42 research outputs found


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    Isolation of high purity nanocellulose water hyacinth fiber (Eichornia crassipes) has been achieved with chemical and mechanical treatments. Chemical treatments included pulping process in the digester, bleaching, and acid hydrolysis. Meanwhile, mechanical treatment using ultrasonic crusher. SEM image shows that the successful chemical treatments damage lignin and hemicellulose layers. This is supported by FTIR and chemical composition which showing reduced lignin and hemicellulose components. The acid hydrolysis and ultrasonic treatment can reduce the diameter and length of cellulose water hyacinth fiber. Ultrasonic for 1 h has produced cellulose fibers with diameter and length of about 15 nm and 147 nm, respectively. The crystal index of nanocellulose fibers after sonication was 80%. These results were supported by thermal stability. Nanocellulose water hyacinth fiber is a potential use as bionanocomposite reinforcement for food packaging applications with a starch matrix. Bionanocomposite from yam bean starch (Pachyrhizus spp.) reinforced nanocellulose water hyacinth fiber was made by solution casting method. The addition of nanocellulose fibers in starch matrix was varied 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 1 wt% (from dry starch weight basis) in suspension. Ultrasonic treatment for 1 min was given while gelatinized. The highest tensile strength was achieved in 1 wt% nanocellulose fiber in yam bean starch matrix (5.8 MPa). The crystal index also increased by more than 200% with additional nanocellulose just lower than 1 wt%. These results are supported by other data such as thermal stability and moisture absorption. The addition of ultrasonic vibration was important to make a good dispersion of nanocellulose fibers in starch matrix. The ultrasonic vibration was administered as 0, 15, 30 and 60 min of the bionanocomposite samples. The results show that ultrasonic vibrations can improve the mechanical, thermal, and water barrier properties. This is evidenced by its higher value on mechanical properties compared with untreated bionanocomposite. At 60 min vibration, the value of tensile strength was 11.4 MPa. SEM imaging also displayed a compact structure. These results are supported by crystal index, thermal stability, and moisture absorption. This bionanocomposite's mechanical and thermal properties suggest it could be suitable for food packaging. The soil burial test for 3, 7 and 15 days was also done to know the biodegradation rate of bionanocomposite. The addition of nanocellulose fiber in matrix to the biodegradation rate has been observed. The slowest biodegradation rate was in the bionanocomposite with the addition of 1% nanocellulose fiber. The weight loss for 15 days in soil was 30-35%. The bionanocomposite in this study are environmentally friendly


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    ABSTRAKProgram pengabdian kepada masyarakat bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra pengabdian yaitu kelompok usaha kecil rumahan “Poklahsar Mandiri” yang bergerak di bidang produksi kerupuk cumi. Kelompok usaha ini terletak di Desa Karangsari, Sempu, Banyuwangi. Metode pelaksaan pengabdian ini berupa studi wawancara dan observasi. Wawancara dilakukan berupa diskusi kecil tentang permasalahan kelompok mitra. Permasalahan utama yang dialami oleh mitra ini adalah kemasan plastik yang belum ada labelnya (polos). Kelompok usaha ini menginginkan adanya transfer teknologi yang berupa pembuatan alat sablon kemasan plastik untuk krupuk cumi. Selanjutnya, tim pengabdian melakukan observasi lapang untuk melihat kondisi nyata kelompok usaha ini. Alat sablon kemasan plastik berlabel diharapkan dapat menghasilkan kemasan plastik yang mempunyai daya tarik pembeli. Selain itu, sebagai akibat penjualan meningkat, kesejahteraan kelompok usaha kecil ini dapat terwujud. Sebagai informasi bahwa jumlah produksi kerupuk cumi dari kelompok usaha ini rata-rata per tahunnya 850 kg per tahunnya (harga per kg 40.000). Dengan adanya alat sablon diharapkan ongkos produksi dapat diminimalkan serta penjualan kerupuk cumi meningkat dikarenakan kemasan yang menarik. Hal tersebut diindikasikan peningkatan penjualan kerupuk cumi yang semula 850 kg menjadi 1000 kg per tahunnya. Kata kunci: alat sablon; kemasan plastik; kerupuk cumi; poklahsar mandiri. ABSTRACTThe community service program aims to solve the problems faced by community service partners, namely the small home business group "Poklahsar Mandiri" which is engaged in the production of squid crackers. This business group was located in Karangsari Village, Sempu, Banyuwangi. The method of implementing this service is in the form of interview and observation studies. Interviews were conducted in the form of small discussions about the problems of the partner group. The main problem experienced by these partners is plastic packaging that has no label (plain). This business group wants a technology transfer in the form of making screen printing plastic packaging tools for squid crackers. Furthermore, the community service team conducted field observations to see the real condition of this business group. This labeled plastic packaging screen printing tool is expected to produce plastic packaging that has a buyer appeal. In addition, as a result of increased sales, the welfare of this small business group can be realized. For information, the amount of squid cracker production from this business group averages 850 kg per year (price per kg 40,000). With the screen printing equipment, it is hoped that production costs can be minimized and sales of squid crackers will increase due to the attractive packaging. This is indicated by an increase in sales of squid crackers from 850 kg to 1000 kg per year. Keywords: screen printing equipment; plastic packaging; squid crackers; poklahsar mandiri


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    Metal injection molding (MIM) is a relatively recent technological process used in the powder metallurgy industry, which is highly efficient and useful for the manufacture of large quantities of small and complex metal components. MIM consists of four basic steps consisting of mixing, injection molding, debinding, and sintering. Sintering to compact and increase the strength of metal powders and experience shrinkage (shrinkage). The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal combination of the MIM sintering process for the proportion of shrinkage defects by adding parameters Sn (%), temperature (℃), and holding time (hours). This study used an experimental design with the Taguchi method. The contribution factor obtained that the addition of the Sn parameter did not have a significant effect on the shrinkage of 14.48%, the temperature parameter had a significant effect on the shrinkage proportion of 68.92%, and the holding time parameter did not have a significant effect on the proportion of depreciation with a percentage of 6.27%. From the results, the optimal combination is the addition of Sn at level 3 (2%), the temperature at level 1 (450 ℃), and holding time at level 1 (1 hour)

    Effect of Temperature, Holding Time, and Addition of Sn on Density on Metal Injection Molding Sintering Process

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    Metal injection molding (MIM) is a metal forming technique that combines powder metallurgy with plastic injection molding. MIM is very efficient in manufacturing small and complex products in large quantities. The MIM process has four steps: mixing, debinding, injection molding, and sintering. This research was conducted to determine the effect of variations in Sn addition, temperature, and holding time on the density of Al-PP products after the sintering process. Density is mass per volume so to find out the volume of Al-PP products, the use of a 3D scanner was attempted along with the EinScan application and a mesh mixer. The Taguchi method was used for data processing to determine the influence of variations in Sn addition, temperature, and holding time on density. The calculation of the percentage contribution showed that variations in Sn addition, temperature, and holding time affected density by 47%, 21%, and 3%. Also, 2% Sn addition yielded a reasonably good microstructure formation compared to without Sn addition and 1% Sn addition, where many voids remained in the specimen (the more significant the voids, the lower the density)

    Effect of Temperature, Holding Time, and Addition of Sn on Density on Metal Injection Molding Sintering Process

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    Metal injection molding (MIM) is a metal forming technique that combines powder metallurgy with plastic injection molding. MIM is very efficient in manufacturing small and complex products in large quantities. The MIM process has four steps: mixing, debinding, injection molding, and sintering. This research was conducted to determine the effect of variations in Sn addition, temperature, and holding time on the density of Al-PP products after the sintering process. Density is mass per volume so to find out the volume of Al-PP products, the use of a 3D scanner was attempted along with the EinScan application and a mesh mixer. The Taguchi method was used for data processing to determine the influence of variations in Sn addition, temperature, and holding time on density. The calculation of the percentage contribution showed that variations in Sn addition, temperature, and holding time affected density by 47%, 21%, and 3%. Also, 2% Sn addition yielded a reasonably good microstructure formation compared to without Sn addition and 1% Sn addition, where many voids remained in the specimen (the more significant the voids, the lower the density)

    Pengaruh jarak susun lapisan penguat Komposit Serat Daun Nanas / Termoplastik pada Pembentukan Delaminasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh posisi jarak serat penguat dalam laminasi komposit pada pembentukan delaminasi. jarak serat penguat yang dipilih adalah 1 mm, 2 mm dan 3 mm dalam laminasi komposit dari matriks polimer etilen vinil asetat (EVA) dengan serat penguat dari daun nanas. Metode yang digunakan dalam fabrikasi komposit adalah hand lay-up, yaitu dengan pengecoran langsung pada tiga lapisan serat yang telah dianyam dan diikat ke sisi cetakan. Untuk kecepatan potong, Vf 144 mm / min, menggunakan pahat bor berdiameter 4 mm dengan sudut pahat 70o. Delaminasi ditentukan dengan metode Feda. Bagian delaminasi diamati menggunakan mikroskop digital dan kemudian diproses menggunakan AutoCAD untuk mengukur Dmax dan Ad. Rasio delaminasi pada lubang atas untuk jarak 1 mm, 2 mm dan 3 mm masing-masing adalah 1,417, 1,362 dan 1,324 untuk lubang bawah adalah 1,114, 1,098 dan 1,076.                                 Kata kunci: Delaminasi; komposit laminasi; etilena vinil asetat; serat daun nanas; proses penggurdian

    Effect of duration of sonication during gelatinization on properties of tapioca starch water hyacinth fiber biocomposite

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    This paper characterizes properties of biocomposite sonicated during gelatinization. The biocomposite consisted of tapioca starch based plastic reinforced by 10% volume fraction of water hyacinth fiber (WHF). During gelatinization, the biocomposite was poured into a rectangular glass mold then vibrated in an ultrasonic bath using 40 kHz, 250 W for varying durations (0, 15, 30, and 60 min). The resulting biocomposite was then dried in a drying oven at 50 °C for 20 h. The results of this study indicate that a biocomposite with optimal properties can be produced using tapioca starch and WHF if the gelatinizing mixture is exposed to ultrasound vibration for 30 min. After this vibration duration, tensile strength (TS) and tensile modulus (TM) increased 83% and 108%. A further 60 min vibration only increased the TS at 13% and TM at 23%. Moisture resistance of the biocomposite after vibration increased by around 25% reaching a maximal level after 30 min. Thermal resistance of the vibrated biocomposites was also increased


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    ABSTRAKFiberglass lebih ekonomis dibandingkan dengan kayu maupun logam untuk bahan pembuatan kapal yang berukuran kecil. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang design kapal dan bahan pembuatan kapal berupa Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics (FRP). Pengetahuan tentang design kapal, dan pengetahuan bahan Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics (FRP) dianggap penting karena masih kurangnya pengetahuan akan hal tersebut. Pembuatan kapal berbahan fiberglass secara tidak tepat dapat mengakibatkan pengendalian kapal yang kurang maksimal. Selain itu, kekuatan lambung kapal juga tidak sesuai dengan standard. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan dua tahap yaitu pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan kapal berbahan fiberglass. Dari hasil evaluasi didapatkan bahwa peserta memiliki keterampilan teknik hand lay-up dan pengetahuan bahan yang baik setelah diadakannya pelatihan dan pendampingan. Kata kunci: kapal; fiberglass; hand lay-up; nelayan; pariwisata; mangrove ABSTRACTFiberglass is more economical than wood or metal for small shipbuilding materials. This community service activity aims to provide knowledge about ship design and shipbuilding materials in the form of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics (FRP). Knowledge of ship design, and knowledge of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics (FRP) is considered important because there is still a lack of knowledge about it. Making boats made of Fiberglass improperly can result in less than optimal ship control. In addition, the hull of the ship is also not up to standard. This service activity is carried out in two stages, namely training and mentoring in the manufacture of Fiberglass boats. From the evaluation results, it was found that of the participants had good hand lay-up technique skills and material knowledge after the training and mentoring. Keywords: boat; fiberglass; hand lay-up; fisherman; tourism; mangrov

    Upaya mengatasi cacat produksi botol kemasan air 600 ml dengan metode Statistical Process Control

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    This research aim is to find out the type of defects in production process of 600 ml bottle water at PT TIB Jember, then some attempts to resolve the problem. The p-chart of Statistical Process Control was employed. The control chart in September 2019 shown that some data beyond the ultimate control limit (UCL). The defects were categorized into three: whitening, deviate form, and broken. The Pareto chart revealed that the aforementioned defects were 59.7%, 26.36% and 15.07% respectively. By using the fishbone diagram some root cause of the defects were found. First, the unstable workplace temperature which disturbs the preform melting process prior to blowing, therefore causing whitening the bottle. Second, the heater which is often turned off while processing that caused deviate form. The frequently turned off the heater was caused by cracked-damage along with the hoses of overdue. Some suggestions were given, one of them was replacing the hoses by the new ones. The new control chart in October 2019 showed that all data within the limits following the replacement of the hose. It also reduced the rate of the defect by 0.19% from 0.74% to 0.55%