187 research outputs found

    Efecto de la suplementación de Selenio orgánico de levadura (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) sobre los parámetros zootécnicos y hematocrito en pollos de engorde.

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    Actualmente la industria avícola en Colombia viene creciendo exponencialmente y las altas densidades son un reto para la producción, debido a que las aves están expuestas constantemente a enfermedades y elevados niveles de estrés, lo cual genera problemas fisiológicos, disminuyendo la producción y vulnerando la sanidad, por ende, la búsqueda de métodos que mejoren los parámetros productivos e inmunológicos en condiciones tropicales como Colombia es necesaria, como el uso de minerales que sirven como antioxidantes como el Se. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto de la suplementación de Selenio orgánico de levadura (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) sobre los parámetros zootécnicos (mortalidad, peso corporal (gr), ganancia/Ave/Acumulada, conversión alimenticia, índice de productividad (IP)) y hematocrito en pollos de engorde. Este estudio contó con cinco grupos compuestos de 100 individuos aproximadamente, ubicados cada uno en un área de 10,8 m² con condiciones estándar de alimentación. Se utilizaron 5 programas de alimentación diferentes: los tres primeros tratamientos fueron suplementados a diferentes dosis de Selenio orgánico de levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae (0,075 ppm, 0,15 ppm y 0,3 ppm), el cuarto tratamiento fue suplementado con 0,3 ppm de Selenito de sodio y un quinto grupo control con comida comercial sin ningún tipo de suplementación. No hubo diferencias significativas (P>0.05) que demuestre una respuesta positiva a la suplementación de diferentes dosis de Selenio orgánico de Levadura en ninguna de las variables evaluadas

    Modelo de gestión de servicio al cliente en redes sociales (Facebook – Twitter): caso Bancolombia

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    Las marcas se enfrentan hoy a un mundo globalizado donde todos los usuarios se encuentran altamente conectados, el apogeo de las redes sociales ha permitido que los clientes compartan sus experiencias, opinen y tengan una comunicación de igual a igual con las marcas, se quejen, exijan, feliciten e inclusive den consejos a las compañías que producen productos o servicios -- Una gestión inapropiada de las redes sociales puede llevar una marca al fracaso -- Este ejercicio busca, a partir de la ilustración, evidenciar cómo se hizo el despliegue de un modelo de gestión de servicio al cliente en redes sociales para el grupo Bancolombia, evaluar la situación antes y después de esta implementación y concluir sobre aspectos exitosos que pueden ser tomados como referencia para otras empresa

    Consideraciones sobre la colaboración eficaz mediante el principio de oportunidad

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    Sections 5 and 18 of article 324 of the Criminal Procedure Code con­cern the Sections 5 and 18 of Article 324 of the Criminal Procedure Code concern prosecutorial discretion, which itself relates to the effective collaboration between the party being investigated and the Attorney General’s Office. This collaboration can, in principle, lead to information that might clarify the felonies committed and the actors involved, making criminal investigation more efficient. However, its application has drawbacks. The Attorney General’s Office, for instance, must verify the veracity of all relevant information that pertains to third parties in the perpetrated crimes. Furthermore, the defendant faces the risk that, despite fulfill­ing all of their commitments with the judicial system, their charges might not be dismissed because of the reticence of the Attorney General’s Office. To address the first challenge, we will outline some methodological suggestions. Regarding the second one, we will argue for the defense’s viability to appear before the pretrial judge in order to seek the declaration of withdrawal of the criminal proceedings.Las causales 5.ª y 18.ª del artículo 324 de la Ley 906 de 2004 del principio de oportunidad están relacionadas con la colaboración eficaz que el investigado suministra a la Fiscalía General de la Nación para el esclarecimiento de hechos delictivos y la judicialización de sus autores o partícipes. Es una institución que puede traer consigo beneficios en materia de investigación delictiva. Sin embargo, su aplicación no está exenta de inconvenientes. La Fiscalía, por una parte, debe corroborar la información relevante de su colaborador, que vincula a terceras per­sonas en la comisión de delitos. Por la otra, el procesado se afronta al riesgo de que, a pesar de cumplir con sus compromisos con la administración de justicia, no se produzca la renuncia de su acción penal por renuencia del ente acusador. Frente a la primera situación, formularemos una serie de propuestas metodológicas y, en relación con la segunda, sustentaremos la posibilidad de que la defensa acuda ante un juez de control de garantías para que declare por desistida la acción penal

    Organización industrial y competencia estratégica de las aerolíneas en colombia

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    Plan importador de azulejos decorativos

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    S/RUniversidad Libre Seccional Pereira -- Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables -- Contaduría Públic

    Estudio de la resistencia a antibióticos en infecciones oculares por Staphylococcus y Pseudomonas

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    Las infecciones oculares representan uno de los problemas de salud más recurrentes en la sociedad. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) indica que las enfermedades infecciosas se encuentran entre las principales responsables de ceguera a nivel mundial. Un alto porcentaje de todas las infecciones oculares como son las conjuntivitis bacterianas, los orzuelos o las queratitis, están ligadas tanto a Staphylococcus aureus (Gram positiva), como a Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram negativa). La incidencia y patología pueden variar dependiendo de la edad, género, clima y sistema de salud, entre otros factores. La queratitis por P. aeruginosa en usuarios de lentes de contacto suele relacionarse con malos hábitos de higiene y mantenimiento inadecuado de las mismas. Hoy en día, uno de los problemas más importantes en el ámbito de la salud es el progresivo aumento de resistencia bacteriana a la inmensa mayoría de antimicrobianos conocidos, haciéndolos ineficaces frente a las distintas enfermedades. Factores como la prescripción empírica de antibióticos, patrones de prescripción de determinados antibióticos, el tiempo de toma inferior al debido y el abuso en la toma, contribuyen en la aparición de resistencia a antibióticos oculares, al igual que influyen en el cambio de la microbiota ocular. A pesar de los problemas que plantean las resistencias a antimicrobianos, es destacable la aparición de otras alternativas tanto farmacológicas (nuevos principios activos con posible actividad ocular como Delafloxacin, Iclaprim o Solitromicina) como no farmacológicas (corneal crosslinking). Además, se están estudiando nuevas variables en la formulación de fármacos antimicrobianos, donde cobrarían importancia las nanosuspensiones y las nanopartículas.Universidad de Sevilla. Doble Grado en Farmacia y Óptica y Optometrí

    Valores artísticos del espacio arquitectónico

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    El presente trabajo es una conceptualización sobre los valores artísticos del espacio arquitectónico, mediante la cual pretendo evidenciar la posibilidad de proyectar un espacio interior estéticamente concebido y artísticamente ejecutado. Se trata de un diseño arquitectónico que se acomode a las actividades habituales y propias de un usuario en la ciudad de Quito, que sin desconocer las funcionalidades necesarias para su eficiente desarrollo diario, sus objetos, espacios, mamposterías, muebles, pisos y decoraciones, son a la vez estéticamente agradables y artísticamente producidos, y que guardan una relación antropométrica y ergonómica con este usuario.This work is a conceptualization of the artistic values of architectural space. Through such conceptualization, I intend to demonstrate the possibility of designing an interior space aesthetically conceived and artistically executed. It is an architectural design that fits typical and everyday activities of a user in the city of Quito. Without disregarding the necessary features for efficient daily development; its objects, spaces, masonry, furniture, flooring, and decorations are at the same time aesthetically pleasant and artistically produced, aside from maintaining an anthropometric and ergonomic relationship with the user

    Optimization of the parallel and mild hybrid vehicle platforms operating under conventional and advanced combustion modes

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    [EN] The stringent regulations, increased global temperature and customer demand for high fuel economy have led to rapid developments of different alternative propulsion solutions in the last decade, with special attention to the electrified vehicles. The combination of electric machines with conventional powertrains allows to diversify the powertrain architectures. In addition, alternative combustion modes as reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) have been shown to provide simultaneous ultra-low NOx and soot emissions with similar or better thermal efficiency than conventional diesel combustion (CDC). Therefore, the combination of both technologies creates a promising horizon to be implemented in commercial vehicles of the near future. In this work, experimental and numerical simulations were combined to study the potential of the parallel full hybrid electric vehicle (P2-FHEV) and mild hybrid vehicle (MHEV) to obtain lower fuel consumption and NOx emissions than a conventional powertrain in the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Cycle (WLTC). The hybrid vehicles are simulated with both CDC and diesel-gasoline RCCI combustion engines as power source. Each powertrain was optimized in terms of components (battery, electric motors...) capacity, internal combustion engine operative points, energy management strategy and gear ratios. The results show a significant fuel consumption reduction as the complexity of the hybrid system increases. The parallel architecture, which represents the most complex hybrid system tested in this work, allows obtaining a fuel consumption reduction of around 20% as compared to CDC. The dual-mode CDC-RCCI concept showed improvements in NOx and soot emissions with comparable values in terms of energy consumption and CO2 emissions than CDC. Additionally, the mild hybrid technology with the functionality of start-stop, torque assist and regenerative braking showed an acceptable balance between complexity and fuel consumption gain.The authors want to express their gratitude to General Motors Global Research & Development for providing the engine used to acquire the experimental data used in this investigation. The authors acknowledge FEDER and Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for partially supporting this research through TRANCO project (TRA2017-87694-R). The authors also acknowledge the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for partially supporting this research through Convocatoria de ayudas a Primeros Proyectos de Investigation (PAID-06-18).Benajes, J.; García Martínez, A.; Monsalve-Serrano, J.; Martínez-Boggio, S. (2019). Optimization of the parallel and mild hybrid vehicle platforms operating under conventional and advanced combustion modes. Energy Conversion and Management. 190:73-90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2019.04.010S739019

    Miller cycle for improved efficiency, load range and emissions in a heavy-duty engine running under reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion

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    [EN] The low temperature, premixed combustion strategies are being investigated in the recent years as a mean to break the NOx-soot trade-off appearing during the diffusive conventional diesel combustion. This approach relies on promoting premixed combustion events with shortened duration, which reduces the heat transfer losses, improves the thermal efficiency, and allows a simultaneous reduction of engine-out NOx and soot emissions. However, since the combustion onset only depends on chemical kinetics, most of these strategies cannot be implemented at medium and high loads due to excessive pressure gradients, which lead to unacceptable noise levels and reliability issues. This experimental work investigates the potential of the Miller cycle as a strategy to minimize the aforementioned challenges when operating under reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion. Moreover, the coupled effect of the Miller cycle with the fuel reactivity modulation is also explored as a way for improving the combustion control. For this purpose, parametric studies varying the effective compression ratio and gasoline fraction have been done in a single-cylinder heavy-duty engine operating at 14 bar indicated mean effective pressure and 1200 rev/min as a baseline condition. The results show that this strategy allows better control of the in-cylinder thermodynamic conditions, enabling a simultaneous reduction of nitrogen oxides and soot emissions down to the EURO VI limits, while keeping a reduced fuel consumption and suitable in-cylinder maximum pressure gradients.The authors thanks VOLVO Group Trucks Technology for supporting this research. The authors also acknowledge the Spanish economy and competitiveness ministry for partially supporting this research (HiReCo TRA2014-58870-R). Daniel Estepa is partially supported through contract FPI-S2-2015-1091 of Programa de Apoyo para la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID) of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Molina, S.; García Martínez, A.; Monsalve-Serrano, J.; Estepa-Ruiz, D. (2018). Miller cycle for improved efficiency, load range and emissions in a heavy-duty engine running under reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion. Applied Thermal Engineering. 136:161-168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.02.106S16116813

    Effectiveness of hybrid powertrains to reduce the fuel consumption and NOx emissions of a Euro 6d-temp diesel engine under real-life driving conditions

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    [EN] Recent investigations demonstrated that the real-world driving conditions differ from those proposed in the homologation cycles. This provokes that the emissions levels in real-life conditions exceed the normative values, as shown in the recent scandal related to the NOx emissions from the passenger cars equipped with diesel engines. On the other hand, the upcoming emissions regulations will limit the CO2 emissions to very low levels, which demands a further optimization of the existing technology. One way to reduce the NOx and CO2 emissions is by electrifying the powertrain in a certain degree. The objective of this work is to evaluate the potential of implementing a parallel (P2) hybrid architecture in a compact car (class C) equipped with a diesel 1.6 Euro 6d-temp engine to reduce the emissions and fuel consumption in homologation and real-life driving cycles. This has been done using a OD numerical vehicle model and the experimental engine maps of fuel consumption and emissions measured at steady state conditions. After that, the transient conditions were simulated in homologation cycles and real-life driving cycles measured by the authors in Spain. The numerical model was validated against experimental tests carried out in an active engine test bench, evidencing differences below 4% under the worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycle (WLTC). In the real-life cycles, the hybridization of the powertrains improves the fuel consumption for all types of driving cycles (urban, combined and highway). The major benefits are obtained in urban driving cycles, with gains up to 50% in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. In addition, the improvements in real-life conditions are higher than in the urban phase of the homologation cycles. On the contrary, combined real-life cycles (urban + rural + highway) show lower benefits than the homologation cycle. This is due to different energy management strategy that needs to be adapted to each driving situation. Lastly, it was found that, contrarily to the case of the homologation cycle, the NOx emissions are not reduced with the hybridization of the diesel powertrain in real-life conditions. Thus, to achieve 2021 CO2 target (95 g/km) and to reduce aftertreatment systems in diesel engines, other vehicles technologies need to be added to the full hybridization.The authors acknowledge FEDER and Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for partially supporting this research through TRANCO project (TRA2017-87694-R). The authors also acknowledge the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for partially supporting this research through Convocatoria de ayudas a Primeros Proyectos de Investigacion (PAID-06-18).Luján, JM.; García Martínez, A.; Monsalve-Serrano, J.; Martínez-Boggio, S. (2019). Effectiveness of hybrid powertrains to reduce the fuel consumption and NOx emissions of a Euro 6d-temp diesel engine under real-life driving conditions. Energy Conversion and Management. 199:1-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2019.111987S11819