5,066 research outputs found

    A representação social da inclusão na formação de professores

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    This article is the result of a section of thesis research, with the objective of apprehending and identifying the representational structures of inclusion elaborated by those from the UFPB Pedagogy Course, in a total of 243 students. A multi-method field research was carried out. The free word association test and the sociodemographic questionnaire were used as instruments. The word respect constitutes a centralizing element of Social Representations, as far as students are concerned, this group understands inclusion as an act that involves education and love for its realization. Specifically, the students evoked respect (99), accessibility (56), equality (47), law (42), education (26), acceptance (22) and opportunity (19). The figurative, imagetic nucleus that represents inclusion for these students points to the idea of respect. Respect is presented as an essential element in anchoring with reality, constituting, in the students' view, a primary factor for inclusion.Este artículo es el resultado de uma sección de investigación de tesis, com el objetivo aprehender e identificar las estructuras representacionales de la inclusión elaboradas por los discentes de la Carrera de Pedagogía de la UFPB, en total de 243 discentes. Se realizó una pesquisa de campo de abordaje multimétodos. Se utilizó como instrumento el test de asociación libre de palabras y el cuestionario sociodemográfico. La palabra respeto se constituye como un elemento centralizador de las Representaciones Sociales, en lo que se refiere a los discentes, este grupo entiende la inclusión como un acto que envuelve la educación y el amor para su realización. Específicamente, los discentes evocaron respeto (99), accesibilidad (56), igualdad (47), derecho (42), educación (26), aceptación (22) y oportunidad (19). El núcleo figurativo, imagético, que representa la inclusión para estos alumnos apunta para la idea de respeto. El respeto se presenta como elemento esencial en el anclaje con la realidad, constituyéndose, en la visión de los discentes como factor primordial para la inclusión.Este artigo é resultado de um recorte de pesquisa de tese, com objetivo apreender e identificar as estruturas representacionais da inclusão elaboradas pelos do Curso de Pedagogia da UFPB, no total de 243 discentes. Realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo de abordagem multimétodos. Utilizou-se como instrumentos o teste de associação livre de palavras e o questionário sociodemográfico. A palavra respeito constitui-se como um elemento centralizador das Representações Sociais, no que tange os discentes, esse grupo entende a inclusão como um ato que envolve a educação e o amor para sua realização. Especificamente, os discentes evocaram respeito (99), acessibilidade (56), igualdade (47), direito (42), educação (26), aceitação (22) e oportunidade (19). O núcleo figurativo, imagético, que representa a inclusão para esses alunos aponta para a ideia de respeito. O respeito se apresenta como elemento essencial na ancoragem com a realidade, constituindo-se, na visão dos discente como fator primordial para a inclusão

    Prácticas organizativas en las escuelas públicas de alto rendimiento en Brasil

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    This research aimed to point out and analyse the organizational practices of the principals in high performance public schools in Brazil, considering the Basic Education Development Index. A multiple case study was conducted in six schools in Volta Redonda, municipality of Rio de Janeiro, in a longitudinal research. It was concluded that in these schools the principals have worked in the same school for more than 20 years, and whose work is recognized by the community that elected him to the position. Principals act to ensure the best results for the students while assuming the responsibility for making critical management decisions. The principals are fully active in the management teams and encourage the participation of parents. The principal of the studied high performance schools unequivocally show that their focus is on the students and their learning, by following up academically all students and offering individualized attention to those with learning difficulties. Finally, it was found that in all the school units, there is a relationship of partnership, respect and cooperation with teachers. The results showed that the involvement and commitment of the school administrators is fundamental for high performance in learning and for the continuous improvement of school performanceEsta investigación busca identificar y analizar las prácticas organizativas de los directores de escuelas públicas de alto rendimiento en Brasil, considerando el Índice de Desarrollo de la Educación Básica. Se realizó un estudio de caso múltiple en seis escuelas en Volta Redonda (Río de Janeiro) en una investigación longitudinal. Se concluyó que en estas escuelas los directores han trabajado en la misma escuela más de 20 años, y su trabajo es reconocido por la comunidad. El director actúa para garantizar los mejores resultados para los estudiantes mientras asume la responsabilidad de la toma de decisiones de gestión críticas. Los directores participan activamente en los equipos de gestión y fomentan la participación de las familias. Los directores de las escuelas de alto rendimiento estudiadas muestran que se centran en los estudiantes y en su aprendizaje al realizar un seguimiento académico de todos los estudiantes y ofrecer atención individualizada a aquellos con dificultades de aprendizaje. En todas las escuelas existe una relación de respeto y cooperación con los maestros. Los resultados mostraron que la participación y el compromiso de los administradores de la escuela es fundamental para el alto rendimiento en el aprendizaje y para la mejora continua del rendimiento escola

    Método científico e pesquisas em saúde: orientação para prática profissional

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    In the health area, research is designed to develop reliable data on problems and needs that are important to the individual/community, with a particular focus on guiding practitioners. Today, due to innumerable innovations in health, health decision-making needs to be based on scientific principles, which is a daily process that is integral to the rhythm of life, product and reason for social interests in confrontation based on learning, not summarized to mere reproduction. In this context, when considering that the quality of the research is directly linked to the presentation of the results, it is important to note the importance of the construction of research protocols that present the step-by-step techniques of organization and analysis of the data, understanding that the researcher, when in possession of collected data, must be sure that when they work respecting the chosen technique, they will indicate the evidences of the study, with possibilities to achieve a new knowledge with the minimum of bias that can happen. Thus, it is understood the importance of emphasizing the scientific method as a way for the development of scientific research in order to achieve the objectives set, increasing the rigor of the research to give visibility to information that enables the professional practices conscious and within of criteria that contribute to decision making on care based on validated scientific information.  Na área da saúde a pesquisa é projetada para desenvolver dados fidedignos sobre problemas e necessidades importantes para o indivíduo/comunidade, com foco, em especial, para orientar a prática dos profissionais. Atualmente, devido a inúmeras inovações na área da saúde, a tomada de decisão em saúde necessita estar pautada em princípios científicos que é processo cotidiano integrante do ritmo de vida, produto e motivo de interesses sociais em confronto baseado no aprendizado não resumido à mera reprodução. Nesse contexto, ao considerar que a qualidade das pesquisas está diretamente ligada à apresentação dos resultados, destaca-se a importância da construção de protocolos de pesquisa que apresentem o passo a passo de técnicas de organização e análise dos dados, ao entender que o pesquisador quando de posse de dados coletados, deve ter a certeza de que ao serem trabalhados respeitando a técnica escolhida, indicarão as evidências do estudo, com possibilidades de chegar a um novo conhecimento com o mínimo de viés que pode acontecer. Assim, entende-se a importância de dar ênfase ao método científico como caminho para desenvolvimento da pesquisa cientifica para que assim se alcance os objetivos traçados, propiciando cada vez mais a rigorosidade das pesquisas para dar visibilidade a informações que possibilitem as práticas profissionais conscientes e dentro de critérios que contribuam para tomada de decisão sobre o cuidado com base em informações científicas validadas

    Exploring the role of norms and habit in explaining pro‐environmental behavior intentions in situations of use robots and AI agents as providers in tourism sector

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    : In a pandemic situation, with climate change around the world, studies analyzing changes in travel patterns are welcome. This study combines three theories to propose a model on proenvironmental behavior intentions, namely, the theory of planned behavior, value–belief–norm theory and habit theory. This study aims to examine the role of social norms, personal norms and habit strength to explain pro-environmental behavior intentions. The authors collected 316 usable questionnaires from tourists in the well-known touristic Belem location in Lisbon. Personal norms were revealed to have the strongest association with pro-environmental behavior intentions, followed by habit strength. The study also identified different broad challenges to encouraging sustainable behaviors and use these to develop novel theoretical propositions and directions for future research. Finally, the authors outlined how practitioners aiming to encourage sustainable consumer behaviors can use this framework to achieve better results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This article intends to analyze one of the most competitive economic in Portugal: thefootwear cluster.Although the Portuguese economy has been affected by several economic disruptions in the last years, the footwear industry managed to remain as a competitive and resilient activity, resilient that has bet on a strategy of innovation, improvement of processes and effective communication policy in order to survive in a market characterized by an enormous competitiveness and demand.In this context, this report’s main objective is to analyze the developments in this sector critically and to check the main challenges.In methodological terms, two in-depth interviews were conducted to the APUCCAPS’sresponsible beyond a qualitative analysis based on the available documents.It was verified that the footwear cluster faces significant challenges, but regardlessof this fact, it has been modernized and adapted to new situations with great success.Este artigo pretende analisar uma das áreas de actividade económica mais competitivas de Portugal: o cluster do calçado. Embora ao longo dos últimos anos a economia portuguesa tenha sido afectada por diversas perturbações económicas, a indústria do calçado conseguiu manter-se como uma actividade competitiva e resiliente que apostou na inovação e no aprimoramento de processos e política de comunicação eficaz como estratégia principal de sobrevivência num mercado caracterizado pela enorme competitividade e exigência. Neste contexto, este artigo tem como principal objectivo analisar criticamente a evolução deste sector e verificar os principais desafios. Em termos metodológicos, foram feitas duas entrevistas em profundidade aos responsáveis pelo APUCCAPS além de uma análise qualitativa com base nos documentos disponíveis. Verificou-se que o cluster do calçado se depara com desafios significativos, mas independentemente desse facto, tem-se modernizado e adaptado a novas conjunturas com bastante sucesso

    Brand love relationship: a true love or a missing story?

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    This paper looks into the function of human style relationship facets when applied to brands through a brand love relationship.Methodologically, this investigation defined two groups of respondents (from a questionnaire applied to 224 respondents): those who self-reported a brand love relationship and those who did not. These groups were compared through a Likert questionnaire in order to find evidence of key human relationship facets that run along a brand love relationship, such as the self-ideal and positive psychology. Although, we did not find significant effects of the three key variables, the descriptive statistics showed higher averages where expectedThis paper looks into the function of human style relationship facets when applied to brands through a brand love relationship.Methodologically, this investigation defined two groups of respondents (from a questionnaire applied to 224 respondents): those who self-reported a brand love relationship and those who did not. These groups were compared through a Likert questionnaire in order to find evidence of key human relationship facets that run along a brand love relationship, such as the self-ideal and positive psychology. Although, we did not find significant effects of the three key variables, the descriptive statistics showed higher averages where expected

    Tornando os museus atrações para os turistas: lazer sério, significância e emoções como influenciadores do envolvimento comprometido

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    The aim of this study is to explore the relationships among the concepts of serous leisure, meaningfulness, emotions, word-of-mouth and passionate desire, as antecedents and outcomes of engagement with museums. The proposed model is tested with a sample of 461 visitors (from Portugal and abroad) in a culturally specific setting of Lisbon museums (where improvements and innovations were implemented). The findings contribute to a better understanding of visitors’ perceptions about museums acting as tourist attractions. Several implications can be pointed out from the study findings, and interesting directions for future research are provided.O objetivo deste estudo é explorar as relações entre os conceitos de lazer sério, significância, emoções, passa-palavra e desejo apaixonados, como antecedentes e resultados do envolvimento comprometido com museus. O modelo proposto é testado com uma amostra de 461 visitantes (de Portugal e do estrangeiro) em um ambiente culturalmente específico de museus de Lisboa (onde as melhorias e inovações foram implementadas). Os resultados contribuem para uma melhor compreensão das perceções dos visitantes sobre museus atuando como atrações turísticas. Várias implicações podem ser apontadas a partir dos resultados do estudo e são apresentadas sugestões interessantes para futuras pesquisas. &nbsp

    O sofrimento, a depressão e o impacto na autoimagem em indivíduos com queimaduras

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    Abstract: Background: Individuals with burns suffer from self-esteem and depression. Objective: Analyze the participants' perception of the suffering caused by the burn, depressive symptoms and interference in self-image and interpersonal relationships. Methods: Qualitative, longitudinal, descriptive study, with 36 participants seen at a reference center of care to burn people in a teaching hospital in southern Brazil. A semi-structured interview was conducted, data were processed through Content Analysis. Results: The category about the suffering caused by the burn, and its impact on self-image emerged with three thematic units. Data suggest that participants dissatisfied with self-image developed depressive symptoms in response to the difficulties that the burn caused in the life of relationship; family support was decisive in coping with the new condition; affective links were rescued, benefiting the recovery. Conclusion and implications for practice: Participants’ self-image perception damaged and associated with decreased self-esteem and depressive symptoms, impairment for the interpersonal relationship, and pointing out the importance of the family in the process of recovery and strengthening of family bonds during and after treatment of the burn.Resumo: Fundamentos: Indivíduos com queimaduras sofrem com autoestima e depressão. Objetivo: Analisar percepção dos participantes quanto ao sofrimento ocasionado pela queimadura, sintomatologia depressiva e interferência na autoimagem e relacionamento interpessoal. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo, longitudinal, descritivo, com 36 participantes atendidos em centro de referência a queimados de hospital escola do Sul do Brasil. Realizada entrevista semiestruturada, dados tratados pela Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: Emergiu categoria sobre o sofrimento causado pela queimadura e impacto na autoimagem com três unidades temáticas. Dados apontam participantes insatisfeitos com autoimagem, desenvolveram sintomatologia depressiva em resposta as dificuldades que queimadura acarretou na vida de relação; apoio familiar foi decisivo ao enfrentamento da nova condição, relações afetivas foram resgatadas a beneficiar a recuperação. Conclusão e implicações para prática: Percepção dos participantes para autoimagem prejudicada associada a autoestima diminuída e sintomatologia depressiva, prejuízo para o relacionamento interpessoal e apontam a importância da família no processo de recuperação e fortalecimento dos laços familiares durante e após tratamento da queimadura.

    What is the core essence of small city boutique hotels?

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    Loureiro, S. M. C., Rita, P., & Sarmento, E. M. (2020). What is the core essence of small city boutique hotels? International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCTHR-01-2019-0007Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute with new insights into the nature, dimensionality and measurement of the core essence of the small city boutique hotel (SCBH), something which has been limited in the literature to date. It further explores the conceptual relationships of SCBH with other constructs, providing greater understanding of the nature of these specific conceptual associations and showing that the SCBH scale exhibits construct validity. Design/methodology/approach: This study followed the Churchill’s paradigm to methodologically design the study and develop the scale. Based on an exploratory qualitative inquiry (one focus group and ten interviews) and quantitative assessment (two surveys), support was found for a three-dimensional scale. Findings: Results support the proposed measures of the scale (dream, hospitality and style) in terms of construct, convergent, discriminate, nomological and predictive validity. The findings also suggest that while authenticity acts as a SCBH antecedent, pleasant arousal and preference represent SCBH consequences. Originality/value: By developing and validating a SCBH scale for city destination, this study addresses an identified literature gap. Specifically, it conceptualizes SCBH as guests’ perception about core characteristics of SCBHs located in the city.authorsversionpublishe