1,406 research outputs found

    Estudio de la interrelación de algunas variables físico y/o químicas en la torrefacción del café a través de series de tiempo

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    Durante el proceso del tostado del café se alteran algunas variables físicas y químicas como el color, temperatura, peso, actividad de agua, acidez, entre otras. Además mediante prácticas de laboratorio es posible obtener datos de algunas de estas variables, las cuales varían con respecto al tiempo de exposición al calor, por ejemplo: a mayor tiempo de exposición al calor, menor peso o menor es la actividad de agua. Esta relación entre las variables y el tiempo de exposición al calor permite estudiar dichas interrelaciones con series de tiempo y modelos autorregresivos

    Estudio de la influencia de la calidad del agua de riego sobre las propiedades bioquímicas del suelo

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    Trabajo presentado en el VII Simposio Nacional sobre Control de la Degradación y Restauración de Suelos, celebrado en Bilbao, España, del 23 al 26 de junio de 2015Este estudio analiza la influencia de la calidad del agua de riego sobre los parámetros bioquímicos de los Fluvisoles calcáricos representativos en dos zonas del sur de Alicante. Mediante un análisis de componentes principales (ACP) se obtuvo el PC1 (40% variabilidad), referente a la salinidad, siendo útil para diferenciar ambas zonas de estudio, y el PC2 (31%), englobando los parámetros bioquímicos, que distingue las muestras en función de la profundidad. Sin embargo, no se ha observado un efecto negativo sobre las principales actividades enzimáticas en el área más afectada por la salinización.Peer Reviewe

    Mental impact of Covid-19 among Spanish healthcare workers. A large longitudinal survey.

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    Aims Longitudinal data on the mental health impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic in healthcare workers is limited. We estimated prevalence, incidence and persistence of probable mental disorders in a cohort of Spanish healthcare workers (Covid-19 waves 1 and 2) -and identified associated risk factors. Methods 8996 healthcare workers evaluated on 5 May–7 September 2020 (baseline) were invited to a second web-based survey (October–December 2020). Major depressive disorder (PHQ-8 ≥ 10), generalised anxiety disorder (GAD-7 ≥ 10), panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder (PCL-5 ≥ 7), and alcohol use disorder (CAGE-AID ≥ 2) were assessed. Distal (pre-pandemic) and proximal (pandemic) risk factors were included. We estimated the incidence of probable mental disorders (among those without disorders at baseline) and persistence (among those with disorders at baseline). Logistic regression of individual-level [odds ratios (OR)] and population-level (population attributable risk proportions) associations were estimated, adjusting by all distal risk factors, health care centre and time of baseline interview. Results 4809 healthcare workers participated at four months follow-up (cooperation rate = 65.7%; mean = 120 days S.D. = 22 days from baseline assessment). Follow-up prevalence of any disorder was 41.5%, (v. 45.4% at baseline, p < 0.001); incidence, 19.7% (S.E. = 1.6) and persistence, 67.7% (S.E. = 2.3). Proximal factors showing significant bivariate-adjusted associations with incidence included: work-related factors [prioritising Covid-19 patients (OR = 1.62)], stress factors [personal health-related stress (OR = 1.61)], interpersonal stress (OR = 1.53) and financial factors [significant income loss (OR = 1.37)]. Risk factors associated with persistence were largely similar. Conclusions Our study indicates that the prevalence of probable mental disorders among Spanish healthcare workers during the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic was similarly high to that after the first wave. This was in good part due to the persistence of mental disorders detected at the baseline, but with a relevant incidence of about 1 in 5 of HCWs without mental disorders during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. Health-related factors, work-related factors and interpersonal stress are important risks of persistence of mental disorders and of incidence of mental disorders. Adequately addressing these factors might have prevented a considerable amount of mental health impact of the pandemic among this vulnerable population. Addressing health-related stress, work-related factors and interpersonal stress might reduce the prevalence of these disorders substantially. Study registration number: NCT04556565post-print338 K

    Comparative Analysis of Parallel Brain Activity Mapping Algorithms for High Resolution Brain Models

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    En este artículo se propone un análisis comparativo entre versiones regulares y en paralelo de métodos de optimización FISTA y Tikhonov, para resolver el problema de mapeo cerebral a partir de EEG. La comparación se realiza en términos de la reducción del tiempo computacional y el error de estimación obtenido por los métodos paralelizados. Dos modelos de cabeza con alta y baja resolución son usados para la comparación de los algoritmos. Como resultado se puede ver que, si el número de procesos en paralelo se incrementa, el tiempo computacional disminuye significativamente para todos los modelos de cabeza, sin comprometer la calidad de la reconstrucción. Adicionalmente, se puede concluir que el uso de un modelo de cabeza de alta resolución resulta en una mejora de cualquier método de reconstrucción en términos de la resolución espacial.This paper proposes a comparative analysis between regular and parallel versions of FISTA and Tikhonov-like optimizations for solving the EEG brain mapping problem. Such comparison is performed in terms of computational time reduction and estimation error achieved by the parallelized methods. Two brain models (high- and low-resolution) are used to compare the algorithms. As a result, it can be seen that, if the number of parallel processes increases, computational time decreases significantly for all the head models used in this work, without compromising the reconstruction quality. In addition, it can be concluded that the use of a high-resolution head model produces an improvement in any source reconstruction method in terms of spatial resolution.

    Academic Contest and Social Networking to Promote Technology and Information Literacy among University Students

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    AbstractSpanish universities have recently adapted their studies to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This process has involved the consideration of the development of computer and informational skills as an academic objective. In order to develop these skills, among other activities, an informative video has been disseminated. The design of the communication campaign, developed through viral marketing and social networks has been the result of and empirical research carried out by students of the University of Valencia. This paper describes the research objectives, questions, techniques and main findings

    Poorly damped electromechanical oscillation in the 345 kV interconnection between Argentina and Chile : Identification based on a sliding Prony Analysis

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    Small signal stability problems are one of the major threats to grid stability and reliability. An unstable oscillatory mode can cause large-amplitude oscillations and may result in system breakup and large scale blackouts. There is an existent and non-operating, 345 kV transmission line between Argentinean Interconnected System (SADI) and the Northern Interconnected System (SING), which is one of the two major electrical isolated power systems in Chile with current surplus capacity and ongoing renewable energy developments. In the past, this line was only dedicated to transmit power to Chile from a power plant located in Argentina but isolated from its power system. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in restarting the operation of the 345 kV transmission line to allow the interconnected operation of both systems, SADI and SING, with growing power flows in both directions. Last year, the Company AES GENER (owner of the 345 kV transmission line and some generation plants in Argentina and Chile) received the authorization from both governments to start interconnection feasibility studies [5], to make interconnection tests and to develop operational procedures. Starting up the operation of the transmission line, in order to establish power transactions between both countries, requires the involvement of many energy market players like: system operators, transmission operators, energy policy makers, generation companies, consumers and governmental entities. The “Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas para Redes y Equipos Eléctricos” (IITREE) from La Plata National University, was responsible for performing power measurements, due to the fact that according to power system studies performed by the IITREE and the “Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A." (CAMMESA), a poorly damped electromechanical oscillation in the electrical power was expected.Trabajo C2-205. 46ª CIGRÉ SESSION (International Council on Large Electric Systems).Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas para Redes y Equipos Eléctrico

    Poorly damped electromechanical oscillation in the 345 kV interconnection between Argentina and Chile : Identification based on a sliding Prony Analysis

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    Small signal stability problems are one of the major threats to grid stability and reliability. An unstable oscillatory mode can cause large-amplitude oscillations and may result in system breakup and large scale blackouts. There is an existent and non-operating, 345 kV transmission line between Argentinean Interconnected System (SADI) and the Northern Interconnected System (SING), which is one of the two major electrical isolated power systems in Chile with current surplus capacity and ongoing renewable energy developments. In the past, this line was only dedicated to transmit power to Chile from a power plant located in Argentina but isolated from its power system. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in restarting the operation of the 345 kV transmission line to allow the interconnected operation of both systems, SADI and SING, with growing power flows in both directions. Last year, the Company AES GENER (owner of the 345 kV transmission line and some generation plants in Argentina and Chile) received the authorization from both governments to start interconnection feasibility studies [5], to make interconnection tests and to develop operational procedures. Starting up the operation of the transmission line, in order to establish power transactions between both countries, requires the involvement of many energy market players like: system operators, transmission operators, energy policy makers, generation companies, consumers and governmental entities. The “Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas para Redes y Equipos Eléctricos” (IITREE) from La Plata National University, was responsible for performing power measurements, due to the fact that according to power system studies performed by the IITREE and the “Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A." (CAMMESA), a poorly damped electromechanical oscillation in the electrical power was expected.Trabajo C2-205. 46ª CIGRÉ SESSION (International Council on Large Electric Systems).Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas para Redes y Equipos Eléctrico

    Interpretación crítica de gráficos estadísticos incorrectos en la sociedad de la comunicación: un desafío para futuros maestros

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    La formación de profesores para enseñar estadística en educación primaria debe estar orientada a capacitarlos para que desarrollen la cultura estadística en los alumnos de los primeros ni¬veles educativos. La interpretación de gráficos estadísticos forma parte de la “cultura estadística” (statistical literacy) que cualquier ciudadano debe tener para poder desenvolverse plenamente en la actual sociedad de la información. El logro de este objetivo implica que los profesores de matemáticas deben tener dicha cultura y, además, estar capacitados para desarrollarla en sus alumnos. Esto requiere que los programas de formación de maestros contemplen de manera adecuada, tanto el desarrollo de los conocimientos, destrezas y disposiciones que caracterizan la cultura estadística como los conocimientos y competencias didácticas para diseñar procesos de educación estadística idóneos