145 research outputs found

    Reflexões documentadas em torno do debate sobre a criogenização do corpo humano falecido: O direito de viver após a morte

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    The legal study presented to us in this paper is a reflection on human life and a reflection (between fantasy and reality) of the legal situations that should be addressed if "resuscitation" was possible. Is he the same person? Could he be recognized personality, legal capacity, a new (and bewildering) civil status, being reborn cryonic)? Other legal reflections, such as the rights of the "ex novo" person? But it is not only a legal reflection, but also an ethical and philosophical one on the purpose of human life and the feeling of one’s own projection after death. And a truly overwhelming final reflection is possible to "overcome death" and come to immortality. Religious sentiment and "belief in the spirit" cannot be ignored, regardless of purely materialistic considerations, which do not prevent the legal reflection of the authors, and the questions raised by the preservation of the body to prolong the life. It is a novel subject, unpublished, and there is where the original approach to the doubts and socio-legal questions analysed by the authors lies.El estudio jurídico que se nos presenta en este trabajo es una reflexión sobre la vida humana y una reflexión (entre la fantasía y la realidad) de las situaciones jurídicas que deberían abordarse si la “resucitación” fuera posible. ¿Es la misma persona? ¿Podría reconocérsele personalidad, capacidad jurídica, un nuevo (y desconcertante) estado civil – ser criónico renacido? ¿Otras reflexiones jurídicas, como derechos de la persona “ex novo”? Pero no solo es una reflexión jurídica, sino también ética y filosófica sobre la finalidad de la vida humana, y el sentimiento de la propia proyección después de la muerte. Y una reflexión final ciertamente sobrecogedora es posible “vencer la muerte” y llegar a la inmortalidad. No se puede ignorar el sentimiento religioso y la “creencia en el espíritu”, al margen de consideraciones puramente materialistas, lo que no impide la reflexión jurídica de los autores, y los interrogantes que suscita la conservación del cuerpo para alargar la vida. Es un tema novedoso, inédito, y ahí radica el original planteamiento de las dudas y cuestiones socio-jurídicas que analizan los autores.O estudo jurídico que nos é apresentado neste trabalho é uma reflexão sobre a vida humana e uma reflexão (entre a fantasia e a realidade) das situações jurídicas que deveriam ser abordadas se a “ressuscitação” fosse possível. É a mesma pessoa? Poderia-lhe ser reconhecido personalidade, capacidade jurídica, um novo (e desconcertante) estado civil – ser criônico renascido? Outras reflexões jurídicas, como direitos da pessoa “ex novo”? Mas não é só uma reflexão jurídica, mas também ética e filosófica sobre a finalidade da vida humana, e o sentimento da própria projeção depois da morte. E uma reflexão final certamente avassaladora é possível vencer a morte e chegar à imortalidade. Não se pode ignorar o sentimento religioso e a crença no espírito, à margem de considerações puramente materialistas. O que não impede a reflexão jurídica dos autores, e as interrogaçoes que suscita a conservaçao do corpo para prolongar a vida. É um tema novo, inédito, e aí está o original enfoque das dúvidas e questões sociojurídicas que analisam os autores

    Análisis simplificado del comportamiento vibratorio de una pala de helicóptero

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    En este trabajo se plantea como objetivo fundamental el análisis simplificado de las vibraciones por flexión de una pala de helicóptero. Para ello se modeliza la pala como una viga de Euler-Bernouilli que gira alrededor de uno de sus extremos que se considera articulado y considerando el otro como extremo libre. Para obtener la solución de este objetivo principal hace falta pasar por múltiple de pasos, por lo que el desarrollo del documento se divide en varios objetivos parciales. Son los siguientes: a) Establecer un modelo simplificado de la dinámica de la viga en rotación. b) Plantear una solución aproximada para la obtención de las frecuencias propias de vibración de la viga, ya que por la naturaleza del problema, no se puede tener una solución exacta. c) Obtener las frecuencias propias y deformadas modales de la viga sin rotación para ser utilizadas en el modelo numérico aproximado d) Obtener las frecuencias naturales de la viga en rotación. e) Analizar las soluciones que suponen riesgo de resonancia y proponer algunas soluciones para eliminar que aparezca este fenómeno no deseado.Ingeniería Mecánic

    La actualidad de los modelos legislativos de convivencia. Un metaanálisis

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    Este artículo presenta una investigación psicoeducativa en curso, cuya finalidad principal es la realización de un metaanálisis de las políticas educativas en materia de convivencia escolar, utilizando como muestra los documentos legislativos de las distintas comunidades autónomas del Estado español. Pretendemos determinar el perfil específico que tienen, analizando, mediante un sistema único de categorías, los elementos estructurales que incluye cada documento y relacionándolos con las nuevas necesidades de intervención detectadas en los estudios científicos de incidencia y prevalencia de la violencia escolar y bullying (school violence and bullying). Estos estudios resaltan la necesidad de crear políticas de convivencia que se centren en la prevención primaria, pero que también incluyan medidas para atender a la población en riesgo y, por último, medidas de intervención directa, con la implicación de todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa.El present article presenta una investigació psicoeducativa en curs. La finalitat principal d'aquesta recerca és la realització d'una metaanàlisi de les polítiques educatives en matèria de convivència escolar, utilitzant com a mostra els documents legislatius de les diferents comunitats autònomes de l'Estat espanyol. Pretenem determinar el perfil específic que tenen, analitzant, mitjançant un sistema de categories únic, els elements estructurals que inclou cada document i relacionant-los amb les noves necessitats d'intervenció detectades en els estudis científics d'incidència i prevalença de la violència i l'assetjament escolars (school violence and bullying). Aquests estudis ressalten la necessitat de crear polítiques de convivència que se centrin en la prevenció primària, però que també incloguin mesures per atendre la població en risc i, finalment, mesures d'intervenció directa, amb la implicació de tots els membres de la comunitat educativa.This article presents a psychoeducational ongoing research, whose main purpose is to conduct a meta-analysis of education policies on school in the area, using as a sample legislative documents in the different regions of Spain. We intend to determine the specific profile they have on the inside, looking through a one only cotegory system, the structural elements including every document and linking them to the changing needs of intervention identified in scientific studies of incidence and prevalence of school violence and bullying (violencia escolar y bullying). These studies highlight the need to create policies of coexistence that focus on primary prevention, but also include measures to address the population at risk and, finally, measures of direct intervention, with the involvement of all members of the community education

    Comparison between microcomputed tomography and cone‐beam computed tomography radiologic bone to assess atrophic posterior maxilla density and microarchitecture

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between bone density obtained by cone‐beam computed tomography ( CBCT ) and morphometric parameters of bone analyzed by microcomputed tomography (μ‐ CT ). Material and methods An overall of 32 subjects ≤8 mm of bone height were included in the study. One site per patient was randomly selected to obtain bone core. Totally, 27 biopsies were available for μ‐ CT analysis. In addition, CBCT was taken after positioning a previously fabricated acrylic resin template with a 2‐mm‐diameter metal rod at the randomly selected implant site to study radiographic bone density ( RBD ). The relationship between μ‐ CT and CBCT quantitative variable and RBD was analyzed using Spearman correlation. Results Positive correlations between BV / TV ( r  = 0.769, P  < 0.001), BS / TV ( r  = 0.563, P  = 0.002), T b. T h ( r  = 0.491, P  = 0.009), T b. N ( r  = 0.518, P  = 0.005) and v BMD ( r  = 0.699, P  < 0.001) with RBD were identified. On the contrary, BS / BV ( r  = −0.509, P  = 0.006), T b. S p ( r  = −0.539, P  = 0.003) and T b. P f ( r  = −0.636, P  < 0.001) were negatively correlated with RBD . Moreover, SMI ( r  = −0.380, P  = 0.050) and DA (−0.245, P  = 0.217) were negatively correlated but not statistically significant. Conclusion This study demonstrated the correlation between radiographic bone density ( RBD ) and bone density assessed by μ‐ CT . Therefore, our data supported the use of CBCT as pre‐operative tool for implant treatment planning because it is shown to be reliable to assess atrophic posterior maxilla density and microarchitecture.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106929/1/clr12133.pd

    A Small Domain in the N Terminus of the Regulatory a-Subunit Kv2.3 Modulates Kv2.1 Potassium Channel Gating

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    Recent work has demonstrated the existence of regulatory K1 channel a-subunits that are electrically silent but capable of forming heterotetramers with other pore-forming subunits to modify their function. We have investigated the molecular determinant of the modulatory effects of Kv2.3, a silent K1 channel a-subunit specific of brain. This subunit induces on Kv2.1 channels a marked deceleration of activation, inactivation, and closing kinetics. We constructed chimeras of the Kv2.1 and Kv2.3 proteins and analyzed the K1 currents resulting from the coexpression of the chimeras with Kv2.1. The data indicate that a region of 59 amino acids in the N terminus, adjacent to the first transmembrane segment, is the major structural element responsible for the regulatory function of Kv2.3. The sequence of this domain of Kv2.3 is highly divergent compared with the same region in the other channels of the Kv2 family. Replacement of the regulatory fragment of Kv2.3 by the equivalent of Kv2.1 leads to loss of modulatory function, whereas gain of modulatory function is observed when the Kv2.3 fragment is transferred to Kv2.1. Thus, this study identifies a N-terminus domain involved in Kv2.1 channel gating and in the modulation of this channel by a regulatory a-subunit

    Marginal Bone Loss in Implants Placed in Grafted Maxillary Sinus

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    PurposeThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the vertical and horizontal graft bone resorption (GR) in grafted maxillary sinuses and the marginal bone loss (MBL) around implants placed in the sinuses with different prosthetic connections and to determine the effect of other clinical factors on these tissue responses at 6 and 18 months postloading.Material and MethodA total of 254 implants were placed in 150 grafted maxillary sinuses of 101 patients (51.5% female) with mean age of 52.2 years (range, 32–82 years). GR and MBL measurements were made in implants placed with two different prosthetic connections (internal and external) at 6 and 18 months postloading. The complex samples general linear model was used to analyze the influence of patient age, gender, smoking habit, history of periodontal disease, implantation timing (simultaneous vs deferred), and prosthetic abutment length on radiographic GR and MBL values.ResultsAt 18 months postloading, the MBL ranged from 0 mm to 5.89 mm; less than 1 mm was lost around 49.0% (mesial) and 44.3% (distal) of the implants, while no bone was lost around 32.9% (mesial) and 26.7% (distal). The GR was significantly affected by smoking, remnant alveolar bone height, graft length, graft height, gender, and age, and it significantly decreased over time. The MBL was influenced by the type of connection, implantation timing, and prosthetic abutment length. The MBL was greater with longer postloading interval and higher patient age and in smokers.ConclusionResorption of grafts that combine autogenous cortical bone with anorganic bovine bone is dependent on the anatomic features of the sinus and is not affected by the time elapsed after the first 6 months. The MBL in implants placed in these grafted areas is time dependent and mainly related to potentially modifiable clinical decisions and patient habits.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110884/1/cid12092.pd

    Mechanism of Block of hEag1 K+ Channels by Imipramine and Astemizole

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    Ether à go-go (Eag; KV10.1) voltage-gated K+ channels have been detected in cancer cell lines of diverse origin and shown to influence their rate of proliferation. The tricyclic antidepressant imipramine and the antihistamine astemizole inhibit the current through Eag1 channels and reduce the proliferation of cancer cells. Here we describe the mechanism by which both drugs block human Eag1 (hEag1) channels. Even if both drugs differ in their affinity for hEag1 channels (IC50s are ∼2 μM for imipramine and ∼200 nM for astemizole) and in their blocking kinetics, both drugs permeate the membrane and inhibit the hEag1 current by selectively binding to open channels. Furthermore, both drugs are weak bases and the IC50s depend on both internal an external pH, suggesting that both substances cross the membrane in their uncharged form and act from inside the cell in their charged forms. Accordingly, the block by imipramine is voltage dependent and antagonized by intracellular TEA, consistent with imipramine binding in its charged form to a site located close to the inner end of the selectivity filter. Using inside- and outside-out patch recordings, we found that a permanently charged, quaternary derivative of imipramine (N-methyl-imipramine) only blocks channels from the intracellular side of the membrane. In contrast, the block by astemizole is voltage independent. However, as astemizole competes with imipramine and intracellular TEA for binding to the channel, it is proposed to interact with an overlapping intracellular binding site. The significance of these findings, in the context of structure–function of channels of the eag family is discussed

    Pyrolytic characterization of humic acids in relation to carbon sequestration mechanisms in representative soils from the basque country (Northern Spain)

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    Comunicación y póster presentados al citado simposio, celebrado del 17-20 de septiembre, 2002, en Leoben (Austria).Curie-Point analytical pyrolysis was used for the assessment of soil organic matter accumulation processes in representative ecosystems from the Basque Country (Northem Spain). The aim of the study is to identify the main mechanisms of carbon sequestration by carrying out a semiquantitative appraisal of biogeochemical processes ranging from selective preservation of plant macromolecular material to complex processes involving extensive depolymerization of plant-inherited constituents followed by synthesis of humic-type substances.Peer reviewe

    Centro de artes escénicas y plásticas en la integración socio - cultural de Arequipa 2023

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    El proyecto surge a la necesidad de tener un equipamiento cultural adecuado en la ciudad de Arequipa, la tesis permitirá tener la investigación para mejorar la calidad cultural e integración de la población, ya que con el paso del tiempo la población ha perdido la identidad cultural y con los avances tecnológicos las personas han dejado de tener una interacción social presencial, es por ello que el centro de artes escénicas y plásticas a través de sus actividades de formación y difusión cultural pretende fortalecer y devolver la identidad cultural a la población, así mismo el proyecto albergara espacios públicos con diferentes actividades donde la población tendrá una integración social y cultural, ya que el proyecto estará ubicado en el centro histórico de Arequipa ,en el cruce de la Avenida la Marina y calle San Agustín, , la cual se encuentra abandonada y totalmente destruida, siendo un punto de deterioro de la zona , en tal sentido el Centro de Artes Escénicas y Plásticas, rehabilitara y pondrá en valor la zona

    Mediación para la reducción de los conflictos interpersonales en el contexto organizacional

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    La naturaleza subjetiva de los conflictos y su inminencia en las relaciones humanas suscita la constante reflexión de como dinamizarlos para alcanzar acuerdos oportunos, asertivos y sostenibles al interior de las organizaciones. En la búsqueda de esta dinamización surge mediación de los conflictos interpersonales en el ámbito laboral como una alternativa válida y confiable. Este artículo de reflexión se constituye en una investigación documental que tiene por objetivo aproximarse a visibilizar el rol del mediador al interior de las organizaciones, delimitar planes de intervención y/o políticas de gestión del conflicto desde la alta gerencia, así como crear material formativo sólido y rigurosos, que sea soporte y guía para las áreas de recursos humanos y/o comités de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo