5 research outputs found

    Dobrostan psychiczny jako czynnik zachowa艅 mened偶erskich w warunkach stresu organizacyjnego

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    Dobrostan psychiczny cz艂owieka 艣ci艣le zwi膮zany jest z jako艣ci膮 偶ycia ka偶dej osoby. Kluczowym czynnikiem dobrostanu psychicznego s膮 pozytywne do艣wiadczenia ka偶dej jednostki w toku jej 偶ycia, przejawiaj膮ce si臋 w do艣wiadczaniu szcz臋艣cia oraz w poczuciu sensu 偶ycia. Miary te wyznaczaj膮 wysoki poziom dobrostanu psychicznego, b臋d膮cego motorem ludzkiej aktywno艣ci, umo偶liwiaj膮c ludziom podejmowanie ukierunkowanych dzia艂a艅, wyznaczanie cel贸w i dokonywanie wybor贸w oraz okre艣lanie metod post臋powania. Wskazane sk艂adowe dobrostanu psychicznego mog膮 stanowi膰 istotny czynnik kszta艂towania strategii post臋powania mened偶er贸w w warunkach stresu organizacyjnego. Charakterystyka zachowa艅 mened偶erskich w kontek艣cie wysokiej stresogenno艣ci pe艂nionej roli zawodowej w oparciu o miary dobrostanu psychicznego mo偶e dostarczy膰 ciekawych wniosk贸w na temat powi膮za艅 mi臋dzy odczuwanymi przez mened偶era poziomem szcz臋艣liwo艣ci i poczuciem sensu 偶ycia a jego efektywno艣ci膮 w zakresie znoszenia organizacyjnych obci膮偶e艅 psychologicznych

    The sense of life and strategies for coping with stress

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    The sense of life is undoubtedly one of the most important subjective characteristics of human beings and plays an extremely important role in dealing with various kinds of situations, including difficult situations that are a source of stress. Due to the diversity and multiplicity of the areas in which it occurs, issues relating to the sense of life can be analysed from many different points of view. A sense of life is related to an individual鈥檚 personality, life situation, and the conditions in which they live, all of which seemingly determine the choices they make and thus affect the effectiveness of coping with stressful situations. It can therefore be said that questions about the meaning of life seem to determine the form of human life. At the same time, it should be remembered that, as V.E. Frankl stated, such existential questions require individual answers in the unrepeatable and unique context of one鈥檚 own life. However, when dealing with issues related to the sense of life, it is possible to establish certain general regularities, and for this reason it seems important to analyse the relationship between the sense of one鈥檚 own existence and coping with stressful situations. The aim of this article is therefore to point out the relationship between the sense of life and the strategies adopted to deal with stress. The article emphasizes the importance of the sense of life as an important motivator of human activity and points out that it is the sense of one鈥檚 own existence, which is in turn related to the individual hierarchy of needs, goals, expectations, sense of control or self-assessment, that determines our way of functioning and decisions. Therefore, considerations about the sense of life in the context of coping with stress prove to be an extremely important mechanism in determining the effectiveness of an individual鈥檚 coping strategies

    A manager鈥檚 intuition as a specific aspect of knowledge management

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    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono definicj臋 intuicji jako zjawiska psychologicznego. Wskazano w nim przyczyny, kt贸re powoduj膮 bagatelizowanie roli intuicji. Nast臋pnie przedstawiono zarys japo艅skiego podej艣cia do zarz膮dzania wiedz膮 oraz poj臋cia wiedzy jawnej i ukrytej, przy czym zaprezentowano wiedz臋 ukryt膮 jako wiedz臋 intuicyjn膮, trudn膮 do logicznego wyja艣nienia. Om贸wiono r贸wnie偶 cztery etapy koncepcji rozwoju intelektualnego Jeana Piageta, a nast臋pnie uzupe艂niono je etapem postformalnym, nieograniczonym do logicznego my艣lenia. Ukazano relacj臋 pomi臋dzy m膮dro艣ci膮 jako najwy偶szym poziomem piramidy wiedzy a intuicj膮. Zaprezentowano intuicj臋 jako po偶膮dane zjawisko w podejmowaniu decyzji w zarz膮dzaniu, wskazuj膮c zalety intuicyjnych decyzji w przypadku niewystarczaj膮cej ilo艣ci informacji. Por贸wnano decyzje intuicyjne i decyzje oparte na racjonalnej analizie z uwzgl臋dnieniem komplementarno艣ci obu podej艣膰. Wskazano ograniczenia i niebezpiecze艅stwa polegania wy艂膮cznie na intuicji w trakcie podejmowania decyzji w zarz膮dzaniu. Celem artyku艂u jest zwr贸cenie uwagi na rol臋 intuicji w zarz膮dzaniu, traktowanej jako specyficzny spos贸b my艣lenia maj膮cy swoje zalety i wady.In this article a definition of intuition as a psychological phenomenon is presented. It indicates reasons for the role of intuition being underestimated. Further, it provides an outline of the Japanese approach to knowledge management as well as the concepts of explicit and hidden knowledge, where the hidden knowledge is presented as intuitive knowledge difficult to explain in a logical manner. It also presents the four stages of Jean Piaget鈥檚 concept of intellectual development, which are then supplemented with a post-formal stage not limited to logical thinking. It shows a relationship between intuition and wisdom as the highest level of the knowledge pyramid. Intuition is presented as a phenomenon that is desirable in a managerial decision-making process, with an indication of advantages of intuitive decisions in the case of insufficient information. Intuitive decisions and decisions based on a rational analysis are compared taking into account the complementarity of both approaches. The dangers and limitations of relying solely on intuition when making managerial decisions are also shown. The objective of the article is to draw attention to the role of intuition, treated as a specific way of thinking that has its advantages and disadvantages, in management

    More identified so less envious? On the links between different types of national identity and in-group envy

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    We investigate relations between benign and malicious in-group envy and the two types of national identity (i.e., secure national identification vs. national narcissism). In two studies (Ns = 1000 and 633), we found that secure national identification was negatively linked to malicious envy, while national narcissism was positively related to both malicious and benign envy. In Study 2, we additionally analyzed how in-group envy and two types of national identity shape in?group altruism. We found that low malicious envy significantly mediated the relationship between secure identification and in-group altruism. We discuss the role of envy in shaping the links between secure (vs. narcissistic) identity and positive intragroup attitudes