125 research outputs found

    ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Ett test av ett test- Rätten till staden

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    Våra städer finns till för oss. I städerna befinner vi oss i ett gemensamt rum, ett rum som borde vara designat för vårt eget bästa. Vi har etablerat lagar och regler för att kunna planera och kontrollera våra städer men kan det vara så att dessa lagar har kommit att bli kontraproduktiva? Ibland i frustration, andra gånger av lekfullhet, har människor börjat ifrågasätta dessa regler och tagit planerarnas roll i sina egna händer. Runt om i världen har små och stora urbana interventioner uppstått, ingrepp i den annars konventionellt planerade staden. Dessa företeelser har numera plockats upp i den formella planeringen, tillfälliga projekt används för att pröva ut en ny typ av planeringsstrategi. Målet med den här undersökningen är att se på om Malmö, som en innovativ och progressiv stad, är öppen för denna typ av förändring. Är det möjligt för en privatperson att “hacka“ stadens planering genom att skapa en urban intervention, inom dagens regelverk? Och i så fall, vilka är de möjligheter och problem man kommer att stöta på?The city we live in is for everyone. A shared public space which should be designed for our own best interest. We have established laws and rules to arrange and control our cities, but could it be that these laws sometimes have become counterproductive? Sometimes in frustration, other times for the pure joy of it, people have started to question these rules, and have taken the role of the planners into their own hands. Around the world, big and small, urban interventions have taken place. A rupture into the otherwise formally planned city. This has also been implemented into official planning processes, temporary projects to test out a new type of planning strategy. The aim of this paper is to look upon whether Malmö, as an innovative and progressive city, is open to these kinds of thoughts and if possible, as a private person, to ”hack” city planning by creating an urban intervention, through the opportunities that exists within the city regulations today? And if so, what would be the possibilities and challenges one would stumble upon

    FörtÀtningens inverkan pÄ grönomrÄdena vid SkÄnes universitetssjukhus i Malmö

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    Detta examensarbete handlar om hur förtĂ€tning kan komma att pĂ„verka grönytor samt grönytors betydelse för mĂ€nniskans vĂ€lbefinnande. Vi har ocksĂ„ konkret studerat grönytor vid SkĂ„nes Universitetssjukhus, och ger förslag pĂ„ hur en av dessa grönytor kan vidareutvecklas. FörtĂ€tning anses idag vara en hĂ„llbar strategi för att möta urbanisering och tillvĂ€xt. Det finns fördelar med förtĂ€tning, men det uppkommer ocksĂ„ problem och utmaningar vid planering och genomförande av en tĂ€t stad. En utmaning Ă€r utveckling och förvaltning av nya och befintliga grönomrĂ„den. Det finns en risk att förtĂ€tning innebĂ€r en försĂ€mring eller förlust av sĂ„dana omrĂ„den. GrönomrĂ„den har stor betydelse för hur mĂ€nniskor upplever sin nĂ€rmiljö, men den faktorn kommer ofta i skymundan i stadsförtĂ€tningsprocessen. För att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla en god livsmiljö i staden Ă€r det viktigt vid förtĂ€tning att Ă€ven ha fokus pĂ„ att förbĂ€ttra kvaliteten pĂ„ befintliga grönomrĂ„den, öka tillgĂ€ngligheten till dem och skapa nya gröna omrĂ„den. Studier har visat att mĂ€nniskor som har tillgĂ„ng till grönomrĂ„den i sin nĂ€rmiljö har bĂ€ttre allmĂ€n och psykisk hĂ€lsa och fĂ€rre hĂ€lsoproblem Ă€n de utan. Att vara omgiven av rik och varierad vĂ€xtlighet har flera mĂ€tbara effekter sĂ„ som snabbare Ă„terhĂ€mtning vid sjukdom, sĂ€nkning av blodtrycket, minskad stress och ökad koncentrationsförmĂ„ga. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför vĂ€rdefullt med bra grönytor i sjukhusmiljö. MĂ„nga sjukhus Ă€r belĂ€gna bĂ„de i nĂ€rheten av och inne i stĂ€der vilket kan innebĂ€ra en begrĂ€nsad tillgĂ„ng till grönomrĂ„den. SjukhusomrĂ„den har historiskt sett genomgĂ„tt mĂ„nga utbyggnader och förtĂ€tningar lĂ„ngt innan den “allmĂ€nna förtĂ€tningsstrategin” uppkom. SkĂ„nes universitetssjukhus, SUS, i Malmö har under sin drygt 100- Ă„riga historia genomgĂ„tt en drastisk förvandling frĂ„n ett mindre lasarett belĂ€get i en park i stadens utkant till ett stort universitetssjukhus placerat mitt i staden. Just nu pĂ„gĂ„r ytterliggare en förtĂ€tning av norra SUS, som Ă€ven kommer att pĂ„verka befintliga grönytor i det omrĂ„det. Ambitionen frĂ„n regionen och kommunen Ă€r ocksĂ„ att skapa grönomrĂ„den i omrĂ„det med hög kvalitet. I examensarbetet ingĂ„r en fallstudie och analys av grönomrĂ„dena i SUS norra del, och ett mer detaljerat gestaltningsförslag för en utvald del av samma omrĂ„de.This thesis discuss how densification may affect green spaces and the importance of green spaces to human well-being. Specifically, we have studied the green space at SkĂ„ne University Hospital and provide suggestions on how one of these green areas can be further developed. Currently, densification is considered a sustainable strategy to address urbanization and growth. There are advantages to densification, however it can also lead to problems and pose unique challenges in the planning and implementation of a dense city. Green areas are important to how people perceive their immediate environment but this factor is often overlooked in the urban densification process. To maintain a high standard of living in the city, it is important to also focus on improving the quality of existing green areas by expanding access in addition to creating ones. Studies have shown that people who have access to green areas in their neighborhood have better physical and mental health as well as fewer health problems generally versus those without such access. Being surrounded by rich and varied vegetation has several measurable benefits such as faster recovery from disease, lower blood pressure, reduced stress and increased concentration. Therefore, it is valuable to have good green areas in and round the hospital environment. Many hospitals are located both near and within cities, which can mean limited access to green spaces. Hospital areas have historically undergone many expansions and consolidations long before the ”general densification strategy” was developed. Over its more than 100-year history, SkĂ„ne University Hospital, SUS, in Malmö has undergone a drastic transformation from a small hospital located in a park on the outskirts of the city to a large university hospital located in the in the middle of the city. Currently, further densification of northern portion of SUS will affect the existing green space in that area. In addition, the municipality and regional government has an objective to create high-quality green spaces. This thesis includes a case study and analysis of the green areas in the northern part of SUS and offers a more detailed design proposal for a selected portion of the same area

    Utveckling av indikatorer för samhÀllsfenomen som pÄverkar utslÀpp av nÀringsÀmnen till havet

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    Belastningen av de marina ekosystemen pÄverkas av en mÀngd olika fenomen eller företeelser i samhÀllet, och ett försÀmrat tillstÄnd i sÄdana ekosystem kan pÄverka mÀnniskans vÀlfÀrd i flera olika avseenden. DÀrför krÀver havsmiljöförvaltning en god förstÄelse för komplexa sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska system. FörvaltningsfrÄgornas komplexitet innebÀr ocksÄ att det finns ett behov av indikatorer som kan tydliggöra vÀsentliga tillstÄnd och förÀndringar i de berörda systemen. Speciellt finns ett behov av indikatorer som pÄ ett informativt sÀtt kan beskriva förhÄllanden i samhÀllet som direkt eller indirekt pÄverkar havsmiljön. Den hÀr rapporten syftar till att visa hur man kan skapa en strukturerad arbetsgÄng för att identifiera och utveckla havsmiljörelevanta samhÀllsindikatorer. En viktig grupp av samhÀllsindikatorer kan identifieras genom att först klarlÀgga fysiska flöden av substanser, produkter och avfall i samhÀllet och sedan koppla dessa flöden till aktörer. Andra indikatorer kan identifieras genom att kartlÀgga hur informationsflöden och förhÄllningssÀtt pÄverkar olika aktörers beteenden och handlingar

    Changes of teachers’ stress indicators and work-related behaviour and experience patterns (AVEM) in Biodanza interervention group

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    Objective to identify and describe the meaning of the routine ultrasound scan to pregnant women. Design a qualitative descriptive study using a grounded theory approach, with individual interviews to collect data. Setting three antenatal clinics in a Swedish county of approximately 400,000 inhabitants. Participants voluntary samples of 10 pregnant Swedish women, 26–38 years of age, were interviewed prior to their first routine ultrasound. Findings ‘making it possible’ was the core category that explained and illustrated the meaning of the scan. The core category showed that the women considered the examination to be filled with possibilities to reach different goals during pregnancy. It also explained the categories: ultrasound as an event; ultrasound as a situation; ultrasound as a test; and the effects of ultrasound; as well as how they related to each other. The findings are considered the beginning of a theory concerning the meaning of the first ultrasound to pregnant women. Key conclusions and implications for practice pregnant women can see their first ultrasound as a tool that enables them to reach different goals during their pregnancy. Many of the goals concern meeting and connecting with the baby, suggesting that pregnant women consider the examination an important step towards parenthood. An ultrasound examination offered for medical reasons, which has other meanings than the intended for pregnant women, is important knowledge. It can be useful when giving information about the scan, addressing the woman during the examination, and for understanding and handling possible reactions.Original Publication:Eva Molander, Siw Alehagen and Carina Berterö, Routine ultrasound examination during pregnancy: a world of possibilities., 2010, Midwifery, (26), 18-26.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2008.04.008Copyright: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdamhttp://www.elsevier.com

    Routine ultrasound examination during pregnancy: a world of possibilities.

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    Objective to identify and describe the meaning of the routine ultrasound scan to pregnant women. Design a qualitative descriptive study using a grounded theory approach, with individual interviews to collect data. Setting three antenatal clinics in a Swedish county of approximately 400,000 inhabitants. Participants voluntary samples of 10 pregnant Swedish women, 26–38 years of age, were interviewed prior to their first routine ultrasound. Findings ‘making it possible’ was the core category that explained and illustrated the meaning of the scan. The core category showed that the women considered the examination to be filled with possibilities to reach different goals during pregnancy. It also explained the categories: ultrasound as an event; ultrasound as a situation; ultrasound as a test; and the effects of ultrasound; as well as how they related to each other. The findings are considered the beginning of a theory concerning the meaning of the first ultrasound to pregnant women. Key conclusions and implications for practice pregnant women can see their first ultrasound as a tool that enables them to reach different goals during their pregnancy. Many of the goals concern meeting and connecting with the baby, suggesting that pregnant women consider the examination an important step towards parenthood. An ultrasound examination offered for medical reasons, which has other meanings than the intended for pregnant women, is important knowledge. It can be useful when giving information about the scan, addressing the woman during the examination, and for understanding and handling possible reactions.Original Publication:Eva Molander, Siw Alehagen and Carina Berterö, Routine ultrasound examination during pregnancy: a world of possibilities., 2010, Midwifery, (26), 18-26.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2008.04.008Copyright: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdamhttp://www.elsevier.com

    Effect of pharmacological treatment for urinary incontinence in the elderly and frail elderly : A systematic review

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    Aim: The prevalence and severity of urinary incontinence (UI) increase with age and comorbidity. The benefits of pharmacotherapy for UI in the elderly are questionable. The aim of the present study was to systematically review the efficacy of pharmacological treatment for UI in the elderly and frail elderly. Methods: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane library and Cinahl databases through October 2013 to identify prospective controlled trials that evaluated pharmacological treatment for UI in persons aged >= 65 years. Elderly persons living in nursing homes were regarded as frail elderly. Outcomes were urinary leakage, quality of life and adverse events. Results: We screened 1038 abstracts and assessed 309 full-text articles. We identified 13 trials of high or moderate quality; 11 evaluated anticholinergic drugs and two evaluated duloxetine. Oxybutynin, the only drug studied in the frail elderly population, had no effect on urinary leakage or quality of life in elderly with urgency UI (UUI). Seven trials evaluated the effects of darifenacin, fesoterodine, solifenacin, tolterodine or trospium. Urinary leakage decreased (standard mean difference: -0.24, 95% confidence interval -0.32-0.15), corresponding to a reduction of half a leakage per 24 h. Common side-effects of treatment were dry mouth and constipation. Data were insufficient for evaluation of the effect on quality of life or cognition. The evidence was insufficient to evaluate the effects of duloxetine. No eligible studies on mirabegron and estrogen were found. Conclusions: Anticholinergics have a small, but significant, effect on urinary leakage in older adults with UUI. Treatment with drugs for UUI in the frail elderly is not evidence based
