767 research outputs found

    Los planes de desarrollo sostenible como instrumento de promoción del turismo rural en los parques naturales: estudio del caso del Parque Natural de la sierra de Grazalema

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    El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis del Plan de Desarrollo Sostenible del Parque Natural de la Sierra de Grazalema como instrumento para la promoción y potenciación del turismo rural llevado a cabo en el mismo. Su elección no resulta casual, ya que se trata del primer espacio natural del territorio español en recibir la catalogación de Reserva de la Biosfera por la UNESCO en el año 1977, además de constituirse como uno de los parques de mayor valor y riqueza de las provincias de Cádiz y Málaga en las cuales se localiza. Así, tras describir el papel de la sostenibilidad en la actividad turística así como las tipologías y categorías del turismo rural, el trabajo analiza la importancia del desarrollo de una actividad turística sostenible en el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Grazalema a través del estudio de su Plan de Desarrollo Sostenible, elemento no sólo dirigido a la preservación y conservación del entorno natural, sino también enfocado hacia la puesta en valor de los recursos que posee este enclave como medio para ejercer una actividad turística más competitiva y sostenible.This work focuses on the analysis of the Sustainable Development Plan of the Natural Park of Sierra de Grazalema as an instrument for the promotion and empowerment of rural tourism conducted on it. Your choice is not accidental, since it is the first natural area of Spanish territory to receive the documentation of a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1977, besides being one of the most valuable parks and wealth of the provinces of Cadiz and Malaga in which it is located. Thus, after describing the role of sustainability in tourism as well as the types and characteristics of rural tourism, the paper analyzes the importance of developing a sustainable tourism in the Natural Park of Sierra de Grazalema through the study of Sustainable Development Plan, an element not only aimed at the preservation and conservation of the natural environment, but also focused on the enhancement of the resources you have this location as a means to exercise a more competitive and sustainable tourism

    La abolición de la pena de muerte en España

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    El presente trabajo estudia la abolición de la pena de muerte en España. Hasta su supresión en el artículo 15 de la Constitución Española de 1978, hay un largo proceso que comienza en España a principios del siglo XIX y que se traducirá en una humanización progresiva del Derecho penal y en especial de la pena de muerte. Durante este recorrido histórico se analizará tanto el Derecho penal ordinario, como el Derecho penal Militar. El estudio prestará atención al debate del artículo 15 y su desarrollo legislativo posterior, especialmente en la jurisdicción militar que conservará la pena capital hasta el año 1995, año en el que se eliminaría del arsenal punitivo. Desde ese momento España se convertiría en el 55º país en abolir la pena de muerte definitivamente, consolidando así el respeto por el derecho a la vida.Grado en Derecho y Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    The certification in the Spanish tourism sector: management of the Spanish beach

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    El modelo de “sol y playa”, pieza clave del sector turístico español, se basa en las playas como principal recurso de la actividad turística. Los cambios acaecidos en el entorno debido a los avances tecnológicos, el cambio en el comportamiento del consumidor turístico, así como el aumento de la competencia con la aparición de nuevos destinos turísticos competidores de “sol y playa”, han llevado a la necesidad de reinventar el tradicional producto turístico de sol y playa, buscando diferenciarse de los competidores a través de la calidad, el respeto del medioambiente y la accesibilidad. En este sentido, las administraciones han encontrado en las certificaciones una vía para alcanzar la máxima calidad, ofrecer el mejor servicio al cliente y diferenciarse de los competidores. Esto se debe a que la obtención de certificaciones oficiales es reconocida en el mercado, tanto por los tour operadores como por los turistas, proporcionando una mayor seguridad y garantía al cliente, beneficiando la imagen y el atractivo del destino turístico. El propósito de nuestra investigación es la revisión de las certificaciones existentes en el ámbito español en materia de playas, analizando cada una de ellas a través de su aplicación en un caso real, para lo cual utilizaremos el método del caso como metodología de investigación.The model of "sun and beach", key part of the Spanish tourism sector, is based on the beaches as the main resource of tourism. The changes in the environment due to technological advances, changing consumer behavior tourism and increased competition with the emergence of new competing destinations "sun and beach”, have led to the need to reinvent Product traditional seaside resort, seeking to differentiate themselves from competitors through quality, respect for the environment and accessibility. In this sense, governments have found in the certificates one way to achieve the highest quality, providing the best customer service and differentiate themselves from competitors. This is because obtaining official certification is recognized in the market, both tour operators and the tourists, providing greater security and customer warranty, benefiting the image and attractiveness of the destination. The purpose of our research is to review existing certifications in the Spanish on beaches, looking at each through its application on a real case, for which use the case method as a research methodology

    Contribución al estudio de hongos que viven sobre materias fecales (1ª aportación)

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    Se estudian especies de hongos recolectadas sobre materias fecales, Myxomycetes, Ascomycetes y Basidiomycetes, comparándolas con otras especies que denominamos "subcoprofilas". Se describen macro y microscópicamente los taxones más interesantes. Resultan nuevas citas para el Catálogo micológico español 6 especies: Coprinus heterosetulosus Locquin, Coprinus patouillardii Quél., Coprinus poliomallus Romagnesi, Panaeolus cyanescens Berk. et Br., Psathyrella coprophila Watling y Psathyrella stercoraria (Kiihn. et Romag.) Moser

    Proceedings of the 1st Doctoral Consortium at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (DC-ECAI 2020)

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    1st Doctoral Consortium at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (DC-ECAI 2020), 29-30 August, 2020 Santiago de Compostela, SpainThe DC-ECAI 2020 provides a unique opportunity for PhD students, who are close to finishing their doctorate research, to interact with experienced researchers in the field. Senior members of the community are assigned as mentors for each group of students based on the student’s research or similarity of research interests. The DC-ECAI 2020, which is held virtually this year, allows students from all over the world to present their research and discuss their ongoing research and career plans with their mentor, to do networking with other participants, and to receive training and mentoring about career planning and career option

    Automotive aftermarket forecast in a changing world: The stakeholders' perceptions boost!

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    This article belongs to the Section Economic and Business Aspects of Sustainability.This study presents a methodology for forecasting the medium– and long–term real revenues of the automotive post–sales service sectors, assuming the automobile industry is nowadays undergoing a deep process of transformation. There are several conditioning factors, usage as well as environmental reasons, that makes past times an unreasonable guide for a future forecast. Firstly, we estimate, using regression models, the most important variables for the automobile sector that will affect the long–term forecasts of the automotive aftermarket’s revenues. Secondly, we apply participatory methods to quantify the impact of the new conditioning factors. This is a research tool used for the Spanish automotive aftermarket. Our results indicate how stakeholders’ perceptions modulate the forecasts for those economic sectors involved in a disrupted changing business model.We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and FEDER through Grant RTI-2018-099403-B-I00 and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science through Grant ECO2017-82445-R

    Social capacity building in rural Aymara women organizations in Puno, Peru.

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    Social capacity building has been considered in the last decades an important element of rural development projects, as it helps organizations and communities to better use their resources, design and manage projects locally and improve their living standards. Social capacity building has been related to the development of certain skills and to the concept of leadership development. Social capacity building and leadership development under a social learning approach have guided a rural development project with an Aymara women organization in Puno, Peru, where around 400 women artisans are trying to develop a business organization to improve their lives and their communities. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies have been applied to assess improvements in capacities and leadership. Results show that the technical aspects are the first to be developed but that group process skills and contextual skills take longer and are crucial to the success of the projects

    Semiorthogonal functions and orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle

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    AbstractWe establish a bijection between Hermitian functionals on the linear space of Laurent polynomials and functionals on P × P satisfying some orthogonality conditions (P denotes the linear space of polynomials with real coefficients). This allows us to study some topics about sequences (Φn) of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle from a new point of view. Whenever the polynomials Φn have real coefficients, we recover a well known result by Szegő

    A Survey of Fuzzy Systems Software: Taxonomy, Current Research Trends, and Prospects

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    Fuzzy systems have been used widely thanks to their ability to successfully solve a wide range of problems in different application fields. However, their replication and application require a high level of knowledge and experience. Furthermore, few researchers publish the software and/or source code associated with their proposals, which is a major obstacle to scientific progress in other disciplines and in industry. In recent years, most fuzzy system software has been developed in order to facilitate the use of fuzzy systems. Some software is commercially distributed, but most software is available as free and open-source software, reducing such obstacles and providing many advantages: quicker detection of errors, innovative applications, faster adoption of fuzzy systems, etc. In this paper, we present an overview of freely available and open-source fuzzy systems software in order to provide a well-established framework that helps researchers to find existing proposals easily and to develop well-founded future work. To accomplish this, we propose a two-level taxonomy, and we describe the main contributions related to each field. Moreover, we provide a snapshot of the status of the publications in this field according to the ISI Web of Knowledge. Finally, some considerations regarding recent trends and potential research directions are presentedThis work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants TIN2014-56633-C3-3-R and TIN2014-57251-P, the Andalusian Government under Grants P10-TIC-6858 and P11-TIC-7765, and the GENIL program of the CEI BioTIC GRANADA under Grant PYR-2014-2S