2,328 research outputs found

    Interstitial Lung Diseases in Developing Countries

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    More than 100 different conditions are grouped under the term interstitial lung disease (ILD). A diagnosis of an ILD primarily relies on a combination of clinical, radiological, and pathological criteria, which should be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team of specialists. Multiple factors, such as environmental and occupational exposures, infections, drugs, radiation, and genetic predisposition have been implicated in the pathogenesis of these conditions. Asbestosis and other pneumoconiosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), chronic beryllium disease, and smoking-related ILD are specifically linked to inhalational exposure of environmental agents. The recent Global Burden of Disease Study reported that ILD rank 40th in relation to global years of life lost in 2013, which represents an increase of 86% compared to 1990. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the prototype of fibrotic ILD. A recent study from the United States reported that the incidence and prevalence of IPF are 14.6 per 100,000 person-years and 58.7 per 100,000 persons, respectively. These data suggests that, in large populated areas such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China (the BRIC region), there may be approximately 2 million people living with IPF. However, studies from South America found much lower rates (0.4-1.2 cases per 100,000 per year). Limited access to high-resolution computed tomography and spirometry or to multidisciplinary teams for accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment are common challenges to the management of ILD in developing countries

    Contexto arqueológico y urbanístico de la epigrafía estatuaria de culto imperial en la Bética

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    In this paper we propose an analysis of epigraphic material from some cities of Roman Baetica where nowadays exist urban data enough to at least allow us to relate them with their statuary context. To set the geographical and chronological distribution of the honorific inscriptions related to the imperial cult, we have a total of thirty-four inscriptions distributed within four legal conventus. The work is completed with the study of dedications to deities and those in honor of the emperor and the domus Augusta, by priestly charges involved in the worship of these civic cults.Pretendemos con este trabajo efectuar un análisis del material epigráfico de algunas ciudades de la Bética sobre las que actualmente existen suficientes datos topográficos y urbanísticos que al menos nos permitan relacionarlas con sus soportes estatuarios. Para establecer este reparto geográfico y cronológico de la epigrafía honorífica relacionada con el culto imperial, contamos con un total de treinta y cuatro inscripciones que se distribuyen dentro de los cuatro conventus jurídicos. El trabajo se completa con el estudio de las dedicaciones tanto a divinidades como las realizadas en honor del emperador y la domus Augusta, por cargos sacerdotales que participan en la veneración de estos cultos cívicos

    Las competencias de los duunviros en las leyes coloniales y municipales de Hispania

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    Nuestro objetivo es dar una visión general de las funciones que asumieron los duunvlros en las ciudades hispanorromanas. Para ello, utilizamos las leyes coloniales y municipales hispanas que nos permiten diferenciar las principales competencias que estos magistrados locales ejercían en materia política, administrativa, financiera, urbanística, judicial y religiosa.We aim to give an overview of the functions assumed by the duoviri in Roman towns of Hispania. Thus, we use the local and colonial laws of Hispania which allow us to differentiate the main competencies that these local magistrates exercised not only in the political, administrative, judicial and financial spheres but also in religious life

    Epigrafía y culto imperial en el Conventus Astigitanus

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    En este trabajo hemos intentado aproximarnos al tema de la escu ltura romana de la Bética a partir de las fuentes cpigra!icas, y más concretamente de aquéllas ligadas estrechamente al culto imperial. Así, corno quedará puesto de manifiesto, las in scr¡pcioncs est ud iadas corresponden en su mayoría a donaciones de estatuas (de divinidades, emperadores o parti culares) realizadas, junto con sus correspondientes pedestales, por cargos sacerdotales (locales o provinciales) -vinculados al citado culto- en dicho convemu

    Project-Based Learning for Teacher Training in Primary Education

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    Teaching at the university is subject to continuous methodological change, which poses a significant challenge when assessing teaching methodologies. The main objective of this research was to analyze the impact that project-based learning (PBL) has on knowledge acquisition concerning the Didactics of Social Sciences. The study involved 290 students of the Primary Education Degree at the University of Cordoba, Spain. In order to collect information, a survey with a Likert scale (1–5) consisting of fifteen items was used. The results of the study show the need to make changes in traditional teaching—so deeply rooted in Social Sciences learning—and the methodological deficiencies that future teachers have in relation to active learning. In sum, the research provides an insight into good teaching practices implemented at the university for initial teacher training and the development of their professional skill

    Eco-Didactic Project for the Knowledge of a Community Museum

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    The aim of this work is to identify the educational competences and training of third-year students taking the degree in Primary Education at the University of Cordoba, in relation to the protection and conservation of community museums and from an eco-didactic and historical point of view. In this study, the collection of information was validated by means of a Likert-type questionnaire (1–5) with which we collected data from five academic years by handing it out to a sample (n = 332). Among the results obtained, we can emphasize both the degree of involvement and the opinions of the students with respect to valuing the cultural and natural heritage of their environment, as well as the didactic use of the ecomuseum in the area where it is placed. Finally, the conclusions highlight the perceptions of university students regarding the educational impact of ecomuseums as cultural and sustainability elements, in addition to their being an eco-didactic resource for teaching and implementing projects about historical heritage

    El yeísmo en el centro peninsular: avances desde el ALPI

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    This paper studies the advance of the /ʎ/-/ʝ/ merger (yeísmo) from the 1930s in territories linguistically considered transitional between northern and southern Castilian, in rural speeches from the center of the Iberian Peninsula. Its starting point is the Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica (ALPI) maps, and the paper published on them by Tomás Navarro Tomás, comparing them to those from the Atlas Lingüístico y etnográfico de Castilla-La Mancha (ALeCMan) and from the Atlas Dialectal de Madrid (ADiM). Our results allow us to confirm the unstoppable progress of the /ʎ/-/ʝ/ merger and the geographical direction of the change.Este trabajo estudia el avance del yeísmo desde los años treinta del siglo XX en territorios que lingüísticamente se consideran de transición entre el castellano septentrional y el meridional, en las hablas rurales del centro peninsular. Toma como punto de partida los mapas del Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica (ALPI), y el trabajo publicado sobre ellos por Tomás Navarro Tomás, y los compara con los del Atlas Lingüístico y etnográfico de Castilla-La Mancha (ALeCMan) y con los del Atlas Dialectal de Madrid (ADiM). Los resultados permiten comprobar el progreso imparable de la fusión de /ʎ/ y /ʝ/ y la dirección geográfica del cambio

    Drought, social agents and the construction of discourse in Andalusia

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    Despite the severity of the last droughts in Spain, there has not been any significant shift in the current planning strategies, due to a significant resistance to abandoning traditional practices against this hydrological risk. To better understand the origin of this resistance, the changing role of the relevant stakeholders in the debate and the key issues, this paper is aimed at undertaking a discursive analysis of the information conveyed by the media in hydrological years 2004–2005 and 2011–2012, through the application of the software Atlas.ti.This work has been funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Research Project “DIRECTIVA MARCO DEL AGUA Y RIESGOS HÍDRICOS: GESTIÓN Y MITIGACIÓN DE SEQUÍAS (GESTISEQ)” (CSO2011–29425), and Andalusia's Regional Government, Research Project “DESARROLLO DE UN MODELO DE ANTICIPACIÓN A LAS SEQUÍAS BASADO EN ESCENARIOS DINÁMICOS (GUADALSEQ)” (P11-HUM-7922)

    Methodology For The Analysis Of Causes Of Drought Vulnerability On River Basin Scale.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/16695The concept of vulnerability has emerged in recent decades as a key concept for the research on drought risk as well as in the implementation of mitigation strategies of drought risk. The context within which this concept emerges is one of scientific consensus: the research community agrees that we are witnessing a paradigm shift in water management policies, within a broader framework of changes in the relationship between humans and nature. In this context, vulnerability studies must become an instrument for the assessment and mitigation of risk. Based on the proposals put forward by the IPCC concerning the components of vulnerability (exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity), this paper proposes a methodology for the evaluation and analysis of drought vulnerability on the river basin scale. The methodology results in the calculation of a Drought Vulnerability Index (DVI) and the use of different techniques for the interpretation of results