132 research outputs found

    Bases para un estudio arquitectónico : la domus republicana de Carteia (San Roque, Cádiz)

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    Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Sesión 6. La arquitectura en Arqueología : nuevas perspectivas para una vieja disciplina.La presente comunicación recoge el proyecto de tesis de máster sobre el estudio de un edificio republicano tipo domus en la ciudad púnicorromana de Carteia (San Roque, Cádiz). El edificio en si fue excavado por el profesor F. Presedo de la Universidad de Sevilla durante los años '70, cuyos resultados se recogen en el libro "Carteia I" (1982) pero, lamentablemente, en la citada publicación no se llegó a proponer una secuencia estratigráfica, cuestión ésta determinante para su comprensión cultural, así como su interpretación funcional y la adscripción cronológica de las estructuras exhumadas. Como consecuencia de estas peculiaridades, es oportuno realizar un estudio arqueoarquitectónico de las estructuras conservadas, lo cual complementa los trabajos arqueológicos que siguen desarrollándose en la actualidad.The present communication collects the master's degree project concerning the study of a domus-type republican building in the Punic-Roman city of Carteia (San Roque, Cádiz). The building itself was excavated by F. Presedo lecturer of Universidad de Sevilla during the 70's, whose results are collected in the publication "Carteia I" (1982) but, sadly, in the mentioned publication a stratigraphic sequence was never proposed, this issue being decisive for its cultural comprehension, as well as its functional interpretation and chronological assignment of the exhumation structures. As a consequence of these peculiarities, it is appropriate to carry out an archeo-architectural study of the preserved structures, which considers the archeological works that are still being done at present.La present comunicació recull el projecte de tesi de màster sobre l'estudi d'un edifici republicà tipus domus a la ciutat púnicorromana de Carteia (San Roque, Cadis). L'edifici en si va ser excavat pel professor F. Presedo de la Universitat de Sevilla durant els anys '70, els resultats es recullen en el llibre "Carteia I" (1982) però, lamentablement, en la citada publicació no es va arribar a proposar una seqüència estratigràfica, qüestió aquesta determinant per a la seva comprensió cultural , així com la seva interpretació funcional i l'adscripció cronològica de les estructures exhumades. Com a conseqüència d'aquestes peculiaritats, és oportú realitzar un estudi arqueoarquitectónico de les estructures conservades, la qual cosa complementa els treballs arqueològics que segueixen desenvolupant en l'actualitat

    Análisis de un diseño de amortiguador mecánico basado en los principios de frenos magnéticos

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de un amortiguador formado por un dipolo magnético unido al extremo de un resorte que se mueve por el interior de un tubo conductor y frente a dos superficies circulares conductoras situadas en los extremos del tubo. El movimiento del imán en las proximidades de las superficies induce corrientes de Foucault que permiten disipar la energía del dipolo, frenándolo. Las acciones del resorte junto a la fuerza magnética generada por las corrientes inducidas permiten desarrollar un sistema que actúa como un amortiguador. En este trabajo, se caracteriza la fuerza magnética desarrollada por el amortiguador y la respuesta del sistema. Además, se estudia la influencia de las dimensiones de los materiales conductores en la fuerza magnética. En un primer análisis, se aborda el estudio de un amortiguador formado por un imán moviéndose por el interior de un tubo conductor. Posteriormente, se caracteriza la fuerza magnética desarrollada por un amortiguador constituido por superficies planas conductoras y finalmente, se estudia un amortiguador que consta de un tubo y dos superficies circulares en sus extremos.The aim of this project is the study of a damper formed by a magnetic dipole connected to the end of a spring that moves inside a conductive tube facing two conductive circular surfaces located at the ends of the tube. The movement of the magnet in the vicinity of the surfaces induces eddy currents that allow to dissipate the energy of the dipole, slowing it down. The joint action between the spring and the magnetic force generated by the induced currents allow to develop a system that acts as a current eddy damper. In this project, the magnetic force developed by the damper and the system response are characterized. In addition, the influence of the dimensions of conductive materials on magnetic force is studied. In a first analysis, the study of a damper formed by a magnet that moves inside a conductive tube is discussed. Subsequently, the magnetic force developed by the damper consisting of flat conductive surfaces is characterized and finally, a damper consisting of a tube and two circular surfaces located at the ends of the tube is studied

    Validation of the Morale Questionnaire for Military Operational Theaters [Validación del cuestionario de moral para zonas de Operaciones Militares]

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    AbstractTo assess the morale of the troops has been a concern of military leaders throughout history, mainly because of the level of involvement that this factor could have in the resolution of conflicts on the battlefield. The purpose of this research was to obtain evidence of the validity of the internal structure of the Morale Questionnaire used by the Spanish Armed Forces in military operations overseas.  Two subsamples of 250 Spanish soldiers deployed on an international mission in Lebanon participated in the study.  The questionnaire was applied at the beginning and at the end of the mission, respectly. The results obtained throughExploratory and Confirmatory Factorial Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling, allowed to assess the questionnaire statistically obtaining a tool that consists of 26 items, agglutinated in six factors. The theoretical dimensions of the original tool were mostly maintained. This will permit Spanish Armed Forces to have a reliable measuring instrument that will facilitate specific predictions about morale and its consecuences on the battlefield.ResumenEvaluar la moral de las tropas ha sido una preocupación de los líderes militares a lo largo de la historia, principalmente por el nivel de participación que este factor podría tener en la resolución de conflictos en el campo de batalla. El objetivo de esta investigación fue obtener evidencias sobre la validez de la estructura interna del cuestionario de moral utilizado por las Fuerzas Armadas Españolas en operaciones militares en el exterior. Dos submuestras de 250 soldados españoles desplegados en una misión internacional en Líbano participaron en el estudio. El cuestionario se aplicó al principio y al final de la misión. Los resultados obtenidos a través del Análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio, así como el Modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, permitieron validar el cuestionario obteniendo estadísticamente una herramienta que consta de 26 ítems, aglutinados en seis factores. Las dimensiones teóricas de la herramienta original se mantuvieron en su mayoría. Esto permitirá a las Fuerzas Armadas españolas tener un instrumento de medición confiable que facilitará predicciones específicas sobre la moral y sus consecuencias en el campo de batalla

    Electronic Report Generation Web Service evaluated within a Telemedicine System

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    This work presents a generic tool based on a client-server architecture that generates electronic reports helping the evaluation process of any information system. For the specific evaluation of telemedicine systems the defined reports cover four dimensions: auditory of the system; evolution of clinical protocols; results from the questionnaires for user acceptance and quality of life; and surveillance of clinical variables. The use of a Web Service approach allows multiplatform use of the developed electronic report service and the modularity followed in the implementation enables easy system evolution and scalability

    Response of the Spanish Early Intervention to the Lockdown Situation due to COVID-19

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    The extraordinary situation of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the lockdown and interruption of the usual Early Intervention (EI) services, although families and children still needed support. The Spanish professionals reacted quickly, reorganizing the intervention, experimenting with the possibilities of tele-intervention and sharing knowledge and experiences. This work reviews the resources generated, in relation to EI, during the first five weeks of lockdown (from March 13). This work also reviews opinions and feelings that were shared by professionals. 72 resources were identified, provided through social networks: documents (33), videoconferences and online seminars (32) and applications or web resources (8). Its characteristics, timing, orientation to families or professionals, and its alignment with a paradigm of intervention centered on the family or the child are analyzed. The opinions and feelings of the professionals are analyzed in reference to the resources provided, the needs observed in the families, the problems in tele-intervention and in the face of the approach to return to a "new normality". The results obtained complement the vision of families about the situation generated by the lockdown, which has been collected in other works. It concludes on the good health of EI in Spain and the need to deepen the proactive involvement of the family in the intervention team.La situación extraordinaria de pandemia COVID-19 llevó al confinamiento y a la interrupción de los servicios habituales de Atención Temprana (AT), aunque familias y niños seguían necesitando apoyo. Los profesionales españoles reaccionaron rápidamente, reorganizando la intervención, experimentando con las posibilidades de teleintervención y compartiendo conocimientos y experiencias. Este trabajo revisa los recursos generados, en relación con AT, durante las cinco primeras semanas de confinamiento (desde del 13 de marzo), así como opiniones y sentimientos compartidos por los profesionales. Se identificaron un total de 72 recursos, facilitados a través de redes sociales: documentos (33), videoconferencias y seminarios online (32) y aplicaciones o recursos web (8). Se analizan sus características, temporización, orientación hacia familias oprofesionales y su alineación con un paradigma de intervención centrado en la familia o en el niño. Las opiniones y sentimientos de los profesionales se analizan en referencia a los recursos facilitados, las necesidades observadas en las familias, los problemas en la teleintervención y ante el planteamiento de vuelta a una 'nueva normalidad'. Los resultados obtenidos complementan la visión de las familias sobre la situación generada por el confinamiento, que ha quedado recogida en otros trabajos. Se concluye sobre la buena salud de la AT en España y la necesidad de profundizar en la implicación proactiva de la familia en el equipo de intervención

    Epidemiological, Clinical, Patient-Reported and Economic Burden of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease) in Spain: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: This study describes the epidemiological, clinical, patient-reported and economic burden of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), in Spain. Methods: A systematic review was performed of observational studies reporting the epidemiological, clinical, patient-reported and economic burden of IBD in the Spanish population, from 2011 to 2021. Original articles and conference abstracts published in English or Spanish were eligible. Results: A total of 45 publications were included in the review. The incidence of IBD in adults ranged from 9.6 to 44.3 per 100,000 inhabitants (4.6 to 18.5 for CD and 3.4 to 26.5 for UC). The incidence increased between 1.5- and twofold from 2000 to 2016 (regionally). Up to 6.0% (CD) and 3.0% (UC) IBD-associated mortality was reported. Disease onset predominantly occurs between 30 and 40 years (more delayed for UC than CD). Most frequently reported gastrointestinal manifestations are rectal bleeding in UC and weight loss in CD. Extraintestinal manifestations (EIM) have been described in up to 47.4% of patients with CD and 48.1% of patients with UC. Psychiatric comorbidities were frequently reported in both CD and UC (depression up to 20% and anxiety up to 11%). Reduced health-related quality of life (HRQoL) compared to the general population was reported. Significant symptomatology was associated with high levels of anxiety, depression, stress and lower HRQoL. Main healthcare resources reported were emergency department visits (24.0%), hospitalization (14.7%), surgery (up to 11%) and use of biologics (up to 60%), especially in CD. Direct and indirect annual costs per patient with UC were €1754.1 and €399.3, respectively. Conclusion: Patients with CD and UC present a high disease burden which negatively impacts their HRQoL, leading to elevated use of resources.Sponsorship for this study and Rapid Service Fee were funded by Lilly

    Descrites nou noves espècies d'insectes

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    Investigadors de la UAB, en col·laboració amb d'altres universitats estatals i del Museu Valencià d'Història Natural han publicat una monografia sobre el gènere Coletina. Aquest gènere d'insectes viu a coves, és gairebé transparent i cec. Com a resultat d'aquesta investigació, han descrit nou noves espècies incrementant el número d'espècies d'aquest gènere de 12 a 21 a nivell mundial. Algunes d'aquestes noves espècies són endèmiques de diferents coves que van des de Cadis a Tarragona.Investigadores de la UAB, en colaboración con otras universidades estatales y del Museu Valencià d'Història Natural han publicado una monografía sobre el género Coletina. Este género de insectos vive en cuevas, es casi transparente y ciego. Como resultado de esta investigación, han descrito nueve nuevas especies de este genero incrementando su número, a nivel mundial, de 12 a 21. Algunas de estas nuevas especies son endémicas de diferentes cuevas desde Cádiz hasta Tarragona

    Modelling of surface and inner wall temperatures in the analysis of courtyard thermal performances in Mediterranean climates

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    Courtyards are an effective passive strategy for improving the energy performance of buildings. However, there is a lack of accurate simulation tools for their thermal performance due to their complex thermodynamics. This paper’s contribution is the coupling of a CFD model with a system of differential equations at the walls, governing surface and inner wall temperatures, providing an accurate computation of courtyard thermal performance. On this basis, boundary conditions for the standard Boussinesq equations governing temperatures, wind velocity, and pressure within the courtyard are established. Modelling results are compared with monitored data in two days of different months in a courtyard in Seville (Spain). Simultaneously, simulations carried out by existing software were performed. Resulting data showed more accuracy than existing tools, with a Root Mean Square Error of 1.19 (August) and 1.59 (October), while the corresponding values with ENVI-met were 3.31-3.4, and with Ladybug Tools 2.59-4.49.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2015-64577-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2015-64577-C2-2-RMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-093521-B-C31Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-093521-B-C33Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU17/0503

    Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of SPALINET- the SPAnish LIdar NETwork: methodology and results

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    A group of eight Spanish lidars was formed in order to extend the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network-Advanced Sustainable Observation System (EARLINET-ASOS) project. This study presents intercomparisons at the hardware and software levels. Results of the system intercomparisons are based on range-square-corrected signals in cases where the lidars viewed the same atmospheres. Comparisons were also made for aerosol backscatter coefficients at 1064 nm (2 systems) and 532 nm (all systems), and for extinction coefficients at 532 nm (2 systems). In total, three field campaigns were carried out between 2006 and 2007. Comparisons were limited to the highest layer found before the free troposphere, i.e., either the atmospheric boundary layer or the aerosol layer just above it. Some groups did not pass the quality assurance criterion on the first attempt. Following modification and improvement to these systems, all systems met the quality criterion. The backscatter algorithm intercomparison consisted of processing lidar signal profiles simulated for two types of atmospheric conditions. Three stages with increasing knowledge of the input parameters were considered. The results showed that all algorithms work well when all inputs are known. They also showed the necessity to perform, when possible, additional measurements to attain better estimation of the lidar ratio, which is the most critical unknown in the elastic lidar inversion