134 research outputs found

    El retablo jerezano en el último cuarto del siglo XVII: Fernando Delgado y Bernardo Martín de la Guardia

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    This paper is an approach to the life and work of the Fernando Delgado and Bernardo Martin de la Guardia brothers, artists working in Jerez de la Frontera during the last quarter of the 17th century. They directed one of the most important workshops of altarpiece in the city at that time. After studying the artistic context in which they work, we publish new data which allow to reconstruct their biographies. Moreover, a complete review of their production is done, identifying the few documented altarpieces which have survived, such as the three made for the Convent of the Holy Spirit in Jerez. We make public photographs taken before the recent closure of this monastery.  Este artículo es una aproximación a la vida y la obra de los hermanos Fernando Delgado y Bernardo Martín de la Guardia, artistas activos en Jerez de la Frontera durante el último cuarto del siglo XVII, que dirigieron uno de los talleres de retablos más importantes de la ciudad en esa época. Tras estudiar el contexto artístico en el que trabajan, se aportan múltiples datos inéditos que permiten reconstruir sus biografías. Asimismo se hace un repaso completo de su producción, identificando los escasos retablos documentados que han llegado hasta nosotros, como los tres que realizaron para la iglesia del convento del Espíritu Santo de Jerez, de los que se aportan fotografías del estado que presentaban antes de ser desmontados con motivo del reciente cierre que ha sufrido este cenobio. 

    El Palacio Domecq de Jerez de la Frontera y el arquitecto Juan Díaz de la Guerra

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    Study about Domecq Palace at Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz, Spain), the most impor- tant example of the stately houses built during the eighteenth century in that city. Together with a formal analysis, details about its promoter, the Marquis of Montana, and its construction process are provided. e intervention of architect Juan Diaz de la Guerra is hereby documented with new biographical and professional data.  Estudio sobre el Palacio Domecq de Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz, España), la más impor- tante de las casas señoriales construidas durante el siglo XVIII en dicha ciudad. Junto a su análisis formal, se aportan detalles sobre su promotor, el marqués de Montana, y su proceso constructivo, documentando la intervención del arquitecto Juan Díaz de la Guerra, del que se suministran también nuevos datos biográ cos y profesionales.

    Detection and Characterization of Nano-Defects Located on Micro-Structured Substrates by Means of Light Scattering

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    The authors wish to acknowledge the funds provided by the Ministry of Education of Spain under project #FIS2007-60158. We also thank the computer resources provided by the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) node at Universidad de Cantabria

    Revisión de las especies de la familia Lichinaceae incluidas en el herbario Werner (BC)

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    All species of the lichen family Lichinaceae reported from northern Africa in Prof. Werner's works are compiled. A revision on the material collected corresponding to these species and actually included in BC herbarium is made.Recopilamos en este estudio todas las citas de especies de la familia Lichinaceae incluidas en la extensa bibliografía sobre el norte de Africa del Prof. R.G. Werner y revisamos los pliegos correspondientes conservados en el herbario del Instituto Botánico de Barcelona (BC)

    Fasting effect on eating behavior in university students / Efecto del ayuno sobre la conducta alimentaria en estudiantes universitarios

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    Abstract Scientific evidence on the characterization of eating behavior indicates that food deprivation situations, such as fasting, the food value increases and alter the fee- ding pattern. Consequently food consumption increases and therefore caloric intake. The situation worsens when after a deprivation period the preferred foods are unhealthy or consumed in excess becoming tiggers for health problems (Capaldi, 1993; Gottschalk , Libby & Graff , 2000; Velez & Garcia , 2003). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of fasting on caloric intake and changing food preferences. This study was conducted with the participation of 9 university students who were classified according to their Body Mass Index (BMI) into three groups: Low-weight, Normo-weight and Over-weight. At the baseline participants were exposed to eight different foods. Same participants during the experimental phase were exposed to a period of fasting, subsequently were exposed to the same foods and record their consumption. Results showed that caloric intake and food preferences were altered after the fasting condition, differential effects among participants were observed. Low-weight group increased their food consumption while Normal-weight and Over-weight groups decreased. Resumen La evidencia científica sobre la caracterización de la conducta alimentaria señala que situaciones de privación de alimento, como el ayuno, aumentan el valor del alimento y modifican el patrón alimentario. En consecuencia se incrementa el consumo de alimentos y por ende el consumo calórico. La situación se agrava cuando los alimentos preferidos después del periodo de privación son poco saludables o se consumen en exceso convirtiéndose en detonadores de problemas de salud (Ca- paldi, 1993; Gottschalk, Libby & Graff, 2000; Vélez & Garcia, 2003). Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto del ayuno sobre el consumo calórico y la modificación de las preferencias alimentarias, se diseñó un estudio en el cual participaron nueve jóvenes universitarios que fueron clasificados de acuerdo a su Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) en tres grupos: Bajo-peso, Normo-peso y Sobre-peso. Fueron expuestos durante la línea base a ocho alimentos diferentes. Durante la fase experi- mental se expuso a los mismos participantes a un periodo de ayuno y posteriormente a los mismos alimentos registrando su consumo. Los resultados mostraron que el consumo calórico y la preferencia entre alimentos se modificaron. El grupo Bajo-peso aumentó su consumo de alimento mientras que en los grupos Normo-peso y Sobre-peso lo disminuyeron.

    Non-invasive prehabilitation to foster widespread fMRI cortical reorganization before brain tumor surgery: lessons from a case series

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    PurposeThe objective of this prospective, single-centre case series was to investigate feasibility, clinical outcomes, and neural correlates of non-invasive Neuromodulation-Induced Cortical Prehabilitation (NICP) before brain tumor surgery. Previous studies have shown that gross total resection is paramount to increase life expectancy but is counterbalanced by the need of preserving critical functional areas. NICP aims at expanding functional margins for extensive tumor resection without functional sequelae. Invasive NICP (intracranial neuromodulation) was effective but characterized by elevated costs and high rate of adverse events. Non-invasive NICP (transcranial neuromodulation) may represent a more feasible alternative. Nonetheless, up to this point, non-invasive NICP has been examined in only two case reports, yielding inconclusive findings.MethodsTreatment sessions consisted of non-invasive neuromodulation, to transiently deactivate critical areas adjacent to the lesion, coupled with intensive functional training, to activate alternative nodes within the same functional network. Patients were evaluated pre-NICP, post-NICP, and at follow-up post-surgery.ResultsTen patients performed the intervention. Feasibility criteria were met (retention, adherence, safety, and patient's satisfaction). Clinical outcomes showed overall stability and improvements in motor and executive function from pre- to post-NICP, and at follow-up. Relevant plasticity changes (increase in the distance between tumor and critical area) were observed when the neuromodulation target was guided by functional neuroimaging data.ConclusionThis is the first case series demonstrating feasibility of non-invasive NICP. Neural correlates indicate that neuroimaging-guided target selection may represent a valid strategy to leverage neuroplastic changes before neurosurgery. Further investigations are needed to confirm such preliminary findings