199 research outputs found

    Generative deep learning applied to biomechanics: creating an infinite number of realistic walking data for modelling and data augmentation purposes

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    Our work using generative deep learning models to generate synthetic human movement data to augment existing datasets was presented at the 9th World Congress of Biomechanics

    Evaluation of an Online Course Promoting Health and Wellbeing for University Students and Employees.

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    Published studies dealing with health promotion activities, such as the improvement of physical activity and healthy eating, for workers and students prove the effectiveness of these preventive interventions. The consequent benefits include better prevention of cardiovascular risk and an improvement in quality of life. Considering this, an intervention aimed at promoting healthy eating and non-sedentary lifestyles has been implemented within an Italian university: the aim of the present research is to evaluate its effectiveness. The intervention consisted of a targeted asynchronous e-learning two-hour course on healthy eating and non-sedentary lifestyles. The attendants were 2004 university students and employees. We conducted two surveys before and after the training intervention, and, through the responses obtained, we evaluated the effectiveness of the intervention. We applied different statistical methods, including unpaired t-tests and nonparametric tests, principal components and cluster analysis. Our results indicate that the post-training knowledge has been significantly improved, compared to that pre-training (7.3 vs. 8.7, p < 0.001). Moreover, the whole sample showed an improved awareness of the importance of healthy behaviors, and perception of the University as an institution promoting a healthy lifestyle. Through the principal components analysis, we identified a unidimensional latent factor named “health and behaviors”. The cluster analysis highlighted that the sub-group reporting the lowest scores at the survey before the training was the one with the highest improvement after the intervention. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Italian study testing, before and after a health promotion intervention, the knowledge and the attitudes and behaviors towards healthy lifestyles of a group of students and workers. Moreover, we also evaluated the pre- and post-intervention perceived health status, as well as the level of engagement of the attendants, with respect to their colleagues and management in an educational institution promoting wellbeing. The conclusions of our study support the need for further adoption of health promotion training interventions, similar to the one we performed, in order to improve healthy eating and non-sedentary behaviors among workers and students

    Sun protection habits and behaviors of a group of outdoor workers and students from the agricultural and construction sectors in north-Italy

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    Background: Despite the relevant frequency of ultraviolet induced adverse health effects in workers, solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure is an occupational risk not adequately minimized in Italy. Objective: To assess the characteristics and prevalence of sun exposure habits and behaviors in a group of students and outdoor workers (OW) from the agricultural and construction sectors of a north-Italian region. Methods: Based on a previously developed standardized questionnaire, we collected full information on individual sun exposure habits at work and during leisure activities. Results: In 2018, 380 high school students and OW from the agricultural and construction sectors participated in a sun-safety campaign. More than a third (39.0%) of OW reported never using sunglasses, 52.8% never applied sunscreens at work, and a quarter never wear a UV protective hat. Considering leisure-time, students reported more frequent sunburns compared to OW: 25.0% vs. 13.8%; half (51.6%) of students and a third (36.4%) of OW reported never wearing a UV protective hat. A third (30.1%) of students and 37.2% of OW never or only seldom applied sunscreens on holidays. Discussion: The majority of OW in our study reported poor protective solar exposure habits. Young students of the construction and agricultural sectors indicated even worse sun-protective behaviors, both during apprenticeship and leisure activities. Our study highlights the low health literacy related to solar UVR in OW and apprentices. Further educational initiatives are required in Italy to improve the adoption of protective behaviors during outdoor activities

    Investigation of the dependence of joint contact forces on musculotendon parameters using a codified workflow for image-based modelling

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    The generation of subject-specific musculoskeletal models of the lower limb has become a feasible taskthanks to improvements in medical imaging technology and musculoskeletal modelling software.Nevertheless, clinical use of these models in paediatric applications is still limited for what concernsthe estimation of muscle and joint contact forces. Aiming to improve the current state of the art, amethodology to generate highly personalized subject-specific musculoskeletal models of the lower limbbased on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans was codified as a step-by-step procedure and appliedto data from eight juvenile individuals. The generated musculoskeletal models were used to simulate 107gait trials using stereophotogrammetric and force platform data as input. To ensure completeness of themodelling procedure, muscles’ architecture needs to be estimated. Four methods to estimate muscles’maximum isometric force and two methods to estimate musculotendon parameters (optimal fiber lengthand tendon slack length) were assessed and compared, in order to quantify their influence on the models’output. Reported results represent the first comprehensive subject-specific model-based characterizationof juvenile gait biomechanics, including profiles of joint kinematics and kinetics, muscle forces and jointcontact forces. Our findings suggest that, when musculotendon parameters were linearly scaled from areference model and the muscle force-length-velocity relationship was accounted for in the simulations,realistic knee contact forces could be estimated and these forces were not sensitive the method used tocompute muscle maximum isometric force

    Diagnostic nerve block in prediction of outcome of botulinum toxin treatment for spastic equinovarus foot after stroke: A retrospective observational study

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    Objective: To evaluate the role of diagnostic nerve block in predicting the outcome of subsequent botulinum toxin type A treatment for spastic equinovarus foot due to chronic stroke. Design: Retrospective observational study. Patients: Fifty chronic stroke patients with spastic equinovarus foot. Methods: Each patient was given diagnostic tibial nerve block (lidocaine 2% perineural injection) assessment followed by botulinum toxin type A inoculation into the same muscles as had been targeted by the nerve block. All patients were evaluated before diagnostic nerve block, after the nerve block, and 4 weeks after botulinum toxin injection. Outcomes were ankle dorsiflexion passive range of motion of the affected side, and calf muscle spasticity, measured with the modified Ashworth scale and the Tardieu Scale. Results: Significant improvements were measured after diagnostic nerve block and botulinum toxin injection compared with the baseline condition. Diagnostic nerve block led to significantly greater improvements in all outcomes than botulinum toxin injection. Conclusion: This study confirmed diagnostic nerve block as a valuable screening tool in deciding whether to treat spastic equinovarus with botulinum toxin. However, the results support the evidence that diagnostic nerve block results in a greater reduction in muscle overactivity than does botulinum toxin type A in patients with spastic equinovarus due to stroke

    Larger and denser: an optimal design for surface grids of EMG electrodes to identify greater and more representative samples of motor units

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    The spinal motor neurons are the only neural cells whose individual activity can be non-invasively identified. This is usually done using grids of surface electromyographic (EMG) electrodes and source separation algorithms; an approach called EMG decomposition. In this study, we combined computational and experimental analyses to assess how the design parameters of grids of electrodes influence the number and the properties of the identified motor units. We first computed the percentage of motor units that could be theoretically discriminated within a pool of 200 simulated motor units when decomposing EMG signals recorded with grids of various sizes and interelectrode distances (IED). Increasing the density, the number of electrodes, and the size of the grids, increased the number of motor units that our decomposition algorithm could theoretically discriminate, i.e., up to 83.5% of the simulated pool (range across conditions: 30.5-83.5%). We then identified motor units from experimental EMG signals recorded in six participants with grids of various sizes (range: 2-36 cm2) and IED (range: 4-16 mm). The configuration with the largest number of electrodes and the shortest IED maximized the number of identified motor units (56±14; range: 39-79) and the percentage of early recruited motor units within these samples (29±14%). Finally, the number of identified motor units further increased with a prototyped grid of 256 electrodes and an IED of 2 mm. Taken together, our results showed that larger and denser surface grids of electrodes allow to identify a more representative pool of motor units than currently reported in experimental studies.Significance StatementThe application of source separation methods to multi-channel EMG signals recorded with grids of electrodes enables users to accurately identify the activity of individual motor units. However, the design parameters of these grids have never been discussed. They are usually arbitrarily fixed, often based on commercial availability. Here, we showed that using larger and denser grids of electrodes than conventionally proposed drastically increases the number of identified motor units. The samples of identified units are more balanced between early- and late-recruited motor units. Thus, these grids provide a more representative sampling of the active motor unit population. Gathering large datasets of motor units using large and dense grids will impact the study of motor control, neuromuscular modelling, and human-machine interfacing

    Commentary on the Integration of Model Sharing and Reproducibility Analysis to Scholarly Publishing Workflow in Computational Biomechanics

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    © 1964-2012 IEEE.Objective: The overall goal of this paper is to demonstrate that dissemination of models and analyses for assessing the reproducibility of simulation results can be incorporated in the scientific review process in biomechanics. Methods: As part of a special issue on model sharing and reproducibility in the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, two manuscripts on computational biomechanics were submitted: Rajagopal et al., IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2016 and Schmitz and Piovesan, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2016. Models used in these studies were shared with the scientific reviewers and the public. In addition to the standard review of the manuscripts, the reviewers downloaded the models and performed simulations that reproduced results reported in the studies. Results: There was general agreement between simulation results of the authors and those of the reviewers. Discrepancies were resolved during the necessary revisions. The manuscripts and instructions for download and simulation were updated in response to the reviewers' feedback; changes that may otherwise have been missed if explicit model sharing and simulation reproducibility analysis was not conducted in the review process. Increased burden on the authors and the reviewers, to facilitate model sharing and to repeat simulations, were noted. Conclusion: When the authors of computational biomechanics studies provide access to models and data, the scientific reviewers can download and thoroughly explore the model, perform simulations, and evaluate simulation reproducibility beyond the traditional manuscript-only review process. Significance: Model sharing and reproducibility analysis in scholarly publishing will result in a more rigorous review process, which will enhance the quality of modeling and simulation studies and inform future users of computational models

    Developing an algorithm to assess the UV erythemal dose for outdoor workers Validation through direct measures

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    An algorithm has been developed to determine the annual dose of UV solar radiation for outdoor workers. The dose is indirectly assessed basing on satellite data, mean global irradiance values, workers' data obtained by means of a questionnaire and corrective coefficients provided by a mathematical model. The values obtained by the use of the algorithm are compared with those obtained by measurement records in different environments. Results demonstrated that the algorithm estimates the mean daily erythemal dose with good approximation

    Risk of cataract in health care workers exposed to ionizing radiation: A systematic review

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    Background: The eye is an important sensory organ occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation (IR) in healthcare workers (HCWs) engaged in medical imaging (MI). New evidence highlights the possible induction of cataract at IR exposure levels to be much lower than expected in the past. Objective: Conduct an updated review on the current evidence on cataract risk in healthcare workers exposed to IR. Methods: Published scientific studies on cataract risk in IR exposed healthcare workers were collected through a systematic search of two biomedical databases (MEDLINE and Scopus). Data from included studies was extracted and summarized. Study quality was also assessed. Results: All 21 eligible studies reported an increased prevalence of cataract, especially posterior subcapsular cataract, in IR exposed HCWs with a higher prevalence in interventional cardiology staff. Discussion: Our review synthesizes the latest evidence to support the hypothesis of a significantly increased risk of occupational cataract in healthcare workers operating MI and exposed to IR, especially in interventional cardiologists. Data also support a dose-response relationship between IR exposure and the prevalence of opacities, especially posterior subcapsular opacities. Con-clusions: Findings highlight the need for effective control measures including appropriate training, adherence to protective procedures, and a constant use of shields and eye personal protective equipment in healthcare workers with optical exposure to IR. Periodic health surveillance programs, possibly including lens evaluation, are also important to monitor cataract risk in these MI operators