643 research outputs found

    Searching in Unstructured Overlays Using Local Knowledge and Gossip

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    This paper analyzes a class of dissemination algorithms for the discovery of distributed contents in Peer-to-Peer unstructured overlay networks. The algorithms are a mix of protocols employing local knowledge of peers' neighborhood and gossip. By tuning the gossip probability and the depth k of the k-neighborhood of which nodes have information, we obtain different dissemination protocols employed in literature over unstructured P2P overlays. The provided analysis and simulation results confirm that, when properly configured, these schemes represent a viable approach to build effective P2P resource discovery in large-scale, dynamic distributed systems.Comment: A revised version of the paper appears in Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet 2014) - Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, Springer-Verlag, Bologna (Italy), March 201

    Exact Distributed Load Centrality Computation: Algorithms, Convergence, and Applications to Distance Vector Routing

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    Many optimization techniques for networking protocols take advantage of topological information to improve performance. Often, the topological information at the core of these techniques is a centrality metric such as the Betweenness Centrality (BC) index. BC is, in fact, a centrality metric with many well-known successful applications documented in the literature, from resource allocation to routing. To compute BC, however, each node must run a centralized algorithm and needs to have the global topological knowledge; such requirements limit the feasibility of optimization procedures based on BC. To overcome restrictions of this kind, we present a novel distributed algorithm that requires only local information to compute an alternative similar metric, called Load Centrality (LC). We present the new algorithm together with a proof of its convergence and the analysis of its time complexity. The proposed algorithm is general enough to be integrated with any distance vector (DV) routing protocol. In support of this claim, we provide an implementation on top of Babel, a real-world DV protocol. We use this implementation in an emulation framework to show how LC can be exploited to reduce Babel's convergence time upon node failure, without increasing control overhead. As a key step towards the adoption of centrality-based optimization for routing, we study how the algorithm can be incrementally introduced in a network running a DV routing protocol. We show that even when only a small fraction of nodes participate in the protocol, the algorithm accurately ranks nodes according to their centrality

    First record of Lingulodinium polyedrum (Dinophyceae) resting cysts in coastal sediments from the Inner Sea of Chiloé, Los Lagos Region, southern Chile (~41°-43°S).

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    Quistes de resistencia del dinoflagelado potencialmente toxico Lingulodinium polyedrum (Stein) Dodge son registrados por primera vez en sedimentos costeros del Mar Interior de Chiloe. Se entrega informacion de abundancia, distribucion, descripcion y fotomicrografias de la especie. Se confirma la presencia de L. polyedrum en aguas costeras del sur de Chile

    Dynamic modeling and simulation of leukocyte integrin activation through an electronic design automation framework

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    Model development and analysis of biological systems is recognized as a key requirement for integrating in-vitro and in-vivo experimental data. In-silico simulations of a biochemical model allows one to test different experimental conditions, helping in the discovery of the dynamics that regulate the system. Several characteristics and issues of biological system modeling are common to the electronics system modeling, such as concurrency, reactivity, abstraction levels, as well as state space explosion during verification. This paper proposes a modeling and simulation framework for discrete event-based execution of biochemical systems based on SystemC. SystemC is the reference language in the electronic design automation (EDA) field for modeling and verifying complex systems at different abstraction levels. SystemC-based verification is the de-facto an alternative to model checking when such a formal verification technique cannot deal with the state space complexity of the model. The paper presents how the framework has been applied to model the intracellular signalling network controlling integrin activation mediating leukocyte recruitment from the blood into the tissues, by handling the solution space complexity through different levels of simulation accuracy

    Feasibility of controlling hookworm infection through preventive chemotherapy: a simulation study using the individual-based WORMSIM modelling framework

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    Background: Globally, hookworms infect 440 million people in developing countries. Especially children and women of childbearing age are at risk of developing anaemia as a result of infection. To control hookworm infection and disease (i.e. reduce the prevalence of medium and heavy infection to <1 %), the World Health Organization has set the target to provide annual or semi-annual preventive chemotherapy (PC) with albendazole (ALB) or mebendazole (MEB) to at least 75 % of all children and women of childbearing age in endemic areas by 2020. Here, we predict the feasibility of achieving <1 % prevalence of medium and heavy infection, based on simulations with an individual-based model. Methods: We developed WORMSIM, a new generalized individual-based modelling framework for transmission and control of helminths, and quantified it for hookworm transmission based on published data. We simulated the impact of standard and more intense PC strategies on trends in hookworm infection, and explored the potential additional impact of interventions that improve access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). The individual-based framework allowed us to take account of inter-individual heterogeneities in exposure and contribution to transmission of infection, as well as in participation in successive PC rounds. Results: We predict that in low and medium endemic areas, current PC strategies (including targeting of WCBA) will achieve control of hookworm infection (i.e. the parasitological target) within 2 years. In highly endemic areas, control can be achieved with semi-annual PC with ALB at 90 % coverage, combined with interventions that reduce host contributions to the environmental reservoir of infection by 50 %. More intense PC strategies (high frequency and coverage) can help speed up control of hookworm infection, and may be necessary in some extremely highly endemic settings, but are not a panacea against systematic non-participation to PC. Conclusions: Control of hookworm infection by 2020 is feasible with current PC strategies (including targeting of WCBA). In highly endemic areas, PC should be combined with health education and/or WASH interventions

    Exploiting Slow Dynamics Effects for Damage Detection in Concrete

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    Nonlinear ultrasonic techniques have been developed over the last decades to detect the presence of damage in materials of interest in the field of civil engineering, such as concrete or mortar. The dependence on the strain amplitude of measurable quantities, such as wave velocity, damping factor, resonance frequency, etc. is normally considered a qualitative indicator of the presence of defects at the microstructural level. The experimental approaches proposed have the advantage of being sensitive to small variations in the sample microstructure and are therefore more adapted to detect the presence of small cracks or damaged areas with respect to traditional linear ultrasonic techniques. However, nonlinear methods are difficult to implement, since they usually require a calibrated experimental set-up which also behaves linearly at high amplitudes of excitation. The slow dynamics features, typical of the hysteresis generated by damage, have been given much less attention as a tool for damage detection even though their quantification is often less demanding in terms of an experimental set-up. Here, we provide the first evidence of how recovery, which is part of the slow dynamics process, is sensitive to the presence of damage in concrete samples and thus could be considered as an easy-to-measure nonlinear indicator for Structural Health Monitoring purposes

    Angiostrongylus vasorum: Experimental Infection and Larval Development in Omalonyx matheroni

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    The susceptibility and suitability of Omalonyx matheroni as an intermediate host of Angiostrongylus vasorum and the characteristics of larval recovery and development were investigated. Mollusks were infected, and from the 3rd to the 25th day after infection, larvae were recovered from groups of 50 individuals. The first observation of L2 was on the 5th day, and the first observation of L3 was on the 10th day. From the 22nd day on, all larvae were at the L3 stadium. Larval recovery varied from 78.2% to 95.2%. We found larval development to be faster in O. matheroni than in Biomphalaria glabrata. Our findings indicate that this mollusk is highly susceptible to A. vasorum. Infective L3 were orally inoculated into a dog, and the prepatent period was 39 days. This is the first study to focus on O. matheroni as an intermediate host of A. vasorum

    Control of Schistosoma mekongi in Cambodia: results of eight years of control activities in the two endemic provinces

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    In Cambodia, schistosomiasis is transmitted in the provinces of Kratie and Stung Treng where approximately 80 000 individuals are estimated to be at risk of infection. The baseline prevalence of infection was estimated to be between 73% and 88%, and cases of severe morbidity (hepatosplenomegaly, puberty retardation) and mortality were very common. In 1994, the Ministry of Health of Cambodia started schistosomiasis control applying universal chemotherapy with praziquantel (40 mg/kg). The coverage of the programme was between 62% and 86% for 8 years. This simple control measure resulted in the control of the disease: no cases were reported in 2004 and only three cases were reported in 2005. In addition, there are no longer reports of cases of severe morbidity due to schistosomiasis. Since the beginning of the control programme, a single dose of mebendazole (500 mg) has been combined with praziquantel during the mass chemotherapy; as a result the prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides and hookworms dropped from 74.5% to 10% and from 86% to 40% respectively. The experience in Cambodia demonstrates that, with political commitment, control of parasitic diseases is achievable even in a situation of minimal resources. The programme represents a successful model for other developing countrie