300 research outputs found

    How small and medium-sized enterprises can uptake the sustainable development goals through a cluster management organization: a case study

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    Even though many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) realize the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for their sustainable business development, they face difficulties when individually pursuing this target. This paper aims to provide cluster-based SMEs with a framework to facilitate the uptake of the SDGs through a cluster network model. By focusing on the case study of a furniture production Cluster Management Organization (CMO Habic a network-based approach to sustainability management is analyzed in order to integrate the SDGs framework into SMEs’ everyday language and day-to-day operations. Through a cluster model approach, industry-specific sustainability material issues are tackled jointly and with the aim of applying a common solution to a similar challenge, Lehi-ODS, an online sustainability management tool for SME self-evaluation, has been developed wherein the participating SMEs can gain an overarching knowledge about the UN 2030 Agenda, assess their own alignment with the SDGs and with respect to that of their peers, and prioritize initiatives to correctly deliver them. The main conclusion derived from the paper is that a CMO is deemed to be a valuable driver in identifying common sector-specific challenges of corporate sustainability and in addressing collectively the question of contributing to the SDGs

    Estabilidad y caracterización de cristales líquidos formulados a partir de Tween 40/Span 20 como matriz de protección y entrega de β-caroteno

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    Lyotropic liquid crystals were formulated from the Tween 40/Span 20 surfactant mixture at an HLB of 11, using water as the solvent and canola oil as the lipid phase. Ternary diagrams were constructed and at concentrations where the ternary mixture formed liquid crystals, beta-carotene was included as a carrier molecule. The white and biomolecule liquid crystals were analyzed by polarized light microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, refractive index, particle size and FTIR. Phase diagrams showed that LLCs could be formed with surfactant mixtures ranging from 40 to 63%. W concentration is the most influential variable, it was observed that when W content increases there is an increase in particle size, decrease in IR and increase in apparent viscosity. From the thermal analysis it can be concluded that the formulated LLCs have good thermal stability, since temperatures above 60C are required to cause instability or irreversible changes. The best protection to β-c was achieved when the ratio of O+βc:TxSy:W was 36:54:10, and this formulation showed the highest birefringence and the lowest degradation. The formulated lipotropic liquid structures have the ability to retain and protect β-carotene and since the inclusion of this biomolecule was the variable that had the least contribution in modifying the characteristics of LLCs, it can be inferred that they are viable for the incorporation of nutraceuticals and bioactives, which can be used in the development of new foods.Se formularon cristales líquidos liotrópicos a partir de la mezcla de surfatantes Tween 40/Span 20 a un HLB de 11, utilizando agua como disolvente y aceite de canola como fase lipídica. Se construyeron los diagramas ternarios y en las concentraciones en las que la mezcla ternaria formó cristales líquidos se incluyo beta caroteno como molécula portadora. Los cristales líquidos blanco y con la biomolécula se analizaron mediante microscopía de luz polarizada, calorimetría diferencial de barrido, Indice de refracción, tamaño de partícula y FTIR. Los diagramas de fase mostraron que los CLL podían formarse con mezclas de surfactantes que oscilaban entre el 40 y el 63%. La concentración de W es la variable que tiene myor influencia y se observó que cuando se incrementa el contenido de W hay un aumento del tamaño de partícula, disminución en el IR y aumento en la viscosidad aparente. Del análisis térmico se puede concluir los CLL formulados tienen buena estabilidad térmica, dado que se requieren temperaturas arriba de 60qC para causar inestabilidad o cambios irreversibles. La mejor protección de β-c se logró cuando la relación entre O+β-c:TxSy:W fue de 36:54:10, y esta formulación mostró la mayor birrefringenciay la menor degradación. Las estructuras líquidas lipotrópicas formuladas tienen la capacidad para retener y proteger el β-caroteno y dado que la inclusión de esta biomolécula fue la variable que tuvo menos aporte en la modificacion de las caracteristicas de los CLL, se puede inferir que son viables para la incorporación nutracéuticos y bioactivos, que pueden ser utilizados en el desarrollo de nuevos alimentos

    Construcción de Comunidad a partir de la Transmisión de Conocimientos y el Aprendizaje Colectivo en la Organización Social Participativa Heros

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    En este documento, desde una perspectiva analítica y partiendo tanto de los conceptos presentados por autores del Diplomado en Construcción de Redes Sociales de Comunicación, como de la información recopilada en la Investigación Acción realizada con la Organización Social Participativa Heros, se busca corroborar la tesis basada en que para construir una comunidad es fundamental transmitir conocimientos y generar un aprendizaje colectivo que genere vínculos de valor entre los miembros; utilizando como ejemplo la PSO Heros, quienes ejercen su objetivo misional de “jóvenes educando jóvenes” en el municipio de Lebrija, Santander; teniendo en cuenta las estrategias de comunicación que se plantean implementar.In this document, taking an analytical perspective and starting from the concepts presented by authors of the Diploma in Construction of Social Communication Networks, as well as the information collected in the Action Research carried out with the Participative Social Organization Heros; present argument text to corroborate the thesis: in order to build a community, it is essential to transmit knowledge and generate collective learning that generates value links among the members; using as an example the PSO Heros, who exercise their missionary objective of "young people educating young people" in the city of Lebrija, Santander; taking into account the communication strategies that are proposed to be implemented

    Intersecting Disparities: Food Insecurity on College Campuses

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    As students who attend a small midwestern university, we have realized that food disparities and insecurity is an often-overlooked problem. Drawing on a broader dataset, we analyzed how students are affected by food insecurity. Investigators analyzed fifteen transcripts of student interviews, created a codebook and coded the interviews. In analyzing the codes, investigators focused on three central themes: the lack of awareness of resources on or near campus, the student strategies to mitigate food insecurity, and the dietary habits or restrictions that make finding adequate food more challenging

    Comprehensive primary health care and non-communicable diseases management: A case study of El Salvador

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    From PubMed via Jisc Publications RouterOne of today's greatest challenges in public health worldwide - and especially its key management from Primary Health Care (PHC) - is the growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In El Salvador, since 2009 the Minister of Health (MoH) has scaled up a national public health system based on a comprehensive PHC approach. A national multi-sectorial strategic plan for a comprehensive approach to NCDs has also been developed. This analysis explores stakeholders' perceptions related to the management of NCDs in PHC and, in particular, the role of social participation. A case-study was developed consisting of semi structured interviews and official document reviews. Semi-structured interviews were developed with chronic patients (14) and PHC professionals working in different levels within PHC (12). Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants. A non-pure, deductive approach was implemented for coding. After grouping codes into potential themes, a thematic framework was elaborated through a reflexive approach and the triangulation of the data. The research was conducted between March and August of 2018 in three different departments of El Salvador. The structure and the functioning of the Salvadoran PHC system and its intersectoral approach is firstly described. The interdisciplinary PHC-team brings holistic health care closer to the communities in which health promoters play a key role. The findings reflect the generally positive perception of the PHC system in terms of accessibility, quality and continuity of care by chronic patients. Community engagement and the National Health Forum are ensuring accountability through social controllership mechanisms. However, certain challenges were also noted during the interviews related to the shortage of medication and workforce; coordination between the levels of care and the importance of prevention and health promotion programmes for NCDs. The Salvadoran PHC and its comprehensive approach to NCDs with an emphasis on intersectoral participation has been positively perceived by the range of stakeholders interviewed. Social engagement and the NHF works as a driving force to ensure accountability as well as in the promotion of a preventive culture. The challenges identified provide keys to amplify knowledge for addressing inequalities in health by strengthening PHC and its NCDs management.19pubpu

    Effects of minor compounds from virgin olive oil on inflammatory response in human leukocytes

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    Mediterranean diet protects against cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, now considered an inflammatory disorder. Virgin olive oil is one of the most important foods in this diet, leading to the suggestion that health benefits of Mediterranean diet are achieved at least partially due to the consumption of virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the highest quality oil based on its chemical and sensorial properties. Our aim was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of minor compounds found in the unsaponifibale fraction of EVOO on activated human monocytes and neutrophils. For this purpose, we isolated monocytes and neutrophils from blood samples of healthy volunteers. We also isolated the unsaponifiable fraction (UF) from EVOO. Cells were incubated with UF at different concentrations and the pro-inflammatory stimulus LPS. Afterwards, RNA was obtained from cells and then converted into cDNA. The relative gene expression of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory markers was assessed by qRT-PCR. We found that UF from EVOO reduced relative gene expression of pro-inflammatory markers in a dose-dependent manner both in human monocytes and neutrophils. In contrast, UF from EVOO increased relative gene expression of anti-inflammatory markers in these cells. These findings unveil a role of UF from EVOO in the benefits from consumption of EVOO in disorders related to inflammation

    Effect of Maltodextrin Reduction and Native Agave Fructans Addition on the Rheological Behavior of Spray-Dried Juices

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    Agave fructans have thermal protective and encapsulating properties as well as technological functions as stabilizers. The effect of the combination of maltodextrin 10% [w/v] and native agave fructans in concentrations of 0, 2, and 4% [w/v] on the rheological properties and microstructure, of spray-dried chayote, carrot, mango and pineapple powders was evaluated. The flow behavior was analyzed in a simple shear flow and low-cutting speed in the range of 5–200 s−1. The experimental data of fresh or reconstituted juices were fitted to different flow models such as Newtonian, Bingham, and Ostwald-de-Waele. The flow behavior of all juices can be described by the Bingham model with low plastic viscosities; the addition of fructans and the step of spray drying had no significant influence on the plastic viscosity of juices as compared to fresh juices