67 research outputs found

    Guía para la reflexión crítica de la experiencia en Proyectos de Aplicación Profesional y la elaboración de su reporte

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    Contiene orientaciones teóricas, metodológicas y técnicas para realizar un ejercicio de reflexión crítica de experiencias de vinculación y su comunicación a través del Reporte de Proyectos de Aplicación Profesional

    Exploring Connections - Environmental Change, Food Security and Violence as Drivers of Migration - A Critical Review of Research

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    Migration, whether triggered by single events, such as violent conflict, or by long term pressures related to environmental change or food insecurity is altering sustainable development in societies. Although there is a large amount of literature, there is a gap for consolidating frameworks of migration-related to the interaction and correlation between drivers. We review scientific papers and research reports about three categories of drivers: Environmental Change (EC), Food Security (FS), and Violent Conflict (VC). First, we organize the literature to understand the explanations of the three drivers on migration individually, as well as the interactions among each other. Secondly, we analyse the literature produced regarding Colombia, Myanmar, and Tanzania; countries with different combinations of the driving factors for migration. Although we find that many correlations are explained in the literature, migration is mostly driven by structural vulnerabilities and unsustainable development paths in places that have a low resilience capacity to cope with risk. For example, food insecurity, as a product of environmental changes (droughts and floods), is seen as a mediating factor detonating violent conflict and migration in vulnerable populations. The paper contributes to the literature about multi-driven migration, presenting an overview of the way in which different driver combinations trigger migration. This is important for determining the best governance mechanisms and policy responses that tackle forced migration and improve the resilience of vulnerable communities as well as sustainable development

    Generalized sampling: from shift-invariant to U-invariant spaces

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    The aim of this article is to derive a sampling theory in U-invariant subspaces of a separable Hilbert space ℋ where U denotes a unitary operator defined on ℋ. To this end, we use some special dual frames for L2(0, 1), and the fact that any U-invariant subspace with stable generator is the image of L2(0, 1) by means of a bounded invertible operator. The used mathematical technique mimics some previous sampling work for shift-invariant subspaces of L2(ℝ). Thus, sampling frame expansions in U-invariant spaces are obtained. In order to generalize convolution systems and deal with the time-jitter error in this new setting we consider a continuous group of unitary operators which includes the operator U

    On Some Sampling-Related Frames in U-Invariant Spaces

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    This paper is concerned with the characterization as frames of some sequences in -invariant spaces of a separable Hilbert space H where U denotes an unitary operator defined on H ; besides, the dual frames having the same form are also found. This general setting includes, in particular, shift-invariant or modulation-invariant subspaces in L2(R) , where these frames are intimately related to the generalized sampling problem. We also deal with some related perturbation problems. In doing so, we need the unitary operator to belong to a continuous group of unitary operators

    Finite Sampling in Multiple Generated U-Invariant Subspaces

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    The relevance in a sampling theory of U-invariant subspaces of a Hilbert space H, where U denotes a unitary operator on H, is nowadays a recognized fact. Indeed, shift-invariant subspaces of L-2(R) become a particular example; periodic extensions of finite signals also provide a remarkable example. As a consequence, the availability of an abstract U-sampling theory becomes a useful tool to handle these problems. In this paper, we derive a sampling theory for finite dimensional multiple generated U-invariant subspaces of a Hilbert space H. As the involved samples are identified as frame coefficients in a suitable euclidean space, the relevant mathematical technique is that of the finite frame theory. Since finite frames are nothing but spanning sets of vectors, the used technique naturally meets matrix analysis

    Cirugía conservadora de laringe en pacientes candidatos a tratamiento combinado con quimio-radiación por cáncer laríngeo

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    ResumenAntecedentesEl tratamiento de referencia de tipo conservador no quirúrgico para el cáncer de laringe en etapa avanzada es combinado (quimio-radioterapia). Sin embargo, las complicaciones que se presentan con dicho tratamiento no son pocas, principalmente en lo que se refiere a la deglución. La cirugía conservadora de laringe sigue siendo una alternativa eficaz para el control oncológico sin las complicaciones asociadas a la quimio-radioterapia.Material y métodosEstudio retrospectivo que incluyó a pacientes con cáncer laríngeo cT3, cN0 con infiltración paraglótica, fijación cordal, pero movilidad aritenoidea normal y sin infiltración subglótica que fueron tratados con laringectomía subtotal supracricoidea. Se evaluaron complicaciones, secuelas del tratamiento y recurrencia. La aspiración bronquial fue estudiada con gammagrafía de tránsito esofágico.ResultadosFueron intervenidos 25 pacientes; los márgenes de sección fueron negativos en 22; en uno, los márgenes mostraron contacto con el tumor, y en dos resultaron positivos. Dos pacientes recibieron radioterapia posoperatoria. La media del tiempo hasta la decanulación fue de 15 días, en tanto que para el retiro de la sonda nasogástrica fue de 25 días. La media del seguimiento fue de 26 meses. Ninguno de los pacientes ha presentado recurrencia tumoral, ni conversión a laringectomía total. Todos los pacientes presentan deglución normal y ninguno ha requerido traqueotomía permanente, en tanto que la voz es considerada inteligible en todos ellos. Los estudios de gammagrafía del tránsito esofágico mostraron aspiración en 15/25 pacientes, ninguno con repercusión clínica. Cinco pacientes experimentaron complicaciones posoperatorias, cuatro requirieron re-intervención, pero ninguno requirió conversión a laringectomía total.ConclusiónLa cirugía conservadora es una alternativa eficaz a la asociación quimio-radioterapéutica, que ofrece un control oncológico con complicaciones aceptables y secuelas mínimas. Aunque la mayoría de los pacientes experimenta aspiración, ésta no repercute en el estado funcional.AbstractBackgroundThe non-surgical organ-preserving standard of care for advanced-stage laryngeal cancer is combined treatment (chemo-radiotherapy). However, complications occurring with this treatment are not few, and mainly with regards to swallowing. Conservative laryngeal surgery remains an effective alternative for cancer control without the complications associated with chemo-radiotherapy.Material and methodsRetrospective study that included patients with cT3, cN0 laryngeal cancer with paraglottic infiltration, vocal cord fixation, but with normal arytenoid mobility, and without subglottic infiltration, who were treated with supracricoid subtotal laryngectomy. Complications, treatment sequels, and recurrence were assessed. Bronchial aspiration was studied with swallowing scintigraphy.ResultsTwenty-five patients underwent the intervention. Surgical margins were negative in 22, and in one, they were in contact with the tumour, and in 2 they were positive. Two patients received post-operative radiotherapy. Mean time to de-cannulation was 15 days, and 25 days to nasogastric tube removal. Mean follow-up was 26 months. None of the patients has had tumour recurrence or has required conversion to total laryngectomy. In all patients, swallowing has been normal and no one has required permanent tracheotomy. The voice is considered to be intelligible in all patients. Swallowing scintigraphy showed aspiration in 15/25 patients, which was not clinically relevant. Five patients had post-operative complications, with 4 patients requiring re-intervention, but no one required conversion to total laryngectomy.ConclusionConservative surgery is an effective alternative to chemo-radiotherapy that offers cancer control with acceptable complications and minimal sequels. Although most patients experience aspiration, this does not affect the functional status

    Vacas doble propósito suplementadas con nacedero (Trichanthera gigantea) en pastoreo continuo

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    This research was conducted in the "Limoncitos" farm located in the Villavicencio city Cocuy village, which is dedicated to the exploitation of cattle breeding whose main source of food is Brachiaria decumbens grass, and in some cases the animals are supplemented with concentrated or Trichantera gigantea. For this work crossed cow Zebu x Brown Swiss and Zebu x Holstein in second and third lactation with an average production of 5.2 kg/cow/day and an average weight of 351.8 ± 15 kg, which were distributed in two groups as follows: T1 = grazing on B. decumbens grass, T2 = grazing more 9 kg/animal/day of T. gigantea in fresh matter. It was also supplied mineralized water and salt at will. The variables evaluated were: daily milk production, and weight of cows at the beginning and end of the experiment; the nutritional analysis and ruminal degradability of forages that were used were performed in the animal nutrition laboratory of UNILLANOS, also was determined fat and protein content in the milk. The T. gigantea acceptance by the cows was high, about 80%; the group was supplemented with this tree got better the production in one kg, while the witness maintained his steady production, therefore is observed a difference (P<0.05) between the two treatments. The weight increased in both cases, being the daily increase 233.3 and 485.1 g/animal, for the control and the treated group respectively, also the cost by kg of milk produced was lower in this treatment.Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en la finca "Limoncitos" ubicada en Villavicencio Colombia, vereda el Cocuy, dedicada a la explotación de ganado de cría cuya principal fuente de alimentación es el pasto Brachiaria decumbens, y en algunos casos los animales se suplementan con concentrado o Trichanthera gigantea. Para este trabajo se utilizaron vacas cruzadas Cebú x Pardo Suizo y Cebú x Holstein de segunda y tercera lactancia con una producción promedio inicial de 5.2 kg/vaca/día y un peso promedio de 351.8 ± 15 kg, las cuales se distribuyeron en dos grupos de la siguiente manera T1 = Pastoreo en B. decumbens, T2 = Pastoreo más 9 kg/animal/día de T. gigantea, en materia fresca. También se suministró agua y sal mineralizada a voluntad. Las variables evaluadas fueron: producción diaria de leche y peso de las vacas al inicio y final del experimento. Los análisis nutricionales y degradabilidad ruminal de los forrajes utilizados se realizaron en el laboratorio de nutrición animal de UNILLANOS, además, se determinó en la leche su contenido de grasa y proteína. La aceptación del T. gigantea por parte de las vacas fue alta, aproximadamente un 80%; el grupo que fue suplementado con esta arbórea, mejoró la producción en un kg, mientras que el testigo mantuvo su producción constante, por tanto se observa una diferencia (P<0.05) entre los dos tratamientos. El peso en ambos casos se incrementó, siendo el aumento diario 233.3 y 485.1 g/animal para el testigo y el grupo tratado respectivamente, además el costo por kg de leche producida fue menor en este tratamiento.Esta pesquisa foi realizada na fazenda "Limoncitos" localizada em Villavicencio, Colombia, vereda el Cocuy, dedicada à exploração de gado de criação cuja principal fonte de alimento é o pasto Brachiaria decumbens, e, em alguns casos os animais são completados com concentrado ou Trichantera gigantea. Para este trabalho foram utilizadas vacas mestiças Zebu x Brown Suíço e Zebu x Holstein de segunda e terceira lactação com uma produção média de 5.2 kg/vaca/dia e um peso médio de 351.8 ± 15 kg que eles foram divididos em dois grupos como se segue: T1 = pastoreio em B. decumbens, T2 = pastagem mais 9.0 kg/animal/dia Trichanthera gigantea, em matéria fresca. Também foi fornecido água e sal mineralizada à vontade. As variáveis avaliadas foram: produção diária de leite, peso das vacas no início e no fim da experiencia; análise nutricional e degradabilidade ruminal de forragens usados foram realizados no laboratório de nutrição animal UNILLANOS, além disso, foi determinado o teor de gordura e proteína do leite. A aceitação de T. gigantea pelas vacas foi elevada, cerca de 80%; o grupo que foi suplementado com esta árvore, melhoria da produção em um kg, enquanto a testemunha manteve a produção estável, por conseguinte, a diferença é observada (P<0.05) entre os dois tratamentos. O peso aumentou em ambos os casos, sendo o aumento diário 233.3 e 485.1 g/animal para o controle e o grupo tratado, respectivamente, além do custo por kg de leite produzido foi menor neste tratamento

    Resección guiada por fluorescencia en pacientes con cáncer de lengua

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    ResumenIntroducciónLa fluorescencia ha sido utilizada exitosamente como pesquisa del cáncer oral, adicional al examen oral convencional, identifica áreas con cambios histológicos que son desapercibidas con luz blanca.ObjetivoSaber si la resección guiada por fluorescencia se asocia a márgenes quirúrgicos negativos en pacientes con cáncer de lengua.Material y métodosSe incluyó a pacientes con carcinoma invasivo de lengua candidatos a resección. Se evaluaron con examen oral convencional y con fluorescencia determinándose si el límite de la lesión coincidía en ambos exámenes, se marcaron los límites quirúrgicos analizándose histológicamente.ResultadosFueron 30 pacientes con carcinoma epidermoide invasivo; 10 T1, 15 T2 y 5 T3; 18 mujeres y 12 hombres. El borde de la lesión neoplásica evaluado con el examen oral convencional coincidió con la evaluación con fluorescencia en 17 (56%) y en 13 (44%) la lesión fue mayor. Los márgenes de quirúrgicos fueron negativos en 27 (90%) y positivos en 3 (10%), los positivos lo fueron en el espesor lingual, todos fueron cT3.ConclusionesLa fluorescencia identifica lesiones mayores a las diagnosticadas con el examen oral convencional en el 44% de los pacientes, favorece resección quirúrgica con márgenes negativos en el 90%, la infiltración submucosa y muscular no puede ser detectada por este método.AbstractBackgroundFluorescence has been successfully used as screening method of oral cavity cancer. In addition to the conventional oral examination, it identifies areas with histological changes that are not identified with conventional white light.ObjectiveTo determine whether fluorescence facilitates resection with negative margins in patients diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue.Material and methodsPatients diagnosed with invasive tongue squamous cell carcinoma were evaluated with a conventional oral examination and fluorescence. To determine whether the threshold of injury coincided in both tests, the limits of section were identified and histologically evaluated.ResultsThe study included 30 patients, 18 women and 12 men; 10 T1, 15 T2, and 5 patients with T3. The neoplastic margin evaluated with conventional light coincided with fluorescence in 17 patients (56%), and in 13 (44%) fluorescence identified a larger tumour. Surgical margins were negative in 27 (90%), and 3 (10%) positives that were all in the tongue thickness and with bulky tumours (T3).ConclusionsFluorescence identifies larger tumours than those identified with conventional oral examination in 44% of patients, and ensures a longer surgical resection with free surgical margins in 90% of cases. Submucosal and muscular invasion is not detected by this method

    Peacebuilding in times of COVID-19: risk-adapted strategies of cooperation and development projects

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    National and international cooperation and development projects (CDP) are fundamental for peacebuilding. However, unforeseen global crises, like COVID-19, can endanger such projects, requiring rapid adaption. In Colombia, the coronavirus outbreak threatens to slow the implementation of peace-related projects, while simultaneously violence over control and ownership of land increases. Although the mid- to long-term consequences for peacebuilding are unknown, exploring risk-adapted strategies of national and international CDP can help identify crucial aspects for future processes and implementations. This study explores the key challenges and coping strategies of implementing agencies and stakeholders to COVID-19, thus helping to derive and improve risk-adapted strategies. After reviewing academic and grey literature, and implementing a semi-structured survey, peacebuilding risked-adapted strategies to COVID-19 are explored with respect to conflict-affected and vulnerable areas of Colombia. Findings show that increasing complexity rooted in top down governmental measures, the rise of new local power relations (e.g. armed groups, illicit activities), and social alienation are negatively affecting peacebuilding in Colombia. Future CDP risk adapted strategies should build on local interests and needs through public-private and environmental cooperation

    Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci Controlling the Content of Phenolic Compounds in an Asian Plum (Prunus salicina L.) F1 Population

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    Consumption of fresh fruit is known to protect against non-communicable diseases due to the fruit's content in compounds with an antioxidant capacity, among them is polyphenols. Asian plums (Prunus salicina L.) accumulate more than 40 phenolic compounds, with a remarkable diversity in their profiles, depending on the variety and environmental conditions. Although candidate genes have been indicated to control this trait, the loci controlling its phenotypic variation have not yet been defined in this species. The aim of this work was to identify the quantitative trait Loci (QTL) controlling the phenolic compounds content in the Asian plum skin and flesh. Using UHPLC-DAD-Orbitrap-MS, we determined that cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside are the main anthocyanins in Asian plums. Other anthocyanins found to a lesser extent were tentatively identified as cyanidin bound to different sugar and procyanidin moieties. Then we phenotyped fruits of 92 and 80 F1 seedlings from the cross (98 Ang) for two harvest seasons. We used HPLC-DAD to quantify single anthocyanin and spectrophotometric techniques to determine the total content of phenols, flavonoids, procyanidins, and antioxidant activity (DPPH and FRAP). To determine the phenotype-genotype association of phenolic compounds content, phenotypic values (adjusted by linear mixed-effects models), genotypic data and linkage maps were analyzed with the multiple QTL model (MQM) approach. We found a total of 21 significant trait-marker associations: 13 QTLs segregating from “98.99” and 8 QTLs from “Angeleno.” From these associations, 8 corresponded to phenolic compound content in the flesh and 13 in the skin. Phenotype variance was explained by the detected loci, ranging from 12.4 to 27.1%. The identified loci are related to the content of cyanidin-3-glucoside (LG4), cyanidin-3-rutinoside (LG4), total flavonoids and procyanidins (LG5 and LG8), and minor anthocyanin compounds (LG3 and LG4). These results will help improve the efficiency of breeding programs for the generation of Asian plum varieties with high phenolic compound content.This work has been funded by the National Agency of Research and Development (ANID), Chile: Fondecyt start into Research No. 11150662, Fondecyt Regular No. 1191446, and FONDEF Project IT17I0069 Sweet Pekeetah: un modelo tecnológico-comercial para una nueva variedad chilena de fruta; BB and CS-A were supported by BECAS DE DOCTORADO NACIONAL/2020 No. 21200330 and 21191605, respectively. The work of JS was supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain through Juan de la Cierva incorporation contract (IJC2018-036623-I