87 research outputs found

    A study on position of the state secretary in Selangor: the law and practice / Mazni Ibrahim, Nur Huda Mohamad and Siti Asmath Che Man

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    The topic on "A Study on Position of the State Secretary in Selangor: The Law and Practice'' was proposed following the incident in Selangor in December 2010 where there was a conflict between the appointment of the State Secretary by the Federal and the State. A State Secretary is the Head of the State Civil Servant which represents the civil servants of a state as a whole. Generally, the Public Services Commission has jurisdiction over the Federation, Malacca and Penang. The jurisdiction is extended to any state which has no State Services Commission. However, there seems to be an overlapping in terms of jurisdiction as highlighted in the incident that has happened in the state of Selangor on the appointment of a senior public officer, the State Secretary. This study contains a brief introduction on the principle of federalism as well as the key to the study as to the words "appropriate service Commission". The objective of the study is to analyse related procedures and provisions and, where possible related recommendations. The scope and limitation as well as the significance of the study are spelled out with the purpose of doing the study in relation to the appointment of a State Secretary. The literature review is the opinion of academicians and legal practitioners. Besides that, the proposal is also coded with a qualitative research and interview as the methodology for the study. We hope this study will be a guide for those who would like to understand the legal position of a public servant in theory and practical as well as the legal aspects and its implications on the above issue


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh minimnya capaian belajar siswa kelas 11 jurusan instalasi tenaga listrik pada subjek pemeliharaan dan perbaikan peralatan listrik pada SMK Negeri 1 Kediri, namun demikian berbagai strategi pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan belum mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan siswa kelas 11 jurusan hasil belajar instalasi tenaga listrik dan kelengkapan mata pelajaran perawatan dan perbaikan peralatan listrik melalui penerapan model experiential learning. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan model Kemmis dan Taggart, instrumen pengumpulan data dengan observasi dan penilaian serta analisis data menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil, penerapan model experiential learning mengalami peningkatan ketuntasan belajar siswa kelas 11 dengan ketuntasan pra siklus sebesar 44% pada siklus tinju, menjadi 88% pada siklus II. Skor rata-rata juga meningkat dari 69,84 pada siklus pra menjadi 75,08 pada siklus pertama dan menjadi 81,52 pada siklus kedua. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model experiential learning pada matakuliah pemeliharaan dan perbaikan peralatan listrik meningkatkan hasil belajar dan ketuntasan siswa kelas 11 jurusan instalasi tenaga listrik pada SMK Negeri 1 Kediri

    A comparison of various double loops frequency selective surfaces in terms of angular stability

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    This paper presents the comparison of Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) structure performance based on three different double loops: square, circular and hexagonal structures. The simulation process of the double loops FFS structures are carried out by using the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio software. The dielectric substrate used in the simulation is the FR-4 lossy substrate

    Battery Parameters Identification Analysis using Periodogram

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    Batteries are essential components of most electrical devices and one of the most important parameters in batteries is storage capacity. It represents the maximum amount of energy that can be extracted from the battery under certain specified condition. This paper presents the analysis of charging and discharging battery signal using periodogram. The periodogram converts waveform data from the time domain into the frequency domain and represents the distribution of the signal power over frequency. This analysis focuses on four types of batteries which are leadacid (LA), lithium-ion (Li-ion), nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) and nickel-metal-hydride (Ni-MH). This paper used battery model from MATLAB/SIMULINK software and the nominal voltage of each battery is 6 and 12V while the capacity is 10 and 20Ah, respectively. The analysis is done and the result shows that varying capacity produce different power at a frequency and voltage at DC component

    Visualization of Academic Quality Assurance Metamodel Through the Creation of Academic Quality Assurance Metamodel Information System

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    Academic quality assurance metamodel information system (AQAMIS) is a mobile-web-friendly system designed to manage academic quality assurance (AQA) knowledge structure for higher education using the AQA metamodel structure. This research describes the development and functionality of AQAMIS, as well as how it visualizes the AQA metamodel on a system-based level. The AQAMIS system transformed the metamodel class diagram design into a user-friendly design, making it easier for any non-technical user to understand the metamodel design. The AQAMIS is composed of two major parts: the AQA metamodel and the knowledge repository system. The metamodel addresses the issue of managing knowledge for quality assurance in higher education. While the system resolves the issue of sharing best practices in higher education AQA. The AQAMIS system assists in ensuring that academic quality assurance systems are implemented more efficiently and effectively in higher learning institutions (HLIs). AQAMIS is also a one-stop center for respective users such as HLI top management, policymakers, auditors, and quality assurance personnel to access their expertise and share best practices in AQA endeavors


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    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are created using information that derived from processing a number of data, that is data relating to the position of objects on the surface of the earth.  In Jombang district, there are also many a tour visited by people in almost all of Indonesia, namely: Gusdur tomb tourism, and kedung cinet that had entered one of the TV Channels namely Tranz TV as Grand Canyon Jombang.  The problem of tourism in Jombang is the direction to show location to tourist sites and new tours that are not yet known by tourists both local and from foreign countries. Resulting in complaints from tourists as well as a lack of management of tourism data from the Office of Culture Tourism Youth and Sports Jombang because of the many tours that have not been registered with the relevant Office.  From these problems emerged an idea to build a Jombang Tourism Geographic Information System built using the waterfall methodology, with the programming language PHP, HTML, Jquery, while for its database using MySQL, besides that in the process of designing this application using UML, based on the results of analysis and  testing using Black Box Testing.  It was concluded that, the geographic information system of mobile-based tourism in Jombang can be used as a solution for the tourism office in promoting tourism in Jombang. Not only that, in this application there are features data added (tourism, culinary, lodging, and can see the description of tourist locations. Results from the application, this application can makes it easy for the office to provide tourist information and facilitate tourists in knowing the location and distance of a tour.Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dibuat dengan menggunakan informasi yang berasal dari pengolahan sejumlah data, yaitu data yang berkaitan dengan posisi objek di permukaan bumi. Di kabupaten Jombang, juga memiliki tempat wisata yang banyak dikunjungi masyarakat dihampir seluruh Indonesia yakni : wisata makam Gusdur, dan kedung cinet yang sempat masuk salah satu Channel TV  yaitu Tranz TV dengan sebutan Grand Canyon Jombang. Permasalahan dari wisata yang ada di Jombang adalah arah penunjuk ke lokasi wisata serta wisata-wisata baru yang belum di ketahui oleh wisatawan baik local maupun dari manca negara. Sehingga terjadi keluhan dari wisatawan serta kurangnya pengelolaan data wisata dari Dinas Pariwisata Budaya Pemuda dan Olahraga Jombang karena banyaknya wisata yang belum terdaftar di Dinas terkait. Dari permasalahan tersebut muncul suatu gagasan untuk membangun suatu Sistem Informasi Geografis Pariwisata Jombang dibangun Menggunakan Metodelogi waterfall, dengan bahasa pemograman PHP , HTML, Jquery, sedangkan untuk database-nya menggunakan  MySQL, Selain itu dalam proses prancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan UML, Berdasarkan  hasil analisis dan pengujian dengan mengunakan Black Box Testing. Disimpulkan bahwa sistem informasi geografis pariwisata jombang berbasis mobile dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu solusi untuk dinas pariwisata dalam mempromosikan wisata yang ada di Jombang. Serta di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat fitur tambah data (wisata,kuliner,penginapan, dan dapat melihat deskripsi lokasi wisata. Hasil dari penerapan aplikasi Memudahkan pihak dinas untuk memberikan informasi wisata dan memudahkan wisatawan dalam mengetahui lokasi dan jarak tempu wisata

    High capacity and miniaturized flexible chipless RFID tag using modified complementary split ring resonator

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    This paper aims to produce a high data capacity and miniaturized flexible chipless RFID tag based on the frequency signature using the Modified Complementary Split Ring Resonator (MCSRR). The proposed 19 bits chipless RFID tag using the frequency shifting technique consists of five slotted overlaying MCSRR with Different Width (MCSRR with DW) structures and the dimension of 48 mm x 48 mm. The structure is designed by using a flexible (Polyethylene Terephthalate ) PET substrate with permittivity of 0.2. The operating frequency is between 0.9 GHz and 2.7 GHz. The advancement of slotted overlaying MCSRR with DW structures has successfully miniaturized the chipless RFID tag structure to about 107 mm2/ bit, 0.02/2 mid =bit and 0.09 GHz/bit by maximizing the number of resonators in a limited space and minimizing the frequency separation between the resonators. The omnidirectional tag antenna is incorporated with the proposed MCSRR structure using the retransmission measurement method. The log-periodic antenna with a gain of 5-7 dBi is used for this measurement to improve the range distance between tag and reader system. Based on the retransmission measurement involving the antenna tag, the 19 bits chipless RFID tag which consists of five MCSRR with DW structures can be detected with a maximum range distance of 30 cm and a power transmitted level of 30 dBm

    Development of PI controller for disc speed

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    This paper discuss about the development of Proportional and Integral (PI) controller for disc speed by involving the disturbance at the feedback control. The effect of the disturbance to the disc speed system is eliminated by Proportional and Integral (PI) controller. The PI controller is tuned heuristically from the MATLAB/simulink at which integrated with the disc plant. The performance of the disc plant is analyzed in real-time. Based on the analysis in real-time, this paper shows that the performance of the PI controller with disturbance and without disturbance. The result with disturbance shows that the output response quite closes to the result without disturbance even though the overshoot is about 8 percent. By the way, the rise time and settling time of the disc speed with disturbance is reduced for the time less than 0.01 and 0.95 seconds each. From the results with and without disturbance, this paper concludes that the development of PI controller for this speed in simulation give less error about 0.02 compared to the real-time system

    Penggunaan Limbah Kertas sebagai Media Edukasi Kerajinan Topeng

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    Limbah kertas menjadi pilihan dalam edukasi pembuatan kerajinan topeng yang dimaksudkan agar dapat mengurangi limbah kertas dan dapat meminimalisir budget yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat topeng Jabung. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan kerajinan topeng Jabung dan cara pembuatan topeng Jabung menggunakan limbah kertas kepada anak-anak di Dusun Mindi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah pelatihan, pendampingan, edukasi, sosialisasi, dan monitoring. Dari kegiatan pengabdian edukasi tersebut mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan kepada anak-anak di Dusun Mindi tentang kerajinan topeng Jabung dan mendapat pengalaman baru cara pembuatan topeng Jabung dengan menggunakan limbah kertas
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