46 research outputs found


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    Avaliar a prevalência de anemia nutricional e os fatores a ela associados em gestantes atendidas em duas maternidades públicas em São Luís, Maranhão. Estudo de natureza transversal, descritivo, realizado com 118 gestantes atendidas nas primeiras e segundas consultas médicas. Aplicou-se um formulário pré-elaborado que possibilitou obter informações pessoais, socioeconômico-demográficas das gestantes, idade gestacional, intervalo interpartal, paridade, entre outras. Os dados bioquímicos referentes à hemoglobina e ao hematócrito foram transcritos dos resultados dos hemogramas realizados pelas gestantes. Como indicativo da existência de anemia, adotou-se como referência os valores de hemoglobina sérica abaixo de 11 mg/dl e de hematócrito menor que 33% (WHO, 2001). O teste do qui-quadrado foi utilizado na análise estatística. Entre as gestantes, 80,5% tinham de 20 a 30 anos, 51,7 % pertenciam às classes econômicas D e E, 32,2% apresentaram baixos níveis de hemoglobina e 28,8%, baixos níveis de hematócrito. Das gestantes cuja hemoglobina sérica estava abaixo de 11g/dl, 76,3% tinham de 20 a 30 anos e 21,1% eram adolescentes (p=0,023); 52,6% eram primíparas (p=0,039) e para 23,7% delas, o intervalo interpartal foi menor que 24 meses (p=0,031). Entre as gestantes que ingeriram suplemento à base de sais de ferro, 73,5% delas tinham nível de hematócrito menor que 33% (p=0,010). Os resultados deste estudo têm relevância como fonte de orientação para as estratégias a serem adotadas que visem à redução da prevalência de anemia em gestantes.Palavras-chave: Anemia. Gestantes. Gravidez na adolescência.ANEMIA IN PREGNANT WOMEN TREATED IN MATERNITY UNITS IN SÃO LUIS (MA)Abstract: To evaluate the prevalence of nutritional anemia and the factors associated in pregnant women treated in two maternity hospitals in São Luis, Maranhão. This was a transversal descriptive study done with 118 pregnant women at the time of their first and second medical consultations. They were given a form to complete so that personal, socio-economic/demographic and other information could be obtained (age, number of  births, and interval between births amongst others). The biochemical data related to Hemoglobin and Hemocrit were taken from the blood work done for each woman. As an indicator of anemia values of seric hemoglobin lower than 11mg/dl and hemocrit less that 33% were used. (WHO, 2001). The chi-square test was used for the statistical analysis. Among the woman studied, 80.5% were between 20 and 30 years old, 51.7% belonged to the D and E economic classes, 32.2% had low levels of hemoglobin and 28.8% had low hemocrit levels. Of the women who had seric hemoglobin lower than 11mg/dl, 76.3% were between 20 and 30 years old and 21.1% were adolescents (p=0,023); 52.6% were on their first child (p=0,039) and for 23.7% of them the interval between births was of less than 24 months (p=0,031). Among the women who ingested supplements based on iron salts 73.5% had hemocrit levels lower than 33% (p=0,010). The results of the study are relevant as a source of orientation for strategies which must be adopted in order to reduce anemia in pregnant women.Keywords: Anemia. Pregnant women. Pregnancy in Adolescence.LA ANEMIA EN MUJERES EMBARAZADAS ATENDIDAS EN LA MATERNIDAD EN SAN LUIS (MA)Resumen: Para evaluar la prevalencia de la anemia nutricional y factores asociados en mujeres embarazadas en dos hospitales públicos de la ciudad de São Luís, Maranhão. Estudio transversal, descriptivo, realizado con 118 mujeres embarazadas asistieron a las visitas de la primera y segunda. Se aplicó un formulario previamente  preparado que permitió que la información personal, socio-económico-demográficas de las mujeres embarazadas, edad gestacional, intervalo intergenésico, paridad, entre otros. Los datos bioquímicos relacionados con la hemoglobina y el hematocrito se transcribe a partir de los resultados de los análisis de sangre realizados por las mujeres embarazadas. Como una indicación de la existencia de anemia, fue adoptado como valores de referencia de hemoglobina por debajo de 11 mg / dl y el hematocrito inferior al 33% (OMS, 2001). La prueba de chicuadrado se utilizó para el análisis estadístico. Entre las mujeres embarazadas, el 80,5% tenían 20-30 años, 51,7% pertenecía a las clases socioeconómicas D y E, 32.2% tenían niveles bajos de hemoglobina y el 28,8%, menores niveles de hematocrito. De las mujeres embarazadas cuya hemoglobina era inferior a 11g/dl, el 76,3% tenían 20-30 años y el 21,1% eran adolescentes (p=0,023), 52,6% eran primíparas (p=0,039) y 23, 7% de las mujeres, el intervalo entre nacimientos era de menos de 24 meses (p=0,031). Entre las mujeres embarazadas que consumieron los suplementos con sales de hierro, el 73,5% tenía un nivel de hematocrito inferior al 33% (p=0,010). Los resultados de este estudio tienen relevancia como fuente de orientación para las futuras estrategias encaminadas a reducir la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres embarazadas.Palabras clave: Anemia. Las mujeres embarazadas. El embarazo en la adolescencia

    One-Step reverse transcriptase PCR for detection of arboviruses in serum samples of patients assisted in Basic health Units in the State of Maranhão, Brazil / PCR de transcriptase reversa em uma etapa para detecção de arbovírus em amostras de soro de pacientes atendidos em Unidades Básicas de Saúde no estado do Maranhão, Brasil

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    polymerase chain reaction to detect acute infections caused by dengue, zika, chikungunya, and mayaro virus in clinical samples. Methods: We evaluated 620 sera samples collected from March 2016 to March 2018 and provided by the Central Health Laboratory of Maranhão (LACEN-MA). Total RNA was isolated from clinical specimens and used as the template for one-step RT-PCR assays with specific-primers designed for this study. Results: Of the 620 sera evaluated, 386 (62.2%) were positive, among them 330 (85.5%) amplified a specific fragment for chikungunya, 55 (14.2%) showed a fragment compatible with dengue serotype 4, and 1 (0.3%) exhibited profile for mayaro virus. Conclusions: The results obtained here were more sensitive than IgM-ELISA because the viral RNA was detected in serum samples from patients, not only from 1 to 6 days but also from 7 to 10 days after the beginning of clinical signs (convalescent period). Besides, the mayaro virus was detected in one serum sample that was IgM-ELISA negative for dengue, zika, and chikungunya. 

    Isolation of Cryptococcus spp. from several environmental niches in São Luís, MA

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    Cryptococcosis is an invasive mycosis triggered by a complex of fungal pathogens present in various environmental niches. Cryptococcus neoformans, C. gattii, and emerging pathogens such as C. laurentii and C. albidus are found in aged excreta of Columba livia (pigeon), its natural disseminator. As the pigeon population has increased in São Luís, the objective of this research was to demonstrate the presence of Cryptococcus spp. in the excreta of C. livia in public environments. Twenty-three samples were collected at 14 sites, dispensed into conical tubes, homogenized with saline and chloramphenicol, and allowed to rest until processing. Twenty-four hours after collection, aliquots were distributed in a fungal culture medium and incubated. The macromorphological examination revealed levaduriform, mucoid, bright, isolated colonies compatible with Cryptococcus spp. In the micromorphological examination, 11 of the 23 samples (42.85%) showed the presence of cells with a thick, refringent capsule and mucopolysaccharide around the blastoconidia, typical of Cryptococcus spp. fungi. The other samples (57.14%) were negative for the fungus. The environmental isolation of this fungus in public areas is relevant to public health since the growing pigeon population in São Luís increases the risk of exposure and infection by dispersion of infectious propagules in the environment


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    Introdução: O Papilomavirus Humano é reconhecido como o principal agente causador do câncer do colo do útero. A identificação de HPV de alto risco pode auxiliar na prevenção de lesões do colo uterino. Objetivo: Identificar os tipos de HPV oncogênicos da região do Quilombo de Juçatuba, no município de São José de Ribamar (MA), e avaliar os fatores de risco associado à infecção do HPV com anormalidades citológicas. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 150 mulheres quilombolas residentes no município de São José de Ribamar (MA), para rastreamento do câncer do colo uterino. A coleta foi realizada no período de março a julho de 2012. Foram coletadas amostras da cérvice uterina por meio do exame citopatológico. A tipagem molecular de HPV foi realizada por meio da Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase e para a genotipagem do HPV-DNA foi utilizado ensaio de hibridização reversa em pontos. Resultados: Das 150 amostras, 16 (10,6%) foram positivas para HPV, sendo identificados os tipos 33, IS39, 52, 54, 56, 58, 59, 62, 66, 68, 70, 72, 73 e 84, além de infecções múltiplas. A maior prevalência foi para o HPV 58 (25%), considerado de alto risco. O HPV foi identificado em 5,5% (2/36) dos esfregaços inflamatórios de mulheres com 30 anos de idade ou menos (p<0,0001). A infecção por HPV, segundo variáveis demográficas comportamentais e reprodutivas, não apresentou variável estatisticamente significante. Conclusão: A presença de HPV e o câncer de colo uterino destacam a importância de ações específicas para a prevenção na transmissão desse vírus e rastreamento nos Quilombos maranhenses. Enfatiza-se a necessidade de programas de controle e prevenção nessa população contribuindo para a detecção e tratamento precoces do câncer colo do útero.Palavras-chave: Papilomavirus humano. Citologia. Quilombolas.AbstractIntroduction: The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is known as the main cause of cervical cancer. The identification of individuals at high risk to be infected by HPV may help prevent cervical lesions. Objective: To identify the types of oncogenic HPV types in individuals from the region of Quilombo Juçatuba, in the city of São José de Ribamar, Maranhão, Brazil and evaluate the demographic risk associated with HPV infection as well as cytologic abnormality. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 150 women for cervical cancer screening in the city of São José de Ribamar, Maranhão, Brazil. Samples of the uterine cervix of Quilombola women were collected for the Pap smear test from March to July 2012. Molecular typing of HPV was done by polymerase chain reaction. Genotyping of HPV was performed by the reverse dot blot hybridization. Results: Of the 150 samples tested, sixteen (10.6%) were positive for HPV. We identified the types 33, IS39, 52, 54, 56, 58, 59, 62, 66, 68, 70, 72, 73 and 84. Multiple infections were also found. The highest prevalence was for the HPV type 58 (25%) that is considered a high-risk HPV type. HPV was identified in 5.5% (2/36) of inflammatory smears of women who were 30 years or younger (p<0.0001). Regarding HPV infection according to behavioral and reproductive demographic variables, there was no statistically significant variable. Conclusion: The presence of HPV and cervical cancer highlights the importance of specific actions that aim at preventing the transmission of this virus and the screening of this infection in Quilombos from Maranhão, Brazil. We also highlight the necessity of control and prevention programs against HPV in order to contribute for early detection and treatment of cervical cancer in this population.Keywords: Papillomavirus. Cytology. Quilombolas

    Association of the microbiological profile with cytological changes in quilombolas women at the basic health units

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    Objetivo: Analisar o perfil microbiológico e relacionar com as alterações citológicas de mulheres quilombolas que possuem lesões cérvico-vaginais. Material e Métodos. Este foi um estudo de corte transversal de 5 meses, baseado em 154 mulheres quilombolas, na faixa etária de 13 a 74 anos, registradas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e que possuem lesões cérvico-vaginais. Resultados. Mulheres com idade &gt;45 anos (43,5%) foram as que mais realizaram exames Papanicolaou, seguido das mulheres com 31 a 45 anos (31,2%) e posteriormente ≤30 anos (25,3%). A infecção mais comum em mulheres com idade ≤30 foi Gardnerella sp. (35,8%), já em mulheres na faixa de 31 a 45 anos foi Lactobacillus sp. (47,9%). A prevalência global das alterações citológicas foi de 7,8%, com maior frequência na faixa de 31 a 45 anos. Conclusão. As mulheres com vaginose bacteriana apresentaram maior prevalência de atipias celulares e não houve associação estatisticamente significante entre faixa etária e alterações cérvico-vaginais, bem como, a microbiota não apresentou associação com anormalidades citológicas.Aim: Analyzing the microbiological profile and associate it with cytological alterations in quilombola women with cervical-vaginal lesions. Material and Methods: This was a 5-month cross-sectional study based on 154 quilombola women, in the 13 to 74 years age group, recorded in the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) with cervical-vaginal lesions. Results: Women aged 45 years and older (43.5%) had the most Pap smears, followed by women in the 31 to 45 years (31,2%) and ≤30 years old (25,3%). The most common infection in women of ≤30 years old was Gardnerella (35,8%) and in the 31 to 45 years group was Lactobacillus (47,9%). The overall prevalence of cytological abnormalities was 7.8%, with higher frequency in the 31 to 45 years group. Conclusion: The microbiological profile in the quilombola women with bacterial vaginosis had the highest cellular atypias prevalence and no statistically significant association was found between the age range and cervical-vaginal changes, as well as the microbiota had no association with cytological abnormalities

    ‘People lie’: overcoming obstacles to incorporate social science research to biodiversity conservation

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    Mesmo com o reconhecimento da importância da interdisciplinaridade na conservação da biodiversidade, ainda há resistência em incorporar a pesquisa em ciências sociais (PCS) ao pensamento e à prática conservacionista. As razões para tal resistência podem ser resumidas em três afirmações gerais ainda comumente atribuídas à PCS: 'tem pouca utilidade' e 'menos rigor metodológico' quando comparada à pesquisa em ciências naturais e, sobretudo, é pouco confiável porque 'as pessoas mentem'. Neste ensaio, desenvolvido a partir da experiência dos participantes de uma comunidade de prática, formada por profissionais de diversas áreas e setores relacionados à conservação, e das discussões geradas nesse espaço de aprendizado coletivo, abordamos as limitações e os equívocos por trás das afirmações acima. A PCS não é menos útil na conservação e nem tem menos rigor metodológico do que a pesquisa em ciências naturais, e quando as pessoas mentem para o pesquisador o problema não está na pesquisa em si, mas na relação entre sujeito e pesquisador. Argumentamos que à medida que os conservacionistas se familiarizam com a PCS e que os princípios de equidade e justiça são incorporados aos valores e objetivos da conservação, a importância e necessidade da PCS na conservação tornam-se óbvias, e a falta de confiança entre pesquisador e sujeitos deixa de ser uma preocupação significativa. Capacitar, integrar e apoiar são nossas recomendações básicas para pesquisadores, educadores, gestores e tomadores de decisão nas áreas de conservação, ensino, publicação e financiamento, para que a PCS cumpra plenamente seu papel na conservação.Despite the acknowledged importance of interdisciplinarity in biodiversity conservation, there is still resistance to incorporate social science research (SSR) to both conservationist thinking and practice. The reasons for such a resistance can be summarized in three general statements still commonly attributed to SSR, namely: it is of 'little use' and it has 'less methodological rigor' than research in the natural sciences and, above all, it is unreliable because 'people lie'. The current essay was developed based on the experience of participants of a community of practice (formed by professionals from different fields and sectors  associated with conservation), as well as on discussions held in this space of collective learning. It addresses the limitations and misconceptions behind the aforementioned statements. SSR is not less useful in conservation and not less methodologically rigorous than research conducted in the natural sciences. When researchers are lied to, the problem does not lie on the research itself, but on the subject-researcher relationship. We herein argue that as conservationists become more familiar with SSR, and as principles like equity and justice are incorporated to conservation values and goals, both the importance and need of SSR in conservation become obvious, making the lack of trust between researcher and subjects no longer a significant concern. Increasing capacity, integrating and supporting are our basic recommendations for researchers, educators, managers and decision-makers in the conservation, teaching, publishing and funding fields, so that SSR can fully fulfill its role in conservation

    Detection and differentiation of dengue virus serotypes by one-step multiplex reverse transcription PCR assays / Detecção e diferenciação de sorotipos do vírus da dengue por ensaios de PCR com transcrição reversa multiplexada em uma etapa

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    Background: Dengue infections are a severe public health problem in Brazil. The Ministry of Health recommends an immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the capture of IgM (MAC-ELISA) to diagnose dengue. However, it detects antibodies that cross-react with other flaviviruses and requires confirmation in reference laboratories. Methods: One-step multiplex RT-PCR assay was used to amplify RNA of 197 serum from patients with clinical suspicion of dengue infection. The samples had been screened with the IgM ELISA kit in the Central Public Health Laboratory of the State of Maranhão. Results: Of the 197 samples evaluated by IgM ELISA, 135 were positive; of these, 96 (71.1%) were from patients in the acute phase of the infection. The one-step multiplex RT-PCR detected viral RNA in 88 (91.7%) of this serum. Among the 62-negative serum by ELISA, 29 samples (46.8%) were amplified using the molecular method. Conclusions: One-step multiplex RT-PCR was sensitive in the detection of viral particles from the first day until the sixth day after the onset of the feverish period. Moreover, it was specific and 100% reproducible. Based on these results, we recommend the use of this molecular assay to diagnose and differentiate the DENV serotypes in the acute phase of the disease.Background: Dengue infections are a severe public health problem in Brazil. The Ministry of Health recommends an immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the capture of IgM (MAC-ELISA) to diagnose dengue. However, it detects antibodies that cross-react with other flaviviruses and requires confirmation in reference laboratories. Methods: One-step multiplex RT-PCR assay was used to amplify RNA of 197 serum from patients with clinical suspicion of dengue infection. The samples had been screened with the IgM ELISA kit in the Central Public Health Laboratory of the State of Maranhão. Results: Of the 197 samples evaluated by IgM ELISA, 135 were positive; of these, 96 (71.1%) were from patients in the acute phase of the infection. The one-step multiplex RT-PCR detected viral RNA in 88 (91.7%) of this serum. Among the 62-negative serum by ELISA, 29 samples (46.8%) were amplified using the molecular method. Conclusions: One-step multiplex RT-PCR was sensitive in the detection of viral particles from the first day until the sixth day after the onset of the feverish period. Moreover, it was specific and 100% reproducible. Based on these results, we recommend the use of this molecular assay to diagnose and differentiate the DENV serotypes in the acute phase of the disease


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    O presente trabalho objetivou compreender o câncer do homem abrangendo seu lado psicossocial,trazendo à tona a cultura machista impregnada na sociedade e seus efeitos sobreo diagnóstico e recuperação desses pacientes. O estudo foi baseado principalmenteem coleta de dados de 7 artigos publicados entre os anos de 2006 a 2012, sobreos quais foi relatado o câncer no pênis, o câncer de próstata e o câncer detestículo. No contexto estudado, o câncer em homens mostrou-se especialmentenegligenciado por afetar o símbolo da virilidade, dentro da cultura machista.Por este motivo, foi-se identificado a dificuldade do homem em procurarassistência de saúde, acompanhada de diagnósticos tardios e prejudiciais aoprognóstico. Vergonha de se submeter a práticas invasivas e medo dasconsequências da doença demonstraram ser as maiores causas para omissãomasculina mediante ajuda médica. Dessa forma, viu-se necessária investimento emcapacitação da equipe de saúde para orientação, atendimento e recuperação dessepaciente