232 research outputs found

    Szwedzki system ochrony zdrowia – wybrane kierunki jego reformowania

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    The constant increase in public health expenditure, which is being observed from the 60s, initiated research into way to optimize it. The aim the article is to show concepts of the health reforms which have been applied in the Swedish health service. In the article are presented main proposals of changes in the system financing and service provision. Article characterizes patient participation in costs of services, private health insurance, privatisation of health care facilities, purchase-provider split and providers reimbursement. The articles begins with the overview of concepts related to health care system reform. Next, the health system in Sweden is shortly presented. The main part of the article presents the reforms which has been implemented in the financing and services provision. Patients’ participation in financing of the health system has been extended by fees for service. The importance of private medical insurance is marginal. Purchaser-provider split has been introduced in most of counties. In general primary care facilities have been privatised. In regard to service providers reimbursement is generally used global budgeting, feed for service or diagnosis-related groups.Systematyczny wzrost wydatków publicznych związanych z finansowaniem świadczeń zdrowotnych, obserwowany począwszy od lat 60., zainicjował poszukiwanie sposobu ich optymalizacji. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie, które z koncepcji reform w systemie ochrony zdrowia znalazły zastosowanie w szwedzkiej służbie zdrowia. Spośród wielu proponowanych rozwiązań w artykule przedstawione zostały rozwiązania koncentrujące się na zmianach w sposobie finansowania oraz dostarczania świadczeń. Scharakteryzowany został udział pacjentów w kosztach świadczeń, prywatne ubezpieczenia medyczne, prywatyzacja placówek medycznych, koncepcja purchaser-provider split oraz sposób wynagradzania świadczeniodawców. Artykuł rozpoczyna przegląd koncepcji związanych z reformowaniem systemu ochrony zdrowia. Następnie przedstawiona została krótka charakterystyka systemu ochrony zdrowia w Szwecji. Zasadnicza część artykułu prezentuje reformy wdrożone w finansowaniu systemu oraz dostarczaniu świadczeń. Udział pacjentów w finansowaniu świadczeń został rozszerzony o opłaty za udzieloną poradę. Znaczenie prywatnych ubezpieczeń medycznych pozostaje wciąż marginalne. Podział funkcji nabywcy i dostawcy usług medycznych został wprowadzony przez niektóre hrabstwa. Prywatyzacja objęła głównie placówki podstawowej opieki medycznej. W zakresie wynagradzania świadczeniodawców stosowane jest generalnie globalne budżetowanie, jednakże stosowane są również rozwiązania oparte o grupy diagnostyczne

    Kuvariga töötamiskohtade riskihindamine

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    Kuvariga töötajate töötingimuste selgitamiseks tehti töökeskkonna riskianalüüs. Saadud andmed võimaldasid hinnata ohutegurite mõju töötajate tervisele, eeskätt tööga seotud ülekoormushaiguse osas, ja koostada tegevuskava terviseriskide haldamiseks. Üle poolte uuritutest töötas kuvariga enam kui 75% oma tööajast, ligikaudu 15%-l töötajatest esines õlavöötme, ülajäsemete ja/või seljalihaste ülekoormuse tunnuseid. Kasutades riskianalüüsi tulemusena saadud andmeid, saab negatiivseid mõjutusi oluliselt vähendada töötamiskohta tööohutusnõuete alusel ergonoomiliseks disainides ja töötajaid nõustades. Eesti Arst 2006; 85 (4): 218–22

    Eesti imetajad [Võrguteavik] : liikide tundmaõppimise teejuht

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    Echinococcus multilocularis in Estonia

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    Echinococcus infections in the Baltic region

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    In the Baltic countries, the two zoonotic diseases, alveolar echinococcosis (AE) caused by Echinococcus multilocularis, and cystic echinococcosis (CE) caused by Echinococcus granulosus, are of increasing public health concern. Observations from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania indicate that the distribution of both parasites is wider in the Baltics than previously expected. In this paper, we review and discuss the available data, regarding both parasitoses in animals and humans, from the Baltic countries and selected adjacent regions. The data are not easily comparable but reveal a worrisome situation as the number of human AE and CE cases is increasing. Despite improvements in diagnostics and treatment, AE has a high morbidity and mortality in the Baltic region. For the control of both zoonoses, monitoring transmission patterns and timely diagnosis in humans as well as the development of local control programs present major challenges. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    13C NMR study of the mode of interaction in solution of the B fragment of staphylococcal protein A and the Fc fragments of mouse immunoglobulin G

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    AbstractThe mode of interaction of the B domain (FB) of staphylococcal protein A and the Fc fragments of mouse immunoglobulin G (IgG) has been investigated by 13C NMR spectroscopy. Mouse IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b proteins have been selectively labeled with 13C at the carbonyl carbon of His, Met, Trp or Tyr residue and used to prepare the corresponding Fc fragments by limited proteolysis. Site-specific resonance assignments have been made for each of these Fc analogues. FB was reported to form two contacts (contact 1 and contact 2) with human Fc in the crystal [Biochemistry 20 (1981) 2361-2370]. Comparisons of the chemical shift data of the Fc fragments observed in the absence and presence of FB have led us to conclude that in solution contact 1 is responsible for the formation of the Fc-FB complexes

    First report of highly pathogenic Echinococcus granulosus genotype G1 in dogs in a European urban environment

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    BACKGROUND: Echinococcus granulosus and E. multilocularis are tapeworm parasites of major medical and veterinary importance, causing cystic and alveolar echinococcosis, respectively. Both diseases are listed among the most severe parasitic diseases in humans, representing 2 of the 17 neglected diseases prioritised by the World Health Organisation. However, little is known about the role of urban animals in transmission of both parasite species. FINDINGS: A sensitive non-invasive genetic method was used to monitor E. granulosus and E. multilocularis infection among dog faecal samples collected from an urban area in Estonia in 2012–13. Out of 181 dog faecal samples analysed, 2.2% tested positive for E. granulosus, determined by sequencing as genotype G1. None of the samples tested positive for E. multilocularis. CONCLUSIONS: We report contamination of an urban environment with highly pathogenic E. granulosus G1 disseminated by dogs, and a potential risk to human health

    Põllukultuuride valik ja sobivus valkude eraldamiseks

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    MTÜ Taimsete Valkude Innovatsiooniklaster viis läbi koostöö- ning teadus- ja arendustegevuse projekti, mille jaoks saadi toetust „Eesti maaelu arengukava 2014–2020“ meetmest „Innovatsiooniklaster“. Projekti teostamise periood oli veebruar 2019 kuni veebruar 2023 ja see koosnes neljast innovatsioonitegevusest. Innovatsioonitegevuse „Põllukultuuride valik ja sobivus valkude eraldamiseks“ eesmärk oli varasematele uuringutele tuginedes teha Eestis kasvatamiseks sobivatest kanepi-, kaera-, põldoa- ja põldhernesortidest eelvalik ning viia kolmel aastal läbi põldkatsed selgitamaks sordi, kasvuaasta ja kasvatustehnoloogia mõju saagi valgusisaldusele. Lisaks hinnati ka vähem viljeldud, kuid valgurikaste kultuuride (kikerherne, hirsi ja läätse) ning õlikanepi sobivust taimse valgu allikana. Määrati toorvalgusaak hektari kohta, analüüsiti valkude aminohappelist koostist ja hinnati valgu omastamist takistavate inhibiitorite sisaldust in vitro valgu seeduvuse mudeli abil.Rahastajad: Eesti maaelu arengukava 2014–2020 ja Euroopa Maaelu Arengu Põllumajandusfond (EAFRD)Rahastajad: Eesti maaelu arengukava 2014–2020 ja Euroopa Maaelu Arengu Põllumajandusfond (EAFRD

    Collaborative control initiatives targeting zoonotic agents of alveolar echinococcosis in the northern hemisphere

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    Alveolar echinococcosis is one of the most important lethal zoonotic helminth infections in the northern hemisphere. Currently, the threat to public health is increasing, as evidenced by the rising prevalence rate of alveolar echinococcosis, as well as the invasion of urban areas by infected wild foxes. This threat is further increased due to the involvement of pet dogs, and probably cats, as emerging sources of infection. These increased threats to public health also have associated economic risks; therefore, there is a need for effective and sustainable methods of control. In this paper, initiatives to control alveolar echinococcosis by targeting its definitive hosts through anthelmintic baiting campaigns initiated by local residents who used local resources for bait production, distribution and collection of fecal samples for diagnosis are described. Further, when such distribution programs are coupled with the use of GIS-based maps, the optimum distribution of bait was obtained. These programs have also included the use of intravital diagnostic analyses of infection rates, which have been overseen by the Forum on Environment and Animals (FEA), and also allowed a nationwide monitoring of echinococcosis in difinitive hosts. In addition, a government initiative requiring mandatory reporting of echinococcosis in dogs to health authorities was recently initiated in Japan. Overall, the results of this study have shown that use of collaborative control initiatives targeting zoonotic agents of alveolar echinococcosis can be an effective method for reducing the threat of lethal echinococcosis in the northern hemisphere

    Formation of functional literacy in children with disabilities on the basis of their project activity development

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    The article is devoted to the issue of formation of the components of functional literacy in children with hearing and speech impairments using the method of project activity development.Статья посвящена вопросу формирования компонентов функциональной грамотности у детей с нарушениями слуха и речи с использованием метода проектной деятельности