298 research outputs found

    India in the Imagination of 20th and 21st Century Croatian Literature

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    The purpose of this paper is to study perceptions of India in three literary works, from the 20th and 21st century. The first part looks into the tenets of postcolonial theory and literary imagology as a possible methodological framework. Subsequently, premodern perceptions of India in the Croatian literary and cultural space are summarised. The central analysis focuses on the historical novelJaša Dalmatin (Jaša Dalmatin, Viceroy of Gujarat) by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, the travelogue U potrazi za staklenim gradom (In Search of the Glass City) by Željko Malnar and Borna Bebek, and the short story Indija (India) by Bekim Sejranović. The analysis demonstrates that each of these writings reconstructs premodern perceptions to some extent, but primarily introduces new perceptions that are linked to the specific social, cultural and ideological context in which these works were written. This indicates that literary perceptions are at the same time always acts of literary fiction as well as a socially and culturally construed production of meaning

    Az ösztrogén receptor gén polimorfizmus és a lipoproteinek, valamint egyes alvadási tényezők kapcsolata. Az ösztrogén receptor gén polimorfizmus szerepe a cardiovascularis betegségek rizikójában = Association of estrogen receptor gene polymorphisms with serum lipoprotein levels and hemostatic factors. The role of estrogen receptor gene polymorphisms in the risk of cardiovascular diseases

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    Az ösztrogének az ösztrogén receptor ?-n keresztül számos (részben lokális, részben szisztémás) hatást gyakorolnak a cardiovascularis rendszerre. Kutatási projektünk keretében azt vizsgáltuk, hogy az ösztrogén receptor ? gén PvuII (ESR1c.454-397T>C) és XbaI (ESR1c.454-351A>G) polimorfizmusa mutat-e összefüggést az ischaemiás stroke, a koszorúér betegség és a praeeclampsia kockázatával, illetve, hogy befolyásol-e ösztrogén-függő lipid, alvadási és gyulladásos tényezőket reproduktív korú, egészséges egyénekben. Tanulmányunkban az ösztrogén receptor ? PvuII és XbaI polimorfizmusa és az ischaemiás stroke, illetve koszorúér betegség között nem találtunk asszociációt. Az XbaI polimorfizmus azonban összefüggést mutatott a szérum lipoprotein(a) szintekkel reproduktív korú egészséges egyénekben. Reproduktív korú egészséges nőkben a PvuII polimorfizmus a szérum összkoleszterin, míg az XbaI polimorfizmus a szérum összkoleszterin és LDL-koleszterin szintekkel mutatott asszociációt. Terhességben a T-A haplotípus homozigóta hordozóinak rizikója szignifikánsan nagyobb volt praeeclampsiára a más genotípus-kombinációt hordozókkal összehasonlítva. Praeeclampsiás terhesekben az ESR1 XbaI polimorfizmus az intrauterin növekedési retardatióval mutatott összefüggést. A két polimorfizmus szérum lipid szintekre, valamint a praeeclampsia és a magzati sorvadás kockázatára gyakorolt hatásának pontos molekuláris mechanizmusa azonban még nem ismert. | Estrogen has several ESR1-mediated effects - including both direct effects and systemic effects - on the cardiovascular system. The aim of our research project was to determine whether two polymorphisms of the ESR1 gene (ESR1 c.454-397T>C: PvuII restriction site and c.454-351A>G: XbaI restriction site) are associated with ischemic stroke, coronary artery disease or preeclampsia. We also investigated whether these polymorphisms can influence estrogen-dependent lipid, haemostatic and inflammatory variables in healthy Caucasian women and men of reproductive age. According to our results, the ESR1 PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms were not associated with ischemic stroke or coronary artery disease. In healthy subjects of reproductive age, the ESR1 XbaI polymorphism affected serum lipoprotein(a) concentrations. In healthy women of reproductive age, the PvuII polymorphism was associated with serum total cholesterol levels, whereas the XbaI polymorphism affected serum total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol concentrations. In pregnancy, the homozygous T-A haplotype carriers of ESR1 PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms showed an increased risk of preeclampsia. In addition, the ESR1 XbaI polymorphism was associated with fetal growth restriction in preeclamptic patients. However, the molecular mechanisms by which the two polymorphisms affect serum lipid levels and the risk of preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction are still unclear

    Između eskapizma i nomadologije. Deleuze/Guattari i Hakim Bey u arkadiji Šoljanovih „Izdajica“

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    This paper tries to open new ways of interpretation of Antun Šoljan's Izdajice (1961). This text has often been presented in literary criticism as an apolitical text in the times of communist ideological imperative. My paper discusses the possibility of reading this text as a political text, starting from the position there are no apolitical texts. Strategy of permanent nomadism and resistance to institutional life of characters in the novel is interpreted through the theories of G. Deleuze and F.Guattari expressed in the text Nomadology and Hakim Bey's theory of temporary autonom- ous zones. However, Izdajice is the ambivalent novel – indecision between nomadism as a resistent strategy and utopian escapism is obvious but the novel ends in pessimism and failure of characters' life principles and attitudes

    Raznoliki pristupi višeslojnomu djelu

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    Ovo je prikaz knjige „Šegrt Hlapić“ od čudnovatog do čudesnog: zbornik radova. Knjigu su uredili Berislav Majhut, Smiljana Narančić Kovač i Sanja Lovrić Kralj. Knjiga je proizišla je iz izlaganja sudionika na međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji Od čudnovatog do čudesnog održanoj od 17. do 20. travnja 2013. u Zagrebu i Slavonskome Brodu, o stotoj obljetnici objavljivanja toga iznimnoga djela

    From an Apprentice to a Proletarian: The Construction of Class in the Croatian Children\u27s Novel (1895-1937)

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    This essay has several goals: elaborating a broader methodological approach to the class problem in the Croatian children\u27s novel; contextualizing the literary phenomena with regard to the chronotope in its comparative aspect; offering the representation of class in the five selected children\u27s novels; and providing insights into the modes of the class constitution in Croatian children\u27s literature. Since most researchers agree that children’s literature also has socialization effects, the question is whether the children’s novel is a platform for the cultural reproduction of dominant classes. The analysis will show that in the observed novels we can outline three perspectives on the class problem, which in the conclusion is related to the question about the canonical status of these novels. The class assumptions of the constitution of Croatian children\u27s literature and literary representations in novels recurrently affect each other

    Bogatstvo istraživačkoga višeglasja

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    Ovo je prikaz knjige "Uvod u dječju književnost". Knjiga je djelo Marijane Hameršak i Dubravke Zime. Ova knjiga nudi nov pristup i donosi novu metodološku interpretaciju sadržaja u odnosu na većinu dosadašnjih naslova iz toga istraživačkoga polja

    Az angiogén faktorok szerepe praeeclampsiában

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    Preeclampsia is one of the most common and most serious complications of pregnancy and the management of this condition still challenges obstetricians. Despite intensive research the etiology of preeclampsia still remains unclear. At the beginning of the 2000s preeclampsia-related research was directed towards factors that influence angiogenesis. Most studies have been carried out on the placental growth factor and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1. Most publications confirm the increased concentrations of antiangiogenic factors and decreased concentrations of proangiogenic factors in maternal blood samples in preeclampsia even before the onset of clinical symptoms. According to our current knowledge antiangiogenic proteins are responsible for the endothelial dysfunction in the symptomatic stage of the disease. Placental growth factor and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 may have important roles in the prediction and treatment of the disease. The point of care detection of placental growth factor and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 may be used to predict preeclampsia. Rapid tests are available to determine the serum levels of the two proteins. Removal of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 from maternal circulation is a potential treatment option for early onset preeclampsia. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(47), 1860-1866


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    This paper analyzes four literary texts by Daša Drndić in order to research a construction of displaced identites. All these texts contain the autobiographically motivated narrative of displacement, illuminating its various phases and temporary points in cities like Toronto, Rijeka and Berlin. Parallely with this plot line I followed various other displaced voices clothed up in different discursive strategies, which are inevitable and obsessive follow-up to the autobiographical reflection, and identified them as a modernist narrative of exile and (forced) emigration. In contrast, the narrator develops a postmodern immigrant identity whose key features are homelessness, belonging nowhere, eradication, temporality and existence in in-between spaces (Bhabha).U članku se analiziraju četiri književna teksta Daše Drndić kako bi se istražila konstrukcija izmještenih identiteta. Sva četiri prozna teksta sadrže autobiografski motiviranu narativnu liniju izmještenosti, osvjetljavajući njezine različite faze i privremene postaje kroz gradove Toronto, Rijeku i Berlin. U analizi tekstova paralelno se uz tu narativnu liniju pratilo niz drugih izmještenih glasova zaogrnutih u različite diskurzivne strategije, koji su neizbježna i opsesivna pratnja autobiografskoj refleksiji te su identificirani kao modernistički narativ egzila i (prisilne) emigracije. Nasuprot tome, pripovjedačica razvija postmoderni identitet imigranta čija su ključna obilježja: bezdomnost, nepripadanje, iskorijenjenost, privremenost i boravak u prostoru između (Bhabha)

    Dva Kratka izleta

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    Cilj rada je istražiti izmještenje i posljedice koje ono ima na identitet romanesknih likova u odabrana dva romana nastala s vremenskom udaljenošću od trideset godina. Pokušat će se argumentirati teza da putovanje u Kratkom izletu sadrži neke konstitutivne elemente turističkog putovanja. Figura turista jedna je od utjecajnijih identitetskih konstrukcija modernizma što se očituje kroz potragu za smislom i autentičnošću. Cilj te potrage se uvijek izjalovljuje, a smisao se nalazi u samoj potrazi. Implikacija koja iz toga proizlazi jest da je putovanje duhovno iskustvo što bi turista činilo modernim hodočasnikom. Cvetnićevom autobiografskom liku izmještenje je s jedne strane nametnuto, a s druge je strane riječ o činu u skladu s vlastitom etikom (nije izbjegavao vojnu obavezu). Taj kratki izlet srušio je stare vrijednosti na kojima je njegov univerzum počivao, nove nisu oblikovane i kao jedini oblik spasa u kaotičnom svijetu sadašnjice nameću se uspomene na prošlost i kratki trenuci heterotopije (put automobilom do Dubrovnika). Roman završava trenutkom povratka te ne nudi mogućnost duhovne i identitetske transformacije kroz epifanijski trenutak kao imenjak trideset godina ranije

    Economic Transactions between Characters: Representations of Tourism Practices in Contemporary Croatian Literature and Culture

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    Economic Transactions between Characters: Representations of Tourism Practices in Contemporary Croatian Literature and CultureThe aim of this paper is to examine the complex relational dynamics between tourism (both as a global phenomenon and a set of specific practices), space and economy in selected literary texts whose narratives are set in two different economic and political periods: socialism, and capitalism and democracy. Since these concepts cannot be easily understood through disciplinary knowledge, this paper will view the chosen literary texts as pre-disciplinary cultural products that generate specific “social knowledge” (Felski) which presents the fullness of the social world more successfully than other forms of culture or knowledge. The authors whose literary texts were included in this analysis are contemporary Croatian writers: Antun Šoljan, Zoran Ferić, Boris Dežulović and Jurica Pavičić. The first two authors wrote texts in which the relationships between tourists and locals are prevalently of symbolic and exchange value, and they mostly belong to the sphere of libidinal economy. Dežulović and Pavičić deal with contemporary tourism practices which change the identity of towns and people forever. In conclusion, these two accounts from different socioeconomic and political chronotopes are compared through the importance of space as a powerful resource in economic transactions between characters. Ekonomske transakcije subjekata: Reprezentacije turističkih praksi u suvremenoj hrvatskoj književnosti i kulturiNamjera je rada istražiti složenu dinamiku odnosa između turizma (promatranog i kao globalna pojava i kao skup specifičnih praksi), prostora i ekonomije u odabranim književnim tekstovima čije je pripovijedanje smješteno u dva različita ekonomska i politička razdoblja: socijalizam te kapitalizam i demokraciju. Kako se ti odnosi ne mogu jednostavno razumjeti kroz disciplinarno znanje, ovaj će rad promatrati izabrane književne tekstove kao preddisciplinarne kulturne proizvode koji stvaraju specifično „društveno znanje“ (Felski) te tako predstavljaju složenost društvenog svijeta često uspješnije nego drugi oblici kulture i znanja. Suvremeni autori čiji su tekstovi uključeni u analizu su: Antun Šoljan, Zoran Ferić, Boris Dežulović i Jurica Pavičić. Prva dvojica autora napisali su tekstove u kojima je odnos između turista i lokalaca pretežno zasnovan na simboličkoj i razmjenskoj vrijednosti te uglavnom spada u sferu libidinalne ekonomije. Dežulović i Pavičić pišu o suvremenim turističkim praksama koje mijenjaju identitet gradova i ljudi zauvijek. Zaključno, te dvije reprezentacije različitih socioekonomskih i političkih kronotopa se uspoređuju kroz važnost prostora kao moćnog izvora u ekonomskim transakcijama likova. Transakcje ekonomiczne postaci: Reprezentacje praktyk turystycznych we współczesnej literaturze i kulturze chorwackiejCelem artykułu jest zbadanie złożonej dynamiki w relacji między turystyką (rozumianą zarówno jako zjawisko globalne, jak i zbiór konkretnych praktyk), przestrzenią i gospodarką w wybranych tekstach literackich, których narracje osadzone są w dwóch różnych okresach gospodarczych i politycznych: socjalizmie oraz kapitalizmie i demokracji. Ponieważ tych pojęć nie da się łatwo zrozumieć poprzez wąską „wiedzę dyscyplinarną”, niniejszy artykuł traktuje wybrane teksty literackie jako pre-dyscyplinarne produkty kulturowe, które tworzą specyficzną „wiedzę społeczną” (Felski) i w ten sposób prezentują pełnię świata społecznego często skuteczniej niż inne produkty kultury czy wiedzy. W artykule analizowane są teksty współczesnych pisarzy chorwackich: Antuna Šoljana, Zorana Ferića, Borisa Dežulovića i Juricy Pavičicia. Utwory dwóch pierwszych autorów dotyczą relacji między turystami i mieszkańcami, które są ufundowane na wartości wymiany symbolicznej i należą do sfery ekonomii libidinalnej. Dežulović i Pavičić piszą o współczesnych praktykach turystycznych, które na zawsze zmieniają tożsamość miast i ludzi. Podsumowując, te dwie reprezentacje różnych chronotopów socjoekonomicznych i politycznych porównane są przy uwzględnieniu znaczenia przestrzeni jako istotnego zasobu w transakcjach gospodarczych pomiędzy postaciami