324 research outputs found

    The ACS LCID project VII: the blue stragglers population in the isolated dSph galaxies Cetus and Tucana

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    We present the first investigation of the Blue Straggler star (BSS) population in two isolated dwarf spheroidal galaxies of the Local Group, Cetus and Tucana. Deep HST/ACS photometry allowed us to identify samples of 940 and 1214 candidates, respectively. The analysis of the star formation histories of the two galaxies suggests that both host a population of BSSs. Specifically, if the BSS candidates are interpreted as young main sequence stars, they do not conform to their galaxy's age-metallicity relationship. The analysis of the luminosity function and the radial distributions support this conclusion, and suggest a non-collisional mechanism for the BSS formation, from the evolution of primordial binaries. This scenario is also supported by the results of new dynamical simulations presented here. Both galaxies coincide with the relationship between the BSS frequency and the absolute visual magnitude Mv found by Momany et al (2007). If this relationship is confirmed by larger sample, then it could be a valuable tool to discriminate between the presence of BSSs and galaxies hosting truly young populations.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ. 15 pages, 3 tables, 13 figures. A version with high resolution figure can be downloaded from http://rialto.ll.iac.es/proyecto/LCID/?p=publication

    Bayesian inference of kinematic earthquake rupture parameters through fitting of strong motion data

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    Due to uncertainties in data and in forward modelling, the inherent limitations in data coverage and the non-linearity of the governing equation, earthquake source imaging is a problem with multiple solutions. The multiplicity of solutions can be conveniently expressed using a Bayesian approach, which allow to state inferences on model parameters in terms of probability density functions. The estimation of the posterior state of information, expressing the combination of the a priori knowledge on model parameters with the information contained in the data, is achieved in two steps. First, we explore the model space using an evolutionary algorithm to identify good data fitting regions. Secondly, using a neighbourhood algorithm and considering the entire ensemble of models found during the search stage, we compute a geometric approximation of the true posterior that is used to generate a second ensemble of models from which Bayesian inference can be performed. We apply this methodology to infer kinematic parameters of a synthetic fault rupture through fitting of strong motion data. We show how multiple rupture models are able to reproduce the observed waveforms within the same level of fit, suggesting therefore that the solution of the inversion cannot be expressed in terms of a single model but rather as a set of models which show certain statistical properties. For all model parameters we compute the posterior marginal distribution. We show how for some parameters the posterior do not follow a Gaussian distribution rendering the usual characterization in terms of mean value and standard deviation not correct. We compare the posterior marginal distributions with the ‘raw' marginal distributions computed from the ensemble of models generated by the evolutionary algorithm. We show how they are systematically different proving therefore that the search algorithm we adopt cannot be directly used to estimate uncertainties. We also analyse the stability of our inferences comparing the posterior marginals computed by different independent ensembles. The solutions provided by independent explorations are similar but not identical because each ensemble searches the model space differently resulting in different reconstructed posteriors. Our study illustrates how uncertainty estimates derive from the topology of the objective function, and how accurate and reliable resolution analysis is limited by the intrinsic difficulty of mapping the ‘true' structure of the objective functio

    Variable Stars in the Cetus dSph Galaxy: Population Gradients and Connections with the Star Formation History

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    We investigate the variable star content of the isolated, Local Group, dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph) Cetus. Multi-epoch, wide-field images collected with the VLT/VIMOS camera allowed us to detect 638 variable stars (630 RR Lyrae stars and 8 Anomalous Cepheids), 475 of which are new detections. We present a full catalogue of periods, amplitudes, and mean magnitudes. Motivated by the recent discovery that the pulsational properties of the RR Lyrae stars in the Tucana dSph revealed the presence of a metallicity gradient within the oldest (>10 Gyr old) stellar populations, we investigated the possibility of an analogous effect in Cetus. We found that, despite the obvious radial gradient in the Horizontal Branch (HB) and Red Giant Branch (RGB) morphologies, both becoming bluer on average for increasing distance from the center of Cetus, the properties of the RR Lyrae stars are homogeneous within the investigated area (out to r~15'), with no significant evidence of a radial gradient. We discuss this in connection with the star formation history (SFH) previously derived for the two galaxies. The observed differences between these two systems show that even systems this small show a variety of early evolutionary histories. These differences could be due to different merger or accretion histories.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS. The complete set of light curves and finding charts, together with the full table of the pulsational properties of all variable stars will be available in the on-line edition of the pape

    Bayesian imaging of the 2000 Western Tottori (Japan) earthquake through fitting of strong motion and GPS data

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    We image the rupture process of the 2000 Western Tottori earthquake (Mw = 6.6) through fitting of strong motion and GPS data. We consider an observational network consisting of 18 strong motion and 16 GPS stations, located within three fault lengths from the epicentre. We assume a planar fault and compute Green's functions for a 1-D velocity model. The earthquake rupture is described as a shear dislocation parameterized in terms of peak slip velocity, rake angle, rupture time and rise time, defined on a regular grid of nodes on the fault surface and derived at inner points through bilinear interpolation. Our inversion procedure is based on a Bayesian approach. The solution of the inverse problem is stated in terms of a posterior probability density function (pdf), representing the conjunction of prior information with information contained in the data and in the physical law relating model parameters with data. Inferences on model parameters are thus expressed in terms of posterior marginal pdfs. Due to the non-linearity of the problem, we use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, based on the Metropolis algorithm, to compute posterior marginals. Except for a few cases posterior marginals do not show a Gaussian-like distribution. This prevents us from providing a mean model and from characterizing uncertainties in terms of standard deviations only. Resolution on each single parameter is analysed by looking at the difference between prior and posterior marginal pdfs. Posterior marginals indicate that the best resolved feature is a major slip patch (peak value of 311 ± 140 cm), located between the hypocentre and the top edge of the fault, centered at a depth of 4.5 km. This shallow slip patch is triggered about 3 s after the earthquake nucleated and required about 4 s to reach its final slip value. The presence of this shallow slip patch is common to all previous studies. In contrast to some previous studies, we do not identify any significant slip (>1 m) at the bottom of the fault. We also compare inferences from both strong motion and GPS data with inferences derived from strong motion data only. In both cases the shallow slip patch is identified. At other locations, the main effect of the GPS data is in reducing the probability associated with high values of slip. GPS data reduce the presence of spurious fault slip and therefore strongly influence the resulting final seismic momen

    The ACS LCID project IV: detection of the RGB bump in isolated galaxies of the Local Group

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    We report the detection and analysis of the red giant branch luminosity function bump in a sample of isolated dwarf galaxies in the Local Group. We have designed a new analysis approach comparing the observed color-magnitude diagrams with theoretical best-fit color-magnitude diagrams derived from precise estimates of the star formation histories of each galaxy. This analysis is based on studying the difference between the V-magnitude of the RGB bump and the horizontal branch at the level of the RR Lyrae instability strip (Delta_vhbb) and we discuss here a technique for reliably measuring this quantity in complex stellar systems. By using this approach, we find that the difference between the observed and predicted values of Delta_vhbb is +0.13 +/- 0.14 mag. This is smaller, by about a factor of two, than the well-known discrepancy between theory and observation at low metallicity commonly derived for Galactic globular clusters. This result is confirmed by a comparison between the adopted theoretical framework and empirical estimates of the Delta_vhbb parameter for both a large database of Galactic globular clusters and for four other dSph galaxies for which this estimate is available in the literature. We also investigate the strength of the red giant branch bump feature (R_bump), and find very good agreement between the observed and theoretically predicted R_bump values. This agreement supports the reliability of the evolutionary lifetimes predicted by theoretical models of the evolution of low-mass stars.Comment: Accepted for publication on Ap

    Validation of a multi-scale simulation strategy based on the Pointwise Strain Superposition Method

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    This paper details the experimental validation of a multi-scale simulation strategy that we developed for predicting the stresses and distortions induced by Powder Bed Fusion processes. The strategy comprises a meso-scale model, a macro-scale model, and a scaling method named Pointwise Strain Superposition. The first model evaluates the temperature, stress, and strain fields produced by a single scan line. The scaling method transfers the meso-scale results to the macro-scale model, which is then able to simulate the entire manufacturing process with a reasonable computational cost. The simulation strategy was validated by comparing its results with the stresses and distortions measured on several specimens made of selective laser melted Inconel 718. Stresses were measured through the blind hole drilling method on a cylindrical specimen printed with two different scanning strategies, while distortions were measured on a hollow cylinder and on a cantilever-shaped specimen after removing its supports. In both cases, the simulation showed first- or higher-order accuracy despite the significant uncertainties regarding the input parameters and material properties. This robustness, coupled with its computational efficiency, leads us to believe that our simulation strategy could enhance the process optimization and provide a better understanding of the underlying physical phenomena along with their effects on the manufactured parts

    Massive stellar systems: observational challenges and perspectives in the E-ELT era

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    We introduce the empirical framework concerning optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry of crowded stellar fields. In particular, we address the impact that linear detectors and analytical PSF played in improving the accuracy and the precision of multi-band color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). We focus our attention on recent findings based on deep NIR images collected with Adaptive Optics (AO) systems at the 8-10m class telescopes and discuss pros and cons of the different approaches. We also discuss the estimate of the absolute age of globular clusters using a well defined knee along the lower main sequence. We mention the role which the current AO-assisted instruments will have in addressing longstanding astrophysical problems of the Galactic center. Finally, we outline the role of first generation of E-ELT instruments upon photometry and spectroscopy of crowded stellar fields

    Clear evidence for the presence of second-generation asymptotic giant branch stars in metal-poor Galactic globular clusters

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    Galactic globular clusters (GCs) are known to host multiple stellar populations: a first generation with a chemical pattern typical of halo field stars and a second generation (SG) enriched in Na and Al and depleted in O and Mg. Both stellar generations are found at different evolutionary stages (e.g., the main-sequence turnoff, the subgiant branch, and the red giant branch). The non detection of SG asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in several metal-poor ([Fe/H] < -1) GCs suggests that not all SG stars ascend the AGB phase, and that failed AGB stars may be very common in metal-poor GCs. This observation represents a serious problem for stellar evolution and GC formation/evolution theories. We report fourteen SG-AGB stars in four metal-poor GCs (M 13, M 5, M 3, and M 2) with different observational properties: horizontal branch (HB) morphology, metallicity, and age. By combining the H-band Al abundances obtained by the APOGEE survey with ground-based optical photometry, we identify SG Al-rich AGB stars in these four GCs and show that Al-rich RGB/AGB GC stars should be Na-rich. Our observations provide strong support for present, standard stellar models, i.e., without including a strong mass-loss efficiency, for low-mass HB stars. In fact, current empirical evidence is in agreement with the predicted distribution of FG and and SG stars during the He-burning stages based on these standard stellar models.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (16 pages, 4 figures, and 1 table

    The ACS LCID project. VI. The SFH of the Tucana dSph and the relative ages of the isolated dSph galaxies

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    We present a detailed study of the star formation history (SFH) of the Tucana dwarf spheroidal galaxy. High quality, deep HST/ACS data, allowed us to obtain the deepest color-magnitude diagram to date, reaching the old main sequence turnoff (F814 ~ 29) with good photometric accuracy. Our analysis, based on three different SFH codes, shows that Tucana is an old and metal-poor stellar system, which experienced a strong initial burst of star formation at a very early epoch (~ 13 Gyr ago) which lasted a maximum of 1 Gyr (sigma value). We are not able to unambiguously answer the question of whether most star formation in Tucana occurred before or after the end of the reionization era, and we analyze alternative scenarios that may explain the transformation of Tucana from a gas-rich galaxy into a dSph. Current measurements of its radial velocity do not preclude that Tucana may have crossed the inner regions of the Local Group once, and so gas stripping by ram pressure and tides due to a close interaction cannot be ruled out. On the other hand, the high star formation rate measured at early times may have injected enough energy into the interstellar medium to blow out a significant fraction of the initial gas content. Gas that is heated but not blown out would also be more easily stripped via ram pressure. We compare the SFH inferred for Tucana with that of Cetus, the other isolated LG dSph galaxy in the LCID sample. We show that the formation time of the bulk of star formation in Cetus is clearly delayed with respect to that of Tucana. This reinforces the conclusion of Monelli et al. (2010) that Cetus formed the vast majority of its stars after the end of the reionization era implying, therefore, that small dwarf galaxies are not necessarily strongly affected by reionization, in agreement with many state-of-the-art cosmological models. [abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ, 19 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. A version with full resolution figures is available at http://www.iac.es/project/LCID/?p=publication

    First-order correction to counter the effect of eccentricity on the hole-drilling integral method with strain-gage rosettes:

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    The offset between the hole and the centre of the strain-gage rosette is unavoidable, although usually small, in the hole-drilling technique for residual stress evaluation. In this article, we revi..
