127 research outputs found

    Paz y convivencia desde el contexto escolar una mirada desde las voces de los niños y las niñas de grado transición en tres instituciones educativas de Bogotá, D.C.

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    El siguiente estudio tiene como objetivo reconocer cuáles son las voces que construyen las niñas y niños de grado Transición sobre los conceptos de conflicto, paz y convivencia, en tres instituciones educativas de Bogotá D.C La investigación se realizó bajo la metodología de tipo cualitativo y de enfoque interpretativo-descriptivo. Para el trabajo de campo se realizaron grupos focales con niños y niñas de ciclo I, en los cuales participaron dieciocho niños (a), y cinco docentes de tres instituciones educativas de estratos socioeconómicos 1, 2 y 4, a quienes se les realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los resultados muestran que la educación para la paz es un tema fundamental que contribuye a la construcción, desde los primeros años de escolaridad, a que los niños y niñas trabajen basados en el respeto por el otro, y que con sus actitudes y valores puedan resolver los conflictos, prevenir la violencia y construir espacios académicos de paz.The following study aims to recognize which are the voices built by the girls and boys of Cycle 1 about the concepts of conflict, peace and coexistence, in the educational institutions in Bogotá D.C. The research was carried out under the methodology of qualitative type and hermeneutical approach. For the fieldwork, focus groups were carried out with children of cycle I, in which eighteen children participated, and five teachers from three educational institutions of socioeconomic strata 1, 2 and 4, who underwent semi-structured interviews. . The results show that education for peace is a fundamental issue that contributes to the construction, from the first years of schooling, to children working based on respect for the other, and with their attitudes and values can solve conflicts, prevent violence and build academic spaces of peace.Licenciado (a) en Pedagogía InfantilPregrad

    Curriculum Effects On University Students’ English Language Achievement

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    The objective of this research is to identify, analyze and determine the curricular effects in the linguistic achievement to implement a curricular redesign and improve the English language teaching-learning to students and teachers of the Escuela Superior Politécnica of Chimborazo Language Center. The research used the communicative method, using several comprehensive techniques based on language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. It was considered the critical-proactive paradigm to look for solutions in an environment of description and understanding of the educational, social and cultural process. Surveys were applied to measure the learning achievement of the language, as an independent variable, applied to one hundred and fifty students and the curricular effect as a dependent variable directed to fifty five teachers of the Language Center, as well as, interviews to four directors of the Language Center. At the level of the students, it was concluded that the level of English is still basic, therefore, a new instrument is needed that proposes: methodology, techniques and updated contents to reach a competitive level. Most teachers indicate that the curriculum established by the Center must be updated in order to make better teaching possible

    Piora de crises epilépticas durante o período menstrual em mulheres com epilepsia focal sintomática

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    INTRODUCTION: Hormonal fluctuation is responsible for worsening of epileptic seizures during the menstrual cycle. OBJETIVE: To identify irregularities in the menstrual cycles of women with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) and extratemporal focal epilepsy (ETFE) and correlate the frequency of seizures during the menstrual cycles. METHOD: We evaluated prospectively women in the menacme with MTLE and ETFE. Calendars were provided for these patients, and they were asked to mark their seizure frequency according to the menses. Calendars were reviewed in each routine medical appointment. RESULTS: Thirty-nine patients with MTLE and 14 with ETFE were evaluated. We registered 211 cycles in the patients with MTLE and 49 in those with ETFE. Irregular menstrual cycles were found in 28 (28/39, 71.7%) patients with MTLE and 6 (6/14, 42.8%) with ETFE (p=0.052). Premenstrual seizure worsening was observed in 46 (21.8%) patients with MTLE and 9 (18.3%) with ETFE (p=0.596). Menstrual worsening was observed in 47 (22.2%) patients with MTLE and 15 (30.6%) with ETFE (p=0. 217). Ovulatory worsening was observed in 36 (17%) patients with MTLE and 13 (26.5%) with ETFE (p=0,126). Catamenial worsening was observed in 58 (27.4%) of the patients with MTLE and in 17 (34.7%) of the patients with ETFE (p=0.315). CONCLUSION: There was no difference between the group of patients with MTLE and ETFE regarding the frequency of irregular cycles and seizure worsening during the premenstrual, menstrual, catamenial or ovulatory periods.INTRODUÇÃO: Admite-se que a flutuação hormonal seja a responsável para a piora de crises epilépticas no período catamenial. OBJETIVO: Identificar irregularidades nos ciclos menstruais de mulheres com epilepsia de lobo temporal mesial (ELTM) e epilepsia focal extratemporal (EFET); e relacionar a frequencia de crises durante o ciclo menstrual. MÉTODO: Avaliamos mulheres na menacme, que apresentem quadro clínico laboratorial compatível com ELTM e EFET. Foram fornecidos calendários para estas pacientes e instruídas para preenchimento correto da menstruação e das crises epilépticas e serão revistos em cada consulta médica rotineira. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliadas 39 pacientes com ELTM e 14 com EFET. Registramos 211 ciclos nas pacientes com ELTM e 49 nas com EFET. Ciclos menstruais irregulares foram apresentados por 28 (71,7%) pacientes com ELTM e 14 (42,8%) com EFEP (p=0,052). Piora pré-menstrual foi observada em 46 (21,8%) pacientes com ELTM e 9 (18,3%) com EFET (p=0,596). Piora menstrual foi observada em 47 (22,2%) pacientes com ELTM e 15 (30,6%) com EFET (p=0,217). Piora ovulatória foi observada em 36 (17%) pacientes com ELTM e 13 (26,5%) com EFET (p=0,126). Piora catamenial foi observada em 58 (27,4%) das pacientes com ELTM e em 17 (34,7%) das pacientes com EFET (p=0,315). CONCLUÇÃO: Não houve diferença entre os grupos de pacientes com ELTM e EFET quanto à freqüência de ciclos irregulares e piora das crises nos períodos pré-menstrual, menstrual, catamenial ou ovulatório.75175

    Recent developments in the genetics of childhood epileptic encephalopathies: impact in clinical practice

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Recent advances in molecular genetics led to the discovery of several genes for childhood epileptic encephalopathies (CEEs). As the knowledge about the genes associated with this group of disorders develops, it becomes evident that CEEs present a number of specific genetic characteristics, which will influence the use of molecular testing for clinical purposes. Among these, there are the presence of marked genetic heterogeneity and the high frequency of de novo mutations. Therefore, the main objectives of this review paper are to present and discuss current knowledge regarding i) new genetic findings in CEEs, ii) phenotype-genotype correlations in different forms of CEEs; and, most importantly, iii) the impact of these new findings in clinical practice. Accompanying this text we have included a comprehensive table, containing the list of genes currently known to be involved in the etiology of CEEs.Recent advances in molecular genetics led to the discovery of several genes for childhood epileptic encephalopathies (CEEs). As the knowledge about the genes associated with this group of disorders develops, it becomes evident that CEEs present a number o7311946958FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)sem informaçãosem informaçã

    Closing the gaps to understand the tick transmission of Anaplasma marginale among giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) in Argentina

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    Anaplasma marginale, a well-known cattle pathogen of tropical and subtropical world regions, has been previously molecularly characterized in a giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) from Corrientes, Argentina. Ticks or other hematophagous arthropod involved in the wild transmission cycle remained unknown. The aim of the present study was to analyze the simultaneous occurrence of A. marginale in blood samples and ticks from giant anteaters from Corrientes in order to investigate if ticks could be relevant in the transmission among these mammals. Blood samples from 50 giant anteaters collected in different years and 26 ticks Amblyomma dubitatum and A. sculptum were studied through the molecular amplification of two unequivocal species-specific genes from A. marginale: msp5 and msp1β. Twenty five giant anteaters and tick organs (salivary glands, gut and oviduct) from 11 ticks tested positive to the A. marginale DNA amplification. The further molecular characterization through MSP1a tandem repeats analysis revealed the presence of genotypes circulating among giant anteaters that had been previously identified in cattle blood samples from the same geographical region. These results confirm the presence of A. marginale in giant anteaters in Corrientes and suggests that A. dubitatum and A. sculptum ticks could be involved in the transmission among giant anteaters. Future studies will determine the role of these tick species in the wild transmission cycle in the study area and the eventual connection with the domestic cycle.Fil: Guillemi, Eliana Carolina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Imbert, Mélody. Université Paul Sabatier; FranciaFil: de la Fourniere, Sofía Ana María. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Orozco, Maria Marcela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Peña Martínez, Jorge. The Conservation Land Trust; ArgentinaFil: Rosas, Ana Carolina. The Conservation Land Trust; ArgentinaFil: Montenegro, Valeria Noely. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Farber, Marisa Diana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular; Argentin

    The Effect of Extensive Reading on Vocabulary Knowledge of First Level University Students

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    The objective of the research was to analyze how extensive reading or reading for pleasure can improve the development of vocabulary in a sample of 48 first-level university students of the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica in the city of Ambato. It was an experimental, bibliographic, descriptive, field and correlational research. To determine the correlation between the two study variables, a deep and thorough investigative analysis of books, journals and research was carried out. An intervention plan was applied through the use of a handbook of 19 vocabulary activities and to measure the knowledge of the vocabulary in the students, an observation card was used in order to measure attitudes and behavior towards extensive reading. A questionnaire of twelve questions related to word knowledge and the word form with its meaning was used as well. The research contains the sociodemographic statistical analysis of the participants and an analysis of the results of the evaluation of reading knowledge and vocabulary to know the descriptive aspects. Furthermore, the descriptive analysis of the vocabulary knowledge assessment from a global point of view and the aspects of word knowledge was carried out; to finally perform the analysis of the presence and degree of correlation between extensive reading and vocabulary knowledge, using the Pearson coefficient. Thus, it allowed to determine that, the existence of the correlation between the two variables investigated. That is to say, the results indicated that the use of extensive reading influences the development of students' vocabulary by raising interest and improving vocabulary

    Mulheres na gestão hospitalar:: significando o trabalho gerencial em um hospital público

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    Objetivo: analisar as práticas gerenciais de mulheres em cargos estratégicos em um hospital público. Método: estudo de caso, de abordagem qualitativa, realizado em um hospital público em Belo Horizonte/MG/Sudeste do Brasil. Os sujeitos foram nove profissionais do sexo feminino que ocupavam cargos de gerência neste hospital. A coleta de dados foi realizada mediante entrevista com roteiro semiestruturado, gravadas por aparelho gravador de voz e, posteriormente, transcrita na íntegra e submetida à Análise de conteúdo. O projeto de pesquisa foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética, Protocolo nº 004/2009. Resultados: as características femininas, a determinação dessas profissionais favorecem a ascensão da mulher no trabalho gerencial tendo em vista que elas se preocupam com o aspecto humano das organizações, caracterizando um estilo de gestão participativo. Conclusão: percebeu-se a competência das mulheres-gerentes na gestão hospitalar, na medida em que suas ações estão direcionadas para a política de humanização da assistência conforme é preconizado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde

    The employment of a removable chitosan-derivatized polymeric sensitizer in the photooxidation of polyhydroxylated water-pollutants

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    The known O2(1g)-sensitizer system Chitosan bounded Rose Bengal (CH-RB), with Rose Bengal (RB) immobilized by irreversible covalent bonding to the polymer Chitosan (CH), soluble in aquous acidic medium, was employed in the photodegradation of three tri-hydroxy benzene water-contaminants (THBs). The system sensitizes the O2(1g)-mediated photodegradation of THBs by a process kinetically favored, as compared to that employing free RB dissolved in the same solvent. Additionally the free xanthene dye, degradable by O2(1g) through self-sensitization upon prolonged light-exposure, is considerably protected when bonded to CH-polymer. The polymeric sensitizer, totally insoluble in neutral medium, can be removed from the solution after the photodegradative cycle by precipitation through a simple pH change. This fact constitutes an interesting aspect in the context of photoremediation of confined polluted waters. In other words, the sensitizing system could be useful for avoiding to dissolve dyestuffs in the polluted waters, in order to act as conventional sunlight-absorbing dye-sensitizers. In parallel the interaction CH - O2(1g) in acidic solution was evaluated. The polymer quenches the oxidative species with a rate constant 2.4x108 M-1s-1 being the process mostly attributable to a physical interaction. This fact promotes the photoprotection of the bonded dye in the CH-RB polymer.Fil: Ferrari, Gabriela Verónica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Andrada, María Elisa. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Natera, Jose Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: Muñoz, Vanesa Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Montaña, Maria Paulina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Gambetta, Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto; ArgentinaFil: Boiero, María Laura. Universidad Tecnologica Nacional. Facultad Regional Villa Maria; ArgentinaFil: Montenegro, Mariana Angélica. Universidad Tecnologica Nacional. Facultad Regional Villa Maria; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria; ArgentinaFil: Massad, Walter Alfredo. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Norman Andino. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto; Argentin

    Lower insulin-dose adjusted A1c (IDAA1c) is associated with less complications in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes treated with hematopoetic stem-cell transplantation and conventional therapy

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    Objective: To evaluate the association between insulin-dose adjusted A1C (IDAA1c) and microvascular complications (MC) and hypoglycemia in a representative Brazilian population of Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. Research Design and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study based on a previous study, “Microvascular Complications in Type 1 Diabetes: a comparative analysis of patients treated with autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (AHST) and conventional medical therapy (CT)”. The 168 patients in that study (144 from CT plus 24 from AHST) were re-subdivided into two groups, according to their IDAA1c values (30 patients had IDAA1c ≤ 9; 138 had IDAA1c > 9). Then, the prevalence of MC (diabetic renal disease, neuropathy, and retinopathy), hypoglycemia (blood glucose <60 mg/dL), and severe hypoglycemic (episode of hypoglycemia that required the assistance of another person to treat) events were compared between the groups. The groups were well-matched on these factors: duration of disease, sex, and age at the time of diagnosis of T1DM. Results: After an average of 8 years after diagnosis, only 6.6% (2/30) of the patients from IDAA1c ≤ 9 group developed any MC, whereas 21.0% (29/138) from the IDAA1c > 9 group had at least one complication (p = 0.044). Regarding hypoglycemic events, the proportion of individuals who reported at least 1 episode of hypoglycemia in the last month was 43.3 and 64.7% from the IDAA1c ≤ 9 and IDAA1c > 9 groups, respectively (p = 0.030). Regarding severe hypoglycemia, the proportion of patients presenting at least one episode in the last month and the rate of episode/patient/month were similar between groups (6.7 vs. 13.2%; p = 0.535; and 0.1/patient/month vs. 0.25/patient/month; p = 0.321). Conclusion: In a representative Brazilian population of T1DM patients, those with IDAA1c ≤ 9 presented a lower frequency of MC, as well as fewer episodes of hypoglycemia, in the month prior to the analysis.publishedVersio

    Estresse no trabalho e qualidade de vida associados aos padrões alimentares em servidores de uma universidade pública

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    Objective: To analyze if dietary patterns are associated with quality of life and work stress of employees of a Public University in Fortaleza, Ceará. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 324 employees, with data collected through a questionnaire for sociodemographic, occupational and lifestyle characterization, as well as the Stress at Work Scale, Whoqol-bref Questionnaire and dietary recall. Feed patterns were identified by factor analysis by principal components, followed by varimax ortho-diagonal rotation. Poisson regression with robust variance estimation was used to estimate the prevalence ratios of variables in relation to dietary patterns. Results: Five dietary patterns were identified: mixed, prudent, common Brazilian, seafood and infused vegetables and dense in energy. Stress at work related to low social support and physical environment with low quality of life were significantly associated with lower adherence to the mixed standard, while high demand for work stress was associated with lower adherence to the common Brazilian standard. Conclusion: The findings showed influences on the eating pattern associated with sociodemographic factors, stress at work and low quality of life in university employees.O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar se os padrões alimentares estão associados à qualidade de vida e ao estresse no trabalho de servidores de uma Universidade Pública em Fortaleza, Ceará, utilizando-se de um estudo transversal com 324 servidores, com dados coletados por meio de questionário para caracterização sociodemográfica, ocupacional e estilo de vida, além da Escala de Estresse no Trabalho, Questionário Whoqol-bref e recordatório alimentar. Os padrões alimentares foram identificados por análise fatorial por componentes principais, seguida da rotação ortogonal varimax. A Regressão de Poisson com estimativa robusta da variância foi utilizada para estimar as razões de prevalências das variáveis em relação aos padrões alimentares. Foram identificados cinco padrões alimentares: misto, prudente, comum brasileiro, vegetais frutos do mar e infusos e densos em energia. O estresse no trabalho relacionado ao baixo apoio social e o ambiente físico com baixa qualidade de vida apresentaram associação estatística significativa com a menor adesão ao padrão misto, enquanto a alta demanda de estresse no trabalho apresentou associação com a menor adesão ao padrão comum brasileiro. Os achados evidenciaram influências no padrão alimentar associado aos fatores sociodemográficos, estresse no trabalho e baixa qualidade de vida nos servidores universitários. 