186 research outputs found

    Continuity and Monotonicity of the MPC Value Function with respect to Sampling Time and Prediction Horizon

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    The digital implementation of model predictive control (MPC) is fundamentally governed by two design parameters; sampling time and prediction horizon. Knowledge of the properties of the value function with respect to the parameters can be used for developing optimisation tools to find optimal system designs. In particular, these properties are continuity and monotonicity. This paper presents analytical results to reveal the smoothness properties of the MPC value function in open- and closed-loop for constrained linear systems. Continuity of the value function and its differentiability for a given number of prediction steps are proven mathematically and confirmed with numerical results. Non-monotonicity is shown from the ensuing numerical investigation. It is shown that increasing sampling rate and/or prediction horizon does not always lead to an improved closedloop performance, particularly at faster sampling rates

    Analytical results for the multi-objective design of model-predictive control

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    In model-predictive control (MPC), achieving the best closed-loop performance under a given computational resource is the underlying design consideration. This paper analyzes the MPC design problem with control performance and required computational resource as competing design objectives. The proposed multi-objective design of MPC (MOD-MPC) approach extends current methods that treat control performance and the computational resource separately -- often with the latter as a fixed constraint -- which requires the implementation hardware to be known a priori. The proposed approach focuses on the tuning of structural MPC parameters, namely sampling time and prediction horizon length, to produce a set of optimal choices available to the practitioner. The posed design problem is then analyzed to reveal key properties, including smoothness of the design objectives and parameter bounds, and establish certain validated guarantees. Founded on these properties, necessary and sufficient conditions for an effective and efficient solver are presented, leading to a specialized multi-objective optimizer for the MOD-MPC being proposed. Finally, two real-world control problems are used to illustrate the results of the design approach and importance of the developed conditions for an effective solver of the MOD-MPC problem

    Review of the mechanisms of debris-flow impact against barriers

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    Our limited understanding of the mechanisms pertaining to the force exerted by debris flows on barriers makes it difficult to ascertain whether a design is inadequate, adequate, or over-designed. The main scientific challenge is because flow-type landslides impacting a rigid barrier is rarely captured in the field, and no systematic, physical experimental data is available to reveal the impact mechanisms. An important consideration in flow-structure interaction is that the impact dynamics can differ radically depending on the composition of the flow. Currently, no framework exists that can characterize the impact behavior for a wide range of flow compositions. This review paper examines recent works on debris-flow structure interactions and the limitations of commonly used approaches to estimate the impact load for the design of barriers. Key challenges faced in this area and outlook for further research are discussed

    Epithelial fusion during neural tube morphogenesis

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    Adhesion and fusion of epithelial sheets marks the completion of many morphogenetic events during embryogenesis. Neural tube closure involves an epithelial fusion sequence in which the apposing neural folds adhere initially via cellular protrusions, proceed to a more stable union, and subsequently undergo remodeling of the epithelial structures to yield a separate neural tube roof plate and overlying nonneural ectoderm. Cellular protrusions comprise lamellipodia and filopodia, and studies in several different systems emphasize the critical role of RhoGTPases in their regulation. How epithelia establish initial adhesion is poorly understood but, in neurulation, may involve interactions between EphA receptors and their ephrinA ligands. Epithelial remodeling is spatially and temporally correlated with apoptosis in the dorsal neural tube midline, but experimental inhibition of this cell death does not prevent fusion and remodeling. A variety of molecular signaling systems have been implicated in the late events of morphogenesis, but genetic redundancy, for example among the integrins and laminins, makes identification of the critical players challenging. An improved understanding of epithelial fusion can provide insights into normal developmental processes and may also indicate the mode of origin of clinically important birth defects

    Exploring the Caffeine-Induced Teratogenicity on Neurodevelopment Using Early Chick Embryo

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    Caffeine consumption is worldwide. It has been part of our diet for many centuries; indwelled in our foods, drinks, and medicines. It is often perceived as a “legal drug”, and though it is known to have detrimental effects on our health, more specifically, disrupt the normal fetal development following excessive maternal intake, much ambiguity still surrounds the precise mechanisms and consequences of caffeine-induced toxicity. Here, we employed early chick embryos as a developmental model to assess the effects of caffeine on the development of the fetal nervous system. We found that administration of caffeine led to defective neural tube closures and expression of several abnormal morphological phenotypes, which included thickening of the cephalic mesenchymal tissues and scattering of somites. Immunocytochemistry of caffeine-treated embryos using neural crest cell markers also demonstrated uncharacteristic features; HNK1 labeled migratory crest cells exhibited an incontinuous dorsal-ventral migration trajectory, though Pax7 positive cells of the caffeine-treated groups were comparatively similar to the control. Furthermore, the number of neurons expressing neurofilament and the degree of neuronal branching were both significantly reduced following caffeine administration. The extent of these effects was dose-dependent. In conclusion, caffeine exposure can result in malformations of the neural tube and induce other teratogenic effects on neurodevelopment, although the exact mechanism of these effects requires further investigation

    On the effects of convecting entropy waves on the combustor hydrodynamics

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    Entropy waves, as hot spots or density inhomogeneities, can be generated by the flame unsteadiness in combustors. These waves are convected downstream while being annihilated by the flow decay and dispersion mechanisms. This results in the diffusion of the enthalpy of the wave within the base flow. Decaying entropy waves may, therefore, affect the density and viscosity of the base flow and consequently modify the combustor hydrodynamics. Study of such hydrodynamic modifications is the objective of the current numerical study. In particular, the extent of induced changes in the flow is investigated. To do so, some hydrodynamic indices are introduced, in which vorticity magnitude and the angles between the velocity and vorticity vectors are the main parameters. In keeping with the previous studies, entropy waves are inserted at the channel inlet by a linear-increment and exponential-decrement temperature function in a cold flow. A more realistic, and rarely investigated thermal boundary condition of convective type are considered on the walls of the channel. The results show that convection of the entropy waves through the channel noticeably changes the hydrodynamic parameters, such as vorticity vector, helicity and streamlines alignment. This is in contrast with the general notion, which regards entropy waves as passive scalars

    Optimization Framework for Codesign of Controlled Aerodynamic Systems

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    Optimization studies of dynamic systems using high-fidelity numerical models necessitate a tradeoff between fidelity and the total computational time required during design. A gradient-based optimization framework is proposed for the aerodynamic shape and controller design of aerodynamic systems using computationally intensive high-fidelity models. Subject to some general properties, the framework offers flexibility in the types of simulation models used and provides guarantees regarding closeness to an optimal design. A nested optimization loop that allows for the partitioning of controller and plant architecture is implemented. The proposed framework exploits time-scale properties of the dynamic system model, closeness properties of partially converged iterative solutions of computational fluid dynamics models, and the continuous adjoint method. It is shown that combining these methods can improve the total computational time relative to finite differencing. An example of optimizing the aerodynamic body and control gains of a tail-fin controlled supersonic missile is presented