1,051 research outputs found

    Niskopropusni estimator brzine vrtnje i ubrzanja zasnovan na obradi signala s enkodera

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    This paper deals with the differentiation of discrete-time, quantized signal provided by an encoder. In particular, speed and acceleration estimation with large bandwidth is required for feedback control in automation and robotics applications. The main problem in the differentiation of the encoder measurements is to combine the large bandwidth and the strong filtering of the quantization noise. The proposed speed acceleration estimator relies on typical filtered differentiator nonlinearly combined with a state-variable filter. The former produces a strongly filtered estimation, while the latter is characterized by a large bandwidth, in order to track fast signal transients. In this way, the resulting estimator has a variable bandwidth depending on the harmonic content of the encoder signals. Two versions of the estimator are presented and compared. The first one gives only a speed estimation, while the second provides also an acceleration signal. Simulation and experimental tests verify the performance of the proposed solutions. A 5k c/r encoder and a high resolution sine/cosine encoder are considered.U članku je opisan postupak dobivanja stvarne vrijednosti kutne brzine i ubrzanja iz vremenski i amplitudno diskretnog signala s enkodera. Za sustav regulacije brzine vrtnje, posebno u automatiziranim sustavima i u robotici, potrebno je da mjereni signali kutne brzine i ubrzanja imaju što veću graničnu frekvenciju. Pomirenje tog zahtjeva i zahtjeva za kvalitetnim filtriranjem osnovni je problem u postupku diferenciranja signala s enkodera. Predloženi postupak estimacije je zapravo nelinearna kombinacija postupka diferenciranja s filtriranjem i filtra u prostoru stanja. Prvi postupak osigurava kvalitetno filtriranje estimiranog signala, dok drugi osigurava širok frekvencijski opseg i dobro slijeđenje referentnog ulaznog signala. Predloženi estimator ima promjenljivu graničnu frekvenciju ovisnu o spektru ulaznog enkoderskog signala. Predstavljene su i uspoređene dvije inačice estimatora. Prvi daje samo estimiranu vrijednost brzine a drugi i brzine i ubrzanja. Simulacijski i eksperimentalni rezultati pokazuju dobro ponašanje sustava s predloženim estimatorom. U radu su korišteni 5k c/r enkoder i rezolver kao visokorezolucijski mjerni član

    Lactobacillus paracasei 4341 as adjunct culture to enhance flavor in short ripened Caciotta-type cheese

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    Caciotta is the name used to define a type of Italian semi-hard cheese Caciotta-type cheese. Due to the short ripening time, pasteurization is necessary to eliminate the potential pathogenic bacteria, which may be present in raw milk, causing also the reduction of ripened cheese flavor. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of a selected wild Lactobacillus paracasei strain experimentally used as adjunct culture to enhance the flavour formation in a short-ripened caciotta-type cheese. An integrated polyphasic approach was used to compare the experimental and control Caciotta produced in a company located in Emilia Romagna region (Italy). It was demonstrated how the L. paracasei 4341 was able to develop in curd and cheese interacting with the acidifying commercial starter. The main acidifying starter species, were differently affected by the presence of the adjunct culture. Streptococcus thermophilus shown comparable behavior in all cheese-making step of control and experimental Caciotta, while Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp bulgaricus, growth was slowed down by the presence of the adjunct culture during the whole ripening time. The higher amount of volatile compounds and organic acids due to the adjunct L. paracasei 4341 lead to a clear differentiation of the experimental Caciotta respect to the control, in terms of aromatic profile, color, texture and sensorial perception

    A novel mutation in NDUFB11 unveils a new clinical phenotype associated with lactic acidosis and sideroblastic anemia

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    NDUFB11, a component of mitochondrial complex I, is a relatively small integral membrane protein, belonging to the 'supernumerary' group of subunits, but proved to be absolutely essential for the assembly of an active complex I. Mutations in in the X-linked nuclear encoded NDUFB11 gene have recently been discovered in association with two distinct phenotypes, i.e. microphthalmia with linear skin defects and histiocytoid cardiomyopathy. We report on a male with complex I deficiency, caused by a de novo mutation in NDUFB11 and displaying early onset sideroblastic anemia as the unique feature. This is the third report that describes a mutation in NDUFB11 but all are associated to a different phenotype. Our results further expand the molecular spectrum and associated clinical phenotype of NDUFB11 defects

    Diagnosis of prostate cancer with magnetic resonance imaging in men treated with 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors

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    Purpose The primary aim of this study was to evaluate if exposure to 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) modifies the effect of MRI for the diagnosis of clinically significant Prostate Cancer (csPCa) (ISUP Gleason grade >= 2).Methods This study is a multicenter cohort study including patients undergoing prostate biopsy and MRI at 24 institutions between 2013 and 2022. Multivariable analysis predicting csPCa with an interaction term between 5-ARIs and PIRADS score was performed. Sensitivity, specificity, and negative (NPV) and positive (PPV) predictive values of MRI were compared in treated and untreated patients.Results 705 patients (9%) were treated with 5-ARIs [median age 69 years, Interquartile range (IQR): 65, 73; median PSA 6.3 ng/ml, IQR 4.0, 9.0; median prostate volume 53 ml, IQR 40, 72] and 6913 were 5-ARIs naive (age 66 years, IQR 60, 71; PSA 6.5 ng/ml, IQR 4.8, 9.0; prostate volume 50 ml, IQR 37, 65). MRI showed PIRADS 1-2, 3, 4, and 5 lesions in 141 (20%), 158 (22%), 258 (37%), and 148 (21%) patients treated with 5-ARIs, and 878 (13%), 1764 (25%), 2948 (43%), and 1323 (19%) of untreated patients (p < 0.0001). No difference was found in csPCa detection rates, but diagnosis of high-grade PCa (ISUP GG >= 3) was higher in treated patients (23% vs 19%, p = 0.013). We did not find any evidence of interaction between PIRADS score and 5-ARIs exposure in predicting csPCa. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of PIRADS >= 3 were 94%, 29%, 46%, and 88% in treated patients and 96%, 18%, 43%, and 88% in untreated patients, respectively.Conclusions Exposure to 5-ARIs does not affect the association of PIRADS score with csPCa. Higher rates of high-grade PCa were detected in treated patients, but most were clearly visible on MRI as PIRADS 4 and 5 lesions.Trial registration The present study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov number: NCT05078359

    Serum IgG against Simian Virus 40 antigens are hampered by high levels of sHLA-G in patients affected by inflammatory neurological diseases, as multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Many investigators detected the simian polyomavirus SV40 footprints in human brain tumors and neurologic diseases and recently it has been indicated that SV40 seems to be associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) disease. Interestingly, SV40 interacts with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules for cell entry. HLA class I antigens, in particular non-classical HLA-G molecules, characterized by an immune-regulatory function, are involved in MS disease, and the levels of these molecules are modified according with the disease status. Objective: We investigated in serum samples, from Italian patients affected by MS, other inflammatory diseases (OIND), non-inflammatory neurological diseases (NIND) and healthy subjects (HS), SV40-antibody and soluble sHLA-G and the association between SV40-prevalence and sHLA-G levels. Methods: ELISA tests were used for SV40-antibodies detection and sHLA-G quantitation in serum samples. Results: The presence of SV40 antibodies was observed in 6 % of patients affected by MS (N = 4/63), 10 % of OIND (N = 8/77) and 15 % of NIND (N = 9/59), which is suggestive of a lower prevalence in respect to HS (22 %, N = 18/83). MS patients are characterized by higher sHLA-G serum levels (13.9 \ub1 0.9 ng/ml; mean \ub1 St. Error) in comparison with OIND (6.7 \ub1 0.8 ng/ml), NIND (2.9 \ub1 0.4 ng/ml) and HS (2.6 \ub1 0.7 ng/ml) subjects. Interestingly, we observed an inverse correlation between SV40 antibody prevalence and sHLA-G serum levels in MS patients. Conclusion: The data obtained showed a low prevalence of SV40 antibodies in MS patients. These results seems to be due to a generalized status of inability to counteract SV40 infection via antibody production. In particular, we hypothesize that SV40 immune-inhibitory direct effect and the presence of high levels of the immune-inhibitory HLA-G molecules could co-operate in impairing B lymphocyte activation towards SV40 specific peptides

    Textbook outcome in urgent early cholecystectomy for acute calculous cholecystitis: results post hoc of the S.P.Ri.M.A.C.C study

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    Introduction: A textbook outcome patient is one in which the operative course passes uneventful, without complications, readmission or mortality. There is a lack of publications in terms of TO on acute cholecystitis. Objetive: The objective of this study is to analyze the achievement of TO in patients with urgent early cholecystectomy (UEC) for Acute Cholecystitis. and to identify which factors are related to achieving TO. Materials and methods: This is a post hoc study of the SPRiMACC study. It ́s a prospective multicenter observational study run by WSES. The criteria to define TO in urgent early cholecystectomy (TOUEC) were no 30-day mortality, no 30-day postoperative complications, no readmission within 30 days, and hospital stay ≤ 7 days (75th percentile), and full laparoscopic surgery. Patients who met all these conditions were taken as presenting a TOUEC. Outcomes: 1246 urgent early cholecystectomies for ACC were included. In all, 789 patients (63.3%) achieved all TOUEC parameters, while 457 (36.6%) failed to achieve one or more parameters and were considered non-TOUEC. The patients who achieved TOUEC were younger had significantly lower scores on all the risk scales analyzed. In the serological tests, TOUEC patients had lower values for in a lot of variables than non-TOUEC patients. The TOUEC group had lower rates of complicated cholecystitis. Considering operative time, a shorter duration was also associated with a higher probability of reaching TOUEC. Conclusion: Knowledge of the factors that influence the TOUEC can allow us to improve our results in terms of textbook outcome

    The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area

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