1,795 research outputs found

    Analysis of the fisheries diversification funds in Spain during the period 2007 2014

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    [EN] A study has been carried out of the fisheries diversification projects in Spain during the period 2007-44, most of which were founded through Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF). On the one hand, the investments have been classified by areas of diversification in order to know how and where investment has been made and the quantities involved. On the other hand, the effectiveness of the different projects has been analysed from the point of view of the Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs) managers. The results of this analysis may be useful for designing future diversification strategies in rural coastal areas, as well as for implementing similar strategies in other countries.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry for its support through the Research Project CSO2016-76135-P.Miret Pastor, LG.; Molina-García, A.; García-Aranda, C.; Herrera-Racionero, P. (2018). Analysis of the fisheries diversification funds in Spain during the period 2007 2014. Marine Policy. 93:150-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2018.04.014S1501589

    Processing of soot in an urban environment: case study from the Mexico City Metropolitan Area

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    Chemical composition, size, and mixing state of atmospheric particles are critical in determining their effects on the environment. There is growing evidence that soot aerosols play a particularly important role in both climate and human health, but still relatively little is known of their physical and chemical nature. In addition, the atmospheric residence times and removal mechanisms for soot are neither well understood nor adequately represented in regional and global climate models. To investigate the effect of locality and residence time on properties of soot and mixing state in a polluted urban environment, particles of diameter 0.2–2.0 μm were collected in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) during the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign from various sites within the city. Individual particle analysis by different electron microscopy methods coupled with energy dispersed x-ray spectroscopy, and secondary ionization mass spectrometry show that freshly-emitted soot particles become rapidly processed in the MCMA. Whereas fresh particulate emissions from mixed-traffic are almost entirely carbonaceous, consisting of soot aggregates with liquid coatings suggestive of unburned lubricating oil and water, ambient soot particles which have been processed for less than a few hours are heavily internally mixed, primarily with ammonium sulfate. Single particle analysis suggests that this mixing occurs through several mechanisms that require further investigation. In light of previously published results, the internally-mixed nature of processed soot particles is expected to affect heterogeneous chemistry on the soot surface, including interaction with water during wet-removal

    Incidence and Risk Factors Affecting the Recurrence of Primary Retinal Detachment in a Tertiary Hospital in Spain

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    (1) Objective: To determine the incidence, visual outcomes and risk factors associated with the recurrence of primary retinal detachment (RD) in a tertiary hospital. (2) Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted, and data were collected on all eyes diagnosed with primary RD between January 2017 and December 2020. A detailed database was generated with data on anatomic and visual outcomes, and surgical technique information, for all the cases. (3) Results: 570 eyes with primary RD were included. Mean annual incidence of primary RD was 21.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Mean follow-up time was 465 (±410.5) days. Mean time to redetachment was 114.4 (±215.8) days, with the median being 35 days. Statistically significant variables related to a higher risk of recurrence were: male sex (p = 0.04), type of tamponade (p = 0.01), surgeon (p = 0.035), inferonasal (p = 0.002) and inferotemporal (p = 0.032) involvement, complex RD (p < 0.001) and ocular comorbidity (p < 0.001). More satisfactory final visual acuity (VA) in patients not suffering redetachment was associated with shorter duration of central vision loss. (4) Conclusions: Sex, type of tamponade, inferior detachment, RD complexity, surgeon and ocular comorbidity were identified as prognostic factors for recurrence. Worse final postoperative VA was found in patients referring central vision loss for more than 4 days before surgery

    Toll-like Receptor Signaling-deficient Cells Enhance Antitumor Activity of Cell-based Immunotherapy by Increasing Tumor Homing

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    Cancer immunotherapy aims to activate the immune system. Some immunotherapeutic agents can be loaded in carrier cells for delivering to the tumors. However, a challenge with cell-based therapies is the selection of the appropriate cells to produce effective clinical outcomes. We hypothesize that therapies based on cells presenting a natural low proinflammatory profile ("silent cells") in the peripheral blood would result in better antitumor responses by increasing their homing to the tumor site. We studied our hypothesis in an immunotherapy model consisting of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) carrying oncolytic adenoviruses for the treatment of immunocompetent mice. Toll-like receptor signaling-deficient cells (TLR4, TLR9, or MyD88 knockout) were used as "silent cells," while regular MSCs were used as control. Although in vitro migration was similar in regular and knockout carrier cells, in vivo tumor homing of silent cells was significantly higher after systemic administration. This better homing to the tumor site was highly related to the mild immune response triggered by these silent cells in peripheral blood. As a result, the use of silent cells significantly improved the antitumor efficacy of the treatment in comparison with the use of regular MSCs. While cancer immunotherapies generally aim to boost local immune responses in the tumor microenvironment, low systemic inflammation after systemic administration of the treatment may indeed enhance their tumor homing and improve the overall antitumor effect. These findings highlight the importance of selecting appropriate donor cells as therapeutic carriers in cell-based therapies for cancer treatment. Cells carrying drugs, virus, or other antitumor agents are commonly used for the treatment of cancer. This research shows that silent cells are excellent carriers for immunotherapies, improving tumor homing and enhancing the antitumor effect.This study was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grants PI14CIII/00005, PI17CIII/00013, and ISCIII-PFIS FI18CIII/00017), Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte of Comunidad de Madrid (grant P2017/BMD-3692), Fundación Oncohematología Infantil, Asociación Pablo Ugarte and AFANION, whose support we gratefully acknowledge.S

    El imperio del piojo recuperado

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    Marca tip. en port.Sign.: []4, B-D4

    Conocimientos y habilidades mínimas, que un estudiante egresado de la carrera de Eduación Física, debiera poseer

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    Tesis (Profesor de Educación Física para la Enseñanza Básica, Licenciado en Educación)La siguiente investigación es llevada a cabo durante el segundo semestre del año 2017, para el seminario de grado de la carrera de Educación Física de la Universidad Andrés Bello. Se realiza un estudio respecto a los conocimientos o saber y a las habilidades o saber hacer mínimos que debe tener un egresado de la Carrera de Educación Física, esto considerando la opinión de una muestra de estudiantes de último año de dicha carrera. Para que la información sea lo más representativa posible se consultó a estudiantes de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Universidad Metropolitana de la Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE), Universidad SEK y la Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB). Se asume que la aludida representatividad es parcial, sin embargo y tal como se explica en la viabilidad del estudio, los permisos y accesos a Instituciones de educación Superior es compleja. El instrumento utilizado fue una encuesta tipo cuestionario que permitió recabar los datos necesarios en breve tiempo. La confección de dicho instrumento estuvo a cargo de los propios tesistas y fue validado a través de tres expertos. El estudio se enmarca dentro las exigencias que se están instalando en la Formación Inicial Docente (FID), así como también, en los procesos de evaluación de los docentes y su formación continua. Todo ello en un marco regulatorio que propicia la Ley de Carrera Docente, (2016)

    Futuro de los programas de mantenimiento con antagonistas en tratamiento de la dependencia de opiáceos.

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    Introducción: El tratamiento con naltrexona, constituye una de las alternativas dentro de los programas de prevención de recaídas en la dependencia de opiáceos. Objetivo: Se revisan las características farmacológicas de la naltrexona y los aspectos clínicos de su administración en el tratamiento de dependientes de opiáceos, junto con los factores que pueden ayudar a mejorar la eficacia de los programas de mantenimiento con naltrexona. Resultados: La naltrexona, a dosis de 50 mg, bloquea los efectos farmacológicos y subjetivos de los opiáceos. Es habitualmente bien tolerada, provoca pocos efectos secundarios y por lo general leves, siendo las reacciones adversas graves infrecuentes. Problemas de adherencia terapéutica y cumplimiento de la medicación en los programas de mantenimiento con naltrexona han causado que, a pesar de sus diversas ventajas aparentes, su utilización en la práctica clínica haya permanecido bastante limitada. Como parte de un programa estructurado, la naltrexona parece ser eficaz, particularmente en grupos de pacientes específicos con alta motivación o con un buen apoyo familiar. Conclusiones: Una evolución favorable en un programa de mantenimiento con naltrexona requiere una relación terapéutica positiva, la monitorización cuidadosa del cumplimiento con la medicación y la utilización de intervenciones psicosociales adecuadas