523 research outputs found

    Ordered phases of potassium on Pt{111}: Experiment and theory

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    Using low-energy electron diffraction structural analysis and first-principles calculations based on the local-density approximation we have investigated the (√3×√3)R30° K and (2×2) K overlayers on Pt{111}. The measured and calculated adsorption geometries agree quantitatively. In both phases the K adatoms occupy threefold symmetric hcp hollow sites, the preference for the hcp site over the fcc site being a consequence of the polarization of the surface Pt d electrons. We have not found any indication of K incorporation into the Pt{111} surface, as has been recently suggested

    Experimental platform for development and Evaluation of hybrid generation systems based on fuel cells

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    An experimental hybrid power generation platform for the design and assessment of advanced control systems has been developed. It is specifically intended as a flexible development tool for the implementation and refinement of real-time novel control algorithms, aimed to maximize energy efficiency and optimize the electrical power management of hybrid generation systems based on fuel cells. The platform consists of two generation modules and storage module. The main one is based on a PEM fuel cell stack. The second one, implemented with a programmable electronic source, allows to emulate an alternative energy module, particularly a wind energy generation system. The storage module is built with Supercapacitors. Finally, a variable electronic load represents the lumped energy demand, with profiles that can be programmed in accordance with the user requirements. All modules of the system are connected to a common DC bus through intermediary electronic converters, which are controlled by a dedicated digital signal processor. The complete system is supervised through a Personal Computer, resulting into a highly versatile platform. Experimental results are presented to validate the whole system performance.Fil: Talpone, Juan Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrotecnia. Laboratorio de Electrónica Industrial, Control e Instrumentación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Puleston, Pablo Federico. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrotecnia. Laboratorio de Electrónica Industrial, Control e Instrumentación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Moré, Jerónimo José. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrotecnia. Laboratorio de Electrónica Industrial, Control e Instrumentación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Griñó, R.. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya; EspañaFil: Cendoya, Marcelo Gustavo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrotecnia. Laboratorio de Electrónica Industrial, Control e Instrumentación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    Chicken line-dependent mortality after experimental infection with three type IIxIII recombinant Toxoplasma gondii clones

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    Three genetically different clones of Toxoplasma gondii, also different in mouse virulence, were studied by experimental infection in chickens. For the experiments, four chicken lines were used, which differed in phylogenetic origin and performance level: two white egg layer lines, one with high laying performance (WLA), one with low (R11) and two brown layer lines, also displaying high (BLA) and low (L68) egg number. Chickens were intraperitoneally infected with three different T. gondii isolates representing type IIxIII recombinant clones, i.e. showing both, type II- and type III-specific alleles. These clones (K119/2 2C10, B136/1 B6H6, K119/2 A7) had exhibited virulence differences in a mouse model. In chickens, a significantly higher mortality was observed in white layer lines, but not in brown layer lines, suggesting that differences in the phylogenetic background may influence the susceptibility of chickens for toxoplasmosis. In addition, antibody (IgY) levels varied in surviving chickens at 31 days post infection. While low to intermediate antibody levels were observed in white layers, intermediate to high levels were measured in brown layers. Infection with a T. gondii clone showing low chicken virulence resulted in higher antibody levels in all chicken lines compared to infection with T. gondii clones of intermediate or high chicken virulence. This was in agreement with the parasite load as determined by real-time PCR. Overall, results show that progeny resulting from natural sexual recombination of T. gondii clonal lineages, may differ in their virulence for mice and chickens.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    GALEX FUV Observations of Comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz): The Ionization Lifetime of Carbon

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    We present a measurement of the lifetime of ground state atomic carbon, C(^3P), against ionization processes in interplanetary space and compare it to the lifetime expected from the dominant physical processes likely to occur in this medium. Our measurement is based on analysis of a far ultraviolet (FUV) image of comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) recorded by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) on 2005 March 1. The bright CI 1561 A and 1657 A multiplets dominate the GALEX FUV band. We used the image to create high S/N radial profiles that extended beyond one million km from the comet nucleus. Our measurements yielded a total carbon lifetime of 7.1 -- 9.6 x 10^5 s (scaled to 1 AU). Which compares favorably to calculations assuming solar photoionization, solar wind proton change exchange and solar wind electron impact ionization are the dominant processes occurring in this medium and that comet Machholz was embedded in the slow solar wind. The shape of the CI profiles inside 3x10^5 km suggests that either the CO lifetime is shorter than previously thought and/or a shorter-lived carbon-bearing parent molecule, such as CH_4 is providing the majority of the carbon in this region of the coma of comet Machholz.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Multisource data verification of a weather radar surface precipitation type product

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    Póster presentado en: 10th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology celebrado en Wageningen, Países Bajos, del 1 al 6 de julio de 2018.This study was partly supported by projects CGL2015-65627-C3-2-R (MINECO/FEDER), CGL2016-81828-REDT (MINECO) and DI065/2017 (Industrial Doctorate Programme of the Regional Government of Catalonia

    The geometry of nonlinear least squares with applications to sloppy models and optimization

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    Parameter estimation by nonlinear least squares minimization is a common problem with an elegant geometric interpretation: the possible parameter values of a model induce a manifold in the space of data predictions. The minimization problem is then to find the point on the manifold closest to the data. We show that the model manifolds of a large class of models, known as sloppy models, have many universal features; they are characterized by a geometric series of widths, extrinsic curvatures, and parameter-effects curvatures. A number of common difficulties in optimizing least squares problems are due to this common structure. First, algorithms tend to run into the boundaries of the model manifold, causing parameters to diverge or become unphysical. We introduce the model graph as an extension of the model manifold to remedy this problem. We argue that appropriate priors can remove the boundaries and improve convergence rates. We show that typical fits will have many evaporated parameters. Second, bare model parameters are usually ill-suited to describing model behavior; cost contours in parameter space tend to form hierarchies of plateaus and canyons. Geometrically, we understand this inconvenient parametrization as an extremely skewed coordinate basis and show that it induces a large parameter-effects curvature on the manifold. Using coordinates based on geodesic motion, these narrow canyons are transformed in many cases into a single quadratic, isotropic basin. We interpret the modified Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt fitting algorithms as an Euler approximation to geodesic motion in these natural coordinates on the model manifold and the model graph respectively. By adding a geodesic acceleration adjustment to these algorithms, we alleviate the difficulties from parameter-effects curvature, improving both efficiency and success rates at finding good fits.Comment: 40 pages, 29 Figure

    Riding the wake of a merging galaxy cluster

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    Using WHT OASIS integral field unit observations, we report the discovery of a thin plume of ionised gas extending from the brightest cluster galaxy in Abell 2146 to the sub-cluster X-ray cool core which is offset from the BCG by ~37 kpc. The plume is greater than 15 kpc long and less than 3 kpc wide. This plume is unique in that the cluster it is situated in is currently undergoing a major galaxy cluster merger. The brightest cluster galaxy is unusually located behind the X-ray shock front and in the wake of the ram pressure stripped X-ray cool core and evidence for recent disruption to the BCG is observed. We examine the gas and stellar morphology, the gas kinematics of the BCG and their relation to the X-ray gas. We propose that a causal link between the ionised gas plume and the offset X-ray cool core provides the simplest explanation for the formation of the plume. An interaction or merger between the BCG and another cluster galaxy is probably the cause of the offset.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Hybrid Newton-type method for a class of semismooth equations

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    In this paper, we present a hybrid method for the solution of a class of composite semismooth equations encountered frequently in applications. The method is obtained by combining a generalized finite-difference Newton method to an inexpensive direct search method. We prove that, under standard assumptions, the method is globally convergent with a local rate of convergence which is superlinear or quadratic. We report also several numerical results obtained applying the method to suitable reformulations of well-known nonlinear complementarity problem

    O ambiente compartilhado como propulsor de internacionalização: análise da gestão do conhecimento e da inovação

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    Este artículo analiza la internacionalización e innovación de empresas en red o que se encuentren en un entorno de investigación geográficamente cercanas para la transferencia de conocimientos. En este contexto, se investigan los modelos de internacionalización que pueden llevarse a cabo en entornos complejos, con el fin de buscar la gestión eficiente de la innovación de productos o servicios para acceder mercados globales. Así, los estudios presentados señalan relación entre las teorías de la internacionalización, gestión del conocimiento e innovación, y gestores puden hacer uso de esta relación para evaluar mejor su organización y proponer soluciones para el mercado.Ocampo Moré, R.; Reis Gonçalo, C.; Canós-Darós, L.; Santandreu Mascarell, C. (2015). El ambiente compartido como propulsor de la internacionalización: análisis a partir de la gestión del conocimiento y de la innovación. Revista de Ciências da Administração. 17(42):78-94. doi:10.5007/2175-8077.2015v17n42p78S7894174

    Multiagent cooperation for solving global optimization problems: an extendible framework with example cooperation strategies

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    This paper proposes the use of multiagent cooperation for solving global optimization problems through the introduction of a new multiagent environment, MANGO. The strength of the environment lays in itsflexible structure based on communicating software agents that attempt to solve a problem cooperatively. This structure allows the execution of a wide range of global optimization algorithms described as a set of interacting operations. At one extreme, MANGO welcomes an individual non-cooperating agent, which is basically the traditional way of solving a global optimization problem. At the other extreme, autonomous agents existing in the environment cooperate as they see fit during run time. We explain the development and communication tools provided in the environment as well as examples of agent realizations and cooperation scenarios. We also show how the multiagent structure is more effective than having a single nonlinear optimization algorithm with randomly selected initial points