259 research outputs found
Behavioral and Personality Predictors of Acceptance and Rejection in University
A aceitação e a rejeição no grupo associam-se tanto a caracterÃsticas de personalidade como à s habilidades sociais e são mais estudadas em crianças que em estudantes universitários. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar se a aceitação e rejeição estariam mais associadas a tendências de personalidade, mais especificamente à socialização ou à s habilidades sociais. Participaram 187 estudantes universitários dos cursos de Educação FÃsica (67%) e Psicologia (32%). Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Teste Sociométrico, a Escala Fatorial de Socialização e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais. Observou-se efeito de moderação do sexo na relação entre assertividade e aceitação e rejeição para sair em universitários. As habilidades sociais foram melhores preditores da aceitação e rejeição social no grupo de universitários.La aceptación y el rechazo en el grupo se relacionan a las caracterÃsticas de la personalidad y a las habilidades sociales, pero sin tener en cuenta la relación entre las habilidades sociales y personalidad. Además, los estudios son más centrados en los niños y no en los estudiantes universitarios. El objetivo fue investigar si la aceptación y el rechazo se asocian más con las tendencias de personalidad, especÃficamente con la socialización o las habilidades sociales. Recolectamos datos de 187 estudiantes universitarios de los cursos de Educación FÃsica (67%) y PsicologÃa (32%). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la prueba sociométrico, la Escala Factorial de Socialización y el Inventario de las Habilidades Sociales. Se observó un efecto de moderación de género en la relación entre la asertividad y la aceptación y el rechazo para salir en la universidad. Las habilidades sociales son mejores predictores de la aceptación y del rechazo social en el grupo de estudiantes universitarios.Acceptance and rejection in the group are related to both personality characteristics and social skills and most studies focus on children instead of college students. The objective of this study was to investigate whether acceptance and rejection would be more associated with personality tendencies, specifically socialization or social skills. We collected data from 187 college students attending the Physical Education (67%) and Psychology (32%) courses. The instruments were the sociometric test, the Factorial Scale of Socialization and the Social Skills Inventory. A moderating effect of gender in the relationship between assertiveness and acceptance and rejection to go out on college was observed. Social skills were better predictors of acceptance and social rejection in the university group
Sequential non-rigid structure from motion using physical priors
© 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.We propose a new approach to simultaneously recover camera pose and 3D shape of non-rigid and potentially extensible surfaces from a monocular image sequence. For this purpose, we make use of the Extended Kalman Filter based Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (EKF-SLAM) formulation, a Bayesian optimization framework traditionally used in mobile robotics for estimating camera pose and reconstructing rigid scenarios. In order to extend the problem to a deformable domain we represent the object's surface mechanics by means of Navier's equations, which are solved using a Finite Element Method (FEM). With these main ingredients, we can further model the material's stretching, allowing us to go a step further than most of current techniques, typically constrained to surfaces undergoing isometric deformations. We extensively validate our approach in both real and synthetic experiments, and demonstrate its advantages with respect to competing methods. More specifically, we show that besides simultaneously retrieving camera pose and non-rigid shape, our approach is adequate for both isometric and extensible surfaces, does not require neither batch processing all the frames nor tracking points over the whole sequence and runs at several frames per second.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Real-time 3D reconstruction of non-rigid shapes with a single moving camera
© . This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/This paper describes a real-time sequential method to simultaneously recover the camera motion and the 3D shape of deformable objects from a calibrated monocular video. For this purpose, we consider the Navier-Cauchy equations used in 3D linear elasticity and solved by finite elements, to model the time-varying shape per frame. These equations are embedded in an extended Kalman filter, resulting in sequential Bayesian estimation approach. We represent the shape, with unknown material properties, as a combination of elastic elements whose nodal points correspond to salient points in the image. The global rigidity of the shape is encoded by a stiffness matrix, computed after assembling each of these elements. With this piecewise model, we can linearly relate the 3D displacements with the 3D acting forces that cause the object deformation, assumed to be normally distributed. While standard finite-element-method techniques require imposing boundary conditions to solve the resulting linear system, in this work we eliminate this requirement by modeling the compliance matrix with a generalized pseudoinverse that enforces a pre-fixed rank. Our framework also ensures surface continuity without the need for a post-processing step to stitch all the piecewise reconstructions into a global smooth shape. We present experimental results using both synthetic and real videos for different scenarios ranging from isometric to elastic deformations. We also show the consistency of the estimation with respect to 3D ground truth data, include several experiments assessing robustness against artifacts and finally, provide an experimental validation of our performance in real time at frame rate for small mapsPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Modal space: a physics-based model for sequential estimation of time-varying shape from monocular video
The final publication is available at link.springer.comThis paper describes two sequential methods for recovering the camera pose together with the 3D shape of highly deformable surfaces from a monocular video. The nonrigid 3D shape is modeled as a linear combination of mode shapes with time-varying weights that define the shape at each frame and are estimated on-the-fly. The low-rank constraint is combined with standard smoothness priors to optimize the model parameters over a sliding window of image frames. We propose to obtain a physics-based shape basis using the initial frames on the video to code the time-varying shape along the sequence, reducing the problem from trilinear to bilinear. To this end, the 3D shape is discretized by means of a soup of elastic triangular finite elements where we apply a force balance equation. This equation is solved using modal analysis via a simple eigenvalue problem to obtain a shape basis that encodes the modes of deformation. Even though this strategy can be applied in a wide variety of scenarios, when the observations are denser, the solution can become prohibitive in terms of computational load. We avoid this limitation by proposing two efficient coarse-to-fine approaches that allow us to easily deal with dense 3D surfaces. This results in a scalable solution that estimates a small number of parameters per frame and could potentially run in real time. We show results on both synthetic and real videos with ground truth 3D data, while robustly dealing with artifacts such as noise and missing data.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Crustáceos decápodos de fondos de maërl y cascajo de la isla de Alborán (Mediterráneo occidental)
Estudio de las comunidades de crustáceos decápodos de la plataforma continental de la Isla de Alborán, asociadas a fondos de maërl o rodolitos y de "cascajo" o biclastos.El presente estudio se enmarca dentro del proyecto LIFE + INDEMARES, uno de cuyos objetivos ha sido la caracterización de las biocenosis de los hábitats esenciales o vulnerables de la plataforma submarina de la isla de Alborán (Ref.: Fundación Biodiversidad, FB 05/2011, Universidad de Málaga). Los fondos de cascajo han resultado ser más ricos, diversos y con una mayor equirrepartición que los de maërl y con agunas especies raras o muy poco frecuentes, ya sea debido al tipo de fondo - hábitat y/o caracterÃsticas hidrológicas de la zona.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucÃa Tech
Análise da estrutura fatorial do Stai-T em uma mostra de esportistas Brasileiros
Este estudo teve como objetivo pesquisar a estrutura interna do State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T) em uma mostra de esportistas do Brasil. Participaram 179 sujeitos que praticavam cinco esportes diferentes, com idades entre 14 e 58 anos (M=21,04; DT=4,21). O inventario avalia a ansiedade como estado e como rasgo, mas neste estudo foi utilizada apenas a escala referente aos rasgos, composta por 20 itens dispostos em uma escala Likert de quatro pontos. Os resultados da análise fatorial confirmatoria indicaram que os itens não se ajustaram adequadamente ao modelo originalmente estabelecido pelo instrumento e, considerando esse resultado, se optou por realizar uma análise fatorial exploratória, que mostrou a existência de dois fatores que explicaram a variância de 33%. Esses fatores foram denominados de ansiedade presente e ansiedade ausente, com coeficientes de precisão com valores de 0,82 e 0,72 respectivamente.This study aimed to examine the internal structure of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T) in a sample of Brazilian athletes. Participants were 179 subjects practicing five different sports modalities, aged between 14 and 58 years (M = 21.04; SD = 4.21). The inventory assesses anxiety as state and trait, but in this study only the trait anxiety scale was used which is composed of 20 items arranged in a four-point Likert scale. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated the items were not properly adjusted to the instrument's original model. This exploratory factor analysis indicated the existence of two factors that explained 33% of the variance. These factors were called present anxiety and absent anxiety, with reliability coefficients of 0.82 and 0.72 respectively.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la estructura interna del State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T) en una muestra de deportistas de Brasil. Participaron 179 sujetos que practicaban cinco deportes diferentes, con edades entre 14 y 58 años (M=21,04; DT=4,21). El inventario evalúa la ansiedad como estado y como rasgo, pero en este estudio fue utilizada apenas la escala referente a los rasgos, compuesta por 20 Ãtems dispuestos en una escala Likert de cuatro puntos. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio indicaron que los Ãtems no se ajustaron adecuadamente al modelo originalmente establecido por el instrumento y, considerando ese resultado, se optó por realizar un análisis factorial exploratorio, el cual mostró la existencia de dos factores que explicaron el 33% de la variancia. Esos factores fueron denominados de ansiedad presente y ansiedad ausente, con coeficientes de precisión con valores de 0,82 y 0,72 respectivamente
Applications of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: Emphasis on Clostridioides difficile Infections
Objective: This study aimed to perform a comprehensive review of clinical trials using fecal microbiota transplantation in cases of Clostridioides difficile infection. Methods: This manuscript reviews clinical studies published from 2003 to 2020 at the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO Brazil), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and US National Library of Medicine (MedLine/PubMed) databases using the descriptors antibiotic/antimicrobial, Clostridium difficile/Clostridioides difficile, intestinal microbiota/intestinal microbiome and fecal transplantation. Results: Interventions on microbiota include the use of probiotics, prebiotics, and fecal microbiota transplantation as therapeutic methods. Results show that fecal microbiota transplantation is an excellent alternative for the treatment of recurrent C. difficile infections
Avaliação da memória de trabalho na esquizofrenia e sua correlação com habilidades de funções executivas
OBJECTIVE: Working memory impairment is common in schizophrenia and is possibly a cause of multiple features of the disorder. However few studies have replicated such findings of impairment patterns in Brazilian samples. The main target of this study was to assess auditory and visual working memory in patients with schizophrenia, to assess if they work as separate systems, and to correlate working memory deficits with executive functions. METHOD: Twenty subjects with schizophrenia and twenty healthy subjects matched by gender, age, and schooling have participated. The abilities assessed were auditory and visual working memory, selective attention, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, and planning. RESULTS: Patients showed declines in all measures evaluated, except for a measure reaction time of inhibitory control. Auditory working memory was correlated to selective attention, inhibition, flexibility and planning while Visual working memory to planning and flexibility. CONCLUSION: The present study suggests that working memory and executive functions deficits are present in patients with schizophrenia in the Brazilian sample evaluated. Alterations in executive functions may lead to incapacity of operation of processes of working memory. These findings may contribute to delineate and develop new strategies of schizophrenia treatment in the Brazilian population.OBJETIVO: PrejuÃzos em memória de trabalho são comuns na esquizofrenia e possÃveis causas de múltiplas caracterÃsticas do transtorno. Entretanto, poucos estudos reproduziram achados de padrões especÃficos de déficits em amostras brasileiras de pacientes com esquizofrenia. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a memória de trabalho auditiva e visual na esquizofrenia, verificar se estas habilidades operam como dois sistemas separados, e relacionar possÃveis déficits de memória de trabalho com habilidades de funções executivas. MÉTODO: Foram incluÃdos 20 indivÃduos com esquizofrenia e 20 indivÃduos saudáveis pareados quanto a sexo, idade e escolaridade. As habilidades avaliadas foram memória de trabalho auditiva e visual, atenção seletiva, controle inibitório, flexibilidade cognitiva e planejamento. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes demonstraram prejuÃzos em todas as medidas dos testes, exceto em tempo de reação de controle inibitório. Pacientes apresentaram significante correlação entre MT auditiva com medidas de atenção seletiva, controle inibitório, flexibilidade e planejamento. Memória de trabalho visual apresentou correlações com planejamento e flexibilidade. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo sugere que déficits em memória de trabalho e funções executivas estão presentes em pacientes esquizofrênicos na amostra brasileira avaliada. Alterações nas funções executivas podem levar a incapacidade de adequadas operações de memória de trabalho. Esses achados podem contribuir no delineamento de novos procedimentos de intervenção na esquizofrenia em populações brasileiras.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Interdisciplinary Lab of Clinical Neurosciences Department of PsychiatryUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) PROESQ Department of PsychiatryUniversidade Mackenzie Development Disturbances Post-Graduate ProgramBrain Institute Research and Teaching Institute Hospital Israelita Albert EinsteinUniversidade São Francisco Post-Graduate Program in PsychologyUniversidade São Francisco Graduate Program in PsychologyUNIFESP, Interdisciplinary Lab of Clinical Neurosciences Department of PsychiatryUNIFESP, PROESQ Department of PsychiatrySciEL
El turismo de masas como sistema de producción: la revolución turÃstica en el Mediterráneo, 1949-2014
This work considers different aspects related to the tourist economy and the economic history of tourism. In the first place, the scarcity of study on this important economic sector in the academic world, much more inclined to analysis of agriculture and industry rather than services, activities increasingly essential in economic structures. Secondly, the vision of mass tourism as one more piece in the globalization process, which made a decisive start in the 1950s. And, finally, an empirical focus on the Mediterranean as the epicenter of world tourism development since the late 1940s until practically the present day, based on the study of concrete indicators on the 22 countries that compose, in essence, the coast of the Mare Nostrum.El trabajo se plantea diferentes aspectos relacionados con la economÃa turÃstica y la historia económica del turismo. En primer término, la escasa entidad que todavÃa tiene el estudio de este importante sector económico en el mundo académico, mucho más escorado a análisis sobre la agricultura y la industria, y mucho menos sobre los servicios, actividades cada vez más esenciales en las estructuras económicas. En segundo término, la visión del turismo de masas como una pieza más del proceso de globalización, con un arranque determinante desde los años 1950. Y, finalmente, la focalización empÃrica sobre el Mediterráneo como epicentro del desarrollo turÃstico mundial desde fines de los años 1940 hasta prácticamente el momento actual, a partir del estudio de indicadores concretos sobre los 22 paÃses que componen, en esencia, la ribera del Mare Nostrum
Comparação da atenção em jogadores de futebol e em não atletas
Attentional and motor aspects show great relevance in sports activities. This study aimed to compare the attention of athletes and non-athletes, and check the effects of age on these differences. Participants were 554 males aged between 10-17 years. The instruments used were the Attention Test (a cancellation test) and the evaluation of specific motor skills for football. The results showed that a good performance of the athlete and a good sporting performance are related to a high level of attention to the game and to high motor skills. It is emphasized that individuals with good performance in cancellation tests tend to show better performance in motor skills.Os aspetos atencionais e motores demonstram grande relevância em atividades desportivas. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a atenção de atletas e não atletas, e verificar os efeitos da idade nestas diferenças. Participaram 554 indivÃduos do sexo masculino na faixa etária entre os 10 e os 17 anos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Teste de Atenção por Cancelamento e a avaliação da habilidade motora especÃfica para o futebol. Os resultados indicaram que um bom desempenho do atleta e um bom desempenho desportivo estão relacionados com um elevado nÃvel de atenção ao jogo e de habilidade motora. Ainda pode sublinhar-se que bons desempenhos em testes de atenção por cancelamento tendem a estar relacionados com melhores desempenhos em avaliações da habilidade motora
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