61 research outputs found

    Seed quality and optimal spatial arrangement of fodder radish

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    Besides the use of fodder radish (Raphanus sativus var. oleiferus Metzg.) as green manure plant cover crops and animal feed, the seeds have high oil content and low viscosity, ideal characteristics for the production of biodiesel. Studies related to the technology of seed production for this species are insufficient to define the best spatial arrangement of plants in the field that provides higher yields associated with high-quality seeds. Thus, we investigated the space and density between plants that would be ideal for the production of high quality fodder radish seeds. We evaluated the agronomic characteristics and physical, physiological and seed health quality in recently harvested fodder radish in row spacings of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 m and densities of 10, 30, 50 and 70 seeds m-2. The quality and productivity of the fodder radish's seeds were affected by the spatial arrangement of plants in the field. Seeds harvested under the spacing of 0.2 m and density of 30 seeds m-2 had better performance and physical, physiological and health quality. Alternaria sp. incidence increased with greater spacing, while Fusarium sp. incidence decreased

    Effects of alpha-tocopherol associated with lovastatin on brain tissue and memory function in SHRSPs

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    AbstractStrokes are preceded by oxidative stress and inflammation, two processes linked to atherosclerosis and hypertension. Statins have been widely employed to control atherosclerosis; however, there could be neurological implications to its use—including cognitive impairment. Thus, we aimed to determine whether alpha-tocopherol is capable of reversing the neurological side effects of statins and enhancing its anti-inflammatory properties. To assess these effects, 15-week-old stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSPs) were divided into four groups (n=6, each): alpha-tocopherol (AT), lovastatin (LoV), alpha-tocopherol+lovastatin (AT+LoV), and control (C). We administered 120IU of alpha-tocopherol diluted in 0.1ml of coconut oil, whereas the dose of lovastatin was administered at a ratio of 1mg/kg of rat body weight. The control group received 0.1ml coconut oil. All animals received the treatments via orogastric gavage. We assessed body weight, diuresis, food and water intake, oxidative stress (malondialdehyde levels), the total cellular injury marker (lactate dehydrogenase), short- and long-term memory, cognition, and histopathological changes in the hippocampus. The results demonstrated that lovastatin treatment did not negatively affect the memory of our animal model. In fact, the animals treated with AT and LoV showed improvement in memory and cognition. Additionally, both treatments decrease lactate dehydrogenase and oxidative stress levels. Furthermore, our study also demonstrated hippocampal tissue preservation in the treated groups

    Desenvolvimento morfofisiológico de sementes de ipê-amarelo (Tabeluia serratifolia Vahl Nich.)

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    Tabebuia serratifolia é utilizada no reflorestamento de áreas degradadas. Devido à sua exploração indevida, encontra-se em perigo de extinção, apesar de protegida por lei para preservação permanente. Foram investigadas as alterações morfofisiológicas de sementes de ipê-amarelo ao longo do desenvolvimento, para fins de auxiliar a conservação dessa espécie. Os frutos foram coletados a partir da antese, em sete estádios de desenvolvimento, em árvores localizadas na região de Lavras, MG, Brasil. Em cada coleta, as sementes foram submetidas às análises radiográficas e microscópicas, avaliando-se as colorações e tamanho, o grau de umidade e matéria seca tanto dos frutos como das sementes, a germinação in vitro e ex vitro, bem como os teores de açúcares, polifenóis e proteínas resistentes ao calor. Durante o desenvolvimento os frutos que inicialmente eram verdes passaram para amarronzados e o comprimento de 7 para 18 cm, apresentando fendas que iniciam a dispersão de suas sementes. As sementes tiveram sua cor variando de verde-folha a amarronzado e comprimento de 1 a 3 cm. As alterações iniciais indicativas da maturidade fisiológica de sementes de ipê-amarelo ocorreram a partir dos 39 dias após a antese, quando ocorreram variações na coloração, no tamanho de frutos e sementes e na visualização das estruturas internas, além de aumentos nos teores de água, matéria seca e porcentagem de germinação de sementes e embriões e ainda, redução dos açúcares redutores e das proteínas resistentes ao calor. A maturidade fisiológica das sementes de Tabebuia serratifolia é alcançada aos 53 dias após a antese, coincidindo com o acúmulo máximo de matéria seca, germinação (e índice de velocidade de germinação), além de decréscimo no teor de polifenóis e maior intensidade de bandas inidicadoras de proteínas resistentes ao calor e o início da abertura dos frutos.Tabebuia serratifolia is used for the reforestation of degraded areas. Despite protection by law for permanent preservation, the species is in danger of extinction due to improper exploitation. With the objective to aid preservation and long term storage of the species we evaluated morphophysiological alterations of T. serratifolia seeds during the maturation process in order to identify markers that can be used for harvesting and storage. Fruits were collected at anthesis and seven developmental stages from trees growing in Lavras, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. At each harvest, fruits and seeds were evaluated for color and size, moisture content, dry matter, internal morphology (by X-ray analysis), germination parameters (in vitro and ex vitro), as well as sugar and polyphenol content and heat resistant proteins. During the maturation process the initially green fruits changed to a brownish color and grew from a length of 7 to 18 cm; cracks appeared at the beginning of seed dispersal. The seed color varied from leaf-green to brownish and the length from 1 to 3 cm. The first indicatior of physiological maturity should be observed at 39 days post-anthesis, when variations the color and size of both fruits and seeds were observed. Increase in the moisture content, dry matter and germination, percentage of seeds and embryos in vitro, as well as a reduction in sugar content and LEA proteins were also observed. The physiological maturity of T. serratifolia seeds was reached 53 days after anthesis, coinciding with a maximum of dry matter accumulation and germination (and index of germination speed ex vitro), decrease in phenol levels, higher intensity of heat-resistant protein bands and the beginning of fruit opening

    Genotypic characterization of psittacid herpesvirus isolates from Brazil

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    AbstractThirty-six isolates of psittacid herpesvirus (PsHV), obtained from 12 different species of psittacids in Brazil, were genotypically characterized by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and PCR amplification. RFLP analysis with the PstI enzyme revealed four distinct restriction patterns (A1, X, W and Y), of which only A1 (corresponding to PsHV-1) had previously been described. To study PCR amplification patterns, six pairs of primers were used. Using this method, six variants were identified, of which, variants 10, 8, and 9 (in this order) were most prevalent, followed by variants 1, 4, and 5. It was not possible to correlate the PCR and RFLP patterns. Twenty-nine of the 36 isolates were shown to contain a 419bp fragment of the UL16 gene, displaying high similarity to the PsHV-1 sequences available in GenBank. Comparison of the results with the literature data suggests that the 36 Brazilian isolates from this study belong to genotype 1 and serotype 1


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    É conhecido que a produção excessiva de substâncias activas de oxigénio reactivas o gene do factor de transcrição NFkappa B que activa enzimas de produção de eicosanóides cascata pró-inflamatória: AA-ciclo-oxigenase (COX-2) e 5-lipoxigenase (5 -LOX), resultando num aumento de PGE2, TXA2, LTB4, IL-6, TNF-alfa. Da mesma forma, substâncias reativas ao nitrogênio possuem dinâmica semelhante. Tal evento fisiopatológico parece comum a muitas patologias. A partir daí, uma série de investigações está sendo feita para identificar compostos da dieta com ação antioxidante e seus efeitos fisiológicos. Assim, este avaliar uma breve exposição da cena corrente, identificando antioxidantes fenólicos poli, vitaminas, e agentes, apreciar os resultados de ensaios de intervenção ou não, envolvendo ambos os animais experimentais e modelos clínicos. Diante de tal cenário, é evidente que já tem um número maior de tais alimentos funcionais que devem ser inseridos na dieta habitual, a fim de prevenir ou mesmo parar a progressão de doenças que ocorrem com o estresse oxidativo


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    É conhecido que a produção excessiva de substâncias activas de oxigénio reactivas o gene do factor de transcrição NFkappa B que activa enzimas de produção de eicosanóides cascata pró-inflamatória: AA-ciclo-oxigenase (COX-2) e 5-lipoxigenase (5 -LOX), resultando num aumento de PGE2, TXA2, LTB4, IL-6, TNF-alfa. Da mesma forma, substâncias reativas ao nitrogênio possuem dinâmica semelhante. Tal evento fisiopatológico parece comum a muitas patologias. A partir daí, uma série de investigações está sendo feita para identificar compostos da dieta com ação antioxidante e seus efeitos fisiológicos. Assim, este avaliar uma breve exposição da cena corrente, identificando antioxidantes fenólicos poli, vitaminas, e agentes, apreciar os resultados de ensaios de intervenção ou não, envolvendo ambos os animais experimentais e modelos clínicos. Diante de tal cenário, é evidente que já tem um número maior de tais alimentos funcionais que devem ser inseridos na dieta habitual, a fim de prevenir ou mesmo parar a progressão de doenças que ocorrem com o estresse oxidativo

    Diclofenac and caffeine inhibit hepatic antioxidant enzymes in the freshwater fish Astyanax altiparanae (Teleostei: Characiformes)

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    Although concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in aquatic ecosystems are low, they can cause toxic effects on organisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of diclofenac (DCF), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and caffeine (CAF), a central nervous system stimulant, both alone or combined, in Astyanax altiparanae males under acute exposure (96 h), measuring neurotoxicity biomarkers, antioxidant response and damage at biochemical and cellular levels. DCF concentration in water, separated and combined, was 3.08 mg L−1 and that of CAF was 9.59 mg L−1. To assess neurotoxicity, brain and muscle acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities were measured. To evaluate oxidative stress, the enzymatic activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase (CAT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST), as well as lipoperoxidation (LPO), were analyzed in liver and gills. Activity of hepatic cyclooxygenase (COX) was also evaluated. Genotoxicity was assessed in blood using comet assay and micronucleus test, as well as nuclear abnormalities. DCF and CAF, alone or combined, had neither effect on AChE activity, nor in the activity of SOD, CAT, GPx and GST in gills. In liver, DCF inhibited SOD and GPx activity, CAF inhibited CAT activity, the mixture inhibited SOD and GST activity; although only fish exposed to CAF showed increased hepatic LPO. Under these experimental conditions, no effect on COX activity was observed, nor cytotoxic and genotoxic damage. The most pronounced effects were caused by the drugs separately, since both compounds altered the enzymes, but only CAF triggered LPO, showing more harmful effects.Fil: Muñoz Peñuela, Marcela. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Lo Nostro, Fabiana Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Dal'Olio Gomes, Aline. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Tolussi, Carlos Eduardo. Universidade Anhembi Morumbi; BrasilFil: Branco, Giovana Souza. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Pinheiro, João Paulo Silva. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Godoi, Filipe Guilherme Andrade de. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Moreira, Renata Guimarães. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Water and sediment toxicity in a river affected by former mining residues

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    A bacia do Rio Ribeira de Iguape foi palco de intensa atividade de mineração de chumbo e, como resultado, estima-se que o \ud rio Ribeira de Iguape tenha recebido a descarga de aproximadamente 5,5 t/mês de materiais ricos em As, Ba, Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr e \ud Zn. No presente trabalho, foi analisada a toxicidade de sedimentos e águas coletados ao longo do rio com o intuito de avaliar \ud a qualidade ambiental, tendo sido realizadas 3 campanhas de coleta, entre 2009 e 2010. Os testes de toxicidade aguda foram \ud conduzidos com o cladócero Daphnia similis, utilizando as amostras brutas de água e a exposição aos sedimentos pela interface \ud sedimento-água. Os resultados indicaram, em geral, ausência de toxicidade, tanto para sedimentos quanto para águas, com \ud efeitos tóxicos agudos registrados apenas episodicamente (toxicidade marginal). Tais resultados são coerentes com as baixas \ud concentrações de metais em águas e sedimentos indicadas na literatura, porém diferem do monitoramento feito pela agência \ud ambiental estadual, que tem registrado toxicidade crônica. Essa toxicidade aguda eventual indica, ainda, que embora a qualidade do Rio Ribeira de Iguape esteja sendo recuperada, as condições ainda não estão totalmente controladas.The Ribeira de Iguape River basin received intense mining activities for lead exploiting and, as a result, the river received the \ud discharges of estimated amounts of 5.5 tons/month of material rich in As, Ba, Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr and Zn. In this article, the toxic-ity of waters and sediments collected in Ribeira de Iguape River was assessed aiming to estimate environmental quality. Three \ud sampling campaigns were conducted, from 2009 to 2010. Toxicity tests with the cladoceran Daphnia similiswere done for water \ud samples and for sediments, in this case using sediment-water interface exposure. Results showed in general absence of toxicity \ud for sediments and waters, and only eventually were acute effects registered (marginal toxicity). Results are consistent with the \ud conditions indicated by the literature, of low concentrations of metals in waters and sediments; however they differ from the \ud monitoring made by the state environmental agency, which registered chronic toxicity. The occurrence of eventual acute toxicity \ud indicates that although Ribeira de Iguape River quality is being restored, conditions still are not totally under control.FAPESPFundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Esta-do de São Paulo (FAPESP) - Processos n. 2008/54607-5 e n. 2009/52762-

    a standardized assessment of forest mammal communities reveals consistent functional composition and vulnerability across the tropics

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    Understanding global diversity patterns has benefitted from a focus on functional traits and how they relate to variation in environmental conditions among assemblages. Distant communities in similar environments often share characteristics, and for tropical forest mammals, this functional trait convergence has been demonstrated at coarse scales (110-200 km resolution), but less is known about how these patterns manifest at fine scales, where local processes (e.g., habitat features and anthropogenic activities) and biotic interactions occur. Here, we used standardized camera trapping data and a novel analytical method that accounts for imperfect detection to assess how the functional composition of terrestrial mammal communities for two traits – trophic guild and body mass – varies across 16 protected areas in tropical forests and three continents, in relation to the extent of protected habitat and anthropogenic pressures. We found that despite their taxonomic differences, communities generally have a consistent trophic guild composition, and respond similarly to these factors. Insectivores were found to be sensitive to the size of protected habitat and surrounding human population density. Body mass distribution varied little among communities both in terms of central tendency and spread, and interestingly, community average body mass declined with proximity to human settlements. Results indicate predicted trait convergence among assemblages at the coarse scale reflects consistent functional composition among communities at the local scale, suggesting that broadly similar habitats and selective pressures shaped communities with similar trophic strategies and responses to drivers of change. These similarities provide a foundation for assessing assemblages under anthropogenic threats and sharing conservation measures.Understanding global diversity patterns has benefitted from a focus on functional traits and how they relate to variation in environmental conditions among assemblages. Distant communities in similar environments often share characteristics, and for tropical forest mammals, this functional trait convergence has been demonstrated at coarse scales (110-200 km resolution), but less is known about how these patterns manifest at fine scales, where local processes (e.g., habitat features and anthropogenic activities) and biotic interactions occur. Here, we used standardized camera trapping data and a novel analytical method that accounts for imperfect detection to assess how the functional composition of terrestrial mammal communities for two traits – trophic guild and body mass – varies across 16 protected areas in tropical forests and three continents, in relation to the extent of protected habitat and anthropogenic pressures. We found that despite their taxonomic differences, communities generally have a consistent trophic guild composition, and respond similarly to these factors. Insectivores were found to be sensitive to the size of protected habitat and surrounding human population density. Body mass distribution varied little among communities both in terms of central tendency and spread, and interestingly, community average body mass declined with proximity to human settlements. Results indicate predicted trait convergence among assemblages at the coarse scale reflects consistent functional composition among communities at the local scale, suggesting that broadly similar habitats and selective pressures shaped communities with similar trophic strategies and responses to drivers of change. These similarities provide a foundation for assessing assemblages under anthropogenic threats and sharing conservation measures

    Prey availability and temporal partitioning modulate felid coexistence in Neotropical forests

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    Carnivores have long been used as model organisms to examine mechanisms that allow coexistence among ecologically similar species. Interactions between carnivores, including competition and predation, comprise important processes regulating local community structure and diversity. We use data from an intensive camera-trapping monitoring program across eight Neotropical forest sites to describe the patterns of spatiotemporal organization of a guild of five sympatric cat species: jaguar (Panthera onca), puma (Puma concolor), ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) and margay (Leopardus wiedii). For the three largest cat species, we developed multi-stage occupancy models accounting for habitat characteristics (landscape complexity and prey availability) and models accounting for species interactions (occupancy estimates of potential competitor cat species). Patterns of habitat-use were best explained by prey availability, rather than habitat structure or species interactions, with no evidence of negative associations of jaguar on puma and ocelot occupancy or puma on ocelot occupancy. We further explore temporal activity patterns and overlap of all five felid species. We observed a moderate temporal overlap between jaguar, puma and ocelot, with differences in their activity peaks, whereas higher temporal partitioning was observed between jaguarundi and both ocelot and margay. Lastly, we conducted temporal overlap analysis and calculated species activity levels across study sites to explore if shifts in daily activity within species can be explained by varying levels of local competition pressure. Activity patterns of ocelots, jaguarundis and margays were similarly bimodal across sites, but pumas exhibited irregular activity patterns, most likely as a response to jaguar activity. Activity levels were similar among sites and observed differences were unrelated to competition or intraguild killing risk. Our study reveals apparent spatial and temporal partitioning for most of the species pairs analyzed, with prey abundance being more important than species interactions in governing the local occurrence and spatial distribution of Neotropical forest felids