15 research outputs found

    رثاء يوسف فان إس ونبذة عن حياته وإسهاماته العلمية

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    كُتب هذا المقال نعيًا للمستشرق الألماني يوسف فان إس (Josef van Ess – 1934: 2021) بُعيد وفاته، ونُشر في العدد الثاني والستين من مجلة عالم الإسلام الألمانية (Die Welt des Islams). وقد كتبه أحد أصدقاء فان إس، ومحرر جمهرة مقالاته؛ وهو هينرش بيسترفيلد (Hinrich Biesterfeldt) أستاذ كرسي الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة بُوخوم، يقدم هذا المقال تعريفًا مُكثفًا وعميقًا بفان إس إلى القارئ العربي، فيرسم ملامح حياته الرئيسية منذ طفولته في آخن عام 1934م وحتى وفاته عام 2021م. ويعرف المقال إلى أهم الأعمال التي قدمها فان إس في مسيرته العلمية، والسياق التاريخي والعلمي الذي نشأت فيه هذه الأعمال. كما يُعرج على شيء من العوامل التي شكلت شخصية فان إس العلمية، ويتعرض لشيء من رحلاته العلمية، ومناصبه العلمية، وسماته الشخصية. يعتبر هذا المقال ترجمة حياتية مُكثفة لواحد من أبرز المستشرقين الألمان الذين عُنوا بعلم الكلام في سياق التاريخ الإسلامي

    Femoral Head and Neck Ostectomy (FHO) for Treatment of Different Hip Joint Disorders in Dogs

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    In this research, surgical treatment of hip dysplasia, hip luxation, femoral neck fracture, and degenerative hip joint disease were performed using femoral head and neck ostectomy (FHO). Twelve different breeds of male dogs weighing 14-52 kg suffering from different hip joint disorders were admitted to the Vet. Surgery clinic, Faculty of Vet. Med. Zagazig University and from some different private pet animal clinics. The admitted cases were diagnosed by clinical signs (visual pain assessment and lameness scoring), clinical crepitus exam, and plain radiography. The FHO technique applied in the affected cases revealed successful results with the absence of painful lameness noticed after 3 weeks postoperatively but nonpainful lameness was observed then decreased gradually till disappearance when muscles become stronger to compensate for the absence of the head of the femur with minimal complications. FHO is a very good salvage economic satisfactory technique with minimal complications. Using an oscillating saw and sharp osteotome is better than using of Gigli saw

    Effect of SNPs in Prolactin Promoter on Milk Traits in Egyptian Buffalo

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    <p>Prolactin (PRL) plays a crucial role in the initiation and maintenance of lactation in animals. It is a potential quantitative trait locus and genetic marker of production traits in dairy cattle. However, no SNPs was detected in, and no association studies was conducted on, PRL gene in Egyptian buffalo. Therefore, this study aims to detect PRL gene polymorphisms and to study their effect on in Egyptian water buffalo. A PCR product of 245 bp, including part of the promoter of PRL was amplified using PCR and subsequently, SSCP and nucleotide sequencing were conducted to identify its different allelic patterns in Egyptian buffaloes. Our results revealed presence of a novel T72C SNP in the PRL promoter with two genotypes (TC, CC). Chi-square test indicated presence of genetic disequilibrium with respect to studied variations and revealed significant difference in distribution of variants among buffaloes. Genetic diversity parameter showed moderate degree of polymorphism. The two genotypes (TC, CC) did not show association with milk traits (milk yield, fat%, protein%, and lactose%, solid %) in Egyptian buffaloes. We conclude that no significant difference in milk traits between Egyptian buffaloes have TC or CC genotypes and so breeders should not depend on this SNP (alone) in their selection for dairy animals.</p&gt