14 research outputs found

    Strong Coupling Constant with Flavour Thresholds at Four Loops in the MS-bar Scheme

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    We present in analytic form the matching conditions for the strong coupling constant alpha_s^(n_f)(mu) at the flavour thresholds to three loops in the modified minimal-subtraction scheme. Taking into account the recently calculated coefficient beta_3 of the Callan-Symanzik beta function of quantum chromodynamics, we thus derive a four-loop formula for alpha_s^(n_f)(mu) together with appropriate relationships between the asymptotic scale parameters Lambda^(n_f) for different numbers of flavours n_f.Comment: 10 pages (Latex), 3 figures (Postscript

    Measurement of single pi0 production in neutral current neutrino interactions with water by a 1.3 GeV wide band muon neutrino beam

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    Neutral current single pi0 production induced by neutrinos with a mean energy of 1.3 GeV is measured at a 1000 ton water Cherenkov detector as a near detector of the K2K long baseline neutrino experiment. The cross section for this process relative to the total charged current cross section is measured to be 0.064 +- 0.001 (stat.) +- 0.007 (sys.). The momentum distribution of produced pi0s is measured and is found to be in good agreement with an expectation from the present knowledge of the neutrino cross sections.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Intuition: Myth or a Decision-making Tool?

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    Faced with today’s ill-structured business environment of fast-paced change and rising uncertainty, organizations have been searching for management tools that will perform satisfactorily under such ambiguous conditions. In the arena of managerial decision making, one of the approaches being assessed is the use of intuition. Based on our definition of intuition as a non-sequential information-processing mode, which comprises both cognitive and affective elements and results in direct knowing without any use of conscious reasoning, we develop a testable model of integrated analytical and intuitive decision making and propose ways to measure the use of intuition

    Perturbative QCD Calculations of Total Cross Sections and Decay Widths in Hard Inclusive Processes

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    A summary of the current understanding of methods of analytical higher order perturbative computations of total cross sections and decay widths in Quantum Chromodynamics is presented. As examples, the total cross section in electron positron annihilation, the hadronic decay rates of the tau lepton and Higgs boson up to O(\alpha_s^2) and O(\alpha_s^3) are considered. The evaluation of the four-loop QED \beta - function at an intermediate step of the calculation is briefly described. The problem of renormalization group ambiguity of perturbative results is considered and some of the existing prescriptions are discussed. The problem of estimation of theoretical uncertainty in perturbative calculations is briefly discussed.Comment: 83 pages, LaTeX, Reviews of Modern Physics style, 14 figures plus figural equations (not included). Hard copy available upon request at [email protected]. To be published in Reviews of Modern Physic