1,515 research outputs found

    Physical separation of heavy minerals from 'amang' and the recovery of cerium, gadolinium and europium elements from monazite sample via solvent extraction / Nor Monica Ahmad

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    Some of the rare earth elements play important roles as phosphors. These phosphorous elements have a wide application in industries. In the present study, the focus is to find the extraction parameter s in order to extract the rare earth elements in heavy minerals from ‘amang’ using solvent extraction method. ‘Amang’ samples were collected from ex-mining area in Kg Gajah, Perak and subjected to the wet gravity separation, drying process and then magnetic separation. Results show that samples from location A21 and A42 contain the highest amount of monazite minerals. For confirmation, those samples were analyzed for its morphology and elemental content using SEMJEDX. Samples from Kg. Gajah were compared with samples from Beh Minerals Sdn Bhd. the 'amang' processing factory near Ipoh, Perak. EDX spectra, both samples show some similarity. Extraction parameters using standard rare earth elements show that the best conditions for both cerium and gadolinium using n-heptane as diluents are at pH 3.2, within 15 minutes equilibrium time and at pH 2.7 within 15 minutes equilibrium time, respectively. On the other hand, europium demonstrates the highest percent of extraction at pH 2.2, within 15 minutes equilibrium time using toluene as diluents. Monazite sample from two different places that is from Kg. Gajah and Beh Minerals Sdn Bhd were subjected to the extraction procedure using the best extraction parameters for the respective individual elements of interests. Result from the duplicate samples show that the percentage of extraction for cerium, gadolinium and europium in monazite samples from both places are between 53% to 92%. Cerium recovered from Kg Gajah and Beh Minerals Sdn Bhd is 82.84 % and 76.41% respectively. Gadolinium recovered from Kg Gajah and Beh Mineral s Sdn Bhd is 91.97 % and 81.25 % respectively. Europium recovered from Kg Gajah and Beh Mineral s Sdn Bhd is 63.52 % and 53 .53 % respectively. Analysis using FTIR spectrometry for the organic phase confirmed the occurrence of ion exchange in the phase

    The psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic on women’s mental health during pregnancy: a rapid evidence review

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    Background: The perinatal period is a particularly vulnerable period in women’s lives that implies significant physiological and psychological changes that can place women at higher risk for depression and anxiety symptoms. In addition, the ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is likely to increase this vulnerability and the prevalence of mental health problems. This review aimed to investigate the existing literature on the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women during pregnancy and the first year postpartum. Method: The literature search was conducted using the following databases: Pubmed, Scopus, WOS—web of science, PsycInfo and Google Scholar. Out of the total of 116 initially selected papers, 17 have been included in the final work, according to the inclusion criteria. Results: The reviewed contributions report a moderate to severe impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the mental health of pregnant women, mainly in the form of a significant increase in depression—up to 58% in Spain—and anxiety symptoms—up to 72% in Canada. In addition to the common psychological symptoms, COVID-19-specific worries emerged with respect to its potential effects on pregnancy and the well-being of the unborn child. Social support and being engaged in regular physical activities appear to be protective factors able to buffer against the effects of the pandemic on maternal mental health. Conclusions: Despite the limitations of the study design, the evidence suggests that it is essential to provide appropriate psychological support to pregnant women during the emergency in order to protect their mental health and to minimize the risks of long-term effects on child development


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi rendahnya kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan Habits of Mind peserta didik SMP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Habits of Mind terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis peserta didik SMP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 4 Tamban dengan total 72 siswa, dengan pengambilan sampel secara refresentatif yakni secara acak diperoleh sebanyak 28 peserta didik. Dalam pengumpulan data masing-masing peserta didik diberikan 2 buah instrumen penelitian yakni instrumen tes dan non tes. Instrumen tes komunikasi matematis peserta didik mendapatkan soal uraian yang terdiri dari 4 soal uraian. Sedangkan instrumen non tes berupa angket Habit of Mind yang terdiri dari 12 pernyataan dengan 6 pernyataan positif dan 6 pernyataan negatif. Data tersebut diuji regresi dan korelasinya. Hasil dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa Habits of Mind berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis peserta didik SMP, dengan persamaan regresi Y = 1,065X – 42.201 menunjukkan pengaruh yang positif, serta tingkat keeratan yaitu koefisien korelasi pearson sebesar 0,467 tergolong dalam interpretasi sedang positif. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini, guru sebaiknya merancang proses pembelajaran yang baik sehingga dapat meningkatkan Habits of Mind peserta didik agar kemampuan komunikasi peserta didik semakin meningkat. Kata kunci: habits of mind; komunikasi matematis   ABSTRACT  This research is motivated by the low mathematical communication skills and Habits of Mind of junior high school students. This study aims to analyze the effect of Habits of Mind on the mathematical communication skills of junior high school students. The research method used is correlational quantitative method. The population in this study were students of class VIII at SMP Negeri 4 Tamban with a total of 72 students, with representative sampling, which was randomly obtained as many as 28 students. In collecting data, each student was given 2 research instruments, namely test and non-test instruments. The mathematical communication test instrument of students gets a description question which consists of 4 description questions. While the non-test instrument is a Habit of Mind questionnaire which consists of 12 statements with 6 positive statements and 6 negative statements. The data were tested for regression and correlation. The results of the data analysis show that Habits of Mind has a significant effect on the mathematical communication skills of junior high school students, with the regression equation Y = 1.065X - 42,201 showing a positive influence, and the level of closeness, namely the Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.467 belonging to the moderate positive interpretation. Recommendations from this study, teachers should design a good learning process so that it can improve students' Habits of Mind so that students' communication skills can increase. Keywords: habits of mind; mathematical communicatio

    Penggunaan sistem VoTe bagi pengurusan kewangan geran penyelidikan yang efisien (Use of VoTe system for efficient research grant financial management) / Nur Jannah Azman … [et al.]

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    Fungsi Unit Pengurusan Penyelidikan (RMU), UiTM Cawangan Negeri Sembilan adalah mengurus, mengkoordinasi dan menyediakan perkhidmatan berkaitan penyelidikan, perundingan dan penerbitan. Selain itu RMU bertanggungjawab meningkatkan impak keseluruhan penyelidikan untuk memperluas kerjasama dan mengukuhkan perkongsian dengan universiti penyelidikan yang lain. Dalam usaha membudayakan aktiviti penyelidikan dalam kalangan pensyarah, pihak RMU dan penyelidik, terutamanya pemegang geran menghadapi masalah ketiadaan sistem/ templat geran penyelidikan yang seragam di mana pemegang geran terpaksa bergantung penuh kepada pihak Bendahari dalam mendapatkan maklumat (baki geran penyelidikan). Masalah ini menyebabkan kesulitan lain timbul seperti bilangan projek penyelidikan yang melanjutkan tempoh masa penyelidikan bertambah, pemegang geran akan bertumpu pada satu projek dengan tempoh yang sangat lama dan akhirnya mengakibatkan bilangan geran yang diperolehi oleh UiTM Cawangan Negeri Sembilan semakin berkurangan. Hasilnya, objektif kualiti kampus untuk memastikan geran penyelidikan mencapai RM200,000.00 agak sukar untuk dicapai. Rentetan itu, idea yang terbit untuk membantu menangani punca masalah pemegang geran terhasil, iaitu sistem VoTe yang mana inovasi ini berjaya membantu mereka membuat perbelanjaan yang efisien sambil memantau kewangan dalam setiap vot dalam geran penyelidikan

    Pelatihan Aplikasi Geogebra Android bagi Guru MGMP Matematika SMA Kabupaten Barito Kuala

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    Dalam pembelajaran matematika, siswa memerlukan suatu media berbasis teknologi yang dapat mewakili intuisinya dalam memahami suatu konsep matematis. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk menyosialisasikan Geogebra Android sebagai aplikasi open source untuk memvisualisasikan grafik fungsi dengan sangat akurat dan simpel kepada MGMP Matematika SMA Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah metode pelatihan. Hasil dari pelatihan ini adalah peserta pelatihan dapat menggunakan aplikasi Geogebra dalam pembelajaran matematika. Dengan penggunaan aplikasi dalam pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan minat dan pemahaman siswa

    Effects of cytochrome P450 single nucleotide polymorphisms on methadone metabolism and pharmacodynamics

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    Methadone is a synthetic, long-acting opioid with a single chiral center forming two enantiomers, (R)-methadone and (S)-methadone, each having specific pharmacological actions. Concentrations of (R)- and (S)-methadone above therapeutic levels have the ability to cause serious, life-threatening, and fatal side effects. This toxicity can be due in part to the pharmacogenetics of an individual, which influences the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the drug. Methadone is primarily metabolized in the liver by cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, predominately by CYP2B6, followed by CYP3A4, 2C19, 2D6, and to a lesser extent, CYP2C18, 3A7, 2C8, 2C9, 3A5, and 1A2. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located within CYPs have the potential to play an important role in altering methadone metabolism and pharmacodynamics. Several SNPs in the CYP2B6, 3A4, 2C19, 2D6, and 3A5 genes result in increases in methadone plasma concentrations, decreased N-demethylation, and decreased methadone clearance. In particular, carriers of CYP2B6*6/*6 may have a greater risk for detrimental adverse effects, as methadone metabolism and clearance are diminished in these individuals. CYP2B6*4, on the other hand, has been observed to decrease plasma concentrations of methadone due to increased methadone clearance. The involvement, contribution, and understanding the role of SNPs in CYP2B6, and other CYP genes, in methadone metabolism can improve the therapeutic uses of methadone in patient outcome and the development of personalized medicine


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    Hair is something that comes out of the skin and has a shape like a thin thread. Hair has many things, including protection from the sun's function, adding beauty and color lines to the face, protecting the eyes from sweat, dirt and dust, and others. Hair is composed of a protein substance called keratin. To determine the VCO and PKO in the rate of growth activity and hair distribution rate. Extraction of PKO from palm kernel and VCO from the coconut fruit, characterization testing including fatty acids and squalene using the Gas Chromatography (GC) method, free fatty acids using the titration method with 0.01N KOH, and finally vitamin E using the Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) method. smeared every 2 times a day. Tests for the distribution rate of hair growth and daily hair growth rate were carried out every 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th day. And weight considerations were made on the 30th day. compared to Pure Coconut Oil in hair growth in rabbits


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    Hair is something that comes out of the skin and has a shape like a thin thread. Hair has many things, including protection from the sun's function, adding beauty and color lines to the face, protecting the eyes from sweat, dirt and dust, and others. Hair is composed of a protein substance called keratin. To determine the VCO and PKO in the rate of growth activity and hair distribution rate. Extraction of PKO from palm kernel and VCO from the coconut fruit, characterization testing including fatty acids and squalene using the Gas Chromatography (GC) method, free fatty acids using the titration method with 0.01N KOH, and finally vitamin E using the Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) method. smeared every 2 times a day. Tests for the distribution rate of hair growth and daily hair growth rate were carried out every 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th day. And weight considerations were made on the 30th day. compared to Pure Coconut Oil in hair growth in rabbits

    Implementation of Guarantees for the Rights to Education Correctional Students While in Prison

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    A child in conflict with the law, who is then sentenced and placed in the Special Child Development Institution (LPKA), has the right to receive supervision, assistance, training, guidance and the right to education in accordance with the mandate and provisions of the relevant law. This research discusses the application of Guaranteed Educational Rights for Correctional Students (Andikpas) in Class II LPKA Bandar Lampung with the legal issue behind this research is that there are several LPKAs in Indonesia that have not paid attention to the right to education for Andikpas. Based on these legal issues, the problem in this research is related to the application of education rights guarantees in the sentencing of Andikpas at LPKA Class II Bandar Lampung and what are the inhibiting factors for implementing education rights guarantees in the sentencing of Andikpas in LPKA Class II Bandar Lampung. This research uses normative legal research methods which are supported by empirical research. Sources of primary data collection were carried out through field studies by conducting interviews with LPKA structural officials, LPKA employees, Andikpas representatives, and lecturers in the Criminal Law section of the Faculty of Law, University of Lampung. Secondary data collection is done by literature study. The data that has been obtained by the author is then analyzed qualitatively. The results of the research carried out show that the implementation of the Education Rights Guarantee at LPKA Class II Bandar Lampung for Andikpas has been implemented, but not yet fully implemented properly. The forms of education available include formal and non-formal education. For formal education, there are Package A (SD), SMP, and SMA equivalency education programs that work independently with the Dwi Mulya Foundation. Non-formal education can be said to be a skills and training activity in which Andikpas are fostered and trained in their skills through various activities prepared by LPKA on a regular basis. In carrying out the implementation of education, of course, they are faced with various kinds of obstacles, including legal factors, namely there are no specific technicalities in legislation that show how to apply education to Andikpas. Law Enforcement Factors, namely there are still deficiencies in quality and quantity in coaching officers. Factors of Facilities and Infrastructure, which are still classified as limited and not sufficient enough. Community factors, regarding the negative stigma against Andikpas who have returned to social life. And Cultural Factors, cultivate laziness from within Andikpas in carrying out educational obligations. In this way, LPKA strives fully, whatever becomes an obstacle in implementing the implementation of education and the Head of LPKA Class II Bandar Lampung hopes that the education and coaching that has been held can develop the potential of children so that when they return to social life they are still educated and can play an active and responsible role.   &nbsp

    Student-Generated Questions Fostering Sustainable and Productive Knowledge Building Discourse

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    The role of questions in student learning is well recognized. However, the controversial issue of who should pose questions that direct inquiry continues: teachers or students? One perspective advocates that teachers generate questions as it assumes that students cannot generate high-quality questions. In contrast, Knowledge Building, a pedagogical approach that advocates transforming schools into knowledge-creation organizations, emphasizes student agency in generating authentic questions as they try to understand the world around them. This study examined the extent to which elementary students could generate questions and explore how student-generated questions help knowledge-building discourse progress. Comparing question threads (i.e., a series of online notes started with questions) and non-question threads (i.e., a series of online notes not started with questions), we noticed that questions posted by students engaged them in sustainable and progressive discourses, which is central to Knowledge Building. Moreover, the content analysis of the data revealed that the threads starting with questions were more likely to end up with productive threads than the non-question threads
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