36 research outputs found

    Treatments for hyperemesis gravidarum and nausea and vomiting in pregnancy:A systematic review and economic assessment

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    Background: Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) affects up to 85% of all women during pregnancy, but for the majority self-management suffices. For the remainder, symptoms are more severe and the most severe form of NVP – hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) – affects 0.3–1.0% of pregnant women. There is no widely accepted point at which NVP becomes HG. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the relative clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treatments for NVP and HG. Data sources: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, PsycINFO, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux (CAB) Abstracts, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, British Nursing Index, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Scopus, Conference Proceedings Index, NHS Economic Evaluation Database, Health Economic Evaluations Database, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects were searched from inception to September 2014. References from studies and literature reviews identified were also examined. Obstetric Medicine was hand-searched, as were websites of relevant organisations. Costs came from NHS sources. Review methods: A systematic review of randomised and non-randomised controlled trials (RCTs) for effectiveness, and population-based case series for adverse events and fetal outcomes. Treatments: vitamins B6 and B12, ginger, acupressure/acupuncture, hypnotherapy, antiemetics, dopamine antagonists, 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor antagonists, intravenous (i.v.) fluids, corticosteroids, enteral and parenteral feeding or other novel treatment. Two reviewers extracted data and quality assessed studies. Results were narratively synthesised; planned meta-analysis was not possible due to heterogeneity and incomplete reporting. A simple economic evaluation considered the implied values of treatments. Results: Seventy-three studies (75 reports) met the inclusion criteria. For RCTs, 33 and 11 studies had a low and high risk of bias respectively. For the remainder (n = 20) it was unclear. The non-randomised studies (n = 9) were low quality. There were 33 separate comparators. The most common were acupressure versus placebo (n = 12); steroid versus usual treatment (n = 7); ginger versus placebo (n = 6); ginger versus vitamin B6 (n = 6); and vitamin B6 versus placebo (n = 4). There was evidence that ginger, antihistamines, metoclopramide (mild disease) and vitamin B6 (mild to severe disease) are better than placebo. Diclectin® [Duchesnay Inc.; doxylamine succinate (10 mg) plus pyridoxine hydrochloride (10 mg) slow release tablet] is more effective than placebo and ondansetron is more effective at reducing nausea than pyridoxine plus doxylamine. Diclectin before symptoms of NVP begin for women at high risk of severe NVP recurrence reduces risk of moderate/severe NVP compared with taking Diclectin once symptoms begin. Promethazine is as, and ondansetron is more, effective than metoclopramide for severe NVP/HG. I.v. fluids help correct dehydration and improve symptoms. Dextrose saline may be more effective at reducing nausea than normal saline. Transdermal clonidine patches may be effective for severe HG. Enteral feeding is effective but extreme method treatment for very severe symptoms. Day case management for moderate/severe symptoms is feasible, acceptable and as effective as inpatient care. For all other interventions and comparisons, evidence is unclear. The economic analysis was limited by lack of effectiveness data, but comparison of costs between treatments highlights the implications of different choices. Limitations: The main limitations were the quantity and quality of the data available. Conclusion: There was evidence of some improvement in symptoms for some treatments, but these data may not be transferable across disease severities. Methodologically sound and larger trials of the main therapies considered within the UK NHS are needed. Study registration: This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42013006642. Funding: The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme

    Treatments for Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy

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    Importance Nausea and vomiting affects approximately 85% of pregnant women. The most severe form, hyperemesis gravidarum, affects up to 3% of women and can have significant adverse physical and psychological sequelae.Objective To summarize current evidence on effective treatments for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum.Evidence Review Databases were searched to June 8, 2016. Relevant websites and bibliographies were also searched. Titles and abstracts were assessed independently by 2 reviewers. Results were narratively synthesized; planned meta-analysis was not possible because of heterogeneity and incomplete reporting of findings.Findings Seventy-eight studies (n  = 8930 participants) were included: 67 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and 11 nonrandomized studies. Evidence from 35 RCTs at low risk of bias indicated that ginger, vitamin B6, antihistamines, metoclopramide (for mild symptoms), pyridoxine-doxylamine, and ondansetron (for moderate symptoms) were associated with improved symptoms compared with placebo. One RCT (n = 86) reported greater improvements in moderate symptoms following psychotherapy (change in Rhodes score [range, 0 {no symptoms} to 40 {worst possible symptoms}], 18.76 [SD, 5.48] to 7.06 [SD, 5.79] for intervention vs 19.18 [SD, 5.63] to 12.81 [SD, 6.88] for comparator [P < .001]). For moderate-severe symptoms, 1 RCT (n = 60) suggested that pyridoxine-doxylamine combination taken preemptively reduced risk of recurrence of moderate-severe symptoms compared with treatment once symptoms begin (15.4% vs 39.1% [P < .04]). One RCT (n = 83) found that ondansetron was associated with lower nausea scores on day 4 than metoclopramide (mean visual analog scale [VAS] score, 4.1 [SD, 2.9] for ondansetron vs 5.7 [SD, 2.3] for metoclopramide [P = .023]) but not episodes of emesis (5.0 [SD, 3.1] vs 3.3 [SD, 3], respectively [P = .013]). Although there was no difference in trend in nausea scores over the 14-day study period, trend in vomiting scores was better in the ondansetron group (P = .042). One RCT (n = 159) found no difference between metoclopramide and promethazine after 24 hours (episodes of vomiting, 1 [IQR, 0-5] for metoclopramide vs 2 [IQR, 0-3] for promethazine [P = .81], VAS [0-10 scale] for nausea, 2 [IQR, 1-5] vs 2 [IQR, 1-4], respectively [P = .99]). Three RCTs compared corticosteroids with placebo or promethazine or metoclopramide in women with severe symptoms. Improvements were seen in all corticosteroid groups, but only a significant difference between corticosteroids vs metoclopramide was reported (emesis reduction, 40.9% vs 16.5% at day 2; 71.6% vs 51.2% at day 3; 95.8% vs 76.6% at day 7 [n = 40, P < .001]). For other interventions, evidence was limited.Conclusions and Relevance For mild symptoms of nausea and emesis of pregnancy, ginger, pyridoxine, antihistamines, and metoclopramide were associated with greater benefit than placebo. For moderate symptoms, pyridoxine-doxylamine, promethazine, and metoclopramide were associated with greater benefit than placebo. Ondansetron was associated with improvement for a range of symptom severity. Corticosteroids may be associated with benefit in severe cases. Overall the quality of evidence was low

    ALS mutations in FUS cause neuronal dysfunction and death in Caenorhabditis elegans by a dominant gain-of-function mechanism.

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    It is unclear whether mutations in fused in sarcoma (FUS) cause familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis via a loss-of-function effect due to titrating FUS from the nucleus or a gain-of-function effect from cytoplasmic overabundance. To investigate this question, we generated a series of independent Caenorhabditis elegans lines expressing mutant or wild-type (WT) human FUS. We show that mutant FUS, but not WT-FUS, causes cytoplasmic mislocalization associated with progressive motor dysfunction and reduced lifespan. The severity of the mutant phenotype in C. elegans was directly correlated with the severity of the illness caused by the same mutation in humans, arguing that this model closely replicates key features of the human illness. Importantly, the mutant phenotype could not be rescued by overexpression of WT-FUS, even though WT-FUS had physiological intracellular localization, and was not recruited to the cytoplasmic mutant FUS aggregates. Our data suggest that FUS mutants cause neuronal dysfunction by a dominant gain-of-function effect related either to neurotoxic aggregates of mutant FUS in the cytoplasm or to dysfunction in its RNA-binding functions

    Practice ecology of sustainable travel: The importance of institutional policy-making processes beyond the traveller

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    © 2019 The Authors Changing mobility behaviour towards activities and actions that have a less detrimental impact on the environment, public health and society is an objective of transport policy jurisdictions globally. In line with a burgeoning body of research examining behaviour and social change, this paper explores the governmental systems that influence mobility behaviours through a social practice lens. This paper blends two social practice theoretical models, the ‘3-Elements Model’ and ‘Systems of Provision’ as a means of understanding the delivery of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF), a central government grant scheme for English local authorities. We examine how the meanings, materials and competences within the practices of bid writing by local authorities and scheme selection by government influenced the distribution of funding to local authorities. The research starts from the principle that, where funding is provided by central government, in the case of this research that of the UK, an opportunity is created for mobility practices to change. The significance of funding is not easily theorised by the 3-Elements model but is more helpfully explained when that model is blended with the wider Systems of Provision model to create a model of practice ecology. Our theorisation allows for a rigorous exploration of the ‘practice scaffolding’ which shapes how people travel. Policymakers are recommended to consider a practice ecology approach when developing mobility management schemes to tackle air quality, climate change and obesity issues more effectively

    Volatility as a concept to understand the impact of stress on the microbiome

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    The microbiome-gut-brain-axis is a complex phenomenon spanning several dynamic systems in the body which can be parsed at a molecular, cellular, physiological and ecological level. A growing body of evidence indicates that this axis is particularly sensitive to the effects of stress and that it may be relevant to stress resilience and susceptibility. Although stress-induced changes in the composition of the microbiome have been reported, the degree of compositional change over time, which we define as volatility, has not been the subject of in-depth scrutiny. Using a chronic psychosocial stress paradigm in male mice, we report that the volatility of the microbiome significantly correlated with several readouts of the stress response, including behaviour and corticosterone response. We then validated these findings in a second independent group of stressed mice. Additionally, we assessed the relationship between volatility and stress parameters in a cohort of health volunteers who were undergoing academic exams and report similar observations. Finally, we found inter-species similarities in the microbiome stress response on a functional level. Our research highlights the effects of stress on the dynamic microbiome and underscores the informative value of volatility as a parameter that should be considered in all future analyses of the microbiome

    Mid-life microbiota crises: middle age is associated with pervasive neuroimmune alterations that are reversed by targeting the gut microbiome

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    Male middle age is a transitional period where many physiological and psychological changes occur leading to cognitive and behavioural alterations, and a deterioration of brain function. However, the mechanisms underpinning such changes are unclear. The gut microbiome has been implicated as a key mediator in the communication between the gut and the brain, and in the regulation of brain homeostasis, including brain immune cell function. Thus, we tested whether targeting the gut microbiome by prebiotic supplementation may alter microglia activation and brain function in ageing. Male young adult (8 weeks) and middle-aged (10 months) C57BL/6 mice received diet enriched with a prebiotic (10% oligofructose-enriched inulin) or control chow for 14 weeks. Prebiotic supplementation differentially altered the gut microbiota profile in young and middle-aged mice with changes correlating with faecal metabolites. Functionally, this translated into a reversal of stress-induced immune priming in middle-aged mice. In addition, a reduction in ageing-induced infiltration of Ly-6Chi monocytes into the brain coupled with a reversal in ageing-related increases in a subset of activated microglia (Ly-6C+) was observed. Taken together, these data highlight a potential pathway by which targeting the gut microbiome with prebiotics can modulate the peripheral immune response and alter neuroinflammation in middle age. Our data highlight a novel strategy for the amelioration of age-related neuroinflammatory pathologies and brain function

    The impact of arterial input function determination variations on prostate dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging pharmacokinetic modeling: a multicenter data analysis challenge, part II

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    This multicenter study evaluated the effect of variations in arterial input function (AIF) determination on pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) data using the shutter-speed model (SSM). Data acquired from eleven prostate cancer patients were shared among nine centers. Each center used a site-specific method to measure the individual AIF from each data set and submitted the results to the managing center. These AIFs, their reference tissue-adjusted variants, and a literature population-averaged AIF, were used by the managing center to perform SSM PK analysis to estimate Ktrans (volume transfer rate constant), ve (extravascular, extracellular volume fraction), kep (efflux rate constant), and τi (mean intracellular water lifetime). All other variables, including the definition of the tumor region of interest and precontrast T1 values, were kept the same to evaluate parameter variations caused by variations in only the AIF. Considerable PK parameter variations were observed with within-subject coefficient of variation (wCV) values of 0.58, 0.27, 0.42, and 0.24 for Ktrans, ve, kep, and τi, respectively, using the unadjusted AIFs. Use of the reference tissue-adjusted AIFs reduced variations in Ktrans and ve (wCV = 0.50 and 0.10, respectively), but had smaller effects on kep and τi (wCV = 0.39 and 0.22, respectively). kep is less sensitive to AIF variation than Ktrans, suggesting it may be a more robust imaging biomarker of prostate microvasculature. With low sensitivity to AIF uncertainty, the SSM-unique τi parameter may have advantages over the conventional PK parameters in a longitudinal study

    Conjugated lineolic acid and insulin sensitivity : insights from metabolic and molecular markers

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    THESIS 7871Insulin resistance signifies an impaired biological response to insulin, and usually implies resistance to the effects of insulin on glucose uptake, metabolism, or storage. This defect is commonly observed in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and the metabolic syndrome and is often found in association with other cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors including obesity, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and atherosclerosis. Altering the composition of fat in the diet can have a profound effect on insulin sensitivity whereby saturated fatty acids attenuate insulin sensitivity, while monounsaturated fatty acids can reverse this effect. The objective of this thesis was to examine the relationship between the n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and insulin sensitivity, and its possible involvement in attenuating other risk factors associated with CVD. Several isoforms of CLA exist with cis-9, trans-11 CLA (c9, t11-CLA) which is the predominant dietary isoform and trans-10, cis-12 CLA (t10, c12-CLA) thought to have most biological activity

    Eicosapentaenoic acid and 3,10 dithia stearic acid inhibit the desaturation of trans-vaccenic acid into cis-9, trans-11-conjugated linoleic acid through different pathways in Caco-2 and T84 cells

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    Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) is a key enzyme that determines the composition and metabolic fate of ingested fatty acids, in particular the conversion of trans-vaccenic acid (TVA) to conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). The present study addressed the hypothesis that intestinal TVA absorption and biotransformation into CLA can be modulated by EPA and 3,10-dithia stearic acid (DSA) via altered SCD mRNA levels and desaturation indices (cis-9, trans-11-CLA:TVA and oleic acid:stearic acid ratios) in Caco-2 and T84 cells, two well-established in vitro models of the human intestinal epithelium. The study determined the effect of acute (3 h with 0.3 mm-EPA or 0.3 mm-DSA) and acute-on-chronic (1 week with 0.03 mm-EPA or -DSA, followed by respectively, 0.3 mm-EPA or -DSA for 3 h) treatments. In both cell lines, acute EPA treatment did not alter SCD desaturation indices, whereas the acute-on-chronic treatment affected these surrogate markers of SCD activity. This was associated with reduced sterol regulatory-element binding protein-1c and SCD mRNA levels. In contrast, acute and acute-on-chronic DSA treatments significantly reduced SCD desaturation indices without affecting SCD mRNA levels in Caco-2 cells. The present study on intestinal cells shows that the conversion rate of TVA to c9, t11-CLA is affected by other fatty acids present in the diet such as EPA, confirming previous observations in hepatic and mammary cell models

    Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation reduces peripheral blood mononuclear cell interleukin-2 production in healthy middle-aged males

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    Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) refers to geometric and positional isomers of linoleic acid. Animal studies have shown that CLA modulates the immune system and suggest that it may have a therapeutic role in inflammatory disorders. This double-blind placebo-controlled intervention trial investigated the effects of CLA supplementation on indices of immunity relating to cardiovascular disease (CVD) in a cohort of healthy middle-aged male volunteers. Subjects were randomly assigned to supplement their diet with 2.2 g 50:50 isomeric blend of cis 9, trans 11 (c9, t11)-CLA and trans 10, cis 12 (t10, c12)-CLA or placebo daily for 8 weeks. Interleukin (IL) 2, IL-10 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) alpha were measured in the supernatant of cultured unstimulated and concanavalin A (Con A)-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) by ELISA. Serum IL-6 and plasma CRP were measured by ELISA and plasma fibrinogen by automated clotting assay. Gene expression was investigated by real-time RT-PCR. CLA supplementation significantly reduced Con A-stimulated PBMC IL-2 secretion (37.1%; P=.02). CLA supplementation had no significant effect on transcription of IL-2. CLA supplementation had no direct significant effects on PBMC TNFalpha or IL-10 secretion. Other inflammatory markers associated with CVD, including IL-6, CRP and fibrinogen, were not affected by CLA supplementation. This study showed that CLA supplementation reduced PBMC IL-2 secretion from Con A-stimulated PBMC but lacked effect on other markers of the human inflammatory response