102 research outputs found
Consumo de alimentos y situación nutricional en dos comunidades indÃgenas del sureste veracruzano en México.
The objective of this research was to estimate and analyze energy andnutrients intake and the nutritional condition of the population inIxhuapan and Ocozotepec, two indigenous communities of Sierra deSanta Marta, Veracruz in México, and to identify differences betweenmen and women. Dietary information was obtained through a 24-hourrecall and the nutritional condition through anthropometric measuresusing the Body Mass Index (BMI). The sample included 95 families,(41 from to Ixhuapan and 54 from Ocozotepec). To obtain the diet'senergy contents and calculate adequacy percentages, Mexican foodcomposition tables were used. Food consumption patterns in the twocommunities are different. Ocozotepec consumes significantly higheramounts of energy, carbon hydrates, proteins, fat, cholesterol, fiber,vitamins B1, B2, B12, iron and calcium. There are significant differencesby sex in both communities as regards to consumption of fiber, iron,calcium and thiamine (this latter only in Ocozotepec) with higherconsumptions by men. Ocozotepec also has higher IMC normalitylevels in both men and women. In both communities, women tend to havehigher overweight percentages.El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar y analizar el consumo de energÃay nutrimentos y el estado nutricional de la población en Ixhuapan y Ocozotepec,dos comunidades indÃgenas de la Sierra de Santa Marta, Veracruzen México, e identificar diferencias entre hombres y mujeres. La informacióndietética se obtuvo por recordatorio de horas, y el estado nutricionalmediante medidas antropométricas utilizando el fndice de MasaCorporal(IMC). La muestra incluyó a 95 familias (41 de Ixhuapan y 54de Ocozotepec). Para obtener el contenido de energÃa de la dieta se emplearonlas tablas de composición de alimentos mexicanos, y se utilizaronlas recomendaciones de ingestión dietética para calcular el porcentajede adecuación. La alimentación de las dos comunidades es distinta,Ocozotepec presenta consumos significativamente mayores de energÃa,hidratos dé carbono, proteÃnas, grasa, colesterol, fibra, vitaminas B1, B2,B12, hierro y calcio. Existen diferencias significativas por sexo en ambascomunidades en consumo de fibra, hierro, calcio y tiamina (sólo en Ocozotepec)con consumos más altos en los hombres. Ocozotepec tambiénpresenta mayores niveles de normalidad de IMC tanto en hombres comoen mujeres. En ambas comunidades, las mujeres tienden a presentarporcentajes más altos de sobrepeso
El reconocimiento de la economÃa social y de sus valores por la sociedad
La propuesta del Congreso en relación con este Eje versa sobre la capacidad de la economÃa social como realidad económica, para dar a conocer a la sociedad sus rasgos identificativos. Si realmente la economÃa social tiene valores y rasgos que la identifican y diferencian de otros tipos de empresas, la cuestión que se plantea es si esa identidad es visible, si esos valores son reconocidos por la sociedad, pero incluso también por los propios interesados: socios, clientes, trabajadores, proveedores. No se trata de identificar qué valores caracterizan a la economÃa social, sino cómo pueden reconocerse y divulgarse. Instrumentos como el balance social contribuyen a medir el impacto social de la gestión de las organizaciones de la economÃa social; la formación en la escuela, en el trabajo, en la universidad, también favorece la transmisión de esos valores. Y finalmente cabrÃa preguntarse si realmente la economÃa social es conocida por la sociedad y qué imagen se tiene de ella.
A partir de dicha propuesta se han presentado diversas comunicaciones sujetas a un proceso de evaluación que ha dado como resultado la aprobación de once ponencias, encontrándose representados diversos paÃses: Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, España, México y Venezuela.
De las once comunicaciones aprobadas en el presente eje, se expusieron siete en el marco del Congreso, cuya sÃntesis se desarrolla a continuación.Material correspondiente al VII Congreso Internacional de la Red RULESCOOP.Instituto de Estudios Cooperativo
Living Arrangements and Aging in Mexico: Changes in Households, Poverty and Regions, 1992-2009
This paper sets out to analyze diverse socio-demographic variables in living arrangements among older people at national and regional levels in Mexico. The National Survey of Demographic Dynamics for 1992, 1997, 2006 and 2009 was used as basis for an analysis on two levels, household and individual, in order to show trends and changes in composition of households in Mexico focusing on those including elderly people. A multinominal logistic model was used to determine the effect of diverse variables on living arrangements. The findings indicate an increase in the percentage of households with elderly people living alone; at a regional level, the Yucatán Peninsula has the lowest percentage of elderly households; old men are more likely to live in nuclear and extended families than women; people aged 80 and older currently in employment have greater probabilities of living alone
Living Arrangements and Aging in Mexico: Changes in Households, Poverty and Regions, 1992-2009
This paper sets out to analyze diverse socio-demographic variables in living arrangements among older people at national and regional levels in Mexico. The National Survey of Demographic Dynamics for 1992, 1997, 2006 and 2009 was used as basis for an analysis on two levels, household and individual, in order to show trends and changes in composition of households in Mexico focusing on those including elderly people. A multinominal logistic model was used to determine the effect of diverse variables on living arrangements. The findings indicate an increase in the percentage of households with elderly people living alone; at a regional level, the Yucatán Peninsula has the lowest percentage of elderly households; old men are more likely to live in nuclear and extended families than women; people aged 80 and older currently in employment have greater probabilities of living alone
Detección y notificación del maltrato infantil: un estudio en docentes de educación infantil y primaria
The current work introduces a study about the knowledge obtained by the proffesionalsin the educational areas of detection, indetification and notification of child abuse situations. For that matter, a questionnaire about detection of child abuse has been designed and distributed amongst Early Childhood and Primary Education teachers in three schools throughout San Fernando (Cádiz). The results denote the existence of a widespread ignorance from the teachers about how to detect, notify and act when a child abuse case appears, and so with the action protocol about child abuse and the most popular notification tools. Likewise, there is an evidence that points to the uncertainty of these teachers, among which we can highlight the process to follow when there is a suspicion of an abuse situation and their rol when they have to intervene in the way parents educate their children. On the other hand, a higher number of years of teaching experience doesnEl presente trabajo consiste en un estudio acerca de los conocimientos que poseen los profesionales del ámbito educativo en la detección, identificación y notificación de situaciones de maltrato infantil. Para ello se diseñó un cuestionario sobre detección del maltrato infantil que fue distribuido entre los profesores de Educación Infantil y Primaria de tres colegios de San Fernando (Cádiz). Los resultados indican la existencia de un desconocimiento generalizado por parte del profesorado acerca de cómo detectar, notificar y actuar ante un caso de maltrato infantil, asà como la falta de conocimiento ante los protocolos de actuación sobre el maltrato infantil y de los instrumentos de notificación más usados. Asimismo, se evidencia el mantenimiento de algunas incertidumbres entre los docentes, entre las que destacan el proceso a seguir ante la sospecha de una situación de maltrato y su rol a la hora de intervenir en la forma en la que los padres educan a sus hijos. Por otro lado, un mayor número de años de experiencia docente no parece otorgar una visión más realista sobre el maltrato infantil, ni se relaciona con un mayor conocimiento de los procesos de detección y notificación del mismo. Se aboga por potenciar una mayor formación especializada del profesorado, que los dote de los conocimientos y herramientas necesarias para la detección de casos de maltrato, y su posible inclusión dentro del currÃculo de las carreras de magisterio
SERS-based molecularly imprinted plasmonic sensor for highly sensitive PAH detection
A novel hybrid plasmonic platform based on the synergetic combination of a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) thin film with Au nanoparticle (NPs) assemblies, noted as Au@MIP, was developed for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy recognition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). While the MIP trapped the PAH close to the Au surface, the plasmonic NPs enhanced the molecule's Raman signal. The Au@MIP fabrication comprises a two-step procedure, first, the layer-by-layer deposition of Au NPs on glass and their further coating with a uniform MIP thin film. Profilometry analysis demonstrated that the thickness and homogeneity of the MIP film could be finely tailored by tuning different parameters such as prepolymerization time or spin-coating rate. Two different PAH molecules, pyrene or fluoranthene, were used as templates for the fabrication of pyrene- or fluoranthene-based Au@MIP substrates. The use of pyrene or fluoranthene, as the template molecule to fabricate the Au@MIP thin films, enabled its ultradetection in the nM regime with a 100-fold improvement compared with the nonimprinted plasmonic sensors (Au@NIPs). The SERS data analysis allowed to estimate the binding constant of the template molecule to the MIP. The selectivity of both pyrene- and fluoranthene-based Au@MIPs was analyzed against three PAHs of different sizes. The results displayed the important role of the template molecule used for the Au@MIPs fabrication in the selectivity of the system. Finally, the practical applicability of pyrene-based Au@MIPs was shown by performing the detection of pyrene in two real samples: creek water and seawater. The design and optimization of this type of plasmonic platform will pave the way for the detection of other relevant (bio)molecules in a broad range of fields such as environmental control, food safety, or biomedicine.Fil: Castro-Grijalba, Alexander. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientÃficas y Técnicas. Centro CientÃfico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en FÃsico-quÃmica de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias QuÃmicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en FÃsico-quÃmica de Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Laboratorio de Quimica Analitica Ambiental.; Argentina. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Montes-GarcÃa, Verónica. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Cordero-Ferradás, MarÃa José. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Coronado, Eduardo A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientÃficas y Técnicas. Centro CientÃfico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en FÃsico-quÃmica de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias QuÃmicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en FÃsico-quÃmica de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Pérez-Juste, Jorge. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Pastoriza-Santos, Isabel. Universidad de Vigo; Españ
Habitar desde un nuevo enfoque : la fusión campo-ciudad aplicada a un modelo de vivienda.
En el mundo occidental, el problema de la vivienda se origina con el surgimiento y desarrollo del modo de producción industrial, ocurrido en Europa entre finales del siglo XVIII, el XIX y comienzos del XX. Este fenómeno desata migraciones campesinas de insólita magnitud hacia la ciudad, generando un desbordado incremento del área urbana y una enorme crisis en la habitabilidad de la misma. En América Latina, el proceso de urbanización es también el origen de la crisis de la vivienda, aunque no es un reflejo exacto del ocurrido en Europa. El modo de producción industrial capitalista es de tipo liviano y sólo se inicia hacia la tercera década del siglo XX y su desarrollo es relativamente débil. Sin embargo, el principal factor para el desborde de la ciudad moderna latinoamericana, es resultante de violentos despojos de tierras campesinas e indÃgenas, lo que ha impulsado enormes migraciones hacia la ciudad. Este trastorno cultural ha sido predominantemente ignorado en las polÃticas para solucionar el problema de su alojamiento. Se ignora o invisibiliza por ejemplo, el milenario papel de la población campesina en la producción de alimentos para la población urbana. En consecuencia, la investigación se propuso realizar un avance exploratorio, sin pretender llegar a soluciones teóricas y prácticas definitivas, sobre el tema de la fusión campo-ciudad, mediante un nuevo concepto de vivienda que visualice desde el diseño, la posibilidad de ir superando el coyuntural obstáculo de la contradicción campo-ciudad. Consecuentemente, la investigación planteó los siguientes objetivos particulares: Elaboración de una propuesta habitacional de vivienda para sectores sociales de origen campesino, donde el urbanismo, la arquitectura y el paisajismo incorporen la verde fuerza del suelo como valor esencialmente estructurante de un nuevo modo de habitar la ciudad y el campo
Can Oncologists Prompt Patient Prognostic Awareness to Enhance Decision-Making? Data From the NEOetic Study
Introduction: Anti-neoplastic therapy improves the prognosis for advanced cancer, albeit it is not curative. An ethical dilemma that often arises during patients’ first appointment with the oncologist is to give them only the prognostic information they can tolerate, even at the cost of compromising preference-based decision-making, versus giving them full information to force prompt prognostic awareness, at the risk of causing psychological harm. Methods: We recruited 550 participants with advanced cancer. After the appointment, patients and clinicians completed several questionnaires about preferences, expectations, prognostic awareness, hope, psychological symptoms, and other treatment-related aspects. The aim was to characterize the prevalence, explanatory factors, and consequences of inaccurate prognostic awareness and interest in therapy. Results: Inaccurate prognostic awareness affected 74%, conditioned by the administration of vague information without alluding to death (odds ratio [OR] 2.54; 95% CI, 1.47-4.37, adjusted P = .006). A full 68% agreed to low-efficacy therapies. Ethical and psychological factors oriented firstline decision-making, in a trade-off in which some lose quality of life and mood, for others to gain autonomy. Imprecise prognostic awareness was associated with greater interest in low-efficacy treatments (OR 2.27; 95% CI, 1.31-3.84; adjusted P = .017), whereas realistic understanding increased anxiety (OR 1.63; 95% CI, 1.01-2.65; adjusted P = 0.038), depression (OR 1.96; 95% CI, 1.23-3.11; adjusted P = .020), and diminished quality of life (OR 0.47; 95% CI, 0.29-0.75; adjusted P = .011). Conclusion: In the age of immunotherapy and targeted therapies, many appear not to understand that antineoplastic therapy is not curative. Within the mix of inputs that comprise inaccurate prognostic awareness, many psychosocial factors are as relevant as the physicians’ disclosure of information. Thus, the desire for better decision-making can actually harm the patient
Au@Ag SERRS tags coupled to a lateral flow immunoassay for the sensitive detection of pneumolysin
Establishing a definitive diagnosis of pneumonia using conventional tests is difficult and expensive. Lateral flow immunoassays (LFIAs) are an advantageous point of care (POC) test option, but they have some limitations in terms of detection and quantification. In this work we have developed a lateral flow immunoassay for the ultrasensitive detection of penumolysin employing plasmonic Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering (SERRS) tag as labelled probe. The combination of Au@Ag core-shell nanoparticles as plasmonic platform and Rhodamine B Isothiocyanate as Raman reporter has allowed us to fabricate a SERRS tag with high efficiency and reliability. The limit of quantification of the SERRS-based LFIA was 1pg/mL, while the limit of detection was 3.6 pg/mL. This could be a strong foundation for a pneumonia diagnosis test based on pneumolysin detectio
Recovery of polyclonal immunoglobulins during treatment in patients ineligible for autologous stem-cell transplantation is a prognostic marker of longer progression-free survival and overall survival
Immunoparesis is the suppression of normal polyclonal immunoglobulins and is present in most patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM). The association of immunoparesis at diagnosis, and particularly its recovery along with treatment, with survival in patients ineligible for autologous stem-cell transplantation (ASCT) has not been well established. This retrospective study evaluated the impact of immunoparesis in 431 patients diagnosed with MM, ineligible for ASCT, with a median overall survival of 36 months [95% confidence interval (CI): 31–40]. Immunoparesis was present in 81.2% of patients at diagnosis and was associated with a trend to a worse overall response rate (ORR: 84.8% vs. 74.9%; OR 1.88 (95% CI: 0.97–3.63), shorter progression-free survival (PFS) [22.0 vs. 18.2 months; hazard ratio (HR) 0.775; 95%CI: 0.590–1.018; p = 0.066], and overall survival (OS) (45.9 vs. 34.2 months; HR 0.746; 95% CI: 0.551–1.010; p = 0.057). Twenty-four per cent of patients who had immunoparesis at diagnosis recovered polyclonal immunoglobulins in the follow-up period. Interestingly, these patients had a better ORR (96.3% vs. 68.2%; OR 12.29 (95% CI: 3.77–40.06), PFS (HR 0.703; 95CI%: 0.526–0.941; p = 0.018) and OS (HR 0.678; 95 CI%: 0.503–0.913; p = 0.011) than patients who did not recover it. In summary, restoring a healthy immune system along with first-line treatment in patients with MM, not receiving ASCT, is associated with better outcomes
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