427 research outputs found

    Cyanide-modified Pt(111) : structure, stability and hydrogen adsorption

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    A.C. acknowledges the support of the DGI (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) through Project CTQ2009-07017. W.S. acknowledges financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under Schm 344/40-1, Schm 344/34-1.2 and FOR 1376. W.S. and P.Q. thank DFG-CONICET International Cooperation and CONICET for continued support. E.P.M.L. and M.Z.-M. wish to acknowledge CONICET PIP: 112-200801-000983, Secyt UNC, Program BID (PICT 2006N 946), and PME: 2006-01581 for financial support. P.Q. acknowledges PICT 0737-2008. A generous grant of computing time from the Baden-Wuerttemberg grid is gratefully acknowledged. M.E.-E. acknowledges an FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and an accommodation grant at the Residencia de Estudiantes from the Madrid City Council.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Changes in epilithic diatom assemblages in a Mediterranean high mountain lake (Laguna de La Caldera, Sierra Nevada, Spain) after a period of drought

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    The epilithic diatom assemblages studied in the high mountain lake “La Caldera” (Granada, Spain) from 1996 to 1998 went through two clearly different stages. The initial one, in 1996, corresponded to the reflooding of the basin after a severe drought and was composed mainly of the colonising species Fragilaria rumpens, together with a lesser presence of Nitzschia sublinearis and Hantzschia amphioxys. The predominant presence of F. rumpens at the end of the summer of 2006 coincided with low species diversity (values of Shannon and Wiener Index: 0.3-0.6). During the following two years another assemblage established itself, dominated by Achnanthidium minutissimum, which is considered to be more stable and widespread among the lakes of the Sierra Nevada. The most notable subdominant species (less than 20% of relative abundance) in this assemblage were: Encyonema minutum, Encyonopsis microcephala and Navicula cryptocephala. The diversity values during this second period were much higher than in the first: 1.0-2.2. Nutrient concentrations were measured separately in the limnetic (epilimnetic) and benthic (epilithic) environments. These abiotic parameters show that the dynamics of ammonia and silica were much the same in both, showing a gradual decrease from the beginning to the end of the study period. Epilimnetic phosphorus followed a similar pattern to ammonia and silica. In the epilithon, nitrates and phosphates increased during the first year, only to descend notably during the second. The effect of other environmental parameters such as temperature and the preceding drought on the dynamics of the diatom assemblage are discussed. Ratio DIN:SRP let us test the different degrees of phosphorus limitation in epilithon and epilimnion environments; our results suggest that phosphorus limitation of primary production in high mountain lakes is much more severe in the limnetic environment that it is in the epilithon.Chemical analyses were funded by the European project Mountain Lake Research (MOLAR)

    Gender differences in cooperation: experimental evidence on high school students

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    The emergence of cooperation among unrelated human subjects is a long-standing conundrum that has been amply studied both theoretically and experimentally. Within the question, a less explored issue relates to the gender dependence of cooperation, which can be traced back to Darwin, who stated that "women are less selfish but men are more competitive". Indeed, gender has been shown to be relevant in several game theoretical paradigms of social cooperativeness, including prisoner's dilemma, snowdrift and ultimatum/dictator games, but there is no consensus as to which gender is more cooperative. We here contribute to this literature by analyzing the role of gender in a repeated Prisoners' Dilemma played by Spanish high-school students in both a square lattice and a heterogeneous network. While the experiment was conducted to shed light on the influence of networks on the emergence of cooperation, we benefit from the availability of a large dataset of more 1200 participants. We applied different standard econometric techniques to this dataset, including Ordinary Least Squares and Linear Probability models including random effects. All our analyses indicate that being male is negatively associated with the level of cooperation, this association being statistically significant at standard levels. We also obtain a gender difference in the level of cooperation when we control for the unobserved heterogeneity of individuals, which indicates that the gender gap in cooperation favoring female students is present after netting out this effect from other socio-demographics factors not controlled for in the experiment, and from gender differences in risk, social and competitive preferences.This paper has benefited from the funding from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Projects ECO2012-34828, RESINEE and PRODIEVO). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Equilibrium phase behavior of polydisperse hard spheres

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    We calculate the phase behavior of hard spheres with size polydispersity, using accurate free energy expressions for the fluid and solid phases. Cloud and shadow curves, which determine the onset of phase coexistence, are found exactly by the moment free energy method, but we also compute the complete phase diagram, taking full account of fractionation effects. In contrast to earlier, simplified treatments we find no point of equal concentration between fluid and solid or re-entrant melting at higher densities. Rather, the fluid cloud curve continues to the largest polydispersity that we study (14%); from the equilibrium phase behavior a terminal polydispersity can thus only be defined for the solid, where we find it to be around 7%. At sufficiently large polydispersity, fractionation into several solid phases can occur, consistent with previous approximate calculations; we find in addition that coexistence of several solids with a fluid phase is also possible

    Utility of the MoCA for cognitive impairment screening in long-term psychosis patients

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    Cognitive impairment is a key feature in patients with psychotic disorders. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief tool that has been shown to be effective in identifying mild cognitive impairment and early dementia. This study explores the usefulness of this instrument to detect cognitive impairment in long-term psychotic disorders. One hundred-forty stabilized patients were re-evaluated more than 15 years after a First Episode of Psychosis (FEP). Patients were psychopathologically assessed, and the MoCA test and MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB) were administered. Two cut-off scores for cognitive impairment using the MCCB were applied (T score <40 and < 30). Concurrent validation was found between the total scores of the MoCA and MCCB. We also found significant associations between 5 out of 7 MoCA subtests (visuospatial-executive, attention, language, abstraction and delayed recall) and MCCB subtests but not for the naming and orientation MoCA subtests. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis suggested a <25 cut-off for cognitive impairment instead of the original <26. Our results suggest that the MoCA test is a useful screening instrument for assessing cognitive impairment in psychotic patients and has some advantages over other available instruments, such as its ease-of-use and short administration time

    Massive presence of insertion sequences in the genome of SOPE, the primary endosymbiont of the rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae

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    Bacteria that establish an obligate intracellular relationship with eukaryotic hosts undergo an evolutionary genomic reductive process. Recent studies have shown an increase in the number of mobile elements in the first stage of the adaptive process towards intracellular life, although these elements are absent in ancient endosymbionts. Here, the genome of SOPE, the obligate mutualistic endosymbiont of rice weevils, was used as a model to analyze the initial events that occur after symbiotic integration. During the first phases of the SOPE genome project, four different types of insertion sequence (IS) elements, belonging to well-characterized IS families from γ-proteobacteria, were identified. In the present study, these elements, which may represent more than 20% of the complete genome, were completely characterized; their relevance as a source of gene inactivation, chromosomal rearrangements, and as participants in the genome reductive process are discussed herein.Gil Garcia, Rosario, [email protected] ; Belda Cuesta, Eugenio, [email protected] ; Gosalbes Soler, Maria Jose, [email protected] ; Delaye, Luis, [email protected] ; Silva Moreno, Francisco J., [email protected] ; Moya Simarro, Andres, [email protected] ; Latorre Castillo, Amparo, [email protected]

    sp2-Iminosugars targeting human lysosomal β-hexosaminidase as pharmacological chaperone candidates for late-onset Tay-Sachs disease

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    The late-onset form of Tay-Sachs disease displays when the activity levels of human β-hexosaminidase A (HexA) fall below 10% of normal, due to mutations that destabilise the native folded form of the enzyme and impair its trafficking to the lysosome. Competitive inhibitors of HexA can rescue disease-causative mutant HexA, bearing potential as pharmacological chaperones, but often also inhibit the enzyme O-glucosaminidase (GlcNAcase; OGA), a serious drawback for translation into the clinic. We have designed sp2-iminosugar glycomimetics related to GalNAc that feature a neutral piperidine-derived thiourea or a basic piperidine-thiazolidine bicyclic core and behave as selective nanomolar competitive inhibitors of human Hex A at pH 7 with a ten-fold lower inhibitory potency at pH 5, a good indication for pharmacological chaperoning. They increased the levels of lysosomal HexA activity in Tay-Sachs patient fibroblasts having the G269S mutation, the highest prevalent in late-onset Tay-Sachs disease.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación 10.13039/50110001103Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional PID2019-105858RB-I00, RTI2018-097609-B-C21Junta de Andalucía P20_00166Canadian Institutes of Health Research MOP-123341Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada RGPIN-06466Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 17K10051Universidad de Sevilla BES-2017–079676, FPU17/0314

    Regulation of heterogenous lexA expression in staphylococcus aureus by an antisense RNA originating from transcriptional read-through upon natural mispairings in the sbrB intrinsic terminator

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    Bacterial genomes are pervasively transcribed, generating a wide variety of antisense RNAs (asRNAs). Many of them originate from transcriptional read-through events (TREs) during the transcription termination process. Previous transcriptome analyses revealed that the lexA gene from Staphylococcus aureus, which encodes the main SOS response regulator, is affected by the presence of an asRNA. Here, we show that the lexA antisense RNA (lexA-asRNA) is generated by a TRE on the intrinsic terminator (TTsbrB) of the sbrB gene, which is located downstream of lexA, in the opposite strand. Transcriptional read-through occurs by a natural mutation that destabilizes the TTsbrB structure and modifies the efficiency of the intrinsic terminator. Restoring the mispairing mutation in the hairpin of TTsbrB prevented lexA-asRNA transcription. The level of lexA-asRNA directly correlated with cellular stress since the expressions of sbrB and lexA-asRNA depend on the stress transcription factor SigB. Comparative analyses revealed strain-specific nucleotide polymorphisms within TTsbrB, suggesting that this TT could be prone to accumulating natural mutations. A genome-wide analysis of TREs suggested that mispairings in TT hairpins might provide wider transcriptional connections with downstream genes and, ultimately, transcriptomic variability among S. aureus strains.This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant no. 646869 to A.T.-A.) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grants (BIO2017-83035-R to I.L. and PID2019-105216GB-I00 to A.T.-A.). Funding for open access charge was provided by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative, Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)

    Three deaf mice: mouse models for TECTA-based human hereditary deafness reveal domain-specific structural phenotypes in the tectorial membrane

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    Tecta is a modular, non-collagenous protein of the tectorial membrane, an extracellular matrix of the cochlea essential for normal hearing. Missense mutations in Tecta cause dominant forms of nonsyndromic deafness and a genotype-phenotype correlation has been reported in humans, with mutations in different Tecta domains causing mid- or high-frequency hearing impairments that are either stable or progressive. Three mutant mice were created as models for human Tecta mutations; the TectaL1820F, G1824D/+ mouse for zona pellucida (ZP) domain mutations causing stable mid-frequency hearing loss in a Belgian family, the TectaC1837G/+ mouse for a ZP-domain mutation underlying progressive mid-frequency hearing loss in a Spanish family, and the TectaC1619S/+ mouse for a zonadhesin-like (ZA) domain mutation responsible for progressive, high-frequency hearing loss in a French family. Mutations in the ZP and ZA domains generate distinctly different changes in the structure of the tectorial membrane. ABR thresholds in the 8-40 kHz range are elevated by 30-40 dB in the ZP-domain mutants, whilst those in the ZA-domain mutant are elevated by 20-30 dB. The phenotypes are stable and no evidence has been found for a progressive deterioration in tectorial membrane structure or auditory function. Despite elevated auditory thresholds, the Tecta mutant mice all exhibit an enhanced tendency to have audiogenic seizures in response to white noise stimuli at low sound pressure levels (≤84 dB SPL), revealing a previously unrecognised consequence of Tecta mutations. These results, together with those from previous studies, establish an allelic series for Tecta unequivocally demonstrating an association between genotype and phenotype