52 research outputs found

    New contributions on flora and vegetation of northeastern Portugal ultramafic outcrops

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    In this work we present some syntaxonomic novelties on the vegetation of the referred ultramafic outcrops focused on three new associations: Jonopsidio abulensis-Sedetum maireani, Armerio daveaui-Agrostietum castellanae and Seseli peixotoani- Avenuletum lusitanicae; in addition, a new nomenclatural combination of an endemic taxon from the Morais massif (Armeria langei subsp. marizii) is proposed. We also clarify the phytocoenotic structure of the Portuguese vegetation series through a simple diagrammatic representation, which is then applied to one unique climatophilous vegetation series present in the ultramafic rocks of northeastern Portugal: Genisto hystricis-Querco rotundifoliae Sigmetuminfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fraxino Angustifoliae-Ulmetum Glabrae: an original endemic and extremely localized forest from mainland Portugal

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    The natural occurrence of Ulmus glabra in mainland Portugal has been recently recognized. These punctuated occurrences are peripheral and scattered from the main distribution area in the centre and north of Europe. U. glabra colonizes soils of heavy textures, relatively rich in bases, cool and frequently rocky on steep slopes (e.g. ravines, shadowy canyons), under supra to orotemperate, humid to hyperhumid bioclimates. This combination of ecological factors is rather unusual inmainland Portugal, however during an inventory excursion in the north of Portugal (Serra do Montemuro), in a small canyon ofBalsemão riverwe detected a mesophilous/temporihygrophilous forest dominated by U. glabra and Fraxinus angustifolia. This forest is extremely localized occurring on Ordovician silty schists, under upper mesotemperate to supratemperate hyperhumid bioclimate. It probably corresponds to an interglacial refugium for the species. We ran an edaphoclimatic model within a geographical information system, in order to highlight other possible areas of occurrence for this forests and guide future efforts in finding it in mainland Portugal

    Novas ocorrências de Spahgnum auriculatum no sul de Portugal.: significado paleobiogeográfico

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    New chorological data of Sphagnum auriculatum in south Portugal. Paleobiogeographic meaning Palavras-chave. Corologia, Sphagnum auriculatum, turfeiras de transição, sudoeste de Portugal.Key words. Chorology, Sphagnum auriculatum, transition mires, southwestern Portugal


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    This work constitutes the first phytosociological analysis of saltmarshes on the Angolan coast. Sixty-five relevés were carried out resulting in the description of six new plant associations. These saltmarshes are characterized by a lower floristic richness when compared to the Holarctic saltmarshes. Eighteen taxa were identified, some of them succulent. Saltmarshes occur from the mouth of the Cunene River to the Cuanza River, although in this last part they are already very impoverished. In the Cuanza river, saltmar shes occupy only a narrow strip in the inner sector of the mangroves in contact with conti nental ecosystems and are often made up of just one taxon, Sarcocornia natalensis subsp. affinis. Mangroves reach their southern limit in the city of Lobito, although they are almost extinct there. The occurrence and distribution of saltmarshes are affected by the Cold Ben guela Current, that influences the west coast of Africa between Cabo da Boa Esperança and Benguela. The height of the saltmarsh’s platforms colonized by halophyte, sub-halophyte or halotolerant plants determines the flooding period and thus the plant community’s floristic composition. Soil granulometry also plays an important role in the spatial organization of plant communities. One of the main originalities of Angolan saltmarshes is the predomi nance of fine sandy or sandy-loam soil texture as a consequence of the proximity of the Namibe desert. The PCA segregated the different plant communities described.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coastal halophilous Limonium communities from West Iberian Peninsula

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    In the present work, we studied seven communities occurring in salt marshes in the west of the Iberian Peninsula, mostly ascribable to Sarcocornietea fruticosae class. Three new syntaxa are described: Myriolimo diffusi-Limonietum algarvensis, Triglochino maritimae-Sarcocornietum alpini subass. puccinellietosum maritimae and Limonion lanceolati-algarvensis. The first one is a chamaephytic community existing on thermomediterranean dry salt marshes, only inundated during high tides; it occupies welldrained sands from the Algarve (Coastal Lusitanian- Andalusian Province, Mediterranean Region), which the director species are the Iberian endemisms Myriolimon diffusum and Limonium algarvense. The second one is a halophytic community formed by Sarcocornia perennis subsp. alpini, Triglochin maritima, Halimione portulacoides, Puccinellia maritima, and Plantago maritima on sites occasionally inundated by saltwater, rich in sand and silt, north of the Ria de Aveiro (Miniense District, Cantabrian- Atlantic Subprovince, Eurosiberian Region). The last one is the alliance Limonion lanceolati-algarviensis, formed by Limonium sp. pl. communities from the Coastal Lusitanian-Andalusian Province. We also extend the distribution area of Puccinellio tenuifoliae- Limonietum plurisquamati to the Tagus estuary We propose the segregation between Myriolimetum ferulacei, from the Algarve sea cliffs, and Inulo crithmoidis- Myriolimetum ferulacei, from salt marshe

    Arrelvados vivazes da bacia hidrográfica do rio Paiva (Portugal)

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    Apresenta-se um estudo dos arrelvados naturais vivazes da bacia hidrográfica do rio Paiva, em particular das classes: 1) Festucetea indigestae; 2) Stipo giganteae-Agrostietea castellanae; 3) Molinio-Arrhenatheretea e 4) Nardetea. Com base em inventários realizados desde 2004, bem como em trabalhos publicados onde se estudou o território em causa, reconhecem-se oito associações e uma comunidade enquadráveis nas referidas classes, respectivamente: 1) Polytricho-Agrostietum truncatulae, Diantho langeani-Festucetum summilusitanae ass. nova; 2) Arrhenathero bulbosi-Armerietum beiranae ass. nova, com. de Armeria beirana e Arrhenatherum sardoum; 3) Peucedano lancifolii-Juncetum acutiflori, Agrostio castellanae-Arrhenatheretum bulbosi, Anthemido nobilis-Cynosuretum cristati; 4) Centaureo lusitanae-Pseudarrhenatheretum longifolii ass. nova, Genisto anglicae-Nardetum strictae. Apresenta-se ainda uma associação vegetal casmofítica original, enquadrável na classe Phagnalo-Rumicetea indurati, encontrada no decorrer do presente trabalho, que aqui se descreve dado o seu valor para a conservação da natureza, dominada pelo endemismo do centro de Portugal continental Anarrhinum longipedicellatum (Anarrhinetum longipedicellati ass. nova). Destaca-se o caso particular do arrelvado Arrhenathero bulbosi-Armerietum beiranae, hoje com grande expressão no território em estudo, ocupando parte considerável das áreas graníticas meso a supratemperadas, húmidas a hiper-húmidas, das serras do Montemuro, Leomil e Lapa. A expansão deste arrelvado está indiscutivelmente ligada quer ao abandono da agricultura e do pastoreio – que levaram a uma redução considerável das áreas cultivadas, bem como das comunidades de Molinio-Arrhenatheretea e de Nardetea – quer à elevada frequência de incêndios, dado que se trata de uma comunidade subserial dos carvalhais de Holco mollis- Quercetum pyrenaicae e, pontualmente, de Rusco aculeati-Quercetum roboris quercetosum roborisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os sobreirais da Bacia ceno-antropozóica do Tejo (Província Lusitano-Andaluza litoral), Portugal

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    Os sobreirais da bacia ceno-antropozóica do Tejo (Província Lusitano-Andaluza Litoral), Portugal. A análise das características das formações litológicas de enchimento da Bacia do Tejo, com idades que vão do Miocénico ao Plistocénico, permitiu compreender melhor o mosaico de sobreirais potenciais, pertencentes respectivamente ao Oleo sylvestris-Quercetum suberis e ao Asparago aphylli-Quercetum suberis. A composição granulométrica, a coesão das partículas e o efeito da acção antrópica sobre as formações litológicas são os factores fundamentais que intervêm na distribuição dos dois sobreirais potenciais e nas respectivas etapas subseriais. A acção antrópica sobre as formações areníticas promove a libertação e a acumulação de areias. Este processo permite a entrada de espécies psamofílicas e desta forma a vegetação potencial primitiva (Asparago aphylli-Quercetum suberis) é substituída pela série psamofílica do sobreiro (Oleo sylvestris-Quercetum suberis).The Quercus suber woodlands of the ceno-anthropozoic Tagus river basin. Portugal. The analysis of the lithological formations on the Tagus river basin, with ages between Miocene and Pleistocene, allows the understanding of the mosaic of two potential vegetation communities, respectively, Oleo sylvestris-Quercetum suberis and Asparago aphylli-Quercetum suberis. The grain-size analysis, the cohesion of particles and the effect of the anthropic actions on the lithological formations are the major factors that justify the mosaic of the two potential cork tree woodlands and the respective dynamic stages. Human activities over sandy formations and conglomerates, promote liberation and accumulation of sand particles. This process induces psammophilous species to colonize, surrogating primitive potential vegetation (Asparago aphylli-Quercetum suberis) with the cork tree psammophilous series (Oleo sylvestris-Quercetum suberis)

    Tejedas en el noroeste de la Península Ibérica

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    A descrição do Habitat 9580* da Rede Natura 2000, nomeadamente no Noroeste ibérico, carece de informação fitossociológica que facilite a sua interpretação. Até agora esta é feita essencialmente enumerando os vários sintáxones em que Taxus baccata tem presença confirmada. Tanto pela falta de inventários nestas comunidades vegetais, mas também por se considerarem os teixedos como simples faciações das florestas envolventes, esta interpretação torna-se inconsequente, já que na maior parte dos casos não se refere a teixedos, i.e., bosquetes (co)dominados por Taxus baccata (Habitat 9580*), mas a indivíduos mais ou menos isolados no seio de outras comunidades. Com base numa análise DiffVal de 33 inventários de teixedos do NW ibérico, foi possível diferenciar e classificar três novos sintáxones florestais (co)dominados por Taxus baccata. Nos territórios lusitanos distinguem-se os teixedos geresianos, propostos como Eryngio juresiani-Taxetum baccatae subass. typicum, dos muito raros estrelenses Eryngio juresiani-Taxetum baccatae subass. loniceretosum hispanicae, enquanto que para os teixedos W cantábricos, claramente diferenciáveis dos lusitanos, propõe-se o nome Corylo avellanae-Taxetum baccatae.The description of Habitat 9580* of the Natura 2000, namely in the Iberian NW, needs more phytosociological information to facilitate its interpretation. Until now, this interpretation is done mainly by listing the numerous syntaxes with confirmed presence of Taxus baccata. By the lack of relevés of Taxus communities as the interpretation of the yew woods as simple faciations of the surrounding forests, this interpretation becomes inconsequent, as in most cases, correspond to more or less isolated individuals within other communities and not to true yew woods, i.e. (co)dominated by Taxus baccata (Habitat 9580*). Based on a DiffVal analysis of 33 relevés from the NW Iberian Peninsula of yew communities it was possible to differentiate and classify three new forest communities (co)dominated by Taxus baccata. In the Lusitanian territories are distinguished the Juresian Eryngio juresiani-Taxetum baccatae subass. typicum, and the very rare Eryngio juresiani-Taxetum baccatae subass. loniceretosum hispanicae from Serra da Estrela; while in the W Cantabrian region, yew communities are clearly differentiable from the Lusitanian ones, the name Corylo avellanae-Taxetum baccatae is proposed.La description d’Habitat 9580* du Réseau Natura 2000, notamment dans le nord-ouest Ibérique, manquait d’information phytosociologique pour faciliter son interprétation. Jusque-à présent, cela se faisait essentiellement en énumérant les (nombreuses) syntaxes dans lesquelles Taxus baccata avait une présence confirmée. Tant par l’absence de relevés de ces communautés, que par la compréhension des bois d’if comme simples faciacions des forêts environnantes, cette interprétation est devenue sans conséquence, puisque dans la plupart des cas elle ne faisait pas référence aux bois d’ifs, i.e. (co)dominé par Taxus baccata (Habitat 9580*), mais à des individus plus ou moins isolés au sein d’autres habitats. Une analyse DiffVal de 33 relevés de bois d’if du nord-ouest ibérique a permis de différencier et de classer trois nouvelles communautés forestières (co)dominées par Taxus baccata. Dans les territoires lusitaniens il est possible différencier les bois d’if geresiens, proposés comme Eryngio juresiani- -Taxetum baccatae subass. typicum, des très rares de la Serra da Estrela Eryngio juresiani -Taxetum baccatae subass. loniceretosum hispanicae, tandis que pour les bois d’if ouest cantabriques, clairement différentes des portugais, il est proposé le nom Corylo avellanae-Taxetum baccatae.La descripción del Hábitat 9580* de la Red Natura 2000, en particular, en el Noreste ibérico, carece de información fitosociológica que facilitase su interpretación. Hasta entonces, esta se hace esencialmente enumerando los varios sintaxones en que Taxus baccata tenía presencia confirmada. Tanto por la falta de inventarios de esos hábitats, como por la comprensión de las tejedas como simples facies de los bosques cercanos, esa interpretación se volvió inconsecuente, ya que en la mayoría de los casos no se trataba de tejedas, es decir bosquetes (co) dominados por Taxus baccata (Hábitat 9580*), mas solamente individuos más o menos aislados en el seno de otras comunidades. Sobre la base de un análisis DiffVal de 33 inventarios de tejedas del NW ibérico fue posible diferenciar y clasificar tres nuevos sintaxones forestales (co)dominados por Taxus baccata. En los territorios lusitanos se diferencian las tejedas geresianas, propuestas como Eryngio juresiani-Taxetum baccatae subass. typicum, de los muy raros en Sierra de la Estrella Eryngio juresiani -Taxetum baccatae subass. loniceretosum hispanicae; mientras que para las tejedas W cantábricas, claramente diferenciables de los lusitanos, se propone el nombre Corylo avellanae-Taxetum baccatae.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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