302 research outputs found

    The production of biopharmaceuticals in Brazil: current issues

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    Biopharmaceuticals are gaining a growing share of the pharmaceuticals market. In recent years, the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) has approved the registration of biological drugs with domestic production. Although Brazil is in the early stages of biopharmaceutical production, governmental incentives and the investment in private companies in the technological domain in this country have created expectations of an increase in the capacity of biopharmaceutical production. Private initiatives, once rare, have now started to blossom in this field, such as collagenase from Cristalia and filgrastim from Eurofarm. The expiry of the patents for certain biopharmaceuticals (e.g. infliximab, filgrastim and rituximab) has generated the possibility of savings to the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) in terms of biosimilars and incentives for national production. National production could also avoid dependence on external imports and a lack of essential supplies. In the next few years, Brazil is expected to bring nationally produced biopharmaceuticals to the market. Although there is some way to go before Brazil will be able to sustain the national demand for biopharmaceuticals and supply international markets with new products, the country is starting to take its first steps towards these objectives

    Work and common mental disorders in private education teachers: theoretical model

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    La categoría docente se encuentra entre las profesiones que más se enferman. El objetivo fue proponer un modelo teórico que explique la relación entre contexto laboral, experiencias de placer y sufrimiento y trastornos mentales comunes en profesores. La recopilación de datos se realizó mediante una muestra de 740 docentes de educación privada de todos los niveles en el estado de Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil. La investigación transversal y explicativa utilizó el Cuestionario de Autoinforme, la Escala de Evaluación del Contexto Laboral y la Escala de Indicadores de Placer y Sufrimiento en el Trabajo como instrumentos. Como resultado, el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales presentó las variables de organización del trabajo, relaciones socioprofesionales, logros profesionales y agotamiento emocional como predictores de trastornos mentales comunes. Las relaciones socioprofesionales presentan un riesgo de enfermedad y agotamiento; además, son protectoras y generan satisfacción profesional, cuando son evaluadas positivamente. La organización del trabajo es predictora de agotamiento emocional y trastornos mentales.The teaching category is among the professions that most fall ill. The objective was to propose a theoretical model that explains the relationship between work context, experiences of pleasure and suffering, and common mental disorders. Data collection was online in a sample of 740 private education teachers from all levels of education in the state of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. The cross-sectional and explanatory research used a Self-Reported Questionnaire, the Work Context Assessment Scale and the Scale of Indicators of Pleasure and Suffering at Work as instruments. As a result, the structural equation model presented the variables of work organization, socio-professional relationships, professional achievement, and emotional exhaustion as predictors of common mental disorders. Social-professional relationships, although they present a risk of illness and emotional exhaustion, are at the same time protective and generate professional fulfillment, when evaluated positively. Work organization is an important predictor of emotional exhaustion and mental disorders.A categoria docente está entre as profissões que mais adoecem. Este estudo teve por objetivo propor um modelo teórico que explicasse a relação entre o contexto do trabalho, vivências de prazer e sofrimento e transtornos mentais comuns em docentes. Uma coleta online em uma amostra de 740 professores do ensino privado, de todos os níveis de ensino do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil, foi realizada. A pesquisa, transversal e explicativa, utilizou o Self Report Questionnaire, Escala de Avaliação de Contexto de Trabalho e Escala de Indicadores de Prazer e Sofrimento no Trabalho como instrumentos. Como resultado o modelo de equações estruturais apresentou as variáveis organização do trabalho, relações socioprofissionais, realização profissional e esgotamento emocional como preditoras de transtornos mentais comuns. As relações socioprofissionais, embora apresentem risco de adoecimento e esgotamento emocional, também são protetivas e geradoras de realização profissional, quando avaliadas positivamente. A organização do trabalho é preditora de esgotamento emocional e transtornos mentais

    Carboplatin: molecular mechanisms of action associated with chemoresistance

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    A carboplatina é um derivado da cisplatina, possuindo mecanismo de ação similar, diferindo em estrutura e toxicidade. Este fármaco foi aprovado pelo FDA em meados de 1980 e, desde então, tem sido amplamente usado no tratamento de diversos tipos de tumores. Este agente é caracterizado por sua habilidade em gerar lesões no DNA através da formação de adutos com a platina, inibindo a replicação e a transcrição, levando à morte celular. Entretanto, seu uso pode levar a graves inconvenientes, advindos do desenvolvimento de resistência que alguns pacientes adquirem durante o tratamento, limitando o alcance de seu potencial. Até então, os mecanismos bioquímicos relacionados ao problema da resistência não são precisamente conhecidos. Dessa forma, o conhecimento das vias associadas à resistência causada pela exposição à carboplatina pode prover valiosas informações para o planejamento racional de fármacos com base em platina mais eficiente e para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas. Nesta revisão narrativa, serão discutidos alguns mecanismos de resistência a fármacos com base em platina, especialmente ao antitumoral carboplatina.Carboplatin is a derivative of cisplatin; it has a similar mechanism of action, but differs in terms of structure and toxicity. It was approved by the FDA in the 1980s and since then it has been widely used in the treatment of several tumor types. This agent is characterized by its ability to generate lesions in DNA through the formation of adducts with platinum, thereby inhibiting replication and transcription and leading to cell death. However, its use can lead to serious inconvenience arising from the development of resistance that some patients acquire during treatment, limiting the scope of its full potential. Currently, the biochemical mechanisms related to resistance are not precisely known. Therefore, knowledge of pathways associated with resistance caused by carboplatin exposure may provide valuable clues for more efficient rational drug design in platinum-based therapy and the development of new therapeutic strategies. In this narrative review, we discuss some of the known mechanisms of resistance to platinum-based drugs, especially carboplatin

    Trabajo y trastornos mentales comunes en docentes de educación privada : modelo teórico

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    The teaching category is among the professions that most fall ill. The objective was to propose a theoretical model that explains the relationship between work context, experiences of pleasure and suffering, and common mental disorders. Data collection was online in a sample of 740 private education teachers from all levels of education in the state of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. The cross-sectional and explanatory research used a Self-Reported Questionnaire, the Work Context Assessment Scale and the Scale of Indicators of Pleasure and Suffering at Work as instruments. As a result, the structural equation model presented the variables of work organization, socio-professional relationships, professional achievement, and emotional exhaustion as predictors of common mental disorders. Social-professional relationships, although they present a risk of illness and emotional exhaustion, are at the same time protective and generate professional fulfillment, when evaluated positively. Work organization is an important predictor of emotional exhaustion and mental disorders.A categoria docente está entre as profissões que mais adoecem. Este estudo teve por objetivo propor um modelo teórico que explicasse a relação entre o contexto do trabalho, vivências de prazer e sofrimento e transtornos mentais comuns em docentes. Uma coleta online em uma amostra de 740 professores do ensino privado, de todos os níveis de ensino do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil, foi realizada. A pesquisa, transversal e explicativa, utilizou o Self Report Questionnaire, Escala de Avaliação de Contexto de Trabalho e Escala de Indicadores de Prazer e Sofrimento no Trabalho como instrumentos. Como resultado o modelo de equações estruturais apresentou as variáveis organização do trabalho, relações socioprofissionais, realização profissional e esgotamento emocional como preditoras de transtornos mentais comuns. As relações socioprofissionais, embora apresentem risco de adoecimento e esgotamento emocional, também são protetivas e geradoras de realização profissional, quando avaliadas positivamente. A organização do trabalho é preditora de esgotamento emocional e transtornos mentais.La categoría docente se encuentra entre las profesiones que más se enferman. El objetivo fue proponer un modelo teórico que explique la relación entre contexto laboral, experiencias de placer y sufrimiento y trastornos mentales comunes en profesores. La recopilación de datos se realizó mediante una muestra de 740 docentes de educación privada de todos los niveles en el estado de Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil. La investigación transversal y explicativa utilizó el Cuestionario de Autoinforme, la Escala de Evaluación del Contexto Laboral y la Escala de Indicadores de Placer y Sufrimiento en el Trabajo como instrumentos. Como resultado, el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales presentó las variables de organización del trabajo, relaciones socioprofesionales, logros profesionales y agotamiento emocional como predictores de trastornos mentales comunes. Las relaciones socioprofesionales presentan un riesgo de enfermedad y agotamiento; además, son protectoras y generan satisfacción profesional, cuando son evaluadas positivamente. La organización del trabajo es predictora de agotamiento emocional y trastornos mentales

    The Popular Erudition; as a Strategy of the Social Work for the Facing of Ideology and the International Rightist in Brazil and in the World

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    This article aims to present a theoreticalmethodological and ethical proposal that can respond to the challenges imposed today on the Social Work profession at national and international level understood as Popular Erudition This proposal is based on the understanding that the ideology expressed in the form of religion and fascist practices is the main weapon used by the Rightist International for its action of dismantling of the social and human rights in all countries of the world The article also presents the trajectory of our professional practice especially in the context of professional development that has been concentrating since the nineties in the creation and strengthen of forms international articulation highlighting the Interchange Movement between the Brazilian and the Italian Social Work and from 2017 in the theoretical and practical combat to ideology especially in the context of ethical reflection and finally our IASSW AIETS participation proposa

    Sobre a inconsistência lógica das antinomias

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    O texto apresenta um estudo histórico sobre os paradoxos do tipo antinomia. Como exemplo, apresentamos o “paradoxo do conjunto de todos os conjuntos” ou simplesmente “paradoxo de Russell”. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho exploratório, desenvolvida no âmbito da Educação Matemática, com o intuito de produzir conhecimento sobre esse tipo de asserção lógica, dada a complexidade que apresenta a mente humana, mediante a impossibilidade de compreensão de tais asserções como verdadeiras ou falsas. A intenção é contribuir com a comunidade acadêmica mediante a exposição de um texto que se propõe a expor uma síntese compreensiva sobre o assunto, vislumbrando contribuir com discussões sobre o tema

    Profissões em extinção: três retratos

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    Este relatório refere-se ao documentário “Profissões em Extinção: Três Retratos”, projeto final para conclusão do curso de Comunicação Social com habilitação em Jornalismo. Ele pretende especificar as etapas do processo de produção do trabalho, desde sua concepção até a conclusão do vídeo. O projeto consiste num vídeo documentário curta-metragem que aborda o tema profissões em extinção a partir de três personagens: um ourives, um chapeleiro e um amolador de facas

    Color change of the bleached enamel treated with calcium silicate- sodium phosphate-sodium monofluorophosphate-based system

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    The increasing demand of tooth bleaching has also increased the need of researches focusing on the durability of the resultant color. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a system based on calcium silicate, sodium phosphate and sodium monofluorophosphate (Regenerate?) on color maintenance of bleached enamel considering two waiting times for the contact with a cola drink. This in vitrostudy was performed on bovine enamel specimens (n = 100), bleached with 35% H2O2 and treated with: G1 Distilled water; G2 Artificial saliva; G3 RegenerateTM Serum and Toothpaste; G4 RegenerateTM Toothpaste; G5 RegenerateTM Serum. The groups G3, G4 and G5 received one application of the respective products for 3 min, in 3 consecutive days. The color parameters (?E, L*, a*, b*) were evaluated by spectrophotometry before and after bleaching and after surface treatments and immersion (15min) in cola drink, on the waiting times of 24 hours (T1) and 7 days (T2). The effect of surface treatments and waiting times was evaluated by Two-Way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon and T test (p<0.05). There was no significant effect of the surface treatments (p=0.57), waiting times (p=0.97) and their interaction (p=0.47) considering ?E. The analysis of repeated measures of the color coordinates L*, a* and b* showed a decrease of chromaticity (a*, b*) for G3, G4 and G5 and an increase of lightness (L*) for G5, after immersion in cola drink, suggesting some protection against bleached enamel pigmentation. RegenerateTM has a potential protective effect on bleached enamel color maintenance. The waiting times of 24 hours and 7 days for the contact with the cola drink did not influence bleached enamel color maintenance

    The nurse and the theme of leprosy in the school context: case studies

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    Objective: Assessing the knowledge of students about Hansen's disease and providing health education actions. Method: Case studies on the implementation of extension activity focused on health education about leprosy, held in a public school, involving 190 high school students, aged between 16 and 23 years old, of both sexes. Ethical principles for research involving human subjects were considered after approval by the Committee of Ethics in Research, opinion No. 072/09 and CAAE 00780051000-09. Results: It was demonstrated that the activities of health education targeted at school, with an emphasis on leprosy, are of fundamental importance, because it denotes the appropriation of disease-related knowledge. Conclusion: The metalling about leprosy can contribute to the dissemination of such knowledge, since the school may feel encouraged to disclose information to others, such as family

    Effect of osmolytes on the activity of anti-cancer enzyme L-Asparaginase II from Erwinia chrysanthemi

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    L-asparaginase is used for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL); however, its formulation presents drawbacks such as a lack of stability and formation of aggregates. Osmolytes are small molecules accumulated by cells in response to environmental stresses and present a protective behaviour, favouring the equilibrium of macromolecules towards the native conformation. Therefore, osmolytes are employed as excipients in pharmaceutical protein formulations. Herein, recombinant L-ASNase II from Erwinia chrysanthemi (ErA II) was analysed with respect to the effect of osmolytes on kinetic and stability of this biopharmaceutical. The aggregation profiles were analysed trough nanotracking particle analysis and dynamic light scattering. The majority of the tested osmolytes increased ErA II specific activity and stability, being more pronounced for sucrose and sorbitol, which increased almost 70% of ErA II activity. The polyol preserved total enzyme activity for 30 days while sucrose preserved 81.1 ± 5.3% total enzyme activity over this period. Each osmolyte resulted in a specific aggregation profile and the presence of sucrose or sorbitol resulted in a lower quantity of aggregates in the range of 100–300 nm. The present findings may contribute to the improvement of adjuvants in L-ASNase formulations and the optimization of other biopharmaceutical formulations.publishe