo).

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    La consideración de los restos arquitectónicos hallados en este yacimiento como posible establecimiento monástico de época visigótica nos conduce a la reflexión en torno a los argumentos utilizados para la identificación de este tipo de complejos edilicios en el paso de laAntigüedad Tardía a la Alta Edad Media. Fruto de una coyuntura historiográfica determinada, pretendemos poner de relieve las dudas que se ciernen sobre estas interpretaciones. Tras un pormenorizado análisis de los valores histórico-arqueológicos que rodean el edificio en cuestión, su inserción dentro de un contexto geográfico, social y cultural más amplio y la revisión de los resultados obtenidos tras su excavación, podemos concluir que los argumentos esgrimidos son, en nuestra opinión, insuficientes para su definitiva consideración como cenobio construido a lo largo del siglo VII.This archaeological deposit was considered as a monastic establishment of the Visigothic period by the historiography. The weak arguments used in that sense take us to think about the way to identify those monasteries built between the Late Antique and the Early Middle Ages. Along this article we will try to examine the relationships between those arguments andthe recent periodlivedby our historiography around the research of the Visigothic art and architecture. After our study we are ready to enunciate the doubts about the identification of this archaeological place as a cenobitic complex


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    La batalla de Guadalete, lejos de sepultar la memoria del reino visigodo, supuso el comienzo de su mitificación. Desde entonces hasta nuestros días, linajes reales, obispos y políticos de variada ideología se han apropiado de la memoria de este pueblo para defender sus derechos y construir la identidad española. Un puñado de fuentes escritas y casi el total desconocimiento de su cultura material fueron suficientes para sentenciar que con ellos surgió la «nación más antigua de Europa» fundamentada en la defensa de la fe católica y la lucha contra la herejía. Se abusó de las fuentes escritas y materiales con la intención de exponer la construcción mítica del relato histórico que, todavía en nuestros días, constituye un objeto de discusión política y, en no pocas ocasiones, también un obstáculo para el avance del conocimiento científico

    Arqueología de la Arquitectura. Una visión conciliadora desde la Historia del Arte

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    This paper starts with the discussion, partially already published in this journal, between the Archaeology of Architecture and the Art History. Taking that as basis, this work goes deeply into the relationship between these two fields by emphasizing both their common points and methodological differences. After analyzing critically the updated historiography and those different approaches applied by the Art History when studying the historical architecture, some ways of effective collaboration are shown.El artículo arranca de la discusión entre Arqueología de la Arquitectura e Historia del Arte escenificada parcialmente en las páginas de esta revista. A partir de ahí se profundiza en las relaciones entre ambas disciplinas poniendo de relieve puntos comunes así como divergencias metodológicas. Tras analizar de forma crítica el grado de actualización historiográfica y los diferentes enfoques utilizados por la Historia del Arte en su estudio de la arquitectura histórica se ofrecen caminos que conducen a la colaboración efectiva

    Secuencia constructiva de la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Campanario en Almazán (Soria). Datos para la interpretación de sus estructuras románicas

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    This paper shows the main results of the archaeological analysis of a temple which, small though, has caused a moderate interest within the studies on the Romanesque in Soria. The sequence, which lasts until today, offers interesting data regarding a possible fortification process in the medieval period and the obstacles to close it up definitely. The archaeological data along with the written references have made possible besides to record others deep transformations that took place in the Modern Age.Se exponen los principales resultados obtenidos tras la lectura estratigráfica de un templo que, pese a su escala, ha suscitado un moderado interés en los estudios del románico soriano. La secuencia, que se prolonga hasta nuestros días, arroja interesantes datos acerca de un posible proceso de fortificación en época medieval así como sobre las dificultades experimentadas para su cierre definitivo. La imbricación de los datos arqueológicos con las referencias escritas conservadas nos ha permitido, además, documentar las intensas remodelaciones de la fábrica en la edad Moderna

    Ultraefficient Coupling of a Quantum Emitter to the Tunable Guided Plasmons of a Carbon Nanotube

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    We show that a single quantum emitter can efficiently couple to the tunable plasmons of a highly doped single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT). Plasmons in these quasi-one-dimensional carbon structures exhibit deep subwavelength confinement that pushes the coupling efficiency close to 100% over a very broad spectral range. This phenomenon takes place for distances and tube diameters comprising the nanometer and micrometer scales. In particular, we find a β factor ≈1 for QEs placed 1–100 nm away from SWCNTs that are just a few nanometers in diameter, while the corresponding Purcell factor exceeds 106.Postprint (published version

    Neurocognitive Function in Acromegaly after Surgical Resection of GH-Secreting Adenoma versus Naïve Acromegaly

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    Patients with active untreated acromegaly show mild to moderate neurocognitive disorders that are associated to chronic exposure to growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) hypersecretion. However, it is unknown whether these disorders improve after controlling GH/IGF-I hypersecretion. The aim of this study was to compare neurocognitive functions of patients who successfully underwent GH-secreting adenoma transsphenoidal surgery (cured patients) with patients with naive acromegaly. In addition, we wanted to determine the impact of different clinical and biochemical variables on neurocognitive status in patients with active disease and after long-term cure. A battery of six standardized neuropsychological tests assessed attention, memory and executive functioning. In addition, a quantitative electroencephalography with Low-Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) solution was performed to obtain information about the neurophysiological state of the patients. Neurocognitive data was compared to that of a healthy control group. Multiple linear regression analysis was also conducted using clinical and hormonal parameters to obtain a set of independent predictors of neurocognitive state before and after cure. Both groups of patients scored significantly poorer than the healthy controls on memory tests, especially those assessing visual and verbal recall. Patients with cured acromegaly did not obtain better cognitive measures than naïve patients. Furthermore memory deficits were associated with decreased beta activity in left medial temporal cortex in both groups of patients. Regression analysis showed longer duration of untreated acromegaly was associated with more severe neurocognitive complications, regardless of the diagnostic group, whereas GH levels at the time of assessment was related to neurocognitive outcome only in naïve patients. Longer duration of post-operative biochemical remission of acromegaly was associated with better neurocognitive state. Overall, this data suggests that the effects of chronic exposure to GH/IGF-I hypersecretion could have long-term effects on brain functions. © 2013 Martín-Rodríguez et al.Funding for this project was provided by an R&D grant from Novartis Oncology and the Plan Andaluz de Investigación (CTS-444). DAC was supported by the “Ramón y Cajal” program (RYC-2006-001071) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer Reviewe

    Gain-assisted extraordinary optical transmission through periodic arrays of subwavelength apertures

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    We theoretically investigate the amplification of extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) phenomena in periodic arrays of subwavelength apertures incorporating gain media. In particular, we consider a realistic structure consisting of an opaque silver film perforated by a periodic array of slits and clad on each side by an optically pumped dielectric thin film containing rhodamine dye molecules. By solving the semiclassical electronic rate equations coupled to rigorous finite-element simulations of the electromagnetic fields, we show how the resonant electric-field enhancement associated with EOT properties enables complete ohmic loss compensation at moderate pump intensity levels. Furthermore, our calculations show that, as a consequence of the strong spatial hole-burning effects displayed by the considered structures, three separate regimes of operation arise: the system can behave as an absorber, an optical amplifier or a laser, depending on the value of the pump intensity. A discussion on the feasibility of reaching the lasing regime in the considered class of structures is also presentedThis work was sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the projects MAT2009-06609-C02 and CSD2007-046-NanoLight and by the Ramón y Cajal program (grant no. RyC-2009-05489

    Transposase interaction with the β sliding clamp: Effects on insertion sequence proliferation and transposition rate

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    Insertion sequences (ISs) are ubiquitous and abundant mobile genetic elements in prokaryotic genomes. ISs often encode only one protein, the transposase, which catalyzes their transposition. Recent studies have shown that transposases of many different IS families interact with the β sliding clamp, a DNA replication factor of the host. However, it was unclear to what extent this interaction limits or favors the ability of ISs to colonize a chromosome from a phylogenetically-distant organism, or if the strength of this interaction affects the transposition rate. Here we describe the proliferation of a member of the IS1634 family in Acidiphilium over ~600 generations of cultured growth. We demonstrate that the purified transposase binds to the β sliding clamp of Acidiphilium, Leptospirillum and E. coli. Further, we also demonstrate that the Acidiphilium IS1634 transposase binds to the archaeal sliding clamp (PCNA) from Methanosarcina, and that the transposase encoded by Methanosarcina IS1634 binds to Acidiphilium β. Finally, we demonstrate that increasing the strength of the interaction between β and transposase results in a higher transposition rate in vivo. Our results suggest that the interaction could determine the potential of ISs to be mobilized in bacterial populations and also their ability to proliferate within chromosomesThis work was funded by the Subdirección General de Proyectos de Investigación of the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness Grants No. CGL2010-17384 and AYA2011-24803, and by the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant No. 250350 (IPBSL). HDM has a FPI fellowship from the Spanish Governmen

    On the optimal measuring area for pointwise rainfall estimation: a dedicated experiment with 14 laser disdrometers

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    Laser disdrometers measure the particle size distribution (PSD) of hydrometeors through a small cross-sectional (tens of square centimeters) surface. Such a limited area induces a sampling effect in the estimates of the PSD, which translates to error in the reflectivity–rain-rate (Z–R) relationship used for ground radar estimates of rainfall, estimates of kinetic energy of precipitation, and any other hydrometeorological application relying on particle size information. Here, the results of a dedicated experiment to estimate the extent of the effect of limited area sampling of rainfall are presented. Using 14 Parsivel, version 1 (Parsivel-1), disdrometers placed within 6 m2, it was found that the combined area of at least seven disdrometers is required for the estimates to start converging to a stable value. The results can be used to quantify the degree of over-/underestimation of precipitation parameters for a single instrument due to the limited collecting area effect. It has been found that a single disdrometer may underestimate instantaneous rain rate by 70%.Funding from projects CGL2013- 48367-P, CGL2016-80609-R (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), UNCM08-1E-086 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion), and CYTEMA (UCLM) is gratefully acknowledged