60 research outputs found

    [Women's Inheritance Rights According to Syarak Law and The Division of Its Division According to The Local Cultur Dynamism] Hak Pusaka Wanita Menurut Hukum Syarak dan Keharusan Pembahagiannya Mengikut Dinamisme Budaya Tempatan

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    The issue of inheritance is constantly being debated especially pertaining to the 2:1 ratio of division between male and female. This article tends to focus on this inheritance polemic in the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, either the 2:1 portion of man and woman is a rigid allocation, or there are another kind of apportionment that prioritise woman rather than man. It also discusses wether the inheritance rights might change according to the change of socio-cultural context to the equal division for man and woman as an alternative solution for the issue in Malaysian society. In order to achieve this objectives, the researcher had been pursuing a qualitative research which was focusing in library data collection. Result from the research shows that Shari`ah is just enough in handling this particular issue, in the meantime the Malay culture also manage to balance the portion of distribution 2:1 with an alternative solution called musalahah. The 2:1 division is also not a uniform in nature, even there are some other kind of divisions that prioritise woman over man in their inheritance.   Keywords: Inheritance, Female, Shariah, Gender Inequity, Islamic Law.   Isu hak pusaka wanita sering diperdebatkan terutamanya melibatkan pembahagian dua nisbah satu (2:1) antara lelaki dan wanita. Artikel ini akan memfokuskan kepada polemik pusaka wanita dari perspektif hukum Islam sama ada nisbah lelaki wanita 2:1 bersifat rigid, atau ada peruntukan lain yang melebihkan kaum wanita berbanding lelaki. Artikel ini turut membincangkan sama ada hak tersebut boleh berubah dengan perubahan sosio budaya masyarakat dan berubah menjadi hak yang sama rata antara lelaki dan wanita serta penyelesaian alternatif kepada isu tersebut dalam konteks masyarakat Islam di Malaysia. Bagi mencapai objektif tersebut, pengkaji telah menjalankan kajian berbentuk kualitatif melalui proses pengumpulan data yang lebih memfokuskan kepada metode kepustakaan dan dianalisis secara diskriptif. Hasil kajian mendapati syariat Islam bersifat adil, dan budaya masyarakat Melayu mampu mengimbangi kadar pembahagian 2:1 dengan penyelesaian alternatif melalui kaedah muafakat (musalahah) dan kadar 2:1 juga tidak bersifat menyeluruh, malah ada kadar yang melebihkan wanita berbanding lelaki.   Kata kunci: Harta Pusaka, Wanita, Syariat, Ketidakadilan Gender, Hukum Isla

    Valorization of fish processing waste: a microbial perspective

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    In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the exploitation of fish resources and the estimated quantity used for human consumption globally is about 75% of the worldwide fish production (105.6 million tons)

    Syariah Courts in Malaysia and the Development of Islamic Jurisprudence: The Study of Istihsan

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    Malaysia is among the countries, which have very close relations with Shafi'i madhhab in term of Islamic Law. This can be seen from the provisions of Syariah Law in Malaysia where the opinion of the Shafi'i madhhab is preferred than other madhhabs. However, the current situations and issues cause that the other opinions from the other madhhabs are also used and practiced in order to provide the best solutions. This is also true in respect on the use of sources of Islamic law, such as Istihsan, Istislah and Qawl Sahabi, which are rejected by the Shafi'i madhhab. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the development of Islamic law, particularly in the application of the concept of Istihsan in the Syariah Courts in Malaysia. This study has examined a number of cases reported in the Jurnal Hukum issued by the Syariah Judiciary Department of Malaysia (JKSM). The result of this study found that in several cases, the judges have applied indirectly the concept of Istihsan in their judgment. It is also found that it is actually the provisions of the law that allows the Shariah judges to indirectly apply this concept

    Quality assurance and halal control points for the food industry

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    Purpose To determine the understanding of halal concept among food production workers and to develop a generic Halal Control Point (HCP) Plan for the manufacturing of processed foods. Design/methodology/approach A mixed method (interviews, surveys and microbiological analyses) approach was used to analyze the hygiene and halal practices of four food processing plants in Penang, Malaysia. Two hundred food production workers were surveyed (and quality assurance staff were interviewed) to determine their understanding of halal concepts and attitude towards halal food products. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) swabbing tests were conducted to determine the hygiene of workers and food contact surfaces. End products were sampled and enumerated for total bacterial count. Findings The swabbing tests of food contact surfaces (i.e tabletops) showed that only Company C (oat) and Company D (coffee powder) passed the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hygiene test (≤ 10 Reflective Light Unit [RLU]). The results obtained from all workers’ hands and aprons indicated a 100% failure rate (> 30 RLU). No ATP was detected on the packaging materials from all companies. The microbiological findings indicated that the end products are satisfactory and were below detection limits as verified by the enumeration done on the food samples. Besides, from the interview sessions conducted with the Quality Assurance (QA) staff, one generic Halal Control Points (HCPs) plan and four specific HCP plan tables were developed for the manufacturing process of halal food products for each company. Originality/value The HCP plans will be of value for food industry seeking to identify potential point sources of haram contamination and halal control points for their food production processes

    Halal Food Culture in Kuala Terengganu: Shariah Perspective (Istitābat Al-‘Arab)

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    Different cultures possess particular uniqueness in their culinary styles. Members in a society connect with each other through similar food patterns. People from different cultural backgrounds consume different foods with different culinary styles including ingredients used, preparation methods and consumption habits. Variations in food culture are basically due to different situations faced which vary according to different societies. Religion is perceived to play a part in shaping Kuala Terengganu’s food culture along with availability of food sources, geographical background, and historical background as well as migration. Considering that Kuala Terengganu is a predominantly Muslim district, its local food culture is by any means manifested by the prescription of Shariah Law, which is to consume halalan tayyiban and to bypass haram. This study attempts to review the concept of Istitābat Al-‘Arab pertaining to halal food rulings through various references found in different Quranic verses, hadith and principles. Also in this study, the different interpretations from major denominations in Islam (i.e. Hanafi, Maliki, Shafie and Hanbali) regarding the concept of Istitābat Al-‘Arab are discussed. Hence, this particular paper explains the concept of Istitābat Al-‘Arab in Shariah perspective in shaping Kuala Terengganu’s halal food culture with reference to local food rulings

    Structural equation modelling of food safety knowledge, attitude and practices among consumers in Malaysia

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    Factors contributing to foodborne illnesses in Malaysia were identified as insanitary food handling procedures and lack of hygiene in food preparation area. Food safety at home is a critical point as consumers represent the final step in food preparation and prevention of foodborne diseases. This study aims to investigate the food safety knowledge, attitude and self-reported practices among consumers in Malaysia. An online survey was conducted, and data were analysed using descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis. A model linking food safety knowledge and attitude and their direct effects on practices were confirmed using structural equation modelling (SEM). The proposed model fulfilled the goodness of fit indices and is deemed acceptable. Respondents demonstrate good level of food safety knowledge and positive attitudes and self-reported practices. Food safety knowledge has a negative and insignificant relationship with food safety practices (β1 = -0.284, p>0.05) while attitude significantly affects food safety practices (β1 = 0.534, p<0.05). The findings clearly indicate that food safety knowledge does not directly affect food safety practices This is also the first study to provide new empirical findings on thermometer usage among consumers in Malaysia. This study establishes an important point of reference where consumers use visual appearances to determine if food is thoroughly cooked and practice washing raw chicken prior to cooking. Food safety practices at home play a critical role in protecting consumers in reducing risks of foodborne illnesses

    Charge-Coupled Device Based on an Optical Tomography System for Monitoring Multiphase Flow

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    Tomography is a method to capture a cross sectional image based on the data obtained by sensors, distributed around the periphery of the analyzed system. Optical tomography is one of the tomography methods which are non-invasive and non-intrusive system, consisting of emitter with detectors. Combinations of Charge-Coupled Device and low intensity laser diode are used in this research. Experiments on air bubbles detecting in non-flowing crystal clear water are conducted. Cross-sectional image of two phase flow; air and liquid are captured using this optical hardware construction and the information on air diameter, shape and path are observed using LabVIEW programming

    Simulation study on electrical resistance tomography using metal wall for bubble detection

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    Industrial process pipelines are mostly known to be constructed from metal which is a conducting material. Bubbles or gas detection are crucial in facilitating the bubble columns performance. By employing the Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) technique, a simulation study using COMSOL has been conducted to investigate the effect of excitation strategy, bubble sizes and locations towards the metal wall system. As for the current excitation strategy, conducting boundary protocol has to be applied when it comes to metallic vessel to overcome the grounding effect. Bubbles with a greater size than 2 mm and especially the one that is located near the wall boundary are much easier to detect. Further potential improvements to the current design and image reconstruction of the ERT system are desirable to improve the detection of small and centred bubble

    Simulation Study of Microwave Imaging for Brain Disease Diagnostic

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    Brain tumour result by abnormal growth and division of cell inside the skull show high potential to become malignancies and lead to brain damage or even death. Early detection is crucial for further treatment to increase the survival rate of patients who have brain cancer. Existing clinical imaging possess limitation as they are costly, time-consuming and some of them depend on ionising radiation. The microwave imaging has emerged as the new preliminary diagnosis method as it is portable, non-ionising, low cost, and able to produce a good spatial resolution. This paper will be discussing the microwave head based sensing and imaging techniques for brain tumour diagnosis. The 2D FEM approach is applied to solve the forward problem, and the image is reconstructed by implementing linear back projection. Eight rectangular sensing electrodes are arranged in an elliptical array around the head phantom. When one electrode is transmitting the microwave, the remaining of the electrode served as the receiver. The different tumour position is simulated to test the reliability of the system. Lastly, the system is able to detect the tumour, and 1 GHz is chosen as the best frequency based on the simulation and image reconstructed