852 research outputs found

    Social Ties and Mutual Trust Driving Coopetition Networks for Regional Development

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    This paper aims to extract the elements and dimensions of coopetition in the context of social ties as the basis for the coopetitive network. Data were collected through interviews with managers from nine participants in cities that offer a tourism circuit. Data were analyzed through quantitative techniques and, for qualitative data, using the IraMuTeQ software and its interface with R. The result generated from the Descending Hierarchical Analysis indicated two dimensions. The first dimension represents the coopetition network formation, with elements of Belonging, Social Ties and Associations. The second dimension is the coopetition network consolidation with elements of reputation, legitimacy and intentionality. In turn, the Similitude Analysis points out cooperation as a central element with four branches arising: Social cohesion, Empowerment, Co-production and Coopetitive strategic adjustment. This finding is a newness and contributes to the coopetition literature by introducing empowerment as a factor for consolidating coopetition networks in regional tourism development

    Uma arquitetura de navegação para robôs móveis

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Curso de Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação, 2017.Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um arcabouço de navegação capaz de controlar os comportamentos de um robô móvel e sua posterior implementação em um robô desenvolvido de forma paralela para superar o desafio proposto pela competição Robomagellan. Esse arcabouço proposto é dividido em três níveis estruturais, cada um responsável por uma determinada função. O nível organizacional é o mais abstrato dos três, e é responsável por coordenar todos os comportamentos do sistema. O nível funcional é a camada intermediária, na qual os comportamentos controlados pelo nível acima são de fato implementados de maneira modular. O nível executivo é responsável por lidar com o baixo nível, traduzindo as leituras da plataforma física para um nível abstrato, assim como o caminho contrário. A implementação no robô exigiu o desenvolvimento de vários módulos diferentes, sendo a elaboração de um planejador de rotas também incluída neste trabalho. É utilizado o algoritmo RRT de planejamento de rotas e apresentado uma maneira simples de construir o espaço de configurações necessário para utilizá-lo. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o planejador funciona como desejado, e que o arcabouço é capaz de criar arquiteturas de controle de navegação com as características desejadas.This work describes the development of a navigation framework capable of controlling the behaviours of a mobile robot and its implementation in a robot developed simultaneously in order to complete the challenge from the Robomagellan competition. The proposed framework is divided in three different levels, each one responsible for an specific function. The organizational level is the most abstract of them and it is responsible for the coordination of all the system’s behaviours. The functional level is the middle layer, in which the behaviours controlled by the superior levels are really implemented as modules. The executive level is responsible for dealing with low level, translating the reading from the physical platform to an abstract level, and also the other way around. The implementation on the robot also required the development of different modules. The creation of the route planning module is also part of this work. We used the RRT algorithm and a simple way was presented to create its configuration space. The results obtained show that this planner works as desired, and that the framework is capable of creating navigation control architectures with the desired traits

    Evaluación de la producción de amilasa y proteasa por bacterias de la Antártica

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    Este número da Revista Brasileira de Iniciação Científica publica os artigos com os resultados das pesquisas de Iniciação Científica 2016/17 da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA). A UNILA é uma das novas universidades federais brasileiras, iniciando suas atividades em 2010. Já em 2011, começa a funcionar seu Programa de Iniciação Científica (IC). A IC é uma das prioridades da política de pesquisa da UNILA. Seu aporte em bolsas de IC é superior ao de fontes externas como CNPq e Fundação Araucária. Em seus seis anos de existência, o Programa de IC tem promovido a difusão da cultura científica entre os estudantes, contribuído com sua formação e os estimulado ao ingresso na pós-graduação.A Antártica representa um importante habitat na busca por micro-organismos adaptados a ambientes extremos. O presente estudo avaliou a produção das enzimas amilases e proteases por bactérias isoladas do ambiente frio. De 100 bactérias triadas, 8 e 4 formaram halo nos meios de seleção para protease e amilase, respectivamente. Dois isolados formaram halo para as duas enzimas. Os resultados encorajam estudos futuros de produção, otimização e purificação enzimática para aplicações biotecnológicas.Antarctica represents an important habitat in the search for microorganisms adapted to extreme environments. The study aimed to evaluate the production of amylases and proteases by bacteria from the cold environment. From 100 bacteria screened, 8 and 4 produced halo on the protease and amylase selection media, respectively. Two isolates formed halo for the two enzymes. The results encourage future studies of production, optimization and enzymatic purification for biotechnological applications.La Antártica representa un importante hábitat en la búsqueda de microorganismos adaptados a ambientes extremos. El presente estudio evaluó la producción de las enzimas amilasa y proteasa por bacterias aisladas del ambiente frío. De las 100 bacterias estudiadas, 8 e 4 formaron halo en los medios de selección para proteasa y amilasa, respectivamente. Dos aislados formaron halo para las dos enzimas. Los resultados alientan estudios futuros de producción, optimización y purificación enzimática para aplicaciones biotecnológicas

    Manipulating the pitch size constrains the players’ positioning during unbalanced soccer small-sided games played by different age groups

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    We aim to investigate the impact of variable soccer pitch sizes on the position of players during unbalanced small-sided games (SSGs) and compare the responses of players from two different age groups. Forty-eight young players (n = 24 under-13 and n = 24 under-14) took part in the study and played 3 vs. 3 + 1 SSGs on two different pitch sizes (smaller: 36 x 27 m / 139m2 per player; and larger: 40 x 29 m / 166 m2 per player). Players’ positions on the pitch (length, width, length-to-width ratio, stretching index, and spatial exploration index) were assessed by the positional data provided by global position system devices and were compared within age groups and between game formats using a two-way analysis of variance. Results showed higher values of spatial exploration index (SEI) in the larger SSGs than in the smaller format (p<.001). Moreover, a higher length (p<0.001) and length-to-width ratio (p<.001) was observed in the younger group. Finally, the larger format presented higher values of SEI and stretching index, independent of the age group (p<.001). In the smaller format, U-14 players presented a higher stretching index, while in the larger format U-13 players presented higher values in the same variable. We conclude that enlarging the pitch size constrains players’ behaviour during SSGs, and older players are more able to deal with this more complex task context than younger ones

    O Impacto das concessões no setor aeroportuário: comparação do desempenho econômico entre aeroportos brasileiros

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    A decisão do governo brasileiro de desestatizar alguns de seus maiores aeroportos por meio de concessões traz consigo mudanças na estrutura de controle e assimetrias informacionais como as previstas na Teoria da Agência, assim como a celebração de contratos de longo prazo que, de acordo com a Teoria dos Contratos Incompletos, podem apresentar lacunas e afetar o desempenho econômico desses ativos. O presente artigo tem o objetivo comparar os indicadores desempenho dos aeroportos brasileiros administrados pelo governo com aqueles observados nos aeroportos concedidos a entes privados. Para isso, foram utilizados modelos de regressão quantílica. A amostra é composta pelos 20 maiores aeroportos brasileiros, sendo 14 públicos e 6 privados. Os resultados apontam para uma melhor lucratividade e eficiência de custos nos aeroportos públicos, enquanto os aeroportos concedidos apresentam um desempenho superior na capacidade de gerar receitas e de diversificar as fontes dessas receitas.La decisión del gobierno brasileño de privatizar algunos de sus mayores aeropuertos a través de contratos de concesión trae consigo cambios en la estructura de control y asimetrías de información como las mencionadas en la Teoría de la Agencia, así como la concertación de contratos a largo plazo que, según la Teoría de los Contratos Incompletos, pueden presentar lacunas y afectar el desempeño económico de estos activos. Este artículo tiene como objetivo comparar los indicadores de desempeño de los aeropuertos administrados por el gobierno de los aeropuertos concesionados. Para ello se utilizaron modelos de regresión por cuantiles. La muestra está compuesta por los 20 mayores aeropuertos de Brasil, 14 públicos y 6 privados. Los resultados apuntan a una mejor rentabilidad y eficiencia de costos en el grupo público, mientras que los aeropuertos en concesión tienen mejor capacidad para generar ingresos y diversificar las fuentes de esos ingresos.The Brazilian government’s decision to privatize some of its largest airports through concessions contracts brings with it changes in the control structure and informational asymmetries such as those mentioned in the Agency Theory, as well as the agreement of long-term contracts that, according to the Theory of Incomplete Contracts, may present gaps and affect the economic performance of these assets. This article aims to compare the performance indicators of Brazilian airports managed by the government with those found in airports conceded to private entities. For this, quantile regression models were used. The sample consists of the 20 largest Brazilian airports, 14 under public administration and 6 under private administration. The results point to better profitability and cost efficiency at public airports, while private airports perform better in terms of their ability to generate revenues and to diversify the sources of those revenues.Revista do Serviço Público - RSP, v. 74, n. 2, 347-369 p.EconomiaISSN Impresso: 0034-9240ISSN Eletrônico: 2357-801

    Structures and Precautions of the Fundação Nacional do Índio:: Analysis of National Management Reports 2008-2018

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    The present work aims to analyze aspects of FUNAI management present in its national reports in order to assess the possibilities of action and the precariousness in the state indigenist agency. Considering this objective, the procedures were documental research, for data collection, and content analysis, to understand the data collected. Five categories were highlighted from the reports: People Management, Demarcation and Inspection of Indigenous Lands and Protection of Isolated Indians, Ethnodevelopment and Territorial/Environmental Management, Budget and Execution of the Agency and Licensing and Compensation for Enterprises. Such categories allowed us to conclude that FUNAI, as an official indigenist body, is precarious in many aspects of its management, which prevents it from carrying out actions that are part of its institutional mission

    Império da Natureza, nomadismo ambiental: pedagogias culturais nas fotografias da revista National Geographic Brasil

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    Este artigo investiga as pedagogias culturais das fotografias da revista National Geographic Brasil no intuito de argumentar a existência de um processo educativo ambiental intrínseco ao regime imagético da natureza. Ao articular Estudos Culturais em Educação e em Educação Ambiental com Teorias da Fotografia, partirmos do pressuposto de que as imagens têm assumido um lugar cada vez mais central nas relações pedagógicas do mundo contemporâneo. Busca-se mostrar como as imagens da natureza presentes na revista articulam uma pedagogia ambiental segundo dois modos: a fabricação de um Império da Natureza e a evocação de um nomadismo ambiental, processos radicalmente ligados ao atual estágio do capitalismo contemporâneo que tornam a natureza e a subjetividade os últimos territórios a serem colonizados. O regime fotográfico da natureza na revista educa ambientalmente quando fabrica certo mundo como natural, forjando certo tipo de sujeito habilitado a desfrutar das potências da natureza

    Paper-based platform with an in situ molecularly imprinted polymer for ß-amyloid

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    Alzheimers disease (AD) is one of the most common forms of dementia affecting millions of people worldwide. Currently, an easy and effective form of diagnosis is missing, which significantly hinders a possible improvement of the patients quality of life. In this context, biosensors emerge as a future solution, opening the doors for preventive medicine and allowing the premature diagnosis of numerous pathologies. This work presents a pioneering biosensor that combines a bottom-up design approach using paper as a platform for the electrochemical recognition of peptide amyloid -42 (A-42), a biomarker for AD present in blood, associated with visible differences in the brain tissue and responsible for the formation of senile plaques. The sensor layer relies on a molecularly imprinted polymer as a biorecognition element, created on the carbon ink electrodes surface by electropolymerizing a mixture of the target analyte (A-42) and a monomer (O-phenylenediamine) at neutral pH 7.2. Next, the template molecule was removed from the polymeric network by enzymatic and acidic treatments. The vacant sites so obtained preserved the shape of the imprinted protein and were able to rebind the target analyte. Morphological and chemical analyses were performed in order to control the surface modification of the materials. The analytical performance of the biosensor was evaluated by an electroanalytical technique, namely, square wave voltammetry. For this purpose, the analytical response of the biosensor was tested with standard solutions ranging from 0.1 ng/mL to 1 g/mL of A-42. The linear response of the biosensor went down to 0.1 ng/mL. Overall, the developed biosensor offered numerous benefits, such as simplicity, low cost, reproducibility, fast response, and repeatability less than 10%. All together, these features may have a strong impact in the early detection of AD.The authors acknowledge funding from project PTDC/AAGTEC/5400/2014, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016637, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007688, and UID/CTM/50025/2019 funded by European funds through FEDER (European Funding or Regional Development) via COMPETE2020 - POCI (operational program for internationalization and competitively) by national funding through the National Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT-MCTES). Additionally, they are grateful to the project IBEROS, Instituto de Bioingenieria en Red para el Envejecimiento Saludable, POCTEP/0245-BEROS-1-E, PROGRAMA INTERREG 2014-2020 funded through FEDER within the cooperation region of Galiza/Spain and North of Portugal. A.C.M. and F.T.C.M. gratefully acknowledges FCT-MCTES for the financial support (PhD grant reference SFRH/BD/115173/2016 intituled “Nanobiosensing platform based on MIP-SERS for breast cancer exosome characterization and detection” and Post-Doc grant reference SFRH/BPD/97891/2013 intituled “Biomedical devices for easier and quicker screening procedures of the Alzheimer’s). This work is part of the Master Thesis in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering defended by Marta V. Pereira. at FCT NOVA titled “Fabrication of 3D electrodes for biosensor applications” in December 2018.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Histoplasmose crônica disseminada com lesões exclusivas na boca: relato de caso

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    We report a rare case of chronic disseminated histoplasmosis with several ulcerated lesions in the oral cavity in an alcoholic patient without human immunodeficiency virus infection, with no detectable signs and symptoms of systemic disease or extraoral manifestations. Histopathological analysis revealed chronic inflammatory process with granulomas containing Histoplasma-like organisms. The isolation of Histoplasma capsulatum provided the definitive diagnosis. Treatment with itraconazole resulted in complete remission of oral lesions. As far we aware, this is the second case report of oral histoplasmosis in an HIV negative patient described in Brazil.Reportamos um caso raro de histoplasmose crônica disseminada com diversas lesões ulceradas na cavidade oral de um paciente alcoólatra, sem o vírus da imunodeficiência humana, com nenhum outro sinal detectável ou sintomas de doença sistêmica ou manifestações extra-orais. Análise histopatológica revelou processo inflamatório crônico com granulomas contendo organismos fúngicos. O isolamento do Histoplasma capsulatum forneceu o diagnóstico definitivo. Tratamento com itraconazol resultou numa remissão completa das lesões orais. De acordo com nosso conhecimento, este é o segundo caso reportado de histoplasmose oral em um paciente HIV negativo descrito no Brasil