204 research outputs found

    Space, Time and Nature: The process and the myth

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    The article fits into the debate regarding space, time and nature in dialogue with the world lived by subjects that build up themselves or are built as mythological heroes, source of speech and spacial concrete practices. It's a poorly explored field in Geography that recently approaches to the cultural dynamic debate, to the symbolic field and also to their spacialization processes. The aim is to discuss the possibility of understanding in the present time about the space organization processes related to the society's previous moments, in a space/time dialectics which articulate the present and past times in a complex and non linear way. Methodologically, starting from a literature review about the theme, the present study was linked to the field and documental research about migration to the vicinal ways of Transamazônica Highway (BR-230 Highway), the creation of the "Centro Espírita União do Vegetal", a religion that arises in the Amazon and set up its headquarters in Brasília and the construction of Brasilia as a modern metropolis without a past. The conclusion points at the possibility of space/time nexuses linking the Myth of Nature to the Creation of Heroes, constantly appropriated and with new meanings, in order to support speeches and new actions dialectically throughout the Brazilian contemporaneous space

    Diseño de un plan de mantenimiento con software CMMS para la empresa LAFAM S.A.S

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    Se ha diseñado un plan de Mantenimiento R.C.M (Basado en la confiabilidad) para la empresa LAFAM S.A.S., ya que actualmente solo se realizan operaciones correctivas, obligando a parar ciertos puntos de la línea de producción, frenando el flujo de trabajo y generando bajas en la productividad, inconsistencias, pérdidas económicas e inestabilidad en el proceso. Adicionalmente se creó un software para la administración del plan de mantenimiento y se recomendaron algunos indicadores de gestión para la retroalimentación y evaluación del plan de mantenimiento RCM. El diseño de este plan de mantenimiento se lleva a cabo en tres fases: la primera consistió en la identificación de los equipos, para esto se hizo un inventario de toda la maquinaria con el propósito de conocer y comprender el funcionamiento que da origen a la producción de las lentes oftálmicas. En la segunda fase se realizó la evaluación de los equipos, en la que se procedió a diagnosticar el estado de las máquinas, y en la fase final, el diseño como tal del plan de mantenimiento, es decir, elaboración de las hojas de vida de máquinas, relación de requerimientos, redacción de instructivos, listas de chequeo diarias y la creación del cronograma de actividades. Éste plan de mantenimiento está diseñado con el objetivo de reducir los tiempos muertos ocasionados por paradas intempestivas, como también para optimizar al máximo el tiempo de operación, por lo tanto, se harán las tareas de mantenimiento en espacios donde no se operen las máquinas

    Controlled delivery of illegal drug parcels in Scotland:Does policing practice align with a public health approach focused on drug-related harm?

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    An increase in the flow of drugs into the UK via international postal systems poses challenges for law enforcement. ‘Controlled delivery’ can be used to disrupt supply networks and secure intelligence for prosecution; however, critics argue that law enforcement should instead focus on reducing drug-related harm. In Scotland, national drugs strategy adopts a public health approach but it is unclear whether this extends to policing practice. Therefore, this paper examines whether controlled delivery of drug parcels aligns with a public health policing approach. We find evidence of alignment in terms of potential harm to individual users, particularly in relation to legal highs, but not in terms of drug-related harms within the communities to which parcels were destined. We argue that further investigation is required in order to assess the extent to which political intent and policing practice in Scotland align around the principles of harm reduction and public health


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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory and demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that results in variable severities of neurodegeneration. The understanding of MS has been limited by the inaccessibility of the affected cells and the lengthy timeframe of disease development. However, recent advances in stem cell technology have facilitated the bypassing of some of these challenges. Towards gaining a greater understanding of the innate potential of stem cells from people with varying degrees of disability, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells derived from stable and progressive MS patients, and then further differentiated them into oligodendrocyte (OL) lineage cells. We analyzed differentiation under both homeostatic and inflammatory conditions via sustained exposure to low-dose interferon gamma (IFNγ), a prominent cytokine in MS. We found that all iPSC lines differentiated into mature myelinating OLs, but chronic exposure to IFNγ dramatically inhibited differentiation in both MS groups, particularly if exposure was initiated during the pre-progenitor stage. Low-dose IFNγ was not toxic but led to an early upregulation of interferon response genes in OPCs followed by an apparent redirection in lineage commitment from OL to a neuron-like phenotype in a significant portion of the treated cells. Our results reveal that a chronic low-grade inflammatory environment may have profound effects on the efficacy of regenerative therapies

    Landscape-scale effects of irrigation on a dry cereal farmland bird community

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    Landscape modification and habitat fragmentation are one of the major current threats to biodiversity. The main source of habitat fragmentation is the loss of focal habitat area, but changes in the composition of the surrounding landscape also have a direct effect on biodiversity. These changes may lead to the loss of some species but also may favor species replacement. Farmland birds in Europe are affected by landscape changes due to farmland intensification, such as the spread of irrigation, which may occur at different spatial scales. As irrigation is expected to increase in the coming years, which may affect protected areas, it is necessary to evaluate its potential consequences over focal biodiversity. In this study we assess the relationship between the increase of irrigated land at different spatial scales and changes in a dry cereal farmland bird community, bird abundance and species richness, using generalized linear models. We used a dry cereal farmland affinity index to describe the level of community specificity for dry cereal farmland. The increase in irrigated tree orchards produced an increase in species richness up to 500 m away from the irrigated area, which had a negative effect on the dry cereal farmland bird community, by triggering a replacement of specialist by generalist species. Our results show the importance of landscape-scale effects of irrigation occurring outside protected areas on the farmland bird community inside Natura 2000 sites, as well as how these effects are detected even at long distances from the disturbance source.Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació and Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya S.A.U. have funded a relevant part of the field work and data acquisition

    Los etolios en Numancia

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    Se describen diez balas de hondas (glandes fundae, molíbdaina) procedentes de Numancia y sus alrededores; algunas aparecieron en las excavaciones realizadas en ese yacimiento a comienzos del siglo XX y el resto, de diversos lugares asociados con las operaciones militares del asedio (134-133 a.C.). El rasgo común de todas esas balas es que portan la leyenda en griego “de los Etolios”, lo que plantea el interesante problema de cuándo y cómo una tropa de honderos de un ethnos griegos pudo acabar combatiendo en la otra punta del Mediterráneo. El artículo examina las circunstancias de la Liga Etolia a mediados del s. II a.C. y concluye que, en base a la mayor evidencia disponible, los honderos posiblemente formaron parte del ejército de P. Cornelio Escipión Emiliano

    Deal or no-deal? Using administrative data to explore buyer motivation in online drug purchases and its association with community risk factors in Scotland

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    Background The expansion of online drugs markets has widened opportunities to purchase drugs, for both personal use and wider distribution, thus creating new potential public health risks. However, there is little research on the motivation of online drug purchasers or the level of risk that such transactions pose to different communities. Greater insights into the intended use of drug parcels arriving by post, and how this varies across communities could help law enforcement and health services develop more effective policies and better allocate resources to reduce drug-related harms. Methods We use Scottish administrative data about illegal drug parcels seized by the UK Border Force to create a new classification of ‘buyer motivation’ (based on type of drug, estimated number of doses purchased, and patterns of drug consumption). We identify three potential types of buyer motivation: personal consumption, heavy use or social dealing, and wholesale dealing; and examine the extent to which each type is associated with a range of drug-related community risk factors, thereby identifying potential variation in levels of public health risk. Results Communities to which drug parcels were destined differed significantly from the Scottish average across a range of factors; however, this varied by buyer motivation. Parcels thought to be purchased for heavy use or social dealing appeared to pose a greater risk within communities characterised by general deprivation, but especially health-related deprivation, with a high youth population but low unemployment rates; whereas those purchased for wholesale dealing appear most likely to pose a risk in communities with higher crime and unemployment rates. Conclusions Administrative data about intercepted drug parcels could be helpful in classifying the motivation of online drug purchasers and monitoring patterns of variation in potential public health risks at a community level. This could support law enforcement and public health agencies to develop more targeted drug-harm reduction strategies

    Aplicación del estudio del trabajo para mejorar la productividad en el área de producción en la Corporación Z Impresiones S.A., S.M.P, 2023

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    La presente tesis, tiene como objetivo general, demostrar que la aplicación del estudio del trabajo mejora la productividad en el área de producción en la Corporación Z Impresiones S.A., S.M.P., 2023. Investigación de tipo aplicada y diseño pre experimental. Asimismo, la población se define como la producción diaria de planos y la muestra como la producción diaria de planos durante 26 días. Se empleó la técnica de la observación directa para la recolección de datos, utilizamos un cronómetro antes de la toma de tiempos, esto para poder cuantificar el tiempo de cada operación, se emplearon instrumentos que fueron: las fichas de registros de actividades del proceso, tiempos observados, cálculo del tiempo estándar y de productividad. En el pre test se obtuvo una productividad de 47.29%; y en el post test con la implementación de 58.85%, logrando tener una mejora de la productividad del 11.56%. Mediante el análisis descriptivo e inferencial y el comparativo de los resultados de las fichas de productividad, se pudo concluir que, la aplicación del estudio del trabajo si mejora la productividad en el área de producción en la Corporación Z Impresiones S.A., S.M.P., 2023

    Efecto de la mazorca superior sobre el rendimiento de variedades semiprolífica de maices de clima frío.

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    Se averiguó el aporte que efectúa la mazorca superior en el rendimiento por planta de algunos tipos de maíces semiprofilácticos de clima frío. El experimento se llevó a cabo en el Centro de Investigaciones Tibaitatá (Cundinamarca) y en la Estación Experimental Surbatá (Boyacá). Los materiales utilizados consistieron en diversos ciclos de selección por número de mazorcas por planta en Harinoso Mosquera y Rocamex V-7, diferentes ciclos de selección recurrente por habilidad combinatoria general en Harinoso Mosquera y Blanco Rubí, variedades sintéticas provenientes de la mezcla de semillas de cruzamientos lineas por variedad y 3 tipos de maíces mejorados recomendados para clima frío. Todo este material se sembró en un diseño de bloques al azar de 30 variedades y 16 repeticiones. Se tomaron los siguientes datos: peso de la mazorca superior, peso de la segunda mazorca, rendimiento por planta, número de plantas con 2 mazorcas y porcentaje del rendimiento aportado por la mazorca superior. Aunque el 77.3 por ciento se debió al aporte de la mazorca superior, este componente no fue el principal responsable del mayor o menor rendimiento por planta. El componente que más influyó en el rendimiento fue el peso de la segunda mazorca. La mayor frecuencia y el peso de tales segundas mazorcas se reflejó en una mayor producción en los tipos de maíces estudiados. Además se observó cierta relación entre la prolificidad y el peso de la segunda mazorca, presentándose una asociación más marcada en los ciclos de selección por número de mazorcas por plant